161 resultados para Dispositivo da sexualidade


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O artigo trata de uma reflexão sobre o impacto da deficiência adquirida na vida da pessoa e a importância das relações familiares e afetivas como condições importantes para a reestruturação emocional e o resgate da autoestima a partir de uma nova imagem corporal marcada pela deficiência física. Parte-se do pressuposto que a deficiência é um fenômeno social que atinge, sobretudo, os aspectos psicológicos do indivíduo deficiente. O desenvolvimento da autoestima da pessoa com deficiência dependerá de relações sociais e eróticas favoráveis, tanto na família quanto em outras instituições, assim como de condições adequadas, que devem ser favorecidas pela sociedade inclusiva, visando desenvolver para esses sujeitos aceitação social, integração, independência e autonomia.


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This paper discusses the concept of sexuality from a social and historical understanding. The broad concept of sexuality that goes beyond the genital is based on a vision that understands the body and the sexuality as representations that are constructed by social discourses. It also seeks to reflect on the process of sex education must be understood in its ethical-political dimension to assure everyone a space for formation of attitudes, not to work information on sexuality issues.


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The concept of vulnerability permits the comprehension of the exposition to the infection of the HIV virus without reducing it to the focus in the individual behaviors of non-adoption of the preventive practices, but considering the cultural factors that participate of the context in which these behaviors occur. Among these factors, it is important to consider the gender issues. This qualitative- descriptive study had as an aim to identify the presence of normative patterns of sexuality and gender in articles and sections about sex and sexuality in 18 editions of the Capricho magazine and 10 edition of the Playboy magazine published in 2010, through the content analysis, discussing the relation between the patterns identified and the way how the information about prevention are transmitted by the magazines’ discourses. It was discussed how the lack of information and the way how these patterns are crystallized can contribute to reinforce the vulnerability.


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In inclusive school there are many students and some with disabilities. One of the dimensions of human development of all people's is the sexuality, although there are erroneous beliefs about the relationship sexuality and disability. Teachers must be prepared to deal with the sexuality of their students with disabilities in school, and proposals of education in the form of distance education has been an alternative to the training. This article relate an educational proposal for teachers, linked to a part of the activities undertaken in the discipline "Human Development and Family" on a course of specialization in Special Education in Distance Education mode. Describes an educational object named "Game: challenges and actions in school" , that presented four situations on behaviors involving sexuality of students: question about sexuality, masturbation in the classroom, dating from students and discrimination an obese colleague. In each one, there was potential actions to the teachers choose and, consequently, its unfolding. The choice of actions would lead to the end of a "teacher profile", offering reflections. Teachers reported positive unsolicited comments about the content of the game. It is concluded that the proposal is an important educational tool used in the Virtual Learning Environment that can assist in teacher training courses in sexuality education.


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Sexuality and sex education for visually impaired people are still a few subjects studied in the field of Education. The aim of this study was to investigate sexuality and sex education of the visually impaired, through an interview with an adult woman, blind from birth, for further analysis of thematic content. It is a descriptive-qualitative case study. The following categories were described in the results: (1) Concept of sexuality, (2) Sexual Education, (3) Sexuality and Disability, (4) Social issues and prejudice. The data confirm other studies showing the existence of social prejudice, sexual myths, no sex education or sex education with superficial information and difficulties predominantly psychosocial and not organic in relation to sexuality. We conclude that sexuality and sex education are important issues that should be considered in the general education of people with disabilities.


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This article presents a descriptive-qualitative study aimed at investigating the perception of seven teachers, 5 parents and 18 mothers about the sexual expression of children until 6 years old, through a questionnaire with semi-open questions for content analysis. The sexual behavior identified by adults at home or school refers mainly to gender issues and the discovery of the body: the children reproduce conceptions of masculine and feminine, they manipulate their own bodies or that of others, and they talk about dating, kissing in the mouth and sex. The teachers have a higher perception of the children’s sexual behaviors than their parents at home, because they are more explicit in school. Teachers report that the observed behaviors cause anxiety and discomfort, while the parents report that they usually talk with their children about the theme. In general, there are reports of little knowledge about how to deal with children’s sexual manifestations: for teachers, who have little academic training in the area of sexuality, and for the family, who show some personal and moral difficulties. It was concluded that participants understand children as having sexuality because they perceive different expressions of infant sexuality that are typical in the development. It is necessary to invest in teachers’ academic and continuing education in early childhood, and in a joint work with family and school, in search of a positive experience of an emancipatory sexual education for children.


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The magazines destined to the adolescent public are many times searched as a resource of information about sexuality, body, relationships and adolescence. The Capricho magazine is a biweekly feminine magazine directed to teenagers. In this qualitative-descriptive study it was made the content analysis of the section about sex of 18 editions published in 2010 with the aim of identifying and discussing the predominant representations of sexuality. It was identified the predominance of negative representations, like relations between sexuality and fear, tension, shame and beauty imperatives. It can be detached that the feminine sexuality is not approached through its pleasant, positive and health aspects, but through negative representations that, instead of being discussed, are naturalized, put as normal and expected by the magazine’s discourse.


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Although having a large access to information during adolescence, many teenagers are still uninformed on this subject. The aim of this study was verifying which and how are clarified the doubts that students have about Human Sexuality. In this study, 20 students from both genders, from 11 to 15 years old and from the 7th grade attended and answered a questionnaire with 9 questions. The doubts have been categorized in themes: pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, contraceptive methods and sexual response. The themes of interest were: the usage of contraceptive methods, puberty, sex and masturbation, pregnancy and virginity. The young reported that is important to talk about sexuality and they have their doubts explained with their parents, mainly the mother, with their friends and also with the internet. It is concluded that the adolescent students revealed doubts about the biological sexuality and did not receive an intentional sexual education at school. It is expected that the school can assume a role of promoting an adequate Sexual Education attending to the demand from these teenagers.


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O Projeto ´Grupo de Discussões sobre Sexualidade, Gênero e Mídia´ foi baseado na importância de dialogar sobre como os temas Sexualidade e gênero são representados nos meios de comunicação. Os participantes foram dez estudantes universitários dos cursos de Psicologia e Comunicação (Jornalismo, Rádio e Televisão, Relações Públicas e Design). O objetivo foi propiciar um espaço de diálogo entre as áreas de Psicologia e Comunicação, com discussões sobre pesquisas acadêmicas e materiais midiáticos, com discussões e reflexões que contribuíssem para a formação dos estudantes destas áreas. Foram 17 encontros semanais, com a duração de uma hora e meia, realizados em uma sala de uma Clínica de Psicologia universitária. As principais discussões versaram sobre como a mídia produz e reproduz padrões normativos, estereótipos, preconceitos e uma compreensão repressiva da sexualidade e do gênero, pensando juntos sobre formas possíveis de abordar o tema considerando a pluralidade, a diversidade e a multiplicidade da sexualidade humana. Buscou-se também refletir sobre o processo de construção dos produtos midiáticos e a importância dos profissionais que trabalham com o tema refletirem a respeito da própria história de educação sexual, a trajetória pessoal e profissional e o quanto as próprias experiências, concepções, valores e também preconce


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The present study aimed to know the training and guidance for managers and teachers in sexuality, in order to ascertain whether there was a demand for a training course covering these topics. The participants of this study of the qualitative and quantitative nature were managers and teachers of a municipality in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, more precisely 40 professionals who were invited to participate in a study by answering a questionnaire with semi-enclosed 20 questions. The purpose of this instrument was to know their training and information on sexuality. In general, in various questions about the trajectory of these professionals, contained in the questionnaire, it was evident the lack of training in sexuality and related issues, denouncing the training demand in this area. Considering this, it was developed and implemented a training course on sexuality for these professionals, which was conceived to treat different subjects in order to instigate in them a rethinking about the importance of sex education in the school environment. The results obtained so far show the mobilization of them in order to implement the proposed sex education in the school where they are working. Anyway, we know that there is much to do considering contributing in training of sexuality education, but this initiative shows that it necessary to provide more opportunities for initial and continuing education for these professionals.


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The present study aimed to identify the conceptions of students of a Pedagogy course about infantile sexuality and gender relations, checking the needs that they appointed concerning studies about sexuality and sex education in their graduation. Using this information, the authors implemented an interventional course. The instruments used for data collection were two questionnaires. 342 students participated in the first phase of the study, corresponding to the completion of the questionnaire. 38 people participated on the second step – applying the course. The issues they indicated as necessary in their course were: sexuality, sex education, child sexuality, sexual abuse, adolescence and sexuality and disability. Finally, the results of the course were very satisfactory, however, reveals how much we still need to do for training professionals to implement the work of sex education in the school context.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Information technologies have enabled new forms of interactions among individuals, and can also be found in various educational institutions. However, despite appropriating new technological tools, educational practices continue to be based on a supposed pedagogical subject conceived as a transcendent way, ignoring his emergence and his origin in a particular historical period , and the control mechanisms by which is immersed. as well. This article aims to present results of an analysis on technology and education based on the thought of philosopher Michel Foucault. We analyzed proposals and discourses found in articles in a magazine entitled Patio - Revista Pedagógica.