118 resultados para diagrama


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O acetato de dexametasona (DXM) é um glicocorticoide com eficácia antiinflamatória e imunossupressora, sendo utilizado nas doenças autoimunes. Sua ação antiinflamatória advém da inibição do acúmulo de células (macrófagos, linfócitos e neutrófilos) na área da inflamação, inibindo também a liberação de mediadores da inflamação como interferon-γ e TNF-α. Já a atividade imunossupressora é alcançada com a redução do concentrado de linfócitos e inibição da síntese e/ou liberação de interleucinas. Porém o uso contínuo do DXM ocasiona uma série de efeitos colaterais sistêmicos, sendo interessante sua aplicação tópica para viabilizar a promoção do aumento da liberação e a estabilização dos níveis plasmáticos do fármaco. Sistemas nanoestruturados como microemulsões (ME) e os cristais líquidos (CL) vêm sendo estudados como novos sistemas de liberação, pois além de se comportarem como reservatórios de fármacos também possibilitam o aumento da estabilidade e da solubilidade dos princípios ativos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram desenvolver e caracterizar sistemas micro e nanoestruturados, com intuito de incorporar DXM e avaliar sua permeação cutânea in vitro. Foram desenvolvidos sistemas utilizando água, silicone (DC® 193C fluido) e polioxietileno-20-oleil éter (Brij® 98). Os 36 pontos do diagrama de fases foram avaliados, sendo elaboradas formulações com diferentes proporções de água, óleo e tensoativo, sendo possível delimitar regiões como: sistemas transparentes de alta viscosidade (STAV), sistemas transparentes de baixa viscosidade (STBV), sistemas líquido-transparentes (SLT), emulsão viscosa (EV) e emulsão líquida (EL). Três formulações foram selecionadas para os ensaios de caracterização, fixando-se a concentração de tensoativo (T) em 40% e variando-se as concentrações de água e de silicone, denominadas A, B e C. As análises de microscopia de luz polarizada ...


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Mirandópolis/SP appeared in 1934 from the railroad “the Brazil Northwest”, that there it served one of the points of its stretch that had as main function to drain the agricultural production northwestern native of São Paulo of that time. The installation of the town happened absent of concerns with initial urbanístico planning, thus modifying its natural landscape and modifying characteristic ambient without compensatory measures aiming at a future expansion of the urban mesh. Fact this that still causes today consequences the quality of life of the people and also the observed thermal comfort later. Ahead of this, the present work had for objective to identify through measurements of temperature and relative humidity of the city of Mirandópolis/SP the differences that in the fabric urban they corroborate for a comfort situation or thermal discomfort to the outdoors in accordance with the Diagram Bioclimático de Olgyay the collection of data was made throughout the month of July of 2011 involving the attainment of information of Temperature and relative humidity of air and questionnaire applied to the passer-bys in the act of the measurements. Also approaching the different thermal dynamic of the zones of housing in relation to the Urban Cannyon that develops the commerce as predominant activity. This research sample that, although a city to be small, the quality of life of its inhabitants is not only guaranteed by the transport or that its thermal comfort reveals inside homogeneous of the urban perimeter, but that it has yes heterogeneidade in the scope of the urban climate in these spaces


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The proper management of materials storage is essential to supply the needs of production and reduce the inventory costs. Moreover, an effective layout contributes to improve the productivity and reduce the operational costs of a warehouse. This way, the purpose of this study was: to propose an expansion project to the warehouse of a factory in the food sector, suggesting a layout that best fit their needs and to verify its economic feasibility. To achieve this goal, it was applied methods such as ABC curve, spaghetti diagram and concepts of economics engineering to the analysis of investment in the project. The results showed that the second layout model was better than the first, supporting the storage capacity required by the company and presenting an internal movement more efficient. However, with the investment analysis, it was found that it was not feasible, given the conditions of the company, investing in the expansion of the warehouse


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This paper aimed to study the treatability of rainwater collected in Rio Claro, SP, using natural coagulant tannin based. The tannin was compared with other too primary coagulants, namely ferric chloride and corn starch. Assays were performed in laboratory scale using equipment known as Jarteste and aimed to study the conditions most suitable dosage and coagulation pH. First tests were conducted to compare the coagulating and determination of the conditions to be used in the following tests, taking as a criterion the greatest efficiency for water treatment. Also performed were performed tests to construct the tannin coagulation diagram, using the optimal concentration found in the previous phase, by varying the dosage of coagulant and the pH of clotting in order to determine the isoefficiency regions for apparent color and turbidity. Finally, tests were performed cyclically filtration with filter paper. Preliminary tests indicated that the vegetable tannin concentration 3% (m/m) from the commercial solution was presented the best set of results (84.3% removal of apparent color and 82.51% removal of turbidity) compared to ferric chloride (66.25% removal efficiency and apparent color of turbidity 67.82%) and starch (73.68% removal efficiency apparent color and turbidity to 67.19%). The coagulation diagrams indicate that the best region to work with vegetable tannin 3% is where the coagulant dosage ranges from 15 mg/L to about 37.5 mg/L and coagulation pH ranging from about 6.5 to 7.5. The cyclic filtration showed to be not efficient for the best dosage of coagulant, due to the process of clogging of the filter paper, but proved to be efficient for other dosages. Thus, for the waters studied, the results indicate that the natural coagulant based tannin is an alternative to conventional coagulants, possessing benefits of technical and environmental


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Accuracy in physical inventory process is essential to develop anefficient inventorycontrol. This ensures the availability of products and ensure that the information contained in the information systems areinaccordancewith the reality of inventories. The inventory management policies of the company aim ofthis study established that all the materials in their inventory must becounted, which is proving a challenge. Therefore, the aim of thiswork is to identify the critical inventories and analyze them, seeking flaws and possible improvements in the inventory count process. For this, we used the tools of quality management, such as Pareto and Cause and Effect Diagrams in an action research. The results show that the stocks of finished products are critical in volume and can be hampered by a lack of training and personnel trained in performing the process, as well as limitations in ERP used. With the actions taken against these problems, we could notice an improvement in the process, because the data collection and processing of data has become easier, besides the occurrence of errors decreased. In addition, there was an acceleration in meeting targets compared to the previous period


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A leishmaniose tegumentar é causada pela picada da fêmea dos insetos flebotomíneos. As lesões podem evoluir de pápulas para úlceras, que apresentam fundo granuloso e bordas infiltradas, as quais são indolores, podendo ser únicas ou múltiplas. Trata-se de uma doença negligenciada e o investimento em seu tratamento é desprezível. Até hoje, são empregados no tratamento medicamentos a base de antimonial pentavalente, além de outros fármacos como pentamidina, anfotericina B, paromomicina, imidazoquinolina, antifúngicos, como o fluconazol (FLU). As microemulsões (MEs) melhorarem a solubilidade e estabilidade dos fármacos, além de proporcionarem ação prolongada, vetorização diferenciada para determinados tecidos ou órgãos do organismo. Este trabalho teve como objetivos desenvolver e caracterizar MEs contendo FLU, caracterizar estruturalmente por meio de análises de microscopia de luz polarizada, análise do tamanho das gotículas, análise do perfil de textura e avaliação da bioadesão. Para o estudo de estabilidade foram empregados ensaios de avaliação visual e determinação do pH. Quanto aos ensaios biológicos in vitro, foram realizados ensaios colorimétricos das amostras visando verificar se o sistema desenvolvido permite a potencialização do poder leishmanicida do FLU contra as formas promastigotas da Leishmania amazonensis. Pelo diagrama de fases observou fases líquido-cristalinas confirmadas pela microscopia de luz polarizada, e foram selecionadas três formulações: uma SLT e duas SVT. Todos os ensaios de caracterização estrutural para a F2 sofreu variação quando acrescentou o fármaco, exceto para o potencial zeta, difração de raios X e bioadesão. Não houve alteração no ensaio estabilidade físico-química no período analisado. Os ensaios biológicos in vitro evidenciaram, nas condições metodológicas, inefetividade do sistema contra as formas promastigotas de L. amazonensis


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A company must have full knowledge and control of its operations so as to meet the market requirements and meet their production goals. Thus this paper uses the Taguchi method to extend the operational control of a cutting process by fusion of a synthetic fabric in the longitudinal direction. For process analysis and tracking of possible causes of the problem techniques of Production Engineering as the cause and effect diagram, also known as Ishikawa diagram, and design of experiments were used, the last one was applied to the design techniques of Taguchi. Finally the preparation method of understanding and design of experiment was due to the use of the software MINITAB v15 ®, which showed that the speed of rolling the fabric after cutting is crucial for controlling the entire operation


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This work consists of the implementation of the steps Define, Measure , Analyze , Improve and Control ( DMAIC ) to develop a Six Sigma project in an industry the food industry. The objective was to demonstrate a potential for reducing the occurrence of crushed cans in potting milk powder industry in a White Belt project. The food industry accounts for about 9 % of Brazil's gross domestic product ( GDP ), generating thousands of jobs . Among the major sectors of the food industry is the manufacturing sector of milk , occupies approximately 10 % of the total turnover of the food industry . Brazil is considered today one of the eight largest producers of milk powder in the world. The milk powder is packed , mostly for aluminum cans that are lined internally with varnishes and other materials to protect the milk of metals from aluminum. When the cans are dented food protection is compromised and may lead ingestion causing dis-eases such as botulism. Aiming to solve the problem of dented cans methodology was used as a case study with a quantitative approach through the DMAIC method. Some quality tools used in each step of the project as brainstorming , cause and effect diagram , flowchart , ef-fort and impact matrix, 5W1H , among other Pareto diagram is presented . A survey about the disposal of cans in the company verifying a mean loss and, from this histor-ical , a goal loss was calculated was performed . With the target set we calculated the annual saving design . During application of DMAIC was found that the highest rate of loss occurred in transportation between the factory and the factory that fills cans milk . Several actions were taken to resolve problems that resulted in dented cans and the first two months of phase control it was found that the smaller losses calculated target resulting in a saving for the company. The short time of implementa-tion of the Improve phase did not allow a more detailed a ...


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The main objective of this study is to determine the activity of Po-210, Pb-210 and gross alpha/beta radioactivity in groundwater collected in Botucatu, municipality of the São Paulo state, Brazil. Samples were collected in wells to perform the radiochemical analysis. Most wells are registered in DAEE, Sabesp or CPRM. The activity of polonium was obtained by the method of alpha spectrometry, held in LABIDRO at UNESP, Rio Claro. All samples showed radioactivity values below the maximum allowed by WHO, that are: gross alpha radioactivity = 0,5 Bq/L, gross beta radioactivity = 1,0 Bq/L, Po210 = 0,2 Bq/L and Pb210 = 0,1 Bq/L. The results of hydrochemical analysis were compared with the 1469 Ordinance of the Health Ministry, and all values are bellow the maximum allowed. The data also allowed obtain the samples classification using the Piper diagram. The samples AAB, Quinta do Manacás, Faz. Quatro Irmãs, Sesi, Sitio São José and ITE are classified as calcic bicarbonate; the samples Staroup and Caio are potassic; the samples Banespa and BTC are bicarbonate and mixed interms of dissolved cations; Sitio das Palmeiras sample is sodium bicarbonate; the sample Faz. São Paulo is chlorinated calcic; the sample Sítio Btu-Pardinho chlorinated and mixed interms of dissolved cations


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A psoríase é uma doença inflamatória de pele e das articulações, e por acometer um órgão visível como a pele, resulta em transtornos psicológicos relacionados à auto-estima do paciente. Dentre os fármacos empregados no tratamento, destaca-se o metotrexato para uso sistêmico que, embora eficiente, possui a desvantagem de causar efeitos colaterais tóxicos como a hepatotoxicidade e a mielotoxicidade. Para minimizar tais efeitos e aumentar a eficácia do fármaco, o trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver e caracterizar sistemas nanoestruturados para administração cutânea do metotrexato. Para realizar esse estudo, inicialmente foram preparadas diferentes formulações constituídas por silicone fluido de copolímero glicol (DC® 193), poliéter funcional siloxano (DC® 5329) e água destilada. O metotrexato foi incorporado numa concentração de 1,25% (p/v), com auxílio de solução de hidróxido de sódio 1M, sendo ajustado o pH final da formulação para 7,0 com ácido clorídrico 0,1M. Foram selecionadas algumas regiões do diagrama para serem submetidas a testes de estabilidade, empregando o teste de centrifugação, determinação do pH, condutividade iônica, índice de refração e avaliação das características organolépticas. Foi realizada a análise reológica empregando reômetro, modelo RS-1 (HaakeRheostress). As estruturas das formulações foram analisadas por microscopia de luz polarizada. As amostras com maior concentração de tensoativo apresentaram aspecto transparente, sendo submetidas à análise com microscópio de luz polarizada, onde evidenciou-se estruturas conhecidas como “cruzes de malta”, indicativas de fase lamelar. Foram selecionadas 3 formulações com concentração de 40% de tensoativo, variando-se as proporções de água e óleo, nas quais foram incorporadas o metotrexato... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This work was based on a case study of improvement of the warehouse layout of a multinational automotive glass sector, located in the State of Sao Paulo. The aim was to propose a layout template to be more effective and besides optimizing production would also promote an increase in warehouse packaging capacity for metal containers containing glasses, thus reducing operating costs. To achieve the desired purpose, it was developed two layout proposals and to this end inventory management tools have been used, such as ABC curve and the Spaghetti Diagram, and other concepts of Packaging Engineering and Logistics. By the end of this work, it was obtained as a result, a project in which it was possible to rearrange the packages according the demand, and the developed changes became the most efficient layout both in storage capacity as well as in the internal drive


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This article aims at developing the so-called ontopolitics as G. Deleuze s innovative contribution to contemporary political philosophy. This objective will lead us to inspect the concept of power that Deleuze borrowed from Foucault and extended in order to assign to it an ontological adequacy. The concept of power opens access to another important element of the Deleuzean political philosophy, that is, the study of the historical diagrams of the power in the so-called discipline and control societies. With the combined dynamical diagram of both, we become aware of the portrait Deleuze draws for the democracy in contemporary societies. Digging into the Deleuzean ontopolitics, we will devote ourselves to the concepts of majority, minority and minor-becoming. It is in this point that the meeting between Deleuze s ontoplitics and Ch. Sanders Peirce s mathematical ontology becomes sound. It happens that Deleuze s ontopolitical concepts, besides their bond to an ontology of the power, receive also a mathematical treatment related to certain arithmetical (denumerable and nondenumerable) and geometrical notions (lines). The majorities and minorities are denumerable sets which are crossed by nondenumerable becomings. This step done, we will reach the stand point of the present paper, where we carry out initial approach with regard to an image for the concepts of majority and minority on the basis of Peirce s theory of collections and multitudes, mostly envisaging the mathematical ontology included in it. Accordingly, the main operation to be accomplished is that the Deleuzean distinction between the denumerable majorities/minorities and the nondenumerable mino-becoming may be mapped out in terms of discrete collections called enumerable, denumerable and abnumerable or postnumerable, in compliance with Peirce s terminology.


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This paper presents a diagram that was produced in the dissertation “Vibrations: Art/Education in Practice and Discourse within Mental Health” which was developed within the Arts Graduate Program at Unesp. From the archaeological perspective proposed by Foucault, it was sought to excavate strata or layers of knowledge built around the concepts of madness, subjectivity and art, in order to emphasize the historical transformations that these conceptions have undergone over time, through words and images.