139 resultados para Substância Filosofia


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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O presente livro pretende delinear uma possível interpretação do behaviorismo radical como teoria da mente, o que significa, em outros termos, contextualizá-lo no âmbito das discussões da filosofia da mente. Em que implica, exatamente, essa contextualização? Possivelmente existem muitas diferenças entre o behaviorismo radical e as teorias que compõem a filosofia da mente, inclusive diferenças de agenda: o primeiro surge como uma proposta de filosofia da ciência do comportamento, e as segundas foram desenvolvidas para tratar de questões que permeiam a filosofia desde o seu surgimento entre os gregos. O sentido da presente contextualização, portanto, é simplesmente o de tratar de alguns temas da filosofia da mente a partir da óptica behaviorista radical, mas sempre tendo em vista que esse trabalho não esgotará todos os problemas e todas as questões que formam essa subdivisão da filosofia. Pretende-se neste livro contextualizar o behaviorismo radical na filosofia da mente por meio de três atividades. A primeira delas consiste em apresentar uma resposta possível à questão O que é a mente? . A segunda delas, por sua vez, demanda o tratamento de outra questão, a saber, Qual a natureza da mente?. À primeira questão subjaz o problema de se delimitar que coisas ou fenômenos são considerados mentais. Trata-se, portanto, da busca de uma definição conceitual da mente. Já a segunda questão é endereçada à ontologia do mental, isto é, às características essenciais à sua existência. Em seu turno, a terceira atividade não possui uma questão específica, mas nem por isso deixa de ser importante: consiste na análise de algumas teses, problemas e questões apresentadas pelas teorias da mente através do ponto de vista behaviorista radical. Espera-se que essas atividades representem, ao menos, um passo em direção à construção de uma teoria behaviorista radical da mente.


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The following article has as the main concern and tendency to think and offer some ideas on the Teaching of Philosophy in Brazil and historically conceptions constructed about the philosophy, this constituting itself a challenge to Brazilian education and the formation of people. It is pertinent to the conciliation in the Teaching of Philosophy, from the History of Philosophy, the philosophize and not to join immediately to philosophical systems and their conceptions, but that is structured from the real problems of each situation and experienced in education space and society in general as an macrostructure that requires reflection about your problems. Note that, during the 500 years of education in Brazil, especially in this aspect of Teaching Philosophy characteristics with respect to the concerns and the philosophical problems have been modified, initially, a more obedient to the rules, passing, sometime later, the valorization of polemic and, finally, the systematization of reality and reflection of the real problems faced by a society such as the Brazilian. In this sense, it is proposed to understand and analyze the Teaching of Philosophy in both, the primary and secondary education and, especially, in the university.


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The text is divided in two phases. In the first phase, consisting of three parts, the main concepts of Kant’s Doctrine of Right are considered in a comprehensive approach related to: the issue of the relations between natural right and positive right, problem closely connected to that of the relations between natural state and civil state, private right and public right; to the doctrine of property and its connection with political right. On treating the right in its several types, we intend to appoint the practical reasoning as a background of the Doctrine. In the second phase, concerning its last section, the consideration on the presence of the practical reasoning into the right is placed before some speci!cities of Kant’s phylosophy of history, with the intent of establishing the possible relation between Rechtslehre and that philosophy.


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The concept of information is analyzed starting from Adams’ hypothesis in The Informational Turn in Philosophy, according to which there has been a far-reaching turn in Philosophy following the publication of Turing’s article “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”. Adams maintains that new guidelines are being indicated in philosophical research, having the concept of “information” as the basis for treatment of classical problems, such as the relationships between mind-body, perception-action, and the nature of knowledge, amongst others. Partially agreeing with Adams, we believe, however, that his hypothesis faces difficulties, the most fundamental of which concerns the different meanings given to the concept of information. We argue that even though the concept of information underlying the mechanicist proposal of Turing, according to which “to think is to compute”, is indeed being employed in Philosophy, this is not because of its mechanistic nature, but mainly due to the representationist presupposition dominant in this area. From this point of view, the informational turn in philosophy would not provide any great novelty, given that since the earliest days philosophical approaches to the nature of mind have always been mainly representationist. The novelty would not lie specifically in the Turing thesis, but in reflections on the nature of information, especially ecological information, and its relation to action.


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This article integrates results from reflections on the importance of history and philosophy of science for science education and teacher training. Centrally, was based on results from reflections on the importance of this knowledge for teacher training and action planning of science teaching by the teacher, through a thematic approach. To address this latter topic, we attempted to do so by considering the action planning of science teaching in elementary schools. This option is due to the fact that in the discipline, be clearly stated the broad reach of its area, to integrate knowledge about nature, human beings and technology, among others, in a historical and philosophical perspective.


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The German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831) had as one of his thesis in the doctorate the affirmation that philosophy can only be properly taken as a system. He intends with that to point out the identity between thinking and being. This is, for Hegel, the task of philosophy, i. e., to bring together all that was set apart. This position can be recognized in all his works and it is tried here to exemplify it in The Philosophy of Right and in special in the section dedicated to the abstract right. This one is the first moment of the text in question that begins with the statement of the dignity of the person confirmed in the property. The following moments make evident that the formal ones are also results. It becomes clear in this way that the all the moments create together an ongoing organization, disorganization and reorganization. This process reveals the relation as a constitutive element of thinking and being exemplified in the abstract right. Each moment overcomes the preceding one and comes out as a much more complex one. In the case of the abstract right what appears is the realization of a free subject in all that he does as the making of himself.


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O presente artigo propõe reflexões acerca de possíveis relações a serem estabelecidas entre o cotidiano vivido por alunos e professores do Ensino Médio e o processo de filosofar a ser ensejado pela disciplina de Filosofia. Tem como pressuposto que alunos e professores, imersos que estão na vida cotidiana, tanto poderão sentir-se provocados a discutir questões importantes postas pelos âmbitos do cotidiano e da Filosofia, quanto poderão permanecer indiferentes a elas. A questão central remete à possibilidade de instigar um diálogo filosófico significativo, por meio do ensino de Filosofia. Elucidados prioritariamente pelo campo filosófico (Heller e Gramsci), os âmbitos do cotidiano e da Filosofia sugerem discussões filosóficas relevantes: concepções de vida cotidiana, de Filosofia e de suas possibilidades de inter-relação. A aproximação entre a vida cotidiana e a Filosofia coloca não somente um problema filosófico, mas também um problema pedagógico. qual o papel da escola, do professor e da própria Filosofia, no processo ensino e aprendizagem? Tem-se como hipótese que, para se utilizar o cotidiano como ponto de partida da reflexão filosófica, é indispensável compreender o significado filosófico de cotidiano e de não-cotidiano e o papel do professor como agente mediador entre esses âmbitos.


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Within the Wittgensteinian approach, the ideal of exactness, disconnected from concrete situations of language use, does not make any sense. Such an approach takes into account every and any kind of intersubjective communication, inasmuch as it is based on a previous agreement concerning the use of language and the interpretation of the world linked to it. This paper, throughout its three parts, seeks to understand this agreement, and evaluates whether or not philosophy plays a role in relation to it. To start with, the obstacles to such an agreement will be considered, namely, solipsism and private, subjective language. In the following stage, the intention is to indicate that the rupture from the subjectivist conception of language allows Wittgenstein to visualize another subject, the one incorporated by the community. From then on, the question is to verify whether reflectivity is possible in the ambit of a linguistic community or not, since the objectivity of concepts is not sought within knowledge, but within forms of life. In the third and last part, we will point to the language game metaphor correlative to the meaning emerging from the flow of life, of thought, and of culture and see how philosophy can represent a significant activity in the search for understanding that flow.


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The focus of this work is to present an example of refutation of the concept of element inside the seventeenth-century scientific revolution, mainly through Robert Boyle’s The Sceptical Chymist. On the first section of this paper the notion of element as considered by the ancient Greeks in Aristotle’s Physics and modern chemists in Paracelsus will be briefly presented. After that in the second section Boyle’s deconstruction of the idea of element will be exposed considering his argumentation of why this notion is prejudicial to the study of nature. Finally, in the third section follows the constructive stage in which a new hypothesis is presented (the corpuscular hypothesis) as the best option to replace the notion of element.


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The question that we develop in this study can be proposed as follows: can knowledge be transmitted in a representational way through an explanation in such a way that the one who is learning does not have an experience itself of what he is learning? Grounded on Hume, Deleuze, Rancière and Gallo, we aim to show that only the experience with the object can promote effective learning, for violating the thought to search by itself for its meaning and for its own understanding, and not for the mere repetition of contents that have been shared and taken as important, as we have seen in schools.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)