533 resultados para Matemática (Primeiro Grau) Estudo e ensino


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Este e-book uma produo do Programa de Ps-Graduao em Educao Para a Cincia - PPGEC - da Faculdade de Cincias da UNESP, campus de Bauru, e faz parte do Programa de Publicaes Digitais da Pr-Reitoria de Ps-Graduao, em parceria com a Fundao Editora da UNESP, que tem como principal objetivo a divulgao de pesquisas realizadas pelos Programas de Ps-Graduao da universidade. A srie Ensino de Cincias e Matemática teve incio em 2009 e visa, por meio de pesquisas oriundas de teses, dissertaes e de grupos de pesquisa, divulgar e fomentar a discusso sobre processos de ensino de Cincias e Matemática analisada a partir de diferentes perspectivas tericas e metodolgicas. Essa srie abarca temticas recentes que esto sempre presentes nas discusses de importantes eventos cientficos, nacionais e internacionais, da rea da Educao para a Cincia e Matemática. Entre esses temas destacam: formao de professores, formao de conceitos, Tecnologias da Informao, processos de ensino, entre outros. Esta obra intitulada Ensino de Cincias e Matemática IV: temas de investigao porque veicula pesquisas que abordam temas atuais e importantes estudados por ps-graduandos e docentes do Programa, como, por exemplo, avaliao, prtica de ensino, robtica, prtica pedaggica, TV digital, educao desenvolvida em mbito no-escolar, entre outros. Tais investigaes so resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas no Programa: algumas so resultados de teses e dissertaes e outras foram produzidas por grupos de pesquisa. Professores que ensinam Cincias e Matemática, em diferentes nveis de escolaridade, e pesquisadores que desenvolvem estudos nessas reas podero ter fcil acesso a esta obra, uma vez que estar disponvel na Internet, o que pode contribuir para o debate sobre ...


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O livro Ensino de cincias e matemática III: contribuies da pesquisa acadmica a partir de mltiplas perspectivas, publicado pela Cultura Acadmica Editora, tem como objetivo comunicar e oferecer ao debate alguns resultados recentes da produo de pesquisa do Programa de Ps-Graduao em Educao para a Cincia da UNESP, vinculado Faculdade de Cincias do Campus de Bauru (SP). Assim, rene, para acesso de pesquisadores, professores e estudantes, nove relatos oriundos de trabalhos de mestrado, doutorado, ps-doutorado e similares, desenvolvidos junto ao referido Programa, e passveis de contribuir para a discusso e encaminhamento de uma srie de questes atuais do ensino de cincias.


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Organizado por Ana Maria de Andrade Caldeira, este livro composto por 16 captulos escritos por professores e ps-graduandos de diversas especialidades cientficas. Eles procuram problematizar questes fundamentais para o ensino de disciplinas como Biologia, Fsica e Matemática. Os autores apresentam estudos tericos e empricos com contedos extrados da Histria e Filosofia das Cincias, tentando, ao mesmo tempo, lanar um olhar para a sala de aula, localizando e criticando conceitos que, eventualmente, so trabalhados de forma distorcida ou inadequada, com reflexos diretos e negativos na prtica docente e na disseminao do conhecimento cientfico. Organizado de forma didtica, o livro se divide em quatro grandes subreas, cada uma delas agrupando estudos sobre diversos temas afins da Matemática, Fsica, Qumica e Biologia, respectivamente. O fio condutor da obra est na interface que todos os autores constroem entre o tema discutido e a Histria ou a Filosofia referentes aos quatro grandes blocos que o livro aborda. Embora denso e bastante especfico, trata-se de um trabalho de leitura agradvel.


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Organizado por Joo Jos Caluzi e Silvia Regina Quijadas Aro Zuliani, este livro traz uma srie de estudos nos quais os autores procuram discutir o ensino da Qumica luz da Histria da Cincia e das metodologias cientficas consagradas pelas instituies de ensino brasileiras na disseminao dos conhecimentos sobre a matria, sempre com um vis analtico e por vezes bastante crtico. A coletnea aborda desde uma proposta de integrao da Filosofia da Qumica no currculo e na didtica da matria at a preveno de acidentes na execuo de experimentos de Qumica no ensino mdio, passando por um balano crtico sobre as obras de Qumica adotadas no Programa Nacional do Livro Didtico para o Ensino Mdio e da utilizao e avaliao dos objetos de aprendizagem por professores de Qumica nas salas de aula brasileiras. A obra tambm fala do ensino da Qumica do ponto de vista mais especfico, como nos artigos que discutem os pressupostos histricos e filosficos sobre o princpio da incerteza, a tentativa de uma leitura kuhniana do conceito de substncia e o estudo do termo densidade como obstculo verbal compreenso dos conceitos.


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Ps-graduao em Educao - FFC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Ps-graduao em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work investigates the reasons that take teachers to use or not use manipulative materials in mathematics education as well as the knowledge that teachers of Basic Education schools of the city of Guaratingueta have about such resources. The experience in the classroom, while participating in projects, showed that these resources are important allies in knowledge production. However, we noticed that they are not often present in the teachers teaching practice. This leads us to investigate the relevance of such education resources from authors like Grando (2000) and Macedo (2012) and try to see the idea that math teachers have about their use. For this research we developed a questionnaire and we headed teachers to obtain data. Assuming a posture qualitative with phenomenological approach, organized researched data and interpreted following the procedures described by Bicudo (2011) and Machado (1994). We built three categories or regions of generality that lead us to consider that, for our research subjects, the use of manipulative materials is significant as Didactic Resources and Learning Aid, however, used from a Nave Knowledge that does not involve reflection on practice or relies on theoretical concepts


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This work is a study and a repost on a possible way that can be worked together Mathematics and Native Language, presenting activities for the middle school, trying to make teaching more interesting, dynamic and playful. The work presents proposal for activities based on stories from the book O Homem que calculava by Malba Tahan, with questionnaires to be answered by the students and guidance for teachers on how to apply these activities in the classroom. Applications of these activities were carried out and this work also includes analysis and records of them


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This work has as purpose to present some boardings that assist in the process of mathematics teach-learning. We detach the Laboratory of Education of Matemática (LEM) and its main components. On the basis of the National Curricular Parameters, we display four activities that had been developed and applied in a Municipal School of the Public Net of Education in the city of Roseira. In the activities the mental arithmetic is developed, to study the elementary operations and concepts of horizontal segment and vertical segment. The results show that, with the development of the activities, as much the researcher as the teacher and its pupils had been more interested in arguing, teaching and to learn mathematics


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Since the 1980s, problem solving has been recommended by international curriculum proposals for the teaching of mathematics. In Brazil, with the publication of the National Curriculum Guidelines in 1997, this trend was reinforced and became the central activity of the classroom. Troubleshooting is seen as an asset in the learning process of the student, providing a context for learning concepts, mathematical methods and attitudes. However, this methodological approach requires deeper research, especially for new teaches. This work aims at a further study in this subject and in the experiences with problem solving in the classroom of High School students. The ground basis for this was the Mathematical Transalpine Rally, a competition between classrooms that seeks to facilitate the problem solving within mathematics teaching, and through an autonomous and creative work, performed collectively. The results of this experience, as well as the contribuition for the students education are presented


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This research aims to show how children can learn the meaning of forgiveness in order to build their autonomy and moral . Research is essential to support teachers to work morale within the classroom with their students , so that conflicts a re minimized or even eliminated . Through Piagetian clinical method was observed and interviewed students from the first year of elementary school , trying to identify those who can take a perspective other than you r own . All this in order to inve stigate the possibility of these becoming autonomous and can measure th e consequences of their actions . To develop the moral and intellectual autonomy of the students , Piaget (1994 ) shows the importance of children to act properly by choice , not by pres sure punishments or rewards , and that they have the correct answers , not because someone showed you , but because found . Through research , we found that students are able to forgive, but often requiring that the colleague is also punished in some way. Fo r in fact the children act autonomously it is necessary that the school provides situations where they can experience the cooperation , reciprocity, mutual respect , and thus gradually build their autonomy


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This work aimed to investigate the possible contributions of the use of digital resources in the teaching and learning process of Commercial and Financial Mathematics concepts to high school students. Its development has included a survey of some researches on the topic as well as an experimental study of a qualitative type, in which the Webquest was used as methodology. It uses the computer, more precisely the internet resources, to assist students in building up knowledge. Eight meetings were held, in the after-school period, with a group of students of the second year of high school at a state public school in the city of Guaratinguet. Aiming to evaluate the knowledge that students had about the theme, it was applied a diagnosis at first glance for further analysis and development of activities and interventions according to the students answers. Once the research data was analyzed, it was noted that the students had little knowledge regarding the basic contents of Commercial and Financial Mathematics, in addition to presenting difficulties in handling some of the digital resources used in the meetings. Nonetheless, from the students works, it was seen significant advances in understanding and building up knowledge on concepts such as percentage, simple and compound interest, savings, and sales involving prompt payment or in arrears