130 resultados para Thyroid Hormone Receptors beta


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This study investigated the effect of non-ventilation of the incubator during the first 10 days of incubation and its combination with dexamethasone administration at day 16 or 18 of incubation on hatching parameters and embryo and post-hatch chick juvenile physiology. A total of 2400 hatching eggs produced by Cobb broiler breeders were used for the study. Blood samples were collected at day 18 of incubation, at internal pipping stage (IP), at the end of hatch (day-old chick) and at 7-daypost-hatch for T-3, T-4 and corticosterone levels determination. From 448 to 506 h of incubation, the eggs were checked individually in the hatcher every 2 h for pipping and hatching. The results indicate that non-ventilation during the first 10-day shortened incubation duration up to IP, external pipping (EP) and hatch, had no effect on hatchability and led to higher T-3 levels at IP but lower corticosterone levels at 7-day-post-hatch. The injection of dexamethasone at days 16 and 18 of incubation affected hatching and blood parameters in both the ventilated and non-ventilated embryos differentially and the effect was dependent on the age of the embryo. Dexamethasone increased T-3 levels and T-3/T-4 ratios but the effect was greater with early non-ventilation of eggs. Dexamethasone decreased hatchability but the effect was greater when injected at day 16 and especially in ventilated embryos. The effects of incubation protocols and dexamethasone treatments during incubation were still apparent in the hatched chicks until 7 days of age. The changes in T-3, T-4 and corticosterone levels observed in response to the early incubation conditions and late dexamethasone treatments in this study suggest that incubator ventilation or non-ventilation may influence the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) regulation of stress levels (in terms of plasma corticosterone levels) and thyroid function in the embryo with impact on incubation duration, hatching events and early post-hatch life of the chick. Our results also suggest that some stages of development are more sensitive to dexamethasone administration as effects can be influenced by early incubation protocols. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: This study investigated the influence of estrogen deficiency and its treatment with estrogen and alendronate on the removal torque of osseointegrated titanium implants.Methods: Fifty-eight female Wistar rats received a titanium implant in the tibia metaphysis. After 60 days, which was needed for implant osseointegration, the animals were randomly divided into five groups: control (CTLE; N = 10), sham surgery (SHAM; N = 12), ovariectomy (OVX; N = 12), ovariectomy followed by hormone replacement (EST; N = 12), and ovariectomy followed by treatment with alendronate (ALE; N = 12). The CTLE group was sacrificed to confirm osseointegration, whereas the remaining groups were submitted to sham surgery or ovariectomy according to their designations. After 90 days, these animals were also sacrificed. Densitometry of femur and lumbar vertebrae was performed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to confirm systemic impairment of the animals. All implants were subjected to removal torque.Results: Densitometric analysis of the femur and lumbar vertebrae confirmed a systemic impairment of the animals, disclosing lower values of bone mineral density for OVX. Analysis of the removal torque of the implants showed statistically lower values (P <0.05) for the OVX group in relation to the other groups. However, the group treated with alendronate (ALE group) presented significantly higher torque values compared to the others.Conclusion: According to this study, estrogen deficiency was observed to have a negative influence on the removal torque of osseointegrated implants, whereas treatment with alendronate


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Rat isolated right atria obtained 1 wk after sinoaortic denervation were less sensitive to the chronotropic actions of beta-agonists than were tissues obtained from animals that underwent sham surgery or no surgery at all. The potencies, but not the maximal responses for two high efficacy agonists, norepinephrine and isoproterenol, were reduced about 3- to 4-fold. Sinoaortic denervation (SAD) caused about a 3-fold decrease in potency and about a 60% decrease in maximal response for a low efficacy agonist, prenalterol. The changes in the actions of these agonists occurred in the absence of any changes in the subtype of beta receptor mediating the chronotropic response. The results of analyses of the data for prenalterol showed that SAD caused a decrease in the operational efficacy of this agonist without any changes in its K-D value for beta-1 adrenoceptors. SAD had no effect on the responses of the tissue to blockade of uptake 1 and uptake 2, suggesting no compensatory changes in the removal processes caused the decreased potency. The results of radioligand binding assays showed that SAD caused a decrease in the maximal binding of I-125-cyanopindolol without altering its K-D. Also, the results of competition binding assays confirmed the lack of effect of SAD on the K-D for prenalterol. The SAD-induced changes in the actions of agonists acting at right atrial beta-1 receptors were caused by a down-regulation of beta-1 adrenoceptors, which probably occurred in response to SAD-induced increases in sympathetic tone.


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Effects of a short-term hyper- and hypoprolactinaemia on serum concentrations of LH, testosterone and semen quality in six male Beagles were investigated. Blood samples were collected at 3-day intervals for 12 weeks. The time span was divided into five 3-week periods: pre-treatment, metoclopramide (MCP) treatment (0.2 mg/kg orally three times daily), cabergoline (CAB) treatment (5 mu g/kg orally once daily), post-treatment 1 and post-treatment 2. In the latter, only semen characteristics were evaluated. Semen parameters were analyzed once per week during the whole 15-week investigation time. At the end of each period, the effects of a single intravenous injection of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; 10 mu g/kg) on the secretion of prolactin (PRL), LH, testosterone, thyroid-stimulating hormone and thyroxine (T4) were investigated. Pre-treatment serum PRL concentration increased under MCP (p < 0.05), followed by a decrease under CAB administration (p < 0.05). Luteinizing hormone and testosterone concentrations were not affected. Except for straight-line sperm velocity, semen quality did not differ between collection periods. A single iv TRH injection induced a significant PRL increase at 20 min in all experimental periods except during CAB treatment. Luteinizing hormone and testosterone did not show clear TRH-related changes. Basic T4 levels were significantly reduced after CAB treatment ( p < 0.05). The results of the present study demonstrate that MCP-induced short-term hyperprolactinaemia in male beagles does not seriously affect the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and semen quality.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The effects of gonadectomy on the secretion of prolactin, LH, TSH, and thyroxine were investigated. Blood serum hormone concentrations were analysed before and at 20, 120, and 180 min after a single iv TRH injection in each of eight healthy intact and castrated male beagle dogs before (control) and after 4-week treatment with the dopamine-2 receptor agonist cabergoline. Under control conditions the mean prolactin, TSH, and thyroxine concentrations were similar in intact and gonadectomised dogs, and administration of TRH provoked a significant (p < 0.01) increase in concentrations of the three hormones. The overall inhibitory effect of cabergoline treatment on prolactin secretion was more pronounced in the castrated dogs compared with the intact group. Cabergoline significantly suppressed the TRH-induced prolactin increase in each group (p < 0.01). Corresponding TRH-stimulated TSH concentrations were not affected by cabergoline. In the gonadectomised dogs, thyroxine concentrations before and at 120 and 180 min after TRH injection were significantly lower than under control conditions. LH concentrations were always higher (p < 0.01) in gonadectomised dogs compared with the intact dogs, but appeared to be affected neither by TRH nor by cabergoline administration. It can thus be concluded from the results, that gonadectomy does not result in hyperprolactinaemia in male dogs, while LH concentrations are significantly increased due to missing androgen feedback. Thyroid function remains unaffected by gonadectomy. Testicular steroids appear to interact with central dopaminergic and probably other neuroendocrine mechanisms regulating the secretion of prolactin, TSH, and thyroxine. Thus, long-term dopamine-2 receptor agonistic treatment may lead to a hypothyroid condition in castrated male dogs. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many experiments have been performed to evaluate the physiological role of catecholaminergic mechanisms of gonadotropin release. The purpose of the present study was to determine the concentration of β-adrenoreceptors in the remaining (right) cerebral cortex and in right and left hypothalamic halves of hemi-decorticated female rats which exhibited elevated plasma gonadotropin levels as observed previously. The density of β-receptors was measured using a high-affinity β-adrenergic ligand, iodocyanopindolol (ICYP). Scatchard estimates were obtained for maximum binding (B(max) fmol/mg of tissues) from pooled cerebral cortical and hypothalamic tissue of animals under several experimental conditions after hemi-decortication and sham operation. There was an increase in β-adrenoreceptor density in the remaining (right) cerebral cortex at all times examined in hemi-decorticate in comparison with the sham-operated animals (7 days, +10.9%; 21 days, +8.4%; 90 days, +22%; and 90 days plus ovariectomy, +34.8%). The number of β-adrenoreceptors in the right hypothalamic half in hemi-decorticates decreased at 21 days (-42.20%) and then increased at 90 days (+76.63%) and 90 days plus ovariectomy (+51.75%) when compared with the left hypothalamic half. At the same time there were no significant changes in the sham-operated animals when comparing the receptor density in the right and left hypothalamic halves, respectively. Thus, our results suggest a direct adrenergic pathway by which the left cortex can influence the right cortex and a crossed pathway to the contralateral hypothalamus changing adrenergic activity which can alter the β-adrenergic receptor binding capacity in the hypothalamus.


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The development of the febrile response to E. coli lipopolysaccharide (1.5 μg/kg, i.v.) in thyroid-deficient rabbits has been studied. Twenty-eight New Zealand White rabbits weighing 2.1-2.3 kg were used. Hypothyroidism was induced by treatment with propylthiouracil (100 or 200 mg/kg body wt./15 days). Thyroid-deficient animals showed a reduction in the febrile response to lipopolysaccharide, but the effect was significantly different (p<0.01) from the control only for rabbits treated with 200 mg/kg of propylthiouracil. Propranolol (2 mg/kg, i.p.) given 30 min before lipopolysaccharide also reduced (p<0.01) the fever response in control rabbits. The results of this experiment are consistent with the hypothesis that the reduction in the febrile response of thyroid-deficient rabbits is due to the reduced number of β-adrenergic receptors, or to a change in the availability of neurotransmitter in thermogenically active tissues, such as brown fat.


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T4, T3 and TSH serum levels were measured in 25 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis. Thyroid T3 reserves were measured on the basis of the increase in T3 (ΔT3) 2 h after intravenous injection of 200 μg TRH, and pituitary TSH reserves were measured on the basis of TSH increase (ΔTSH) 20 min after the same injection. Twenty healthy volunteers with no history of thyroid disease were used as controls. When the two groups were compared, the following results were obtained: (a) there was no significant difference in mean T4, T3, ΔTSH between groups; (b) reduced T3 levels were detected more frequently in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, especially among those with the acute form of the disease or with the severely disseminated chronic form. The results suggest the occurrence of a reduction in peripheral conversion of T4 to T3, but do not indicate the occurrence of hypothyroidism in any of its forms (thyroid, pituitary or hypothalamic). © 1988 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Present work investigated the effect of prolonged administration of salmon calcitonin, a hormone secreted by parafollicular cells from thyroid, on behavioural parameters of rats. Animals received calcitonin sc, 100 mUI/100 g of body weight, three times a week, during 50 days. Behaviour was assessed utilizing an Open Field, Elevated Plus-Maze and Hole Board apparatus. Calcitonin treatment in rats seems to modify open field and elevated plus maze behaviour, suggesting emotionality and anxiety state alterations of the animals. These conditions can be provoked due to the direct calcitonin action on its receptors, even though we do not exclude an action mediated by tissue calcium level alterations.


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Bullfrog stem spermatogonia, also named primordial germ cells (PGCs), show strong testosterone immunolabeling in winter, but no or weak testosterone immunoexpression in summer. Thus, the role of testosterone in these cells needs to be clarified. In this study, we proposed to evaluate whether PGCs express aromatase and estrogen receptors, and verify a possible role of estrogen in PGCs seasonal proliferation. Testes of male adult bullfrogs, collected in winter (WG) and summer (SG), were fixed and embedded in historesin, for quantitative analysis, or paraffin for immunohistochemistry (IHC). The number of haematoxylin/eosin stained PGCs/lobular area was obtained. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), aromatase, estrogen receptor β (ERβ) and PCNA/ERβ double immunolabeling were detected by IHC. The number of PCNA-positive PGCs and the histological score (HSCORE) of aromatase and ERβ immunolabeled PGCs were obtained. Although the number of PGCs increased significantly in WG, a high number of PCNA-positive PGCs was observed in summer. Moreover, aromatase and ERβ HSCORE was higher in SG than WG. The results indicate that PGCs express a seasonal proliferative activity; the low mitotic activity in winter is related to the maximal limit of germ cells which can be supported in the large lobules. In SG, the increased ERβ and aromatase HSCORE suggests that testosterone is converted into estrogen from winter to summer. Moreover, the parallelism between the high PGCs mitotic activity and ERβ immunoexpression suggest a participation of estrogen in the control of the PGCs seasonal proliferative activity which guarantee the formation of new germ cysts from summer to next autumn. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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Background: The current treatments for anxiety disorders and depression have multiple adverse effects in addition to a delayed onset of action, which has prompted efforts to find new substances with potential activity in these disorders. Citrus aurantium was chosen based on ethnopharmacological data because traditional medicine refers to the Citrus genus as useful in diminishing the symptoms of anxiety or insomnia, and C. aurantium has more recently been proposed as an adjuvant for antidepressants. In the present work, we investigated the biological activity underlying the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of C. aurantium essential oil (EO), the putative mechanism of the anxiolytic-like effect, and the neurochemical changes in specific brain structures of mice after acute treatment. We also monitored the mice for possible signs of toxicity after a 14-day treatment.Methods: The anxiolytic-like activity of the EO was investigated in a light/dark box, and the antidepressant activity was investigated in a forced swim test. Flumazenil, a competitive antagonist of benzodiazepine binding, and the selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY100635 were used in the experimental procedures to determine the mechanism of action of the EO. To exclude false positive results due to motor impairment, the mice were submitted to the rotarod test.Results: The data suggest that the anxiolytic-like activity observed in the light/dark box procedure after acute (5 mg/kg) or 14-day repeated (1 mg/kg/day) dosing was mediated by the serotonergic system (5-HT1A receptors). Acute treatment with the EO showed no activity in the forced swim test, which is sensitive to antidepressants. A neurochemical evaluation showed no alterations in neurotransmitter levels in the cortex, the striatum, the pons, and the hypothalamus. Furthermore, no locomotor impairment or signs of toxicity or biochemical changes, except a reduction in cholesterol levels, were observed after treatment with the EO.Conclusion: This work contributes to a better understanding of the biological activity of C. aurantium EO by characterizing the mechanism of action underlying its anxiolytic-like activity. © 2013 Costa et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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FSH induces expansion of bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) in cattle, which can be enhanced by oocyte-secreted factors (OSFs). In this study it was hypothesised that FSH stimulates COC expansion in part from direct stimulation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like ligands amphiregulin (AREG), epiregulin (EREG) and betacellulin (BTC), but also in part through regulation of OSFs or their receptors in cumulus cells. Bovine COCs were cultured in defined medium with graded doses of FSH. In the absence of FSH, COCs did not expand. FSH caused cumulus expansion, and increased the abundance of AREG and EREG mRNA in a time- and dose-dependent manner, but decreased BTC mRNA levels. FSH had modest stimulatory effects on the levels of mRNA encoding the bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) receptor, BMPR1B, in cumulus cells, but did not alter mRNA expression of the growth and differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) receptor, TGFBR1. More interestingly, FSH dramatically stimulated levels of mRNA encoding two receptors for fibroblast growth factors (FGF), FGFR2C and FGFR3C, in cumulus cells. FSH also stimulated mRNA expression of FGFR1B, but not of FGFR2B in cumulus cells. Based on dose-response studies, FGFR3C was the receptor most sensitive to the influence of FSH. This study demonstrates that FSH stimulates the expression of EGF-like factors in bovine cumulus cells, and provides evidence that FSH differently regulates the expression of distinct receptors for OSFs in cumulus cells. © CSIRO 2013.