148 resultados para Livros Infantis Adaptados
Dissolution representations in Chemistry textbooks: the case of PNLEM. In Chemistry education, so as in other sciences, the use of images is fundamental in the process of teaching and learning. By virtue of this, the textbooks can be a vehicle of such importance, therefore contributing with many images and representations. In this context, the present work has as objective to promote the analysis of the six books approved by the “Programa Nacional do Livro do Ensino Médio, (PNLEM)”, being the main subject of investigation, the dissolution phenomena. Although the recognized importance of opperate in the theoretical and conceptual level to understand chemistry phenomena, our results suggest the need of greater reflection concerning the emphasis attributed to this hability. And so, this paper has as purpose contributing in the reflection of the professor during the choice and use of the LDs and in the process of evaluation of the same.
Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Identidade das Ciências Humanas e métricas de avaliação: qualis periódicos e classificação de livros
This article aims to discuss the evaluation metrics adopted by Capes in the evaluation process of national graduate programs in the field of the Human Sciences, especially with respect to the classifications of scientific journals and books.
The authors worked in a 4th grade room of elementary school and usedchildren's drawings in which the students have shown their impressions andunderstandings with sexuality and gender relations. The article reflect about themanifestations of sexuality, behaviors gender and sexual attitudes at the school andrelates to the necessity of sex education in a critical and reflexive approach, which,however, can only happen with the improvement of teacher training in sex education.
The concept of gender is relational and refers to the the overcoming of the biological determinism, it has historical and cultural roots going beyond the anatomical differences between men and women. This documental research investigated patterns of sexuality and gender in sexual education books for children and teenagers. Ten books were analyzed, selected in bookstores websites. The content of the books and their illustrations show: 1) stereotypical and naturalized view of femininity and masculinity, 2) patterns of traditional and patriarchal families, 3) romanticized concept of marriage and reproduction, 4) stereotypes of beauty and "normal" body. It is concluded that sexual education books for children and teenagers reproduce normative standards that can stimulate a sexist education and should not be used in works of sexual education without critical reflection.
Pode-se observar nos últimos anos o crescente uso do termo intercultural(idade) nos discursos educacionais, sobretudo os que tratam da língua estrangeira. Esse termo vem ganhando espaço nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs), nas Orientações Curriculares, no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), nos prefácios dos livros didáticos e nas inúmeras investigações acadêmicas publicadas sobre educação. Longe de ser um ensino focado exclusivamente nas estruturas formais, metalinguísticas, nas habilidades comunicativas, na preparação para o mercado de trabalho ou vestibulares, o ensino intercultural tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de outros aspectos no sujeito aprendiz, como citado nas Orientações Curriculares do ensino médio de 2006: “ter consciência, entender e aceitar esses novos valores e crenças presentes em diferentes grupos sociais”. Se combater esses fatores por si só não é uma tarefa fácil para o professor de línguas, este ainda conta não raras vezes com a falta de formação adequada sobre o assunto, com a influência homogeneizante da mídia, e muitas vezes somente pode recorrer aos materiais didáticos, previamente selecionados pela instituição escolar. Nesse sentido, o objetivo de nosso trabalho é descrever e analisar de que maneira os livros de espanhol do ensino médio escolhidos pelo PNLD-2012, a saber, Síntesis, El arte de leer español e Enlaces, tratam a questão da interculturalidade. A fim de limitarmos o nosso corpus, optamos por analisá-los por um tema comum – o tema alimentação. Essa escolha justifica-se, pois os três livros didáticos escolhidos apresentam uma lição exclusiva para essa temática e acreditamos ser um valioso objeto de reflexões culturais, uma vez que a alimentação de cada comunidade nos remete aos contextos geográfico, econômico, histórico e às necessidades físicas dos habitantes de cada região.
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Didactic texts compose communication and representation systems. By them societies communicate with their children, their youth, transmit them live representations, symbols, ways of understanding speeches and delimit their study fields. This article presents a discussion about the medias used by Portuguese language text books selected by the Ministry of Education Textbook National Program (PNDL – in Portuguese), in order to observe the foundation of actions, movements and media insertion at school. The analysis allows us to see the consolidation of an individualist profile among the strategies of using medias at school, among others aspects.
Placing the management of childhood forms considered at risk, we discuss the operation of a welfare institution and its effects on the subjective process. Created to manage the virtues of the poor behavior of children, makes visible to the way technology features disciplinary policies: surveillance is evident of cameras, high walls, electric fences and in the eyes of educators, the penalty stands normalizing practices corrective aimed at standardization bodies, educational meetings are compared to the examination, as they produce dossiers of individual behavior, emphasizing characteristics that are considered dangerous anticipates the administration and production of docile individuals, useful, productive, applying identity models. Following the lines of knowledge and power relations that constitute this space, we used the genealogy in the analysis of discursive practices that cross society in its historical construction, the genealogy allows us to achieve these movements in the consolidation process of the government of life, and also, the deconstruction of hegemonic practices. In an attempt to escape the set, we propose the realization of artistic and cultural activities within a process of collective construction as a strategy of resistance and confrontation with the dominant logic, consolidating practices that favor the enhancement of life in its manifold possibilities.
Through brief comments on famous texts of Randolph Caldecott, Rudyard Kipling and Christina Rossetti, we intend to show to the reader aspects of children’s literature written in the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901), in which authors inherited the Romantic idea that child and childhood are pure, close to nature in a way that the adult man is not. Moralizing texts, they taught children how to be an adult.
Este artigo pretende realizar uma reflexão sobre o papel da extensão universitária na Universidade e relatar um projeto de extensão desenvolvido junto a educadoras infantis, com o objetivo de formação continuada. Para tanto, defendemos que a extensão universitária deve buscar o resgate da dimensão social e de universalidade buscando maneiras de educar e formar profissionais que intervenham na sociedade de forma autônoma e reflexiva, por meio de um currículo dinâmico e flexível. Nas considerações finais, a reflexão é sobre a importância da formação continuada de educadores para que se garanta a luta na busca pela melhoria da Educação brasileira e o exercício da função social da Universidade.
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE