122 resultados para Primeira relação sexual


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The concern with infant mortality has been a priority in public policies, especially for Brazil to achieve the Millennium Development Goal number four: reducing child mortality by 75% by the year 2015. It is known that prematurity has an intimate relationship with mortality of children under one year and therefore it is necessary an effective intervention in risk factors linked to premature births. To evaluate the profile of mothers and newborn babies living in Botucatu-SP, in the period 2001 to 2009, focusing on prematurity. A quantitative study, retrospective, descriptive, epidemiological, from the Information System Newborn Alive. The prevalence of preterm births was 15.1%, and low birth weight 14.7%. Among infants, the Apgar score below 7 at 1 and at 5 minutes was 13.1% and 2.4% respectively. Considering the total of pregnant women studied, 20.3% were adolescents and 10.3% were aged 35 years or more and most (63.2%) had eight or more years of school approval. The profile of mothers of premature infants shows that 23.6% were teenagers, 14.1% had at least 35 years and 60.4% had at least primary education. With regard to premature deliveries, caesarean sections and 58.4% were between the total newborns, this type of delivery was achieved in 46.6% of cases. Prematurity was associated with an Apgar score below seven in the first and fifth minutes of life, presence of malformation and multiple pregnancy. Among maternal variables, prematurity was associated with extremes of maternal age, maternal education, history of stillbirth, primiparas, white and presence of the mother's partner. With regard to delivery was associated with cesarean section and outside the hospital. This study assessed maternal characteristics associated with prematurity and point out how relevant the pregnancies at the extremes of age and those that occur in women with low education level, indicating the interference... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O preconceito se caracteriza como uma atitude desfavorável em relação a um indivíduo ou a um grupo, que deriva de opiniões ou crenças na direção do inferior ou negativo, sem ponderação ou conhecimento dos fatos. Ele geralmente está relacionado a características específicas, como por exemplo, a orientação sexual. O preconceito existe em toda a sociedade, sendo encontrado, também, na escola e nas universidades. A escola se caracteriza como um espaço de (re) produção da heteronormatividade, o que leva à (re) produção da homofobia. Os professores de Ciências e Biologia abordam, nos conteúdos específicos de suas disciplinas, questões referentes à sexualidade, o que faz com que se caracterizem como figuras fundamentais para promover reflexões sobre a diversidade sexual e o preconceito dentro da escola. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e compreender elementos da representação sobre (homo) sexualidade e homofobia em alunos de um curso de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas. Licenciandos em Ciências Biológicas, num total de 69, responderam a um questionário, que foi elaborado, visando facilitar a exposição de idéias, crenças e concepções acerca da homossexualidade e da homofobia. Os resultados indicam que, embora alguns alunos encarem a homossexualidade de forma natural, inclusive condenando a homofobia, muitas vezes a aparente naturalidade encobre concepções preconceituosas e heteronormativas; mostrando que o preconceito velado ou implícito está presente nos discursos e crenças de licenciandos em Ciências Biológicas. Em alguns itens do questionário foi possível perceber ainda concepções explicitamente preconceituosas. Faz-se necessária, portanto, uma reflexão nas instituições formadoras de professores, que leve à reformulação dos cursos de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, ....(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A eminência da Primeira Guerra Mundial efervesceu o debate entre teorias que buscavam explicar as causas e as conseqüências daqueles conflitos. Dentre os principais pensadores da época, Karl Kautsky, editor da revista Die Neue Zeit, era considerado o primeiro discípulo de Marx e Engels, exercendo, através de seus artigos, grande influência social. E foi no ano de 1914 que, através dos artigos O imperialismo e a Guerra, O ultraimperialismo e a Preparação para Paz, Kautsky definiu sua interpretação e expectativas em relação a aquele momento. O conteúdo desses artigos é de primordial relevância para estimar, observando o desenrolar do século XX, o quanto fez sentido suas interpretações. Assim, o objetivo é contribuir ao esclarecimento dos pensamentos deste autor, a fim de ajudar a entender a sociedade mundial contemporânea e o Brasil, quase um século depois de ter feito as publicações mencionadas


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Sexual Orientation is present in the school setting, due to human relationships among all belonging to this area. Being a cross-cutting theme, this theme pervades the Physical Education and allows discussions related to the gender, body and media, respect for diversity, disease prevention and other topics that the contents of body culture allow to deal. With observation and participation in the school context, through a stage of more than a year, we realized the need to address the issue of sexual orientation with students. In addition, there is a dearth of articles dealing with this topic, a factor that complicates and limits the search fields of material for the teacher preparing lessons and address the issue. Thus, this study aims to develop classes to subsidize the practice of teachers of physical education in relation to Sexual Orientation. The preparation of activities was carried out from a bibliographic review and experiences of the researchers, presenting new possibilities to teacher to treat this subject in classes of that discipline. The topics covered are intended to demystify some pre-concepts related to gender in bodily practices that are socially constructed. Also, presented a way to address STDs and teenage pregnancy, topics not found in academic magazines of the area used in this study. Treating Sexual Orientation in Physical Education classes may seem at first a tricky and of difficult data collection. The teacher must seek this knowledge so that it can address the issue with students in a transparent and really effective not being only informative classes meaningless or decontextualized thoughts


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O aumento da incidência de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis (DSTs) em alunos do ensino fundamental e médio está ocorrendo no mesmo período em que se dá o crescimento da prevalência de consumo de etanol nesta faixa etária. Alguns estudos têm demonstrado a relação entre o uso de etanol e comportamentos sexuais de risco na adolescência. O aumento do número de publicações das relações entre o uso de substâncias psicoativas e as DSTs revela a crescente preocupação dos pesquisadores da área de saúde mundial com esses dois problemas importantes. Essas questões atingem uma camada importante da população – os adolescentes – podendo interferir no desenvolvimento desses indivíduos que constituirão a população adulta e produtiva da sociedade no futuro. Há muitos trabalhos de conscientização contra o alcoolismo ou DSTs visando o público jovem, porém há poucos que correlacione os dois temas. Portanto, o presente trabalho se propôs a estudar a relação entre o consumo abusivo de etanol, como substância psicoativa, e o comportamento sexual de risco através do levantamento do perfil de estudantes do Ensino Médio em uma Escola Estadual da cidade de Botucatu, evidenciando a real importância de adoção de estratégias pedagógicas mais efetivas que trate dos temas em questão. O uso de etanol nessa população mostrou estar associado ao aumento no número de estudantes com vida sexual ativa, diminuição na idade de iniciação sexual, menor uso de preservativo e atos de arrependimento e violência. Conclui-se, assim, a necessidade da escola, enquanto espaço privilegiado da informação e saber, ater-se em programas que tratem dos temas em questão (drogas e sexualidade) oportunizando o diálogo e a reflexão


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The genus Corydoras, the highest among the Siluriformes, Callichthyidae is owned by the family, consisting of 177 valid species and widely distributed in cis-Andean portion of South America How striking feature has two longitudinal series of dermal plates covering almost the entire body. Cytogenetic studies in Callichthyidae show many chromosomal rearrangements, including events of polyploidy in their evolutionary history, particularly the genus Corydoras, in which the variation is the diploid number of 2n = 40 to 2n = 134 chromosomes. The absence of information on the frequency of chromosomes in the group Bs motivated this work with the species Corydoras aeneus. A population from the Tietê River basin in Ribeirão Claro (subbasin Corumbataí - Rio Claro, SP) was sampled a total of 20 subjects (10 males and 10 females) and 30 metaphases per individual were analyzed cytogenetically. Were carried out by impregnation techniques silver (Ag-NOR). The observed modal diploid number was 2n = 60 (26m +26 sm +8 st), with the variable occurrence of 1 or 2 Bs chromosomes in males and a B chromosome in females, both acrocentric. Regarding the variation in the frequency of chromosome Bs, the occurrence of two B chromosomes is directly linked to males, because there were no female sampled with the occurrence of two chromosomes Bs The low frequency of Bs in females suggests that this event can be sporadic this sex, different from males in which this appears to be set supernumerary chromosome showing a higher frequency of 2 Bs than the actual modal number of 2n = 60. Further studies will be performed to understand the dynamics of the B chromosome in the population


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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The direct and indirect effects of atmospheric aerossols in the amazonic climate have been focus of many published. This work aims to analyze a possible relation among Burns, atmospheric aerossols and precipitation above South America. It uses the avaluable data from the satellites AQUA/TERRA and TRMM and the images furnished by NOAA and GOES. These analysis can provide some explanations about the effects of emission of aerosols by burns on the composition of atmosphere and cloud formation, mainly in Amazon. We use the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) from MODIS/TERRA-AQUA, burns index from CPTEC and rain rate from TRMM. The data we use were obtained from 2000 until 2012. The study is divided in two parts. In the first one, it was performed a quantitative analysis between number of burns and aerosols emission. It was identified a great variability in space and time of the AOD on South America. On the north, northeast and center-west, the AOD is significant during the winter period, with peak on August and September. The southeast is affected by aerosols from center-west due to the dynamical transport. In the second part, it was evaluated the relation between AOD and precipitation in a 13-year period. The statistical analysis shows up a negative correlation of 0.72 between August and October, on Legal Amazon. These result indicate an inverse relation between AOD and rain rate. The other months present not significant correlation. These results are in a good agreement with the literature, in which in-situ methods were applied or combined with satellites data. The increasing of aerosols concentration in the atmosphere are reinforced during drier years. It can affect the increasing process of water drops, decreasing the precipitation. We also verified higher values of AOD (0.25 - 0.3) during years with El Niño, than the climatologically average (~0.15 - 0.2), ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Sexuality and sex education for visually impaired people are still a few subjects studied in the field of Education. The aim of this study was to investigate sexuality and sex education of the visually impaired, through an interview with an adult woman, blind from birth, for further analysis of thematic content. It is a descriptive-qualitative case study. The following categories were described in the results: (1) Concept of sexuality, (2) Sexual Education, (3) Sexuality and Disability, (4) Social issues and prejudice. The data confirm other studies showing the existence of social prejudice, sexual myths, no sex education or sex education with superficial information and difficulties predominantly psychosocial and not organic in relation to sexuality. We conclude that sexuality and sex education are important issues that should be considered in the general education of people with disabilities.


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Este trabalho sustenta-se em uma compreensão de que a Educação Escolar e a Educação Sexual são processos que ocorrem na relação com o contexto social e histórico. No campo da sexualidade, o contexto social determina padrões de normalidade baseados na ideia de heteronormatividade compulsória, o que discrimina a diversidade sexual. Esta questão é ilustrada com dados de pesquisa que demonstram o relato de professores de escolas públicas sobre a homossexualidade evidenciando a falta de conhecimento sobre o assunto, o preconceito e as dificuldades em tratar o tema na escola. Ressalta-se, portanto, a importância da inserção do tema sexualidade na formação inicial e continuada dos professores.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC