300 resultados para ADULT MALE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os anestésicos inalatórios sensibilizam o miocárdio ou seu sistema de condução à ação das catecolaminas endógenas e/ou exógenas, predispondo o animal às arritmias cardíacas. Dentre os anestésicos voláteis, o sevoflurano e o desflurano são fármacos relativamente recentes e, embora sejam dotados de características relacionadas a não sensibilização do miocárdio às catecolaminas, desconhecem-se estudos que comparem suas eventuais propriedades antiarritmogênicas. Com o objetivo de estudar, comparativamente, o comportamento do ritmo cardíaco e observar eventuais bloqueios atrioventriculares em cães anestesiados pelo sevoflurano e desflurano e submetidos à infusão contínua de adrenalina, foram utilizados 20 animais adultos, os quais foram separados em dois grupos de igual número (G1 e G2). Aos cães do G1, foi administrado propofol, na dose média de 10mmg.kg-1; em seguida os animais receberam sevoflurano, a 1,5CAM. Decorridos 30 minutos do início da administração do anestésico volátil, iniciou-se a infusão de adrenalina na dose de 1mmg.kg-1.min-1. A cada 10 minutos, a dose da catecolamina foi acrescida em uma unidade, cessando-se a administração em 6mmg.kg-1.min-1. Para o G2, empregou-se a mesma metodologia, substituindo-se o sevoflurano pelo desflurano, administrado a 1,5CAM. A cada dose de adrenalina, foi feita contagem de batimentos ventriculares ectópicos, bem como a observação de bloqueios atrioventriculares. Os achados foram tratados pelos métodos estatísticos de Análise de Perfil e Kruskall-Wallis. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o desflurano minimiza de maneira mais eficiente a arritmia induzida pela adrenalina, além de reduzir a incidência de bloqueios atrioventriculares.


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Avaliaram-se aspectos clínicos, histopatógicos e imunoistoquímicos da córnes de coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia adultos e machos em ceratoplastias lamelares com membrana de celulose microfibrilar. Trinta animais distribuídos em cinco grupos (n=6) foram estudados por até 60 dias de pós-operatório. A avaliação clínica revelou manifestações moderadas de edema, blefaroespasmo e fotofobia ao segundo dia, evoluindo para formas discretas ou ausentes a partir do sétimo dia, período em que se observou, clinicamente, reparo do defeito corneal. A histopatologia revelou uma fina camada de células escamosas, recobrindo a área lesada já aos sete dias, com discreto infiltrado de células polimorfonucleares. Observaram-se vasos no epitélio a partir do 15o dia, com regressão ao 48o dia. A marcação com o anticorpo Ki67 mostrou aumento de células em proliferação aos 15 dias no epitélio e aos 30 dias no estroma. Nesse período, ocorreram remodelamento e adesão epitealial. Considerando a boa integração do implante, admite-se a membrana de celulose como um bom material a ser utilizado em ceratoplastia lamellar.


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Selective chemical sympathectomy of the internal genital organs of adult male rats was undertaken by chronic treatment with low doses of guanethidine. Biochemical and morphometric methods revealed that removal of sympathetic innervation prevents fructose secretion in the prostate and seminal vesicle, in addition to promoting reduced efficiency of delivery by the latter.


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Epithelial cells from involuting rat ventral prostate (VP) express Matrilysin (MMP-7) mRNA. Herein, we investigated by immunohistochemistry the NIMP-7 protein location and its association with tissue changes following castration in the VP. Normal and castrated adult male Wistar rats were sacrificed at different times after surgery. VP was examined by immunocytochemistry and immunoprecipitation. Castration promoted a shrinking of prostate ducts with an extensive stromal remodeling. In the VP from normal rats, MMP-7 immunoreactivity was found in epithelial secretory granules. Three days after castration, immunostaining for MMP-7 was found in both the epithelial secretory granules and in the stroma just below the epithelium, mainly at the distal ductal tips. At seven and 21 days after castration, the immunostaining for MMP-7 was found only in the stromal space. Immunoprecipitation confirmed the specificity of the primary antibody by rescuing a pro-enzyme form (28 kDa) in the prostate extracts. The present results suggest that MMP-7 participates in the epithelial-stromal interface remodeling of the ventral prostate during the involution achieved by castration, probably in the degradation of components of the epithelial basement membrane. (c) 2007 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fencamfamine (FCF) is a psychostimulant drug classified as an indirect dopamine agonist. In the present study we evaluated the daily variation in plasma FCF concentration and in striatal dopamine receptors. Adult male Wistar rats (250-300 g) maintained on a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle (lights on at 07:00 h) were used. Rats received FCF (10.0 mg/kg, ip) at 09:00, 15:00, 21:00 or 03:00 h and blood samples were collected 30 (N = 6) or 60 (N = 6) min after the injections. Plasma FCF was measured by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector. Two-way ANOVA showed significant differences in FCF concentration when blood samples were collected 30 min after the injection, and the highest value was obtained following injection 21:00 h. Moreover, at 15:00, 21:00 and 03:00h, plasma FCF levels were significantly lower 60 min after injection when compared to the 30-min interval. Two other groups of rats (N = 6) were decapitated at 09:00 or 21:00 h and the striata were dissected for the binding assays. The Bmax for [H-3]-spiroperidol binding to striatal membranes was higher at 21:00 h, without changes in affinity constant (Kd). In conclusion, plasma FCF levels and dopamine receptors undergo daily variation,a phenomenon that should be considered to explain the circadian time-dependent effects of FCF.


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The analgesic response was evaluated by the tail immersion test in adult male (N = 30), female (N = 21) and androgenized female Wistar rats (N = 15). The reaction time for tail withdrawal from the hot water bath was faster for male than for female rats (3.48 +/- 0.12 vs 6.46 +/- 0.42 s). The reaction time of androgenized female rats was similar to that of male rats (3.08 +/- 0.16 s). Blockade of opiate receptors with naloxone (2 mg/kg, ip) decreased the sensitivity to the noxious stimuli in males (4.08 +/- 0.10 s) and in androgenized females (3.69 +/- 0.19 s) but increased it in female rats (5.01 +/- 0.41 s). These data show sex-related differences in the analgesic response evaluated by the tail immersion test and indicate that administration of androgens to newborn female rats affects their pain sensitivity.


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We performed comparative studies of the pathogenicity of six strains of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Bt-9, Bt-4, Pb-9, Pb-18, Bt-7 and B-1183) for young adult male ddY mice and growth rate of each strain under different oxygen atmospheres (aerobic, micro-aerobic and anaerobic atmospheres) at 37-degrees-C. 10(6) units of yeast cells were intravenously injected into each mouse. The pathogenicity of each isolate was determined by a scoring system based on organ culture and histopathological findings. The growth rates under different oxygen atmospheres were determined by a scoring system in which 300 fungal units per strain were counted. The strain Bt-9 showed the greatest pathogenicity, followed by Bt-4. Pb-9 and Pb-18 had on intermediate rank of pathogenicity. Bt-7 and B-1183 were the least pathogenic of the strains tested. Except for strain Bt-7 all strains showed an excellent growth under an aerobic atmosphere. Bt-4 and Bt-9 also showed excellent growth under a micro-aerobic atmosphere, followed by Pb-9, whereas the growth of Pb-18, Bt-7 and B-1183 was limited. There was a correlation between the growth rate under a micro-aerobic atmosphere and the pathogenicity of a strain. The growth rate of P. brasiliensis under a micro-aerobic atmosphere strongly correlated to its pathogenicity.


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The present study was designed to determine the exercise intensity equivalent to the metabolic aerobic/anaerobic transition of alloxan diabetic rats, through lactate minimum test (LMT), and to evaluate the effects of swimming exercise at this intensity (LM) on the glucose and protein metabolism of these animals. Adult male Wistar rats received alloxan (SD, alloxan-injected rats that remained sedentary) intravenously (30 mg kg(-1) body weight) for diabetes induction. As controls (SC, vehicle-injected rats that remained sedentary), vehicle-injected rats were utilized. Two weeks later, the animals were submitted to oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) and LMT. After the tests, some of the animals were submitted to swimming exercise training [TC (vehicle-injected rats that performed a 6-week exercise program) and TD (alloxan-injected rats that performed a 6-week exercise program)] for I h day(-1), 5 days week(-1), with an overload equivalent to LM determined by LMT, for 6 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the animals were submitted to a second LMT and oGTT, and blood and skeletal muscle assessments (protein synthesis and degradation in the isolated soleus muscle) were made. The overload equivalent to LM at the beginning of the experiment was lower in the SID group than in the SC group. After training, the overload equivalent to LM was higher in the TC and TD groups than in the SC and SD groups. The blood glucose of TD rats during oGTT was lower than that of SD rats. Protein degradation was higher in the SD group than in other groups. We conclude that LMT was sensitive to metabolic and physiologic alterations caused by uncontrolled diabetes. Training at LM intensity improved aerobic condition and the glucose and protein metabolism of alloxan diabetic rats. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Clonidine, an alpha 2-adrenergic agonist, injected into the brain inhibits salt intake of animals treated by the diuretic model of sodium depletion. In the present study, we address the question of whether central injection of clonidine also inhibits salt intake in animals deprived of water or in the need-free state. Saline or clonidine (30 nmol) was injected into the anterior third ventricle of 24-h sodium-depleted (furosemide + removal of ambient sodium), of 24-h water-deprived and of normovolemic (need-free state) adult male rats, Clonidine injected intracerebroventricularly (icv) inhibited the 1.5% NaCl intake for 120 min by 50 to 90% in every model tested. Therefore, different models of salt intake are inhibited by icv injection of clonidine, Idazoxan, an alpha 2-adrenergic antagonist, injected icy at a dose of 160 nmol, inhibited the effect of clonidine only in the furosemide + removal of ambient sodium model of salt intake. This indicates that the antagonism of this effect by idazoxan is dependent on the body fluid/sodium status of the animal.


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The effect of intraperitoneal injection of clonidine (9-72 mu g/kg) on need-free 1.5% NaCl intake and on performance (defined as percent of a complete trial) in the rotarod test, was studied in normovolemic adult male rats. Clonidine (18 and 36 mu g/kg) inhibited the 1.5% NaCl intake in a 2-h test at doses that did not alter the performance in the rotarod test. The dose of 36 mu g/kg did not inhibit 10% sucrose intake. Only the highest dose (72 mu g/kg) of clonidine inhibited the 1.5% NaCl intake and the performance in the rotarod test, and produced signs of sedation. Sedation was determined either by change in posture (immobility or lack of postural tonus) of the animals during the ingestive test or by their performance in the rotarod test. The results suggest that sedation is not a determinant effect on the inhibition of 1.5% NaCl intake induced by clonidine. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The LH-RH analog LH-RH-A (des-Gly10,[D-Trp6]-LH-RH ethylamide) was administered in pharmacological doses (20-mu-g/kg, sc) to adult male cats for 15 days and its effect on testis and adrenal function was determined. Daily administration of the analog promoted a 3-fold increase in plasma testosterone levels after 7 days, indicating a stimulatory effect of LH-RH-A (mean +/- SD for 6 treated cats, 1.88 +/- 0.35 vs 0.51 +/- 0.08 ng/ml for 6 control cats). After 15 days the LH-RH-A-treated group exhibited a similar plasma testosterone concentration as the control group (mean +/- SD, 0.96 +/- 0.35 ng/ml vs 0.88 +/- 0.39 ng/ml, respectively), similar testicular and adrenal weights and no significant differences in the spermatogenic process. However, semiquantitative analysis of the zona fasciculata of the adrenals from the LH-RH-A-treated group showed a significant accumulation of a substance not stained by hematoxylin-eosin or Schiff periodic acid (mean +/- SD of index of accumulation was 3.50 +/- 0.4 for treated cats vs 2.20 +/- 0.3 for control cats). The present results show that pharmacological doses of LH-RH-A have an effect on the adrenal cortex of cats without modifying spermatogenesis or plasma testosterone levels.


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The present study was carried out to determine possible panicogenic effects of strychnine administered in subconvulsive doses to rats. Two experiments were conducted to assess two major features of panic in animal models: panic-related flight (through the observation of wild running [WR]) and defensive fights. In the first one, 20 adult male Wistar rats were injected with six different doses of strychnine ranging from 0.5 to 4.0 mg/kg. After 15 min of free observation, the animals were submitted to high-intensity acoustic stimulation and the incidence of WR was recorded. Higher doses of strychnine (above 2.5 mg/kg) easily evoked seizures, but lower doses raised the incidence of WR in a dose-dependent manner. The most effective dose for WR (1.5 mg/kg) was used in the second experiment, in which we investigated the effects of strychnine on sleep-deprivation-induced fights (SDIFs) that have defensive characteristics. For this purpose, 40 subjects were submitted to 5 days of REM-sleep deprivation by the single-platform method and were then assigned into two groups, i.e., strychnine vs. control. After the injections, the animals were observed in social groupings for SDIF recordings over a period of 60 min. The strychnine-treated groups had more SDIF than the control groups (P<.05, Mann-Whitney U test). We conclude that the high level of neural excitability promoted by partial blockade of the glycinergic system can contribute to the manifestation of panic reactions. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Crotoxin is the major component of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. In view of the presence of high-affinity specific binding sites for crotoxin in the brain, the objective of this work was to investigate whether crotoxin induces behavioral effects in the open-field and hole-board tests. Adult male Wistar rats (180-220 g) treated with crotoxin, 100, 250 and 500 mu g/kg, ip, administered 2 h before the test, presented statistically significant behavioral alterations (ANOVA for one-way classification complemented with Dunnet test, P<0.05). In the open-field test, 250 and 500 mu g/kg of crotoxin increased freezing (from 3.22 sec to 10.75 sec and 11.2 sec) and grooming (from 13.44 sec to 22.75 sec and 21.22 sec) and decreased ambulation (from 64.8 to 39.38 and 45.8). The dose of 500 mu g/kg also decreased rearing (from 24.9 to 17.5). In the hole-board test, 500 mu g/kg of crotoxin decreased head-dip count (from 6.33 to 4.00). All the crotoxin-induced behavioral effects were antagonized by an anxiolytic dose of diazepam (1.5 mg/kg, ip, 30 min before the tests). These results show that crotoxin reduced open-field activity and exploratory behavior as well. We suggest that these effects express an increased emotional state induced by this toxin.