220 resultados para potato apyrase
Colletotrichum spp. cause anthracnose in various fruits post-harvest and are a particularly important problem in tropical and subtropical fruits. The disease in fruits of avocado, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit has been reported to be caused by C. gloeosporioides, and in banana by C. musae. In subtropical and temperate crops such apple, grape, peach and kiwi, the disease is caused by C. acutatum. The variation in pathogenic, morphological, cultural and molecular characteristics of Brazilian isolates of Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds and isolates from post-harvest decays of avocado, banana, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit was evaluated. The fruits were inoculated with mycelium of C. acutatum, Colletotrichum spp. and C. musae on a disc of potato dextrose agar. The morphological, cultural and molecular characteristics studied were conidia morphology, colony growth at different temperatures, colony coloration and PCR with primers CaInt2 and ITS4 for C. acutatum and CgInt and ITS4 for C. gloeosporioides. C. acutatum was pathogenic to avocado, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit, but it was not pathogenic to banana. The morphological, cultural and molecular studies indicated that the avocado, papaya, mango and passion fruit isolates were C. gloeosporioides. The natural guava isolate was identified as C. acutatum, which had not been found previously to produce anthracnose symptoms on guava in Brazil.
Several statistical models can be used for assessing genotype X environment interaction (GEI) and studying genotypic stability. The objectives of this research were to show how (i) to use Bayesian methodology for computing Shukla's phenotypic stability variance and (ii) to incorporate prior information on the parameters for better estimation. Potato [Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes], wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and maize (Zea mays L.) multi environment trials (MET) were used for illustrating the application of the Bayes paradigm. The potato trial included 15 genotypes, but prior information for just three genotypes was used. The wheat trial used prior information on all 10 genotypes included in the trial, whereas for the maize trial, noninformative priors for the nine genotypes was used. Concerning the posterior distribution of the genotypic means, the maize MET with 20 sites gave less disperse posterior distributions of the genotypic means than did the posterior distribution of the genotypic means of the other METs, which included fewer environments. The Bayesian approach allows use of other statistical strategies such as the normal truncated distribution (used in this study). When analyzing grain yield, a lower bound of zero and an upper bound set by the researcher's experience can be used. The Bayesian paradigm offers plant breeders the possibility of computing the probability of a genotype being the best performer. The results of this study show that although some genotypes may have a very low probability of being the best in all sites, they have a relatively good chance of being among the five highest yielding genotypes.
Several clean-up procedures which included the use of glass chromatography columns (silica gel, alumina, Florisil, silanized Celite-charcoal), Sep-Pak cartridges and standard solutions were compared for the determination of the following N-methylcarbamate (NMC) insecticides: aldicarb, carbaryl, carbofuran, methomyl and propoxur. According to recovery results of the compounds after elution in a glass column, the most efficient systems employed 4.6% deactivated alumina and a silanized Celite-charcoal (4:1) as adsorbents, using dichloromethane-methanol (99:1) and toluene-acetonitrile (75:25) mixtures, respectively, as binary eluents. The recoveries of the compounds studied varied from 84 to 120%. Comparable recoveries (75-100%) for Sep-Pak cartridges in normal phase (NH2, CN) and reversed phase (C-8) were observed. Different temperatures were tested during the concentration step in a rotary evaporator, and we verified a strong influence of this parameter on the stability of some compounds, such as carbofuran and carbaryl. Recovery studies employing the best clean up procedures were performed at the Brazilian agricultural level in potato and carrot samples; Validation methodology of the US Food and Drug Administration was adapted for the N-methylcarbamate analysis. Their recoveries ranged between 79 and 93% with coefficients of variation of 2.3-8%. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.
Background: the soil fungus Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 3 (AG-3) is an important pathogen of cultivated plants in the family Solanaceae. Isolates of R. solani AG-3 are taxonomically related based on the composition of cellular fatty acids, phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and beta-tubulin gene sequences, and somatic hyphal interactions. Despite the close genetic relationship among isolates of R. solani AG-3, field populations from potato and tobacco exhibit comparative differences in their disease biology, dispersal ecology, host specialization, genetic diversity and population structure. However, little information is available on how field populations of R. solani AG-3 on potato and tobacco are shaped by population genetic processes. In this study, two field populations of R. solani AG-3 from potato in North Carolina (NC) and the Northern USA; and two field populations from tobacco in NC and Southern Brazil were examined using sequence analysis of two cloned regions of nuclear DNA (pP42F and pP89).Results: Populations of R. solani AG-3 from potato were genetically diverse with a high frequency of heterozygosity, while limited or no genetic diversity was observed within the highly homozygous tobacco populations from NC and Brazil. Except for one isolate (TBR24), all NC and Brazilian isolates from tobacco shared the same alleles. No alleles were shared between potato and tobacco populations of R. solani AG-3, indicating no gene flow between them. To infer historical events that influenced current geographical patterns observed for populations of R. solani AG-3 from potato, we performed an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and a nested clade analysis (NCA). Population differentiation was detected for locus pP89 (Phi(ST) = 0.257, significant at P < 0.05) but not for locus pP42F (Phi(ST) = 0.034, not significant). Results based on NCA of the pP89 locus suggest that historical restricted gene flow is a plausible explanation for the geographical association of clades. Coalescent-based simulations of genealogical relationships between populations of R. solani AG-3 from potato and tobacco were used to estimate the amount and directionality of historical migration patterns in time, and the ages of mutations of populations. Low rates of historical movement of genes were observed between the potato and tobacco populations of R. solani AG-3.Conclusion: the two sisters populations of the basidiomycete fungus R. solani AG-3 from potato and tobacco represent two genetically distinct and historically divergent lineages that have probably evolved within the range of their particular related Solanaceae hosts as sympatric species.
A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method for carbaryl quantitation in crop extracts was validated by liquid chromatography (LC) with diode array detection (DAD). For this purpose, six crops (banana, carrot, green bean, orange, peach and potato) were chosen for recovery and reproducibility studies. The general sample preparation included extraction with methanol followed by liquid-liquid partitioning and clean-up on Celite-charcoal adsorbent column of the vegetable extracts. ELISA samples consisted of a diluted LC extract in assay phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). The potential effect of methanol in these samples was evaluated. It was observed that a maximum content of 10% methanol present in the assay buffer could be tolerated without expressive losses in the ELISA performance. Under these conditions, a IC50 similar to 1.48 mu g l(-1) was obtained. A minimum matrix effect with a 1:50 dilution of the methanolic extracts in assay buffer was noticed, except for green bean samples that inhibited completely the assay. For the vegetable extracts, the ELISA sensitivities varied from 3.9 to 5.7 mu g l(-1), and good recoveries (82-96%) with R.S.D.s ranging from 5.7 to 12.1% were found. An excellent correlation between the LC-DAD and ELISA techniques was obtained. The confirmation of the carbaryl in less concentrated samples was achieved by LC-mass spectrometry interfaced with atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation. The [M + H](+)= 202 and [M + H-57](+)=145 ions, equivalent to the protonated molecular and l-naphthol ions, respectively, were used to carbaryl identification in these samples. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Starches from six different species (cassava, arrowroot, sweet potato, yam, canna and ginger) were isolated and some structural and physicochemical characteristics analysed and correlated. Phosphorous and amylose contents were determined using a colorimetric method and measuring iodine affinity, respectively. Molecular weight distributions of starches were analysed by Sepharose CL 2B. Granular shape and size distribution were performed using an image analyser system attached to a light microscope. Swelling power was determined at 60, 70, 80 and 90 degrees C. Pasting and thermal properties were measured using a rapid viscoanalyser, and a differential scanning calorimeter, respectively. Phosphorous content varied from 0.007 to 0.031% for cassava and canna starches, respectively. Yam, canna and ginger starches displayed higher amylose contents (32.6, 31.7 and 26.5%, respectively) than cassava, arrowroot and sweet potato starches (19.8, 20.8 and 22.6%, respectively). These last three starches displayed amylose molecules of higher molecular weight than those shown for yam, canna and ginger starches. Canna starch showed higher proportions of longer branch chains of amylopectin than others starches. The size and shape of granules were quite variable among all starches and the average size of granules varied from 13.9 to 42.3 mu m for sweet potato and canna, respectively. Swelling power, pasting, and thermal properties were affected by structural characteristics of the starches.
An amperometric biosensor based on cholinesterase (ChE) has been used for the determination of selected carbamate insecticides in vegetable samples. The linear range of the biosensor for the N-methylcarbamates (aldicarb, carbaryl, carbofuran, methomyl and propoxur) varied from 5 x 10(-5) to 50 mg kg(-1). Limits of detection were calculated on the basis that the ChE enzymes were 10% inhibited and varied, depending of the combination ChE (as acetyl- or butyrylcholinesterase) vs. inhibitor (pesticide), from 1 x 10(-4) to 3.5 mg kg(-1). The biosensor-based carbamate determination was compared to liquid chromatography/UV methods. Three vegetable samples were spiked with carbofuran and propoxur at 125 mu g kg(-1) followed by conventional procedures. Good correlations were observed for carbofuran in the vegetable extracts (79, 96 and 91% recoveries for potato, carrot and sweet pepper, respectively), whereas for propoxur unsatisfactory results were obtained. Potato and carrot samples were spiked with 10, 50 and 125 mu g kg(-1) carbofuran, followed by direct determination by the amperometric biosensor. The fortified sampler; resulted in very high inhibition values, and recoveries were: 28, 34 and 99% for potato, and 140, 90 and 101% for carrot, respectively, at these three fortification levels. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.
The effect of the concentration of sucrose solutions on the cellular structure of potato tissue in equilibrium at 27 degreesC was Studied. Two different methods of investigation were used to determine the volume of the different phases composing the cellular tissue of the potato when in equilibrium with the solutions. one based on data of the concentration itself and the overall volume of 2 mm slices after 48 h at equilibrium, and the other on microscopic images of cells in thin slices of fresh tissue stained with neutral red after an hour in equilibrium to show protoplasts, vacuoles and plasmolysis spaces. The results of these methods were compared with those obtained by a predictive thermodynamic approach considering the semipermeability of cell membranes. Phase volume data obtained from microscopic analysis were more similar to what was predicted by the theoretical model than those obtained by means of composition measurement. where the long equilibrium time apparently led to the loss of semi permeability of the cell membranes, since total volumes calculated without consideration of the cell membranes were similar to those measured. This suggests that the length of time of osmotic dehydration brings about a change in cell structure and the consequent involvement of a different mechanism in mass transfer. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The evolution of the food sector has increased interest in the identification of new starches with distinct properties. Curcuma longa and Curcuma zedoaria rhizomes, which are already used in industry to obtain food coloring and pharmaceutical products, may become commercially interesting as starch raw materials. This work aimed to characterize the starch of two Curcuma species. The results revealed that the rhizomes of two species showed low dry matter and high starch contents. The amylose contents of the starches (22% C. longa and 21% C. zedoaria) were similar to potato starch. The results of microscopic analysis showed flat triangular shape and the size was 20-30 mum for two starches. The final viscosity of C longa was high (740 RVU) and the pasting temperature was 81 degreesC. In C. zedoaria the final viscosity was 427 RVU and the pasting temperature was 78 degreesC. These results differed from standard commercially used natural starches. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this work was to evaluate sweet potato cultivars with starch processing capability, on two cultivation periods, in the western region of Parana (Brazil). Sweet potato was grown at Marechal Candido Rondon, Parana State (24 degrees 33'40 '' S and 54 degrees 4'12 '' W), at a mean annual temperature between 14 and 28 degrees C. The experiment was designed in complete randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme of 4 cultivars (CNPH 003, CNPH 004, Brazlandia Roxa, and Brazlandia Rosada) and 2 cultivation periods (115 and 183 days), with four repetitions. The evaluated parameters were the root productivities (t ha(-1)) and the physical and chemical root composition (humidity, pH, acidity, starch, total soluble sugars and fibers). Data was submitted to all analysis of variance (Anova) and the means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% of probability, Results indicated that sweet potato yield at the cultivars was higher during the 183 day cultivation period (average of 9.14 t ha(-1)) than during the 115 day cultivation period (average of 4.25 t ha(-1)). Thus the CNPH 003 cultivar seems to be a better indication for starch extraction, due to the lowest fiber content in the root, the driest mass content and the largest yield of starch per area.
Experiments were conducted to study effects of macromolecules on stallion sperm capacitation and fertilization as determined by penetration of bovine zona-free and equine partially zona-removed oocytes. Stallion sperm were capacitated in TYH medium (modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate) supplemented with either 1 mg/mL of polyvinylalcohol (PVA) or 4 mg/ mL of BSA. Capacitation was induced with 8 bromoadenosine cyclic monophosphate (8BrcAMP; 0.5 mM) alone or in combination with 0.1 μM of ionomycin. Intraspecies gametes were co-incubated in TYH/PVA or TYH/ BSA for 18 to 20 h. For zona-free bovine oocytes, penetration rate (35%) with the combination of 8BrcAMP and ionomycin in PVA-containing medium was higher (P < 0.05) than any treatment in BSA-containing medium (5 to 6%). A similar study was conducted using equine oocytes with partially removed zonae. Sperm capacitated and used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) in PVA-containing medium had higher penetration rates (P < 0.01) than sperm in BSA-containing medium (54 vs. 11%). The effect of equine preovulatory follicular fluid on bovine oocyte penetration was assessed. Bovine oocytes were matured in tissue culture medium-199 with 0, 20, 50, or 100% equine preovulatory follicular fluid, and 1 IU/mL of equine chorionic gonadotropin. Stallion sperm were treated with 8BrcAMP + ionomycin in PVA- or BSA-containing media. The penetration rates of bovine zona-free oocytes by stallion sperm were again higher with PVA (47%) than BSA (18%; P < 0.01). Penetration rates of oocytes matured in 100% follicular fluid were higher (P < 0.05) than for oocytes matured with 0% follicular fluid. The effects of equine follicular fluid and PVA/BSA during sperm capacitation on standard bovine IVF were examined. Culture of bovine oocytes with equine follicular fluid did not affect oocyte maturation or penetration rates after IVF. Bovine sperm capacitated with heparin in PVA-containing medium yielded lower (P < 0.05) fertilization rates than those capacitated in BSA-containing medium when incubated with both zona-intact and zona-free bovine oocytes. In summary, PVA was superior to BSA for ionophore-induced capacitation of equine sperm for penetration of zona-free bovine oocytes or partially zona-removed equine oocytes, but not for standard bovine IVF with bovine sperm. Zona-free bovine oocytes may be useful for assaying in vitro capacitation and fertilization of stallion sperm. © 2003 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.
The salivary glands of Culex quinquefasciatus female mosquitoes are paired organs composed of two lateral lobes with proximal and distal secretory portions, and a medial lobe. All portions comprise a simple epithelium that surrounds a salivary duct. In the apical portion of the medial lobe, non-secretory cells strongly resemble cells involved in ion and water transport. The general architecture of the secretory portions is similar between lobes. The appearance of the secretory material and the morphological aspect of the apical cell membrane are the most distinctive features among the three secretory portions. Cells in the lateral proximal lobe display thin membrane projections extending into a translucent and finely filamentous secretory product. At the lateral distal portion, the apical cell membrane forms an intricate meshwork that encloses a dark secretory product. Medial lobe secretory cells also contain secretory cavities surrounded by intracytoplasmic vesicles, all containing a very dark and uniform product. Scattered cells holding numerous vacuoles, some of them containing a small and electron-dense granule eccentrically located and resembling those of the diffuse endocrine system, are frequently observed in the periphery of all secretory portions. Immunofluorescence assays revealed that the distal portion of the lateral lobes contains apyrase, an enzyme putatively responsible for platelet aggregation inhibition, diffusely distributed in the cell cytoplasm. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The influence of four resistant and two susceptible genotypes of sweet potato to Euscepes postfasciatus Fairmaire on parasitism and biology of Catolaccus grandis Burks were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Six sweet potato roots of each genotype were infested with E. postfasciatus adults during 40 days. After this period the larvae were taken, weighted and encapsulated in parafilm. Five larvae were offered in free choice and no choice tests to C. grandis pregnant females for 12h. Five replications were used. The parasitized larvae and the eggs of the parasitoid were counted. Three daily observations were made to determine the developmental time of phases and parasitoid survival. C. grandis females can distinguish E. postfasciatus larvae reared on susceptible and resistant roots, prefering to parasitize larvae reared on susceptible roots. C. grandis survival was higher when the parasitoid was reared on larvae originated from susceptible roots and the number of emerged females was higher on larvae reared on hosts originated from susceptible roots.
Pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (PPi-PFK) has been detected in several types of plant cells, but the gene has not been reported in sugar cane. Using Citrux paradixi PPi-PFK gene (AF095520 and AF095521) sequences to search the sugar cane EST database, we have identified both the α and β subunits of this enzyme. The deduced amino acid sequences showed 76 and 80% similarity with the corresponding α and β subunits of C. paradisi. A high degree of similarity was also observed among the PFK β subunits when the alignment of the sugar cane sequences was compared to those of Ricinus communis and Solanum tuberosum, it appears that α and β are two distinct subunits; they were found at different concentrations in several sugar cane tissues. It remains to be determined if the different gene expression levels have some physiological importance and how they affect sucrose synthesis, export, and storage in vacuoles. A comparison between the amino acid sequences of β PFKs from a variety of organisms allowed us to identify the two critical Asp residues typical of this enzyme's activity site and the other binding sites; these residues are tightly conserved in all members of this protein family. Apparently, there are catalytic residues on the β subunit of the pyrophosphate-dependent enzyme.