116 resultados para Historias Clínicas
Staphylococcus aureus é um patógeno ubíquo capaz de causar uma variedade de infecções em humanos. A resistência desse microrganismo a antibióticos como oxacilina e meticilina é um problema sério, de crescimento significativo para a terapêutica antimicrobiana clínica em pacientes acometidos por infecções estafilocócicas. A resistência à meticilina em S. aureus é decorrente da alteração do sítio de ação dos antibióticos β-lactâmicos, os quais agem através da inibição de enzimas que catalisam a síntese da parede celular. Essas enzimas são o sítio de ação das penicilinas, e por isso, passaram a ser chamadas de proteínas ligadoras de penicilinas (PBPs). O gene mecA codifica a PBP2a, que substitui a função das outras PBPs neste patógeno e confere resistência a β-lactâmicos. A PBP2a exibe uma afinidade reduzida pelo anel β-lactâmico e permite que a bactéria continue a sintetizar a parede bacteriana. Este gene faz parte de um elemento genético móvel encontrado em isolados de MRSA, designado cassete cromossômico estafilocócico mec (SCCmec), integrado ao cromossomo de S. aureus. O objetivo do estudo foi a caracterização molecular de 139 isolados de S.aureus provenientes de pacientes pediátricos com bacteremia durante o período de 1991 a 2010. Métodos moleculares foram utilizados para a determinação do perfil genético das amostras, incluindo, identificação do tipo de SCCmec, detecção do gene codificador de leucocidina de panton valentine (PVL) e similaridade clonal em gel de eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE). O gene mecA foi detectado em 32 (23%) amostras e houve predomínio do SCCmec IV (68,8%) em relação ao SCCmec III (31,2%). A presença de PVL foi encontrada em 18 amostras (12,9%), todas sensíveis à oxacilina. O clone epidêmico brasileiro, relacionado ao SCCmec tipo III, esteve presente na unidade neonatal do hospital... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The early malocclusion treatment has increased interest of orthodontic community. Among these is the serial extraction that harmonizes the differences between the amount of dental material and permanent deficiency of supporting bone. The technique is applied in mixed dentition through a predetermined sequence of extractions between deciduous and permanent teeth, in order to reach spontaneous immediately alignment of remaining permanent teeth with a minimum orthodontic mechanics. It will be reported a case where the serial extraction was performed in a growing patient with biprotrusion, Class I malocclusion and severe crowding. All functional and aesthetics goals were reached.
Introduction: Bruxism has been defined as an oral parafunctional activity that includes clenching and/or grinding the teeth while asleep or awake. In addition to sleep bruxism (SB), various other orofacial movements sporadically occur during sleep. Occasional regurgitation and heartburn due to gastroesophageal reflux (GER) are frequent in the general population. GER refers to the presence of symptoms that are secondary to the reflux of gastric content through the esophagus with or without signs of esophageal mucosal lesions. Dentists are often the first health care professionals to diagnose GER through observation of its oral manifestation. Objective: The aim of the present case reports was to discuss the diagnosis and clinical procedures followed in two patients with SB and GER, thereby contributing to the dissemination of knowledge about these two entities. We therefore recommend dentists to be alert to identifying the first signs of GER that appear in the oral cavity. Conclusion: At this point, we highlight the importance of treating the patient as a whole, in an endeavor to identify other sources of the problems that could contribute as factors aggravating these conditions.
Nowadays, the fixed partial dentures and/or dental implants is the most requested treatmentby the majority of partially edentulous patients. However, depending on the periodontal condition of the remaining teeth, as well as the bone condition of the prosthetic space, the oral rehabilitation with these treatments may be limited or even contraindicated. In such cases, the use of removable partial dentures associated to attachments becomes an important alternative for aesthetic and functional rehabilitation. Attachments are mechanical devices consisted of two parts (patrix-matrix), one placed inside another, which act as direct retainer, providing retention, support and stability to the dentures. These devices can be classified as intra or extracoronal attachments, considering their position in relation to the abutment tooth. However, regardless the type of attachment, the association between fixed and removable partial dentures should be performed respecting the biomechanical principles of both. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to review and discuss the literature about the clinical and laboratory implications of the association between fixed and removable partial dentures by means of attachments.
While dentistry continues to advance, the aesthetic techniques have evolved in proceedings more effective, functional and biocompatible. Meanwhile, cosmetic dentistry has become a bit more complex and technically difficult. With improvement of the properties (physical and optical) of the ceramics and the establishment of a working protocol, ceramic restorations have become increasingly popular. Currently there are several ceramic systems have excellent optical properties such as opalescence, fluorescence, translucency, chromaticity, which allow the restoration to mimic the tooth structure. From the physical point of view has restored biomechanical integrity and strengthening the remaining tooth structure. All this has led the profession to experience the use of new ceramic systems ranging from conventional feldspathic ceramics to modem ceramic reinforced, injected or computer-aid made. The material selection should be based on clinical need, aesthetic and functional requirements, restoration site, prosthetic design and laboratory techniques. In this article we will deal with the characteristics of the materials, their optical properties and clinical considerations for proper selection.
The aim is to analyze some aspects of the strategy of intertextual Maria Rosa Lojo and her importance to the translation of two tales Historias Ocultas en la Recoleta. Then, the theory by Umberto Eco about the intertextual irony and its implications in the act of tranlation were used to the understanding. The theories and considerations by Linda Hutcheon on intertextuality, parody and discourses of history also contributed.
The long-term effects of five different treatments of diabetes were evaluated in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Seven experimental groups, with 50 rats each (GN--normal control; GD--untreated diabetic control; GI, GA, GIA--treated groups with insulin, acarbose, and insulin plus acarbose, respectively; GTIL, GTPD--treated groups with islet of Langerhans and pancreas transplantation) were studied. Clinical (body weight, water intake, food intake and urine output) and laboratory (blood and urinary glucose, and plasma insulin) parameters were analyzed at the beginning of the study, and after 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of follow-up. Mortality was observed in all groups, except GN, during 12 months (GD = 50%; GI = 20%; GA = 26%; GIA = 18%; GTIL = 4%; GTPD = 20%). Rats from the GD, GI, and GIA groups died due to metabolic or hydrossaline disbalance, and/or pneumonia, diarrhoea, and cachexy. All deaths observed in GTIL and GTPD groups were in decorrence of technical failure at the immediate postoperative, until 72h. Animals from the GI, GA and GIA had significative improving of the clinical and laboratory parameters (p < 0,05) observed in diabetic rats, being the efficacy of theses treatments equal. However, rats from the GTIL and GTPD groups had better control of these parameters than GI, GA, and GIA groups. Transplanted rats had complete restoration, at the normal levels, of all analyzed variables (p < 0.01). Conventional treatments with insulin, acarbose, and insulin plus acarbose improved the severe diabetic state of the alloxan-diabetic rats, but pancreas and islet transplantation have a better performance for treatment of diabetes.
Purpose: To compare clinical and laboratory characteristics, obstetric and perinatal outcomes of patients with pre-eclampsia versus gestational hypertension. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out to analyze medical records of patients diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and gestational hypertension whose pregnancies were resolved within a period of 5 years, for a total of 419 cases. We collected clinical and laboratory data, obstetric and perinatal outcomes. Comparisons between groups were performed using the test suitable for the variable analyzed: unpaired t test, Mann-Whitney U test or χ2test, with the level of significance set at p<0.05. Results: Were evaluated 199 patients in the gestational hypertension group (GH) and 220 patients in the pre-eclampsia group (PE). Mean body mass index was 34.6 kg/m2 in the GH group and 32.7 kg/m2 in the PE group, with a significant difference between groups. The PE group showed higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure and higher rates of abnormal values in the laboratory tests, although the mean values were within the normal range. Cesarean section was performed in 59.1% of cases of PE and in 47.5% of the GH group; and perinatal outcomes in terms of gestational age and birth weight were significantly lower in the PE group. Conclusion: Women with gestational hypertension exhibit epidemiological characteristics of patients at risk for chronic diseases. Patients with pre-eclampsia present clinical and laboratory parameters of greater severity, higher rates of cesarean delivery and worse maternal and perinatal outcomes.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
OBJETIVOS: Este estudo visa a analisar os efeitos, a longo prazo, de cinco diferentes tratamentos sobre o controle metabólico de ratos diabéticos aloxânicos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 7 grupos experimentais, com 50 ratos cada um, sendo: GN o grupo controle normal; GD o grupo controle diabético, sem tratamento; GI, GA e GIA os grupos tratados, respectivamente, com insulina, acarbose e associação insulina + acarbose; GTIL o grupo tratado com transplante de ilhotas de Langerhans; e o GTPD o grupo tratado com transplante pancreatoduodenal heterotópico. Parâmetros clínicos (peso, ingestão hídrica, ingestão alimentar e diurese) e laboratoriais (glicemia, glicose urinária e insulina plasmática) foram avaliados em todos os animais, no início do experimento, e após 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses de seguimento. RESULTADOS: À exceção do GN, mortalidade foi observada em todos os grupos experimentais no seguimento de 12 meses (GD= 50%; GI= 20%; GA= 26%; GIA= 18%; GTIL= 4%; GTPD= 20%). em GD, GI, GA e GIA os óbitos ocorreram por distúrbios metabólicos ou hidroeletrolíticos e/ou pneumonia, diarréia e caquexia; em GTIL e GTPD todos os óbitos ocorreram por falhas técnicas no pós-operatório até 72h. Animais dos grupos GI, GA e GIA tiveram melhora significativa (p < 0,05) de todos os parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais observados em ratos diabéticos, sem diferença de efetividade entre os tratamentos. Porém, os resultados observados nestes grupos, biologicamente não foram comparáveis aos observados em GTIL e GTPD, onde observou-se correção completa, aos níveis normais, de todas as variáveis analisadas (p<0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Os tratamentos convencionais com insulina, acarbose e insulina + acarbose melhoraram o estado diabético grave dos ratos tratados, contudo, a eficácia dos tratamentos foi significativamente inferior à oferecida pelo GTIL e GTPD.