117 resultados para organização da informação


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Introduction: Studies about human cognition represent a relevant perspective in information science, considering the subjective actions of information professionals and dialogic process that should permeate the activity of subjects dealing with the organization and representation of information. Objective: Explore the approach of the cognitive perspective in information science and their new settings by contemporary needs of information to reflect on the process of meeting the professional information through the social reality that permeates the contexts of information. Methodology: Reflection on theoretical aspects that deal with the cognitive development to discuss the implications of the cognitive approach in information science and its evolution in the scope of the representation and processing of information. Results: Research in Information Science must consider issues of cognitive and social order that underlie information processing and the process of knowing the information professional as knowledge structures must be explained from the social context of knowing subjects. Conclusions: There is a need to investigate the process of knowing the information professional in the bias of socio-cognitive approach, targeting new elements for the understanding of the relationship information (cognitive manifestations) and its implications on the social dimension.


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The concept of ontoloy as a tool for knowledge organization and representation, which is not yet stable, is analyzed in two spanish journals of information science, namely “Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento” and “Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación”, both published by the University of Zaragoza. The term "ontology" and its variations were searched in the fields of title, keywords and abstract. A corpus of eighteen articles was obtained. The approaches to ontologies were classified into four categories of analysis: conceptualization, comparison, application and new applications. It was observed that the way which the concept of ontologies is treated in both periodicals is in consonance with their editorial policies. The term ontology is suffering a process of meta-terminologization, from the field of philosophy towards information science, a fact that deserves further and more vertical studies.


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Introduction: Organizations are expending more and more, the spaces electronic / digital (Internet / intranet / extranet) as a way to efficiently manage information and knowledge in the organizational environment. The management of inputs informational and intellectual belongings ranges from the strategic level to the operational level; the results demonstrate the strength of the socialization of organizational strategies. Objective: To reflect on the role of information architecture for the development of electronic spaces / digital in organizational environments. Methodology: Analytical study supported by specialized literature, based on three aspects emphasized by Morville and Rosenfeld (2006) and applied to information architecture: context, content and user studies beyond the search and use of information Choo (2006) which also highlights three aspects: situational dimensions, cognitive needs and emotional reactions. Results: In the context of the Web environment organizations have a large number of sites for brands / products that have mostly no organizational structure or shared navigation. The results show that when a department needs to contact another department must do so in order offline. Conclusion: The information architecture has become essential for the development of management information systems that makes possible to easily find and access data and information, as well as helps in developing distinct hierarchies to structure the distribution of content, promoting developed quality and effectiveness of the management systems.


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Information organization can be considered as a nuclear area in Information Science and its historical background has been historically built based on three theoretical approaches: subject cataloguing, under a North-American influence, Indexing, under a British influence, and document analysis, under a French influence. In this sense, although one can consider the strong influence of the logic-linguistic approach of the French tradition in information organization both in Brazil and in Spain, it is not already clear in what extent the mentioned influence specifically occurs in Brazil and Spain as well as what are the dialogical perspectives between them. So, and in order to analyze how the Information Science academic environments in Brazil and in Spain conceive the interdisciplinary relationships in the domain of document analysis (DA), it was applied a questionnaire to Brazilian and Spain DO researchers based on the records of the Brazilian and the Spanish International Society for Knowledge Organization chapters. The results (64,5% of answers in Brazil and 60,6% in Spain) allowed the identification of 35 DA interdisciplinary relationships in Brazil and 98 in Spain, whose data were so grouped in 7 matrixes ? cognitive, philosophical, historical, logic-lingusitic, quantitative, social and political, and technological. It was possible to observe that the logical-linguistic matrix is strongly predominant (90% of the answers in Brazil and in Spain) what reflects the influence of the ideas of Jean-Claude Gardin. On the other side, the graphic visualization of authors´s network showed a strong perspective of dialogical relationships among Brazilian and Spanish DA researchers, based on the convergence of theoretical conceptions, what allow us to conclude the need of joint research policies between both coountries in order to make the mention ed dialogical relationships real and fruitful.


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Discusses the interconnections between information management and knowledge management for themanaging of information flows. Starting at a literature review to obtain a grounding that allows clarifythis question. Presents the peculiarities involving the formal flows management [informationmanagement] and informal flows management [knowledge management], as well as factors thatprovide a better understanding in regard to the focus of information management and knowledgemanagement. The efficient information flows management demands the need to deploy the informationand knowledge management to its true effectiveness. We can see that these two modes of managementare interrelated such that, in the absence of a, the other is affected, directly impacting the informationflows management and thus in the organization capacity to create knowledge and make decisions withcompetitive differential.


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This article, through the revision of literature in the areas of Information Science and Administration, sought to rescue the theoretical yardstick about leadership, motivation, team works, competences, abilities and attitudes of leader. Beyond that was elaborated an exploratory study with directors/managers of university libraries. From the analysis of literature selected and the exploratory research, infers that the leader which works in units of information can develop some actions that are going to motivate the team, to which leads, as by example: implant participatory programs; establish challenging goals; encourage works in group; promote turnaround of post and functions; create results disclosure systems; stimulate the creativity; promote a good environment at work; promote education and training individual/group; defined clearly the responsibilities; delegate authority consciously, charge results; and others possibilities. In this manner, understands that leader that works in units of information is going to know the factors that enable the motivation of the team. For so much, it is necessary observe the aspirations of his collaborators and verify if organization has been capable of satisfy them. In that sense, falls to the informational professional qualify itself for perform that function.


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The focus of this research is centered on organic information production, sharingand use on the enterprise decision making process. The information on the present economy becomes value source for organizations. The organic information is produced on the organization s internal environment been a product of the activities made by execution its functions. Knowing the elements that involve this process gives a great help to managers once the decision making process is permeated by conflicts and different perceptions. Therefore, the organic information can reduce these conflicts on organizational contexts, because it reduces the uncertainness, propitiates more security and more trustworthiness to the decision making process, besides it gives dynamism to people s time involved on the process. The investigated universe was composed by the companies affiliated to Construnova Net, from construction material segment, located at Marilia Region s cities, Sao Paulo State, because it is an important segment which influences the local and regional economy. The methodological proceedings used are based on the qualitative approach which method is related to descriptive and exploratory research. As data collecting instruments were elaborated a structured questionnaire with closed questions and an interview s syllabus which contents are related to the research s aims. As analysis proceedings for the collected data and also to consider the qualitative approach it was chosen the Contents Analysis method from Bardin and more specifically the Categorical Analysis . Consequently, we conclude that it is deficient in production of organic information, or to produce documents that prove and control the activities that are developed within the organization is not satisfactory. The decision usually is not subsidized by organic information. Accordingly the study points out the deficiency of the perception of the importance of the organic type information as an aid to decision making and al


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In the capital market the information are used as subsidies for the decision making of investors, among the main highlights are the economic, political, accounting and relating nature to the financial results of companies which have stocks traded at Stock Exchanges. In this perspective, it is essential that the agents involved especially brokerage companies establish management processes that contain a set of criteria for the organization and treatment of information collected in newspapers, news agencies and the companies that trade in stocks. Thus, it is essential to establish rigor in relation to recovery mechanisms of such information, which requires more than technology, because actions are necessary that will propitiate the informational content are made available with consistency, clarity and trustworthiness, so as that users can retrieve them in a timely manner. Furthermore, those processes should provide the efficient use of the information retrieved by users, so that they can use them aiming to subsidize the decisions of sale or purchase shares. Considering that the information systems are responsible for the information dissemination in the framework of capital market, it is necessary to present requisites that contemplate the set organization, treatment, retrieval and use of information. That way, we sought to evidence in this paper these issues, utilizing as a premise the elements proposed by Guimarães (2003) from the perspective of the information environment of a values brokerage companies reflecting through the model used, how these companies realize their work considering the dimensions of the documentary analysis, informational treatment, and the instruments for retrieval and use of information.


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Displays the Information Literacy as a method of training for access, evaluation and use of information, which has become, increasingly, the raw material indispensable for intellectual autonomy. Presents the articulation possible - and necessary - between Information and Cultural Competence in School, with emphasis on their relationship. Search is on School Culture, contexts for insertion of procedures developed by the Information Literacy, considering the dimensions of the organization, interpretation and knowledge production. It points out the advantages to realize the Culture School, through practical philosophical context, to support action planning, establishing, in the educational environment, actions related to the development of Competency Information. We used participation research action in the context of a public school in Campo Grande-MS, the research subjects were students of the 6º and 7º grades and their teachers. Data collection took place through observation and interviews relating the development of competencein Information and teaching practices It is noteworthy that this kind of responsibility if developed without an understanding of school culture, becomes a rambling and disjointed practice whose outcomes are at risk of not being achieved.


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This paper addresses the issue of mediation in the process of information decision-making, more specifically, organic information, seeking to deepen its determinants in an attempt to understand the mechanisms on which supports. It also examines the role of the archivist as an information professional in this process. Conceptually, it is understood that the information Organic is produced within the organization as a result of the implementation of activities and tasks undertaken. The national literature that addresses this issue is poor and therefore needs further examination. Weaving relations organic information and mediation in the context of decision making is rare in literature. Thus, this study seeks to contribute to discussions in regarding this matter and also adds to this the importance of standing up issues that may contribute to the development of studies Information Science.


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Information flows are responsible for the dynamics and the interaction between the various sectors of the organization and among individuals who work in it. By mapping performed in internal and external environments of the organization, it is possible to highlight the informational needs of organizational individual, since they depend on data, information and knowledge to perform their actions in the corporate environment. To meet the information needs of organizational individual need to manage the existing information flows, how it can settle and move effectively in the organizational environment. It is argued that the environments and existing information flows in an organization, subsidize the process of organizational competitive intelligence, since they are inputs for decision making and enable the planning and execution of actions in the short, medium and long term.


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The professional archivist must be able to acquire apprenticeship and to pass his team of work, fulfilling so in satisfactory way his to do inside the institution which works, making possible, the use, the dissemination, organization, recuperation of the information. Since an enabled, well prepared professional develops of doing his efficient way inside the organization (or institution), and it bears in mind what must always be updated and prepared so the new technologies of the information and communication changes are in constant, therefore the professional of the information (archivist) must be constantly looking for apprenticeship, to be enabled through the continued education.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)