223 resultados para Casting Alloy
The laser Welding process was introduced into dentistry by the end of the 1980s, resulting on a great impulse to that area with the development of cheaper and smaller equipment, using simpler technique. This allowed greater use of that process on the confection of prostheses compared to the brazing process since the heat source for that process is a concentrated light beam of high power, which minimizes distortion problems on the prosthetic pieces. Ag-Pd-Au-Cu alloy used on the confection of dental implant prostheses was observed before and after subjection to the laser welding process. The microstructure was analyzed with the. use of optic microscopy and the corrosion resistance was studied by the traditional electrochemical techniques and by electrochemical impedance, under environmental conditions simulating the aggressiveness found in the mouth cavity. A structural change was detected on the weld area, which presented a refined microstructure deriving from the high-speed cooling. The base metal out of the weld area presented a fusion coarse microstructure. The electrochemical essays showed differences on the potentiodynamic polarization behavior in both weld and metal base areas, indicating superior corrosion resistance in the weld area. The impedance spectra were characterized by capacitive distorted components, presenting linear impedance in the low frequencies area. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The electrochemical behavior of the annealed Cu-5wt.%Ni alloy in 0.5 M H2SO4 was studied by means of open-circuit potential (E-OCP) measurements, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and quasi-stationary linear potential sweep. The hydrodynamics of the system was also studied. This material is constituted by a single a, phase. The anodic behavior of a Cu-Ni alloy in H2SO4 consists fundamentally on the electrodissolution of Cu, its main component, and the formation of a sulfur-containing passive layer. The presence of Ni decreases the rate of Cu oxidation, mostly at high positive potentials. The impedance spectra, obtained for the unrotating electrode, can be interpreted in terms of a simple charge-transfer reaction across a surface layer. When the electrode is rotated, the occurrence of an inductive loop evidenced the existence of an adsorbed layer. All the resistance estimated from the proposed equivalent circuits diminished with the electrode rotation rate, emphasizing the influence of ion transport in the overall electrode process. The system presented two anodic Tafel slopes: 40 mV dec(-1) for E < 255 mV and 67 mV dec(-1) for E > 275 mV. A Tafel slope of 40 mV dec(-1) evidences that copper dissolution can be interpreted in terms of the mechanism proposed by Mattsson and Bockris. The second Tafel suggests that at potentials more positive than 275 mV, copper dissolves according to a mechanism that considers the disproportionation of adsorbed Cu(1) species. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Thermogravimetry (TG), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and other analytical techniques were used to study the reactions of mercury with Pt-30% Ir alloy. The results allowed to suggest that an electrodeposited mercury film interacts with the substrate and when subjected to heat or electrochemical removal at least four mass loss steps or five peaks appeared during the mercury desorption process. The first two steps were attributed to Hg(0) removal probably from the bulk and from the adsorbed monolayer which wets the electrode surface. These two processes are responsible for peaks D and F in the cyclic voltammograms. The last two peaks (G, H) in CV were ascribed to the intermetallic compound decomposition. In TG curves, the last two steps were attributed to the PtHg4 (third step), and PtHg2 decomposition followed by Hg removal from the subsurface. The PtHg2 was formed by an eutectoide reaction: PtHg -> PtHg2+Hg(Pt-Ir). The Hg diffused to the subsurface was not detectable by cyclic voltammetry.
Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the castability of CP titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy castings into Rematitan Plus investment at three different mold temperatures.Methods. A nylon mesh pattern (20 mm with 64 squares and wire of 0.7 mm in diameter) was used for the castability testing. Initially, an image of the wax pattern was obtained by means of a digital camera and the total extension of filaments (mm) was then measured, using the Leica Qwin image analysis system. The mesh sprued was placed in the Rematitan Plus investment material and the castings were made in a Discovery Plasma machine at three different mold temperatures: 430 degrees C (control group), 480 degrees C or 530'C. Ten castings were made for each temperature. The images of the castings were analyzed (Leica Qwin) and the castability index determined by the number of the completely cast segments as a percentage of the wax pattern. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test (a = 0.05) using materials and temperatures as discriminating variables.Results. The Ti-6Al-4V alloy (60.86%) presented a better castability index than CP Ti (48.44%) (p < 0.000001). For CP Ti, the temperature of 530 degrees C (23.96%) presented better castability than at other temperatures, 480 degrees C (14.66%) and 430 degrees C (12.54%), with no difference between them (p < 0.001). For Ti-6Al-4V alloy, there was a statistically significant difference among the three temperatures: 530 degrees C (28.36%) > 480 degrees C (19.66%) > 430 degrees C (15.97%) (p < 0.002).Significance. Within the limitations of this study, the increase in the mold temperature of the Rematitan Plus investment resulted in a better castability index for both materials, and Ti-6Al-4V presented a better castability index than CP Ti. (c) 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We describe the design, manufacturing, and testing results of a Nb3Sn superconducting coil in which TiAIV alloys were used instead of stainless steel to reduce the magnetization contribution caused by the heat treatment for the A-15 Nb-3 Sn phase formation that affects the magnetic field homogeneity. Prior to the coil manufacturing several structural materials were studied and evaluated in terms of their mechanical and magnetic properties in as-worked, welded, and heat-treated conditions. The manufacturing process employed the wind-and-react technique followed by vacuum-pressure impregnation(VPI) at 1 MPa atm. The critical steps of the manufacturing process, besides the heat treatment and impregnation, are the wire splicing and joint manufacturing in which copper posts supported by Si3N4 ceramic were used. The coil was tested with and without a background NbTi coil and the results have shown performance exceeding the design quench current confirming the successful coil construction.
The influence of potential on electrochemical behavior of Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy under simulate physiological conditions was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The experimental results were compared with those obtained by potentiodynamic polarization curves. All measurements were carried out in Hank's aerated solution at 25degreesC, at pH 7.8 and at different potentials (corrosion potential, 0 mV(SCE), 1000 mV(SCE), and 2000 mV(SCE)). The EIS spectra exhibited a two-step or a two-time constant system, suggesting the formation of a two-layer oxide film on the metal surface. The high corrosion resistance, displayed by this alloy in electrochemical polarization tests, is due to the dense inner layer, while its osseointegration ability can be ascribed to the presence of the outer porous layer. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The electrochemical behavior of Cu-xAl alloys, with 11 wt%less than or equal to x less than or equal to 15wt%, in 0.5 M H2SO4 was studied by means of open-circuit potential decay measurements, quasi-stationary and fast cyclic voltammetry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Some of the alloys (x less than or equal to 14%), when quenched formed martensitic structures. Alloys with greater than or equal to 13% showed a little square-shaped phase when quenched from temperatures around 800 degrees C. It was observed that in sulfuric medium, these formations were dealuminized differently than the martensitic phase. The values of the rest potentials are more influenced by the heat treatment rather than by the alloy composition. An anodic Tafel slope of ca. 60 mV/decade was observed for all the alloys, independently of the heat treatment. This is explained in terms of a competition between two processes: copper oxidation and copper(I) deproportionation. In the cyclic voltammetric experiments it was observed an anodic current peak, related with copper oxidation with a possible formation of some interfacial species, and a cathodic current peak during the reverse potential scan, associated with the reduction of soluble species and/or of the film. The AC Impedance data were interpreted in terms of electric equivalent circuits.
Thermogravimetry (TG) energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), mapping surface, X-ray diffraction (XRD), inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy and atomic spectroscopy with cold vapor generation have been used to study the reaction of mercury with platinum-rhodium (Pt-Rh) alloy. The results suggest that, the electrodeposited Hg film reacts with Pt-Rh to form intermetallic compounds of different stability, when heated indicated by at least four weight loss steps. Intermetallic compounds as PtHg4 and PtHg2 was characterized by XRD. These intermetallic compound are the main product presents on the surface of the samples after remotion of the bulk mercury via thermal desorption techniques. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Hydrogen evolution reaction was studied on Ni-Zn (25% of Ni before leaching) in 1 M NaOH at 25 degrees C. These electrodes were characterized by very low Tafel slopes of 67 mV dec(-1). Other techniques used included potential and current pulse, potential relaxation in an open circuit, and ac impedance spectroscopy. Analysis of the experimental results led to the conclusion that hydrogen adsorption in the surface layers was responsible for the observed behavior. Influence of the oxidation of the electrode surface and the addition of poisons, thiourea and cyanides, were also studied. These processes inhibit the hydrogen absorption and restore ''normal'' Tafel slopes. Kinetic parameters of the hydrogen evolution reaction were determined.
Transverse-optical (TO) and longitudinal-optical (LO) phonons of zinc blende InxGa1-xN (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.31) layers are observed through first-order micro-Raman scattering experiments. The samples are grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs (001) substrates, and x-ray diffraction measurements are performed to determine the epilayer alloy composition. Both the TO and LO phonons exhibit a one-mode-type behavior, and their frequencies display a linear dependence on the composition. The Raman data reported here are used to predict the A(1) (TO) and E-1 (TO) phonon frequencies of the hexagonal InxGa1-xN alloy. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)01234-6].