143 resultados para formation process
The effect of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) on the corrosion of copper in ethanol-water mixture with 0.01 mol dm(-3) HClO4 was investigated by linear sweep voltammetry and surface enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy. The linear sweep voltammetry for the copper electrode in the presence of MBT shows one anodic process associated with the oxidation of MBT, which leads to the formation of a film on the electrode. This film inhibits the anodic copper dissolution and cathodic hydrogen evolution reaction. SERS studies indicated that MBT oxidizes and forms polymeric complexes involving copper ions and the ionized form of thiol. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The problem of generation of atomic soliton trains in elongated Bose-Einstein condensates is considered in framework of Whitham theory of modulations of nonlinear waves. Complete analytical solution is presented for the case when the initial density distribution has sharp enough boundaries. In this case the process of soliton train formation can be viewed as a nonlinear Fresnel diffraction of matter waves. Theoretical predictions are compared with results of numerical simulations of one- and three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation and with experimental data on formation of Bose-Einstein bright solitons in cigar-shaped traps. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We performed computer simulations of interstellar cloud-cloud collisions using the three-dimensional smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics method. In order to study the role of the magnetic field on the process of collision-triggered fragmentation, we focused our attention on head-on supersonic collisions between two identical spherical molecular-clouds. Two extreme configurations of the magnetic field were adopted: parallel and perpendicular to the initial clouds motion. The initial magnetic field strength was approximately 12.0 muG. In the parallel case, much more of the collision debris were retained in the shocking region than in the non-magnetic case where gas escaped freely throughout the symmetry plane. Differently from the non-magnetic case, eddy-like vortices were formed. The regions of highest vorticity and the the regions of highest density are offset. We found clumps formation only in the parallel case, however, they were larger, hotter and less dense than in the analogous non-magnetic case. In the perpendicular case, the compressed field works as a magnetic wall, preventing a stronger compression of the colliding clouds. This last effect inhibits direct contact of the two clouds. In both cases, we found that the field lines show a chaotic aspect in large scales. Also, the field magnitude is considerably amplified in the shock layer. However, the field distribution is almost coherent in the higher density regions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Time-resolved X-ray absorption-fine structure (Quick-XAFS) and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopies were combined for monitoring simultaneously the time evolution of Zn-based species and ZnO quantum dot (Qdot) formation and growth during the sol-gel synthesis from zinc oxy-acetate precursor solution. The time evolution of the nanostructural features of colloidal suspension was independently monitored in situ by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). In both cases, the monitoring was initialized just after the addition of NaOH solution (B = [OH]/[Zn] = 0.5) to the precursor solution at 40 degrees C. Combined time-resolved Quick-XAFS and UV-Vis data showed that the formation of ZnO colloids from the zinc oxy-acetate consumption achieves a quasi-steady-state chemical equilibrium in less than 200s. Afterwards, the comparison of the ZnO Qdots size and Guinier gyration radius evidences a limited aggregation process coupled to the Qdots growth. The analysis of the experimental results demonstrates that the nanocrystal coalescence and Ostwald ripening control the kinetics of the Qdot growth.
The effect of calcination temperature during the formation of the solid solution Sn(0.9)Ti(0.1)O(2) doped with 1.00 mol % CoO and 0.05 mol % Nb(2)O(5) is presented. The structural characteristics of this system were studied using X-ray diffraction, and the changes in phase formation were analyzed using the Rietveld method. With an increase in calcination temperature, there is increasing miscibility of Ti into the (Ti,Sn)O(2) phase and near 1000 degrees C, and the remaining TiO(2) (anatase) was transformed into the rutile phase. The sintering process, monitored using dilatometry, suggests two mass transport mechanisms, one activated close to 900 degrees C associated with the presence of TiO(2) (anatase) and the second mechanism, occurring between 1200 and 1300 degrees C, is attributed to a faster grain boundary diffusion caused by oxygen vacancies. (C) 2008 International Centre for Diffraction Data.
Foram avaliadas, durante o processo de sinterização, as propriedades mecânicas de peças cerâmicas a base de argila com adição de rocha sedimentar. Foram preparados corpos de prova com 0, 20, 40, 60 e 80% em peso de rocha adicionada ao material argiloso. As peças foram sinterizadas nas temperaturas de 500, 800, 900, 1000, 1100 e 1200 °C e, posteriormente, submetidas à análise de difração de raios X e a ensaios tecnológicos Os resultados de difração de raios X mostram que a rocha sedimentar apresenta argilominerais micáceos enquanto o material argiloso possui a caulinita como fase principal. Técnicas de análises térmicas e difração de raios X das diferentes misturas mostram reações que indicam transformação (inversão do quartzo), decomposição (perda de hidróxidos) e formação de fase (mulita) durante o aquecimento das amostras. Os ensaios tecnológicos mostram que a adição da rocha sedimentar melhora algumas propriedades do material sinterizado, auxiliada pela presença de fundentes. Entretanto, a presença de quartzo na rocha dificulta a formação da fase mulita. A formação de novas fases e as transformações ocorridas no aquecimento e resfriamento das amostras ajuda explicar as propriedades tecnológicas dos materiais cerâmicos.
We theoretically investigated how the formation of oxygen vacancies and the addition of niobium and chromium atoms as dopants modify the varistor properties of TiO2. The calculations were carried out at the HF level using a contracted basis set, developed by Huzinaga et al.. to represent the atomic centers on the (110) surface for the large (TiO2)(15) cluster model. The change of the values for the net atomic charges and band gap after oxygen vacancy formation and the presence of dopants in the lattice are analyzed and discussed. It is shown that the formation of oxygen vacancies decreases the band gap while an opposite effect is found when dopants are located in the reduced surface. The theoretical results are compared with available experimental data. A plausible explanation of the varistor behavior of this system is proposed. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This work presents the synthesis and characterization of SiO2:metal (Ni, Co, Ag, and Fe) nanocomposites processed by the polymerizable complex method. The polymeric precursor solutions obtained were characterized by means of FT-Raman and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. The results show the formation of a hybrid polymer with carbon and silicon in the macromolecule chain and the transition metal cation arrested within this polymeric chain. The nanocomposites are formed during the controlled polymeric precursor pyrolysis. The reduction of the metal cation is promoted by the CO/CO2 atmosphere resulting from the pyrolysis of the organic material. Microstructural characterization, performed by TEM and X-ray diffraction (XRD), showed that the nanocomposites are formed by metal nanoparticles embedded in a amorphous matrix formed by SiO2 and carbon. In the SiO2:Fe system, Fe3C was also detected by XRD.