294 resultados para Tubo em "T" de silicone
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Os tubos traqueais são dispositivos utilizados para manutenção da ventilação. A hiperinsuflação do balonete do tubo traqueal, causada pela difusão do óxido nitroso (N2O), pode determinar lesões traqueais, que se manifestam clinicamente como odinofagia, rouquidão e tosse. A lidocaína, quando injetada no balonete do tubo traqueal, difunde-se através de sua parede, determinando ação anestésica local na traquéia. O objetivo foi avaliar a efetividade e a segurança do balonete do tubo traqueal preenchido com ar comparado com o balonete preenchido com lidocaína, considerando os desfechos: sintomas cardiovasculatórios (HAS, taquicardia); odinofagia, tosse, rouquidão e tolerância ao tubo traqueal. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo clínico prospectivo, realizado no Departamento de Anestesiologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Unesp, campus de Botucatu. MÉTODOS: A pressão do balonete do tubo traqueal foi medida, entre 50 pacientes, antes, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos após o início da inalação de N2O anestésico. As pacientes foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Air, em que o balonete foi inflado com ar para obtenção de pressão de 20 cm H2O, e Lido, em que o balonete foi preenchido com lidocaína a 2% mais bicarbonato de sódio a 8,4% para obtenção da mesma pressão. O desconforto antes da extubação, e manifestações clínicas como dor de garganta, rouquidão e tosse foram registrados no momento da alta da unidade de cuidados pós-anestésicos, e dor de garganta e rouquidão foram avaliadas também 24 horas após a anestesia. RESULTADOS: Os valores da pressão no balonete em G2 foram significativamente menores do que os de Air em todos os tempos de estudo, a partir de 30 minutos (p < 0,001). A proporção de pacientes que reagiu ao tubo traqueal no momento da desintubação foi significantemente menor em Lido (p < 0,005). A incidência de odinofagia foi significantemente menor em Lido no primeiro dia de pós-operatório (p < 0,05). A incidência de tosse e rouquidão não diferiu entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Durante ventilação artificial, empregando-se a mistura de oxigênio e N2O, a insuflação do balonete com lidocaína 2% alcalinizada impede que ocorra aumento significante da pressão no balonete e determina maior tolerância ao tubo traqueal e menor incidência de odinofagia no pós-operatório, podendo então ser considerada mais segura e com maior efetividade.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Avaliaram-se comparativamente as provas de soroaglutinação rápida, soroaglutinação em tubo, 2-mercaptoetanol e antígeno tamponado acidificado no diagnóstico da brucelose bovina. Todas as provas apresentaram boa concordância quando considerada a interpretação preconizada pelo Ministério da Agricultura do Brasil. As provas do antígeno tamponado acidificado e do 2-mercaptoetanol apresentaram alta concordância. Neste sentido, o presente estudo propõe o uso da prova do antígeno tamponado acidificado como triagem para o diagnóstico da brucelose bovina.
A ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial é uma das causas mais comuns de claudicação do membro pélvico de cães. A radiografia e a ultrassonografia são métodos de diagnóstico frequentemente utilizados na rotina clínica de pequenos animais, porém a tomografia computadorizada é uma modalidade de imagem ainda pouco estudada para avaliar a articulação do joelho de cães. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a contribuição do contraste negativo na artrografia tomográfica do joelho normal de cães, para visibilizar as estruturas intra-articulares e padronizar o uso desse contraste na articulação. Foram utilizados 24 membros pélvicos de cães de raças variadas, selecionados pela ausência de histórico de doença articular prévia do joelho e por apresentarem exames radiográficos, ultrassonográficos e macroscópicos normais. O experimento foi delineado em dois grupos, sendo o grupo I constituído de animais com peso até 20 kg e grupo II acima de 20 kg. Foram feitos cortes tomográficos com o membro flexionado e estendido. A quantidade média de ar empregada para a distensão da cápsula articular foi de 49 ml para o Grupo I e de 81 ml para o Grupo II. Utilizou-se um tubo de látex na porção distal à articulação do joelho para reduzir o escape de ar pelo tendão extensor digital profundo, que possui comunicação intra-articular. Foi possível visibilizar pela imagem tomográfica, em todas as articulações, as seguintes estruturas: ligamento cruzado cranial e caudal, meniscos medial e lateral, ligamento patelar, ligamentos colaterais e cápsula articular. Desta forma, o contraste negativo se mostrou uma alternativa eficaz para auxiliar a identificação das estruturas anatômicas do joelho na artrografia tomográfica.
This report presents the use of a dental implant with an anti-rotational attachment for the retention of a thumb prosthesis. A retention system was manufactured with an attachment (UCLA) screwed into the implant with a two-bar system that was cast in metallic silver palladium. A substructure made from heat-cured acrylic resin was joined to the retention system by clips to join the thumb to the finger (bar clip) in the cast with implant rejoinder. The silicone material, Silastic-MDX 44210, was used to achieve function and aesthetics. Following osseointegration, no skin problems were observed. Whilst the implant-retained digital prosthesis presented some motor limitations, it allowed the patient to return to entertainment and achieve social conviviality.
Implants in craniofacial reconstructions improve prostheses retention and stability, comfort, and safety for the patient. According to biomechanical principles, the treatment success regarding osseointegration maintenance depends on an adequate surgery technique associated to a retention system that provides favorable tension distribution to implants. Implants in the mastoid area are a very important aid for retention of auricular prostheses. Color stability of resin and silicone is an important factor for longevity of auricular prostheses, and the high degree of satisfaction of patients with head and neck defects receiving epithesial reconstruction in the maxillofacial region is demonstrated.
The objectives of this study were, through a literature review, to point the differences between orbital implants and their advantages and disadvantages, to evaluate prosthesis motility after orbital implants are inserted, and to point the implant wrapping current risks. Sixty-seven articles were reviewed. Enucleation implants can be autoplastics or alloplastics and porous (including natural and synthetic hydroxyapatite [HA]) or nonporous (silicone). Hydroxyapatite is the most related in the literature, but it has disadvantages, too, that is, all orbital implants must be wrapped. Exposure of the porous orbital implant can be repaired using different materials, which include homologous tissue, as well as autogenous graft, xenograft, and synthetic material mesh. The most used materials are HA and porous polyethylene orbital implant. The HA implant is expensive and possibly subject corals to damage, different from porous polyethylene orbital implants. Porous implants show the best prosthesis motility and a minimum rate of implants extrusion. Implant wraps can facilitate smoother entry of the implant into the orbit and allow reattachment of extraocular muscles. They also serve as a barrier between the overlying soft tissue and the rough surface of the implant, protecting implants from exposure or erosion.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: The absence of an ear, which can be the result of a congenital malformation, surgical tumour resection or traumatic injury, is a significant aesthetic problem. Attachment of ear prostheses with adhesives can cause local irritation for the wearer and affect the colour of the prostheses. Use of implants in craniofacial reconstruction can improve the retention and stability of prostheses giving to patient greater comfort and security relative to adhesive attachment.Objective: The aim of this report was to present a clinical case of a mutilated patient who was rehabilitated by means of installing an ear prosthesis fixed through osseointegrated implants.Materials and methods: The patient had two implants installed in the mastoid region that were linked by a bar, and a clip-type system was used. The ear prosthesis was constructed from medical-use silicone, pigmented to match the patient's skin colour and linked to the retention system.Conclusion: The patient's rehabilitation was satisfactory from both a functional and an aesthetic point of view, making it possible for the patient to return to a normal social life and regain lost self-esteem.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the artificial tooth positional changes following the flasking and polymerization of complete dentures by a combination of two flasking methods and two polymerization techniques using computer graphic measurements.Materials and Methods: Four groups of waxed complete dentures (n = 10) were invested and polymerized using the following techniques: (1) adding a second investment layer of gypsum and conventional water bath polymerization (Control), (2) adding a second investment layer of gypsum and polymerization with microwave energy (Gyp-micro), (3) adding a second investment layer of silicone (Zetalabor) and conventional polymerization (Silwater), and (4) adding a second investment layer of silicone and polymerization with microwave energy (Silmicro). For each specimen, six segments of interdental distances (A to F) were measured to determine the artificial tooth positions in the waxed and polymerized stages using software program AutoCad R14. The mean values of the changes were statistically compared by univariate ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc test at 5% significance.Results: There were no significant differences among the four groups, except for segment D of the Silmicro group (-0.004 +/- 0.032 cm) in relation to the Gypwater group (0.044 +/- 0.031 cm) (p < 0.05), which presented, repectively, expansion and shrinkage after polymerization.Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that although the differences were not statistically significant, the use of a silicone investment layer when flasking complete dentures resulted in the least positional changes of the artificial teeth regardless of the polymerization technique.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the dental movement that occurs during the processing of maxillary complete dentures with 3 different base thicknesses, using 2 investment methods, and microwave polymerization.Methods: A sample of 42 denture models was randomly divided into 6 groups (n = 7), with base thicknesses of 1.25, 2.50, and 3.75 mm and gypsum or silicone flask investment. Points were demarcated on the distal surface of the second molars and on the back of the gypsum cast at the alveolar ridge level to allow linear and angular measurement using AutoCAD software. The data were subjected to analysis of variance with double factor, Tukey test and Fisher (post hoc).Results: Angular analysis of the varying methods and their interactions generated a statistical difference (P = 0.023) when the magnitudes of molar inclination were compared. Tooth movement was greater for thin-based prostheses, 1.25 mm (-0.234), versus thick 3.75 mm (0.2395), with antagonistic behavior. Prosthesis investment with silicone (0.053) showed greater vertical change compared with the gypsum investment (0.032). There was a difference between the point of analysis, demonstrating that the changes were not symmetric.Conclusions: All groups evaluated showed change in the position of artificial teeth after processing. The complete denture with a thin base (1.25 mm) and silicone investment showed the worst results, whereas intermediate thickness (2.50 mm) was demonstrated to be ideal for the denture base.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Both the cleaning and care of the prosthesis are fundamental for maintaining its quality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to show the methods of cleaning and care the patient needs to take as regards the prosthesis and adjacent tissue, starting with correct instruction and training by the professional. It has been verified that among the materials for fabricating maxillofacial prostheses, silicone was considered the major retainer of microorganisms on its surface. Therefore, for cleaning prostheses, the use of water and neutral soap, as well as chlorhexidine, is recommended. As regards care of the adjacent tissues, it is recommended to remove the prosthesis before going to sleep, in addition to washing the prosthesis receptor tissues with water and neutral soap or with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Whereas for the mucosal surfaces of the ophthalmic cavity, cleaning with filtered and boiled water or physiological solution at least 3 times a day is recommended.
Complete and partial loss of maxillary bone may jeopardize oral physiology and generate complications as oral-sinus-nasal communication. Palatal obturator prostheses are a treatment alternative for rehabilitation of these patients. The aim of this study was to assess stress distribution, through photoelasticity, on palatal obturator prostheses associated with different attachment systems (o'ring, bar clip, and o'ring/bar clip) of implants and submitted to relining. Two photoelastic models were fabricated according to an experimental maxillary model with oral-sinus-nasal communication. One model did not present implants, whereas the other included 2 implants with 13.0 mm in length in the left ridge. Four colorless maxillary obturator prostheses were fabricated and relined with soft silicone. One of these prostheses presented no attachment system, whereas the remaining prostheses included attachment systems adapted to the implants. The assembly (model/attachment system/prosthesis) was positioned in a circular polariscope during loading with 100 N at 10 mm/s. The results were based on observation during the experiment and photographic records of stress on the photoelastic model. The bar clip system exhibited the highest stress concentration followed by o'ring/bar clip and o'ring systems. The attachment systems presented different stress distribution with greater concentration surrounding the implants and homogenous stress distribution on the photoelastic model without implants. The highest concentration of fringes occurred, in ascending order, with o'ring, o'ring/bar clip, and bar clip systems.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)