188 resultados para Lippmann-Schwinger equation


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A relativistic treatment of the deuteron and its observables based on a two-body Dirac (Breit) equation, with phenomenological interactions, associated to one-boson exchanges with cutoff masses, is presented. The 16-component wave function for the deuteron (J(pi) = 1+) solution contains four independent radial functions which obey a system of four coupled differential equations of first order. This radial system is numerically integrated, from infinity to the origin, by fixing the value of the deuteron binding energy and using appropriate boundary conditions at infinity. Specific examples of mixtures containing scalar, pseudoscalar and vector like terms are discussed in some detail and several observables of the deuteron are calculated. Our treatment differs from more conventional ones in that nonrelativistic reductions of the order c-2 are not used.


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We construct the Pomeron as an exchange of two nonperturbative gluons, where the nonperturbative gluon propagator is described by an approximate solution of the Schwinger-Dyson equation which contains a dynamically generated gluon mass. We compute the total and elastic differential (dsigma/dt) cross sections for pp scattering, obtaining agreement with the experimental data for a gluon mass m = 370 MeV for LAMBDA(QCD) = 300 MeV. In particular, the Pomeron effectively behaves like a photon-exchange diagram with a coupling determined by the glucon mass.


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We study exact boundary controllability for a two-dimensional wave equation in a region which is an angular sector of a circle or an angular sector of an annular region. The control, of Neumann type, acts on the curved part of the boundary, while in the straight part we impose homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. The initial state has finite energy and the control is square integrable. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The (2 + 1)-dimensional Burgers equation is obtained as the equation of motion governing the surface perturbations of a shallow viscous fluid heated from below, provided the Rayleigh number of the system satisfies the condition R not-equal 30. A solution to this equation is explicitly exhibited and it is argued that it describes the nonlinear evolution of a nearly one-dimensional kink.


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We study the role of the thachyonic excitation which emerges from the quantum electrodynamics in two dimensions with Podolsky term. The quantization is performed by using path integral framework and the operator approach.


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We calculate the Green functions of the two versions of the generalized Schwinger model, the anomalous and the nonanomalous one, in their higher order Lagrangian density form. Furthermore, it is shown through a sequence of transformations that the bosonized Lagrangian density is equivalent to the former, at least for the bosonic correlation functions. The introduction of the sources from the beginning, leading to a gauge-invariant source term, is also considered. It is verified that the two models have the same correlation functions only if the gauge-invariant sector is taken into account. Finally, there is presented a generalization of the Wess-Zumino term, and its physical consequences are studied, in particular the appearance of gauge-dependent massive excitations.


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Via an operator continued fraction scheme, we expand Kramers equation in the high friction limit. Then all distribution moments are expressed in terms of the first momemt (particle density). The latter satisfies a generalized Smoluchowsky equation. As an application, we present the nonequilibrium thermodynamics and hydrodynamical picture for the one-dimensional Brownian motion. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We use a non usual realization of the superalgebra to resolve certain two-dimensional potentials. The Hartmann and an anisotropic ring-shaped oscillator are explicitly solved.


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The formalism of supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics can be extended to arbitrary dimensions. We introduce this formalism and explore its utility to solve the Schodinger equation for a bidimensional potential. This potential can be applied in several systens in physical and chemistry context, for instance, it can be used to study benzene molecule.


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We show that all Green's functions of the Schwinger and axial models can be obtained one from the other. In particular, we show that the two models have the same chiral anomaly. Finally it is demonstrated that the Schwinger model can keep gauge invariance for an arbitrary mass, dispensing with an additional gauge group integration.


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Complex mass poles, or ghost poles, are present in the Hartree-Fock solution of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the nucleon propagator in renormalizable models with Yukawa-type meson-nucleon couplings, as shown many years ago by Brown, Puff and Wilets (BPW), These ghosts violate basic theorems of quantum field theory and their origin is related to the ultraviolet behavior of the model interactions, Recently, Krein et.al, proved that the ghosts disappear when vertex corrections are included in a self-consistent way, softening the interaction sufficiently in the ultraviolet region. In previous studies of pi N scattering using ''dressed'' nucleon propagator and bare vertices, did by Nutt and Wilets in the 70's (NW), it was found that if these poles are explicitly included, the value of the isospin-even amplitude A((+)) is satisfied within 20% at threshold. The absence of a theoretical explanation for the ghosts and the lack of chiral symmetry in these previous studies led us to re-investigate the subject using the approach of the linear sigma-model and study the interplay of low-energy theorems for pi N scattering and ghost poles. For bare interaction vertices we find that ghosts are present in this model as well and that the A((+)) value is badly described, As a first approach to remove these complex poles, we dress the vertices with phenomenological form factors and a reasonable agreement with experiment is achieved, In order to fix the two cutoff parameters, we use the A((+)) value for the chiral limit (m(pi) --> 0) and the experimental value of the isoscalar scattering length, Finally, we test our model by calculating the phase shifts for the S waves and we find a good agreement at threshold. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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We derive the Wess-Zumino scalar term of the generalized Schwinger model both in the singular and nonsingular cases by using BRST-BFV framework. The photon propagators are also computed in the extended Lorentz gauge.


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We establish exact boundary controllability for the wave equation in a polyhedral domain where a part of the boundary moves slowly with constant speed in a small interval of time. The control on the moving part of the boundary is given by the conormal derivative associated with the wave operator while in the fixed part the control is of Neuman type. For initial state H-1 x L-2 we obtain controls in L-2. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The von Neumann-Liouville time evolution equation is represented in a discrete quantum phase space. The mapped Liouville operator and the corresponding Wigner function are explicitly written for the problem of a magnetic moment interacting with a magnetic field and the precessing solution is found. The propagator is also discussed and a time interval operator, associated to a unitary operator which shifts the energy levels in the Zeeman spectrum, is introduced. This operator is associated to the particular dynamical process and is not the continuous parameter describing the time evolution. The pair of unitary operators which shifts the time and energy is shown to obey the Weyl-Schwinger algebra. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.