159 resultados para TRADUÇÕES INDIRETAS


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Armand Robin was a prodigious translator, that is to say: his works were translated into 22 different languages, not to mention his missing texts. During his bulletin on the radio, it was also possible to notice that 18 idioms were fluently received. This poet was notable not only because of his capacity of knowing several languages, but also because of his conception about translation. According to Robin, the meaning was not enough; a target text (TT) must be based on the recreation of the source text (ST), signification by signification; sound by sound, language by language. Since his first book, Ma Vie sans Moi, was released, Robin always wanted his translated texts were presented as works of his own, creating the idea that there was no difference between ST and TT, before giving priority to translation, either in publications or in radio transmissions. In 1942, ÉditionsGallimard published his single “novel”, Le temps qu’ilfait, which was object of studies related to the poet as a translator, emphasizing the pulse of life, which was visible in his TTs. However, in our paper, we are going to observe his production as an author, more specifically his writings, his novel and some of his fragments, in order to deepen the knowledge about his experience and also understand the dramatic and peculiar speech which is present in his writings.


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This study discusses translations in English concerning the areas of Political Science and Political Economy, written by Fernando Henrique Cardoso & Enzo Falleto; and Antonio Carlos Bresser-Pereira. Our research project draws on CorpusBased Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004; TOGNINI-BONELLI, 2001) and on some concepts of Terminology (BARROS, 2004; KRIEGER & FINATTO, 2004). For compiling the comparable corpora in Portuguese and in English, we selected articles from Brazilian journals and from international journals of Political Science and Political Economy. We also present four samples of bilingual glossaries with the terms of these subareas in their cotexts.


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Brazil was one of the countries that stood out in the list of nations that publishes more articles in scientific journals. From 2007 to 2008, the Brazilian scientific production has moved from 15th to 13rd place in the world ranking published articles in professional journals. However, 60% of articles published by the Brazilians are in Portuguese, which makes the Brazilian work have little international attention. The purpose of this research is to build and analyze a parallel corpus composed of a book of Remote Sensing and its translation in the direction English into Portuguese in order to create a glossary of most recurrent terms in the literature of Remote Sensing. The achievement of these goals will take for theoretical and methodological foundation the Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996; CAMARGO, 2005), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and principles of Terminology (BARROS, 2004; KRIEGER & FINATTO, 2004). It will also use Wordsmith Tools program and its tools. Besides the parallel corpus, we will also build two comparable corpora respectively from articles published in Brazilian and international journals in the area. The first results show that the translators made use of greater variation of vocabulary in their translations, which can be a way to make the text more clear to the reader. For the analysis of glossary entries, professionals from the National Institute for Space Research - INPE, will be consulted and their views aggregated to this research to give consistency to the production of the proposed bilingual glossary.


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This investigation has as an objective to observe the translation of the word “eyes” and its collocates, in similar and (re)used fragments extracted from two books written by Clarice Lispector, A Descoberta do Mundo, translated by Giovanni Pontiero as Discovering the World and Uma Aprendizagem ou o Livro dos Prazeres, translated by Richard A. Mazzara and Lorri A. Parris as An Apprenticeship or The Book of Delights.Another objective is to identify aspects of normalization found in the respective translations of these fragments. The metodology is situated in the field of Corpus-based Translation Studies, (proposed by Baker, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2004; studies on normalization by de Scott, 1998); research and project by Camargo 2003a, 2003b, 2004, 2008), and in Corpus Linguistics (studies by Berber Sardinha, 2004); also, it is based on the author’s critical heritage (studies by Gotlib, 1993, 2009; Nunes, B., 1995; Sant‘Anna, 1997; Ruggero 2000; Sá, O., 2000; Franco Júnior, 2000; Ranzolin (1985), Varin, 2002; e Cherem, 2003). The results found in this research enabled to carry out a comparative study among the respective translators concerning tendencies to normalization and show Pontiero’s smaller tendency in relation to the couple of translators Richard A. Mazzara e Lorri A. Parris.


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This study analyzes the translation process into English of neologisms and expressions in the works written by the anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro and in their respective translations, made by Betty J. Meggers and Gregory Rabassa. Our research project draws on Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1995, 1996, 2000; CAMARGO, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and on some concepts of Terminology (ALVES, 1999; BARROS, 2004; BOULANGER, 1989; CABRÉ, 1993, 1999). Results show that terms do not present similarities within the language related to Brazilian Anthropology, being necessary for the author to look up alternative terminology and to create new concepts that can be used by other anthropologists. The translation of words and expressions developed by the author reflects lexical variation due to the options chosen by the respective translators for the target language. These tendencies may be found in Ribeiro’s translated texts, indicating the difficulty to conceptualize the anthropological Brazilian universe in English.


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Com base em quatro poemas da autora afro-americana contemporânea Harryette Mullen, por mim traduzidos para o português, e nas questões suscitadas por sua obra, este trabalho investiga as seguintes questões: quais seriam os desafios de se traduzir sua poesia, levando-se em consideração os lugares discursivos dos leitores identificados ou não com a estética literária afro-brasileira? Essa (não-) identificação exerceria alguma influência no modo como sua poesia poderia ser lida em tradução? Assim, neste trabalho, busca-se contrastar as questões raciais e estéticas que fundamentam a visão de Mullen a respeito de sua poesia e de seu público-leitor (imaginado) com as questões de público-alvo, contextualmente diversas, que minhas traduções de seus poemas requerem “imaginar” no âmbito das relações sócio-raciais brasileiras.


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This study aims to investigate the Idioms (IEs) or combinations related to the Italian lexical units testa and capo, in comparison to the Portuguese lexical unit cabeça. Since they have come from two completely different etyma, they are not perfect synonyms; on the contrary, they gave rise to several expressions that are common to just one lexical units. Corpus selection was made in monolingual Italian general dictionaries and then the data was classified according to each typology: idioms that are common only with the unit capo; idioms just with head; idioms that are synonyms with both; IEs whose translations refer to other parts of the body. As a result, we found that most of the IEs with capo or testa have common semes, but most of them also are specific to one or other lexical unit exclusively, confirming the difference in semantic features between them as well as non-univocity between languages.


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Harryette Mullen is a contemporary African-American poet whose work has been increasingly analyzed and commented upon in American literary circles. Along her poetic career, one can identify the development of a complex relationship with the construction of the (black) female identity. Early in her career such construction involved the affirmation of a safer, if not “truthful” locus that could encompass the meaning of the female existence, which has ultimately come to develop a deconstruction, in her current poetry, of any centrality or essentiality in the search for a an authentic female identity. Translations of her poems will be presented in order to investigate their implication for understanding the fragmented body of the contemporary woman.


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This paper discusses the role of translation in the construction of the identity of African-American literature in Brazil, by considering the relations between the Brazilian sociocultural context, infl uenced by biological and cultural miscegenation, and the particular way that the literary criticism represented by essays and translations of the Brazilian critic Sergio Milliet, published in between the 40’s and 60’s, approaches AfricanAmerican poetry, with special focus on Langston Hughes’ poems. In this paper, differences between Brazilian and American racial contexts are brought into light in regard to the discourses on miscegenation and race. It is discussed the extent to which Sergio Milliet developed a racialized identity for African-American poetry in his essays, which, however, was rebuilt through translation, in his anthology Obras Primas da Poesia Universal, with a less racialized perspective so that African-American aesthetics could sound less dissonant and regional and more inclined towards the principle of universality which characterizes the anthology composed of renowned foreign and Brazilian poets.


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The main purpose of this paper is to observe the Portuguese into English translational process regarding the metaphors of specific lexical units related to erogenous zones and to intercourse in the context of the literary work Maira (1978), written by Darcy Ribeiro, as well as in its translation, Maíra (1985), performed by Goodland e Colchie. We based our study on an interdisciplinary proposal that associates the theoretical framework of Lexical Studies (BIDERMAN, 1996; LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2002; ORSI, 2007, 2009; ORSI; ZAVAGLIA, 2007; 2012; PRETI, 1984; XATARA; RIVA; RIOS, 2002; XATARA, 2004), Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995; CAMARGO, 2005), Corpus Linguistics (TYMOCZKO, 1998; BERBER SARDINHA, 2004), and, in part, Terminology (COELHO, 2003; BARROS, 2004; FAULSTICH, 2004). Concerning the methodology, we used the program WordSmith Tools, which provided the tools WordList and Concord, for collection and observation of data. We thus verified the value attributed to the erotic-obscene lexicon in Darcy Ribeiro’s literary-textual construction, and we also analyzed the reformulation of taboo lexicon in English. Finally, we intended to reflect on the process of translation of these lexical units considered socially disreputable, in an attempt to provide a possible support fortranslators, linguists, writers and social scientists.


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This work is part of a research project on the role of translations of African-American literature in Brazil and their relation to issues of identity, discourse and aesthetics. It analyzes the translation, by Affonso Blacheyre, of Giovanni's room (1956), by James Baldwin, which was published in 1967 in Brazil. Baldwin is revered for his role in the Civil Rights Movement, having produced works that portray the contradictions of a democratic, but, at the same time, racist society. Giovanni's room was first rejected by his publisher for addressing homosexuality. The text displayed on the book flaps of the translation praises Baldwin's "work with language", in contrast to his anti-racism in other works. The praise of aesthetics of Giovanni's room is noteworthy, in contrast with the absence of any remarks on its critique of the marginalization of homosexuality. The focus on the aesthetics of the work corresponded to characters speaking a more formal register in the translation. Discourses on identity strengthening were less apparent in the 60s in Brazil in comparison to nowadays. The emphasis on aesthetics represented a seemingly "non-political" gesture that made it less shocking in the context of military dictatorship prevalent in the country at the time.


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The main purpose of this article is to investigate the social and linguistic behaviors of a translator, analyzing the use of simplification aspects in the translational process into English of the Anthropology developed by Darcy Ribeiro. With this aim, we used a parallel corpus composed by the work O povo brasileiro (1995) and by its respective translation, performed by Rabassa. The methodology used is that of Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and Terminology (BARROS, 2004). We also adopted Sociology of Translation theories (SIMEONI, 1998, 2007; GOUANVIC,1999, 2005), as well as the habitus conception, proposed by Bourdieu (1980). Results show that this simplification may be found in Ribeiro’s translated texts, indicating the difficulties of conceptualizing the Brazilian universe in English


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This paper is part of a larger project that is being developed at our university, whose goal is to enable students of Literature and Translation to detect and analyze linguistic phenomena based on electronic corpora, consisting of original texts and texts translated, which show the general language, literary language and specialized language. One of its aspects is the analysis of medical abstracts and their translation process. Thus, this undergraduate research project, we seek to observe the technical-scientific English language by performing translations of abstracts of scientific articles of Neurology and Oncology.


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Da escrivaninha do autor às prateleiras das livrarias, todo texto “veste-se”, orna-se de acessórios, até tornar-se o objeto-livro, ser oferecido ao público e ser lido/consumido pelo leitor. Essas transformações, ocorridas em sua maioria na fase da editoração, podem ou não contar com a participação e, sobretudo, com o aval do autor. Quanto maior o sucesso ou prestígio da obra ou do escritor, mais próximo o autor parece estar das decisões de um lançamento e mais afastado de todos os seus desdobramentos: reedições, posteriores edições populares ou de bolso, traduções. A análise paratextual, mais especificamente a análise das capas de livros, permite-nos observar, quanto à publicação de literatura brasileira no exterior, que o mercado editorial estrangeiro adota com frequência, como vem ocorrendo há décadas, a opção com forte apelo ao exotismo tropical: paisagens cariocas, frutas coloridas, biótipos negro ou mestiço. Em algumas ocasiões, entretanto, notamos a preocupação na correspondência temática ou de gênero com a obra. Em ambos os casos os resultados podem ser surpreendentes, bem sucedidos ou provocar malentendidos e interpretações ambíguas. Propomos neste trabalho a apreciação e a análise de alguns desses casos em autores de literatura brasileira traduzidos e consagrados no exterior como escritores de literatura policial e suas vertentes: Rubem Fonseca, Patrícia Melo, Garcia-Roza e Tony Bellotto, começando por Rubem Fonseca.