112 resultados para Francés-Gramática-1800-1858


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This article brings brief comparison of Brazilian bankruptcy law between the French law of societies in difficulties. In this way, an analysis of the legal provisions of the two countries, to the end see if both aim at the preservation of the company, respectively, Law Recovery and Bankruptcy no. 11.101/05, in Code de Commerce - French commercial code, chapter Des difficultés des enterprises.


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Ce texte aborde l’importance de la recherche liée à l’activité é pilinguistique, entendue comme l’activité propre du langage dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la langue maternelle. Le concept d’activité épilinguistique adopté ici est celui de la Théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives élaborée parle linguiste français Antoine Culioli. Dans le but de délimiter l’objet de la recherche et de présenter un modèle d’activité applicable en salle de classe, nous avons choisi d’étudier la conjonction de coordination et d’opposition mas (mais, en français), comprise comme un marqueur lexico - grammatical. L’exercice a été proposé à une classe de septième année (la 5 ème du système français) du collège d’État Dr. Joaquim Batista, dans la ville de Jaboticabal, au Brésil. Dans le cadre de ce travail sur l’activité épilingui stique, les apprenants ont eu l’opportunité d’observer les divers contextes d’occurrence de ce marqueur, mais aussi de comprendre que les mots ne sont pas dotés d’une signification statique. En outre, ce travail a permis aux apprenants de construire leur propre connaissance et d’élaborer une grammaire plus opérationnelle et pertinente.


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Committed to a functionalist view of grammar, this study takes word classes as its object of analysis, aiming to show that categorical rigidity cannot be upheld in linguistic use. The analysis sample presented starts from the solutions of dictionaries in the registration of word classes parts and from the fluidity that these classes show in their use. Aspects of grammaticalization in Portuguese language are taken as evidence. It is argued that the grammatical organization of language has properties that support categorical shift processes, however singular they may seem to examination.


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With the purpose of analyzing the function developed byt the fable, this paper begins with its definition, historically linked to the rhetorical art, the teaching force and the literary value, to reach a grammatical analysis of the narrative structure in which genre is presented. From the functionalist point of view, the function determines the structure, and, accordingly, this study shows the fable resolved in specific modes of activation of the utterance formation basic processes such as the establishment of predications and the creation of the referential network of its participants. Since the beginning, the discursive activation of properties is crucial, which, working toward specific goals, configure linguistic characteristics that define the specific nature of the fable


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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As part of a round table entitled “Construction of descriptive grammars”, with authors of descriptive grammars of the Portuguese language, this text presents a personal refl ection that seeks to recover the key issues that have challenged me in this kind of work. In order to do this, I recover the historical route of the decisions I took in the construction of two manuals of Portuguese grammar and, at the same time, I gather, in other works I have written, information that can explain the guidelines adopted. Being consistent with my background and with my praxis, I offer some thoughts towards the fundamental proposition I have always considered such works to have, which is the school destination, something I can summarize in the question of what should constitute a work with the “grammar” at school.


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This paper aims at offering an overview of the different functionalist approaches in all their programmes, by verifying which functionalist premises would be relevant in each case. This may be a way to elucidate the differentiated approach of certain themes and of certain objects of analysis, and especially, to contribute to a better account of certain relations between each proposal and others realms of knowledge.


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According to Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, there is a “thinking addiction" in Brazil that disfigures reviews and creates disadvantages for a better understanding of the real changing of conditions in society. It is in Raízes do Brasil that this "reasoning addiction" is best defined as an "Invincible disenchantment from the view of our real conditions". This definition is supported by the bovarism theory - pouvoir qu`a l`homme de se concevoir autre qu’il n’est - theory formulated by Jules de Gaultier (1858-1942), French homme de lettres and who promoted Nietzsche in France - for this title, he is self intended as a philosopher, which extends the characterization of the individual drama of Flaubertian's character of Madame Bovary for the characterization of nations. Sérgio Buarque de Holanda is not the only author who uses this notion, before him, it was also in Paulo Prado and Lima Barreto and much after him in Celso Furtado and Paulo Eduardo Arantes, to keep with the best known authors. This article aims to show how bovarism is born, what it is meant in the French context of origin and how it acclimatized in Brazilian's intellectual experience, theoretically basing important diagnostics of our society. This is to conduct genetic mapping of a concept which is still strong in the horizon of the decisive clash between national projects that deal with Brazil's peripheral condition.


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Considering the fundamental importance of grammar in any modern language teaching proposal, the aim of this paper is to discuss how the different approaches to the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) have considered the role of grammar and the consequences to its teaching.


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In the last decade, pedagogical proposals for language teaching that aimed at developing the students’ literacy have raised an important question regarding the elaboration of language teaching plans concerning the role of grammar. How should we treat the relationship grammar-text in this new perspective? The aim of this paper is to propose a way of integrating text and grammar in an English course plan for Information Technology (IT) students which gives priority to the reading ability. We have based our proposal on concepts from English for Specific Purpose (ESP) by focusing on reading and also on literacy and text gender studies.


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This article is about the democratic theoretical conceptions reformulated in face of the new social rules in which actors showed up claiming repressed social repressed from the second half of the XX century. In this article an approach of the main contributions of the dimensions of the conception of democracy. As a result, we present that the institutional innovations that came from a process of institutionalism of democracy have built a participative and inclusive ideal of social groups that so far were apart from the decision process in politics.


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Esta comunicación se enfoca en la enseñanza de la Lengua Española como Lengua Extranjera; en especial, en la enseñanza de la Gramática en cursos de Profesorado en Lengua Española en Brasil, los cuales suelen otorgar una doble titulación lingüística: los estudiantes se reciben de profesores de Lengua Portuguesa y de una Lengua Extranjera (LE), por ejemplo, Lengua Española. En estos cursos –y específicamente en la Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Araraquara FCLAr y UNESP-, en la enseñanza de la Lengua Española, la gramática es trabajada de un modo lineal y secuencial, desde el primer año hasta el cuarto y último año de la carrera. En general, lo que se observa en el cuarto año, momento de la focalización en las estructuras morfosintácticas más avanzadas, es que todavía persisten dificultades lingüísticas de las estructuras básicas de uso y funcionamiento de la Lengua Española, lo cual implica un desplazamiento teórico-metodológico del quehacer didáctico del profesor, el cual tiene que adaptarse a las necesidades de cada grupo, una vez que el aprendizaje de la gramática es imprescindible en la formación de estos estudiantes en su formación académico-profesional. Utilizando el desarrollo de la reflexión crítica sobre el proceso de aprendizaje de la gramática de la Lengua Española/LE, articulado al trabajo futuro del estudiante como profesor, se pasa a trabajar con diversificadas estrategias didáctico-metodológicas, las cuales han resultado en un notable aprendizaje de la gramática, así como también en el rol de los actores en este proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.


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The chronicles of Machado de Assis can be read as a historical document or a literary work. Characterized as a hybrid genre, the chronicle allows several readings and interpretations, but it’s always connected at the time and at the production’s context. The aim of this article is to averiguate how Machado de Assis commented the importants subjects of his time, mixing the french classic theater and the brazilian’s history.