137 resultados para Direitos de propriedade
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
This is an exploratory descriptive study with a qualitative approach. It aimed at apprehending what users undergoing treatment at a mental health service know about their rights. A semistructured interview was used as a data collection strategy. Five users were interviewed. Thematic content analysis was used for data analysis, and three categories emerged: process of falling ill, experiences of treatment and users’ rights. The users reported voluntary and involuntary hospitalization experiences and that, after treatment commencement at the psychosocial care center, they perceived significant changes in mental health care. They reported that they did not know the mental health legislation, but they knew about the rights stemming from experiencing mental disorder. For users to be able to recognize and take advantage of their citizens’ rights, awareness must be developed by health care professionals, which also includes their academic education
The consuming of the natural resources in the agricultural sector does not represent only one external factor of the productive process, but also it implies in a bigger cost for the production, justified for this environmental degradation. In view of the necessity of evaluating the sustainment of the agricultural businesses, the use of performance indicators if makes of extreme importance. The measurement of the support through environmentalindicators is one of the most accepted forms of performing the evaluation of one given agricultural activity. In this context, the Base System for Eco-certification of Agricultural Businesses (Eco-cert Rural) developed by the Embrapa Environment at Jaguariúna/SP, has for purpose to present a method of evaluation of the agricultural businesses, not only of the point of view of the ecological performance, as well as considering the social, economic and organizational aspects. Through the analysis of the performance of the activity and the regularization of the disconformities found, it makes possible the eco-certification of the activities in the varied existing protocols, offering technologies designed to the sustainable development of the agricultural businesses. Using Eco-cert.Rural, this work evaluated the contribution of the use of mechanized harvest in sugar cane handling, front to the traditional system of manual harvest, using the fire. In the Sugar Cane Activity General Performance Index, Agrícola Rio Claro scored 2,08 of a maximum of 15. Amongst all the indicators, those wich reached performance worse had been related to the Use of Energy and the Income, by increasing fossil fuel consumptiom, and implying income concentration due to resignations of rural workers. However, the improvements on the environment quality by supressing manual harvest through fire are very significant. Beyond the great reduction in...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This paper is about a case study of using solar energy and wind energy in a farm. For this purpose were collected from the property, such as water consumption and amount of residents. So, we estimate how many conventional panels or PET bottle panels and boiler needed to supply the farm with warm water. It also calculates the amount of photovoltaic panels and the main accessories for converting solar energy into electrical energy. For the pumping of water using photovoltaic panels is dismissed and dimensioned to be a watermill
This study aimed at analyzing the meanings of Children and Child Rights awarded by the kindergarten children and their educators, parents and teacher. Interest in the subject arose from the participation of the University Extension Project, conducted at the Department of Education, UNESP, Bauru, called The Rights of the Child: ECA in school. Since then, the question arose: to what extent we have visibility of meanings that educators and the child has on the Rights of the Child relating to the specifics of childhood? The research followed the tenets of qualitative research, methodological procedures and adopting the observation in a classroom from kindergarten (K II), semi-structured interview through leisure moments, with the class of aged five years and a questionnaire for family and teacher. The research adopted as reference material, studies of the area of Sociology of Childhood, History of Childhood, Public Policy, Legislation Related to the theme, and an overview of psychogenic to talk about the morality of children. The results showed that parents and caregivers understand childhood as a stage of child development, marked by jokes and fancies, in which the family and the school has an important role in this process. In what concerns the children's rights, there are contradictions in the legal aspects and the situation of children today. The results showed that children's childhood is characterized by recreational activities, and adults are responsible for caring for them. And it comes on the Rights of the Child noted that there is a confusion between rights and duties because they are in a phase of moral heteronomy. The findings indicate the need for wide dissemination on the Statute of Children and Adolescents, especially in preschools in line with families to practice it a new look at childhood, conceiving children as subjects... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
A ocupação inconsequente do território e a aplicação de técnicas agropastoris altamente degradantes ao meio ambiente, no Estado de São Paulo, culminaram em uma diminuição da cobertura vegetal nativa preservada de apenas 14% da cobertura original. Nesse cenário, o Novo Código Florestal, de 1964, regulamentava a proteção das chamadas Áreas de Preservação Permanente e a aplicação da área de Reserva Legal, que consistia em uma porcentagem da área total da propriedade rural destinada à preservação para a manutenção da biodiversidade local. Com a função de guiar as propostas de recuperação das áreas degradadas e de preservação dos remanescentes nativos, um Programa de Adequação Ambiental foi desenvolvido no presente estudo. Seu objetivo é adequar uma pequena propriedade rural, localizada no município de São Carlos – SP, às leis ambientais, com a finalidade de torná-la o mais ecologicamente sustentável possível. Com o auxilio de imagens de satélite disponíveis gratuitamente na internet e programas de SIG (ArcGis, Stitch Maps), o Programa de Adequação Ambiental da Estância 4R avaliou os usos e ocupações da propriedade, indicando que mais da metade da propriedade (35 ha) são destinados à criação de gado de corte e quase todo o restante (20 ha) está arrendado para o cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, e sugeriu propostas de restauração da área de Reserva Legal, cuja área deve ser de 12 ha, bem como sua localização, ao sul da propriedade. Como ação de restauração, foi proposto o consórcio de espécies arbóreas nativas com linhas de plantio de café de sombra, em um sistema de plantio conhecido como Agroflorestal
This study aims to identify the horizon of emancipation in Human Rights Education, using the philosophy of praxis as a theoretical framework, basing on authors as Tonet, Losurdo, Marx, and Saviani and Duarte, taking as a privileged locus analysis of the Plan National Human Rights Education (PNEDH, 2007). The discussion about the historical development of the movement of the struggles for human rights was a starting point to indicate how, in general, these struggles have been developing since the context of bourgeois revolutions. From there we tried to discuss how the prospect of citizenship has been treated within the Rights Education, the latter being a reflection of social movements' struggles for rights from the year 1980. Situating this movement within a larger movement on the issue of education in Brazil in the twentieth century, we tried to discuss the flags such as citizenship, the strengthening of civil society and creating a culture of rights as a goal of emancipation. Seeking to differentiate between citizenship as political emancipation and human emancipation, was placed the imperative to take the citizenship as a mediator and not as an endpoint in order to equip a culture of struggle for a classless society without exploitation of man by man
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Living organisms are constantly subjected to the action of free radicals, which are one of the causes of oxidation reactions, because they have on free electron, what makes it very reactive. They are products of organism reactions or they are produced by exogenous factors, such as tobacco. Fatty acids are the most vulnerable target, and may suffer lipid peroxidation, what affects the cell structure. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diseases of aging are occurrence of these reactions in the organism related. The aliments are also subjected to suffer oxidation reactions, what make them unfit for consumption and decreasing the useful life. Synthetics antioxidants are used as aliments preservatives, but they present some toxicity for the organism. Studies for the utilization of natural antioxidants have gained more importance in recent decades, due to the conservation potential and low toxicity. Phenolics compounds are largely present at the vegetable kingdom and they present high antioxidant potential due to the neutralization and kidnapping of free radicals capacity. These compounds are used by the industry at the aliments conservation, specially the phenolics acids. The consumption of aliments rich in phenolic compounds, such as teas, wines and fruits are low incidence of degenerative diseases related. This study consists in a bibliographic revision that covers these compounds importance in diet and at the food conservation, and the methodologies and difficulties in the extraction process due to variety of molecules of this group.
Este trabalho visa definir o conceito de escravidão moderna como as condições análogas ao trabalho escravo e como este afeta a vida de milhares de cidadãos brasileiros na vasta região amazônica. Serão apresentados dados de organizações mundiais sobre o trabalho escravo moderno, estudos brasileiros que corroboram a argumentação de que existem milhares de pessoas na Amazônia que são escravizadas e que estão em condições degradantes de vida nas mais diversas atividades econômicas. Focar-se-á na atividade de criação bovina, pois, além de ser muito difícil analisar todas as atividades econômicas com a devida importância que cada uma merece, a atividade em estudo é a que mais emprega mão-de-obra escrava atualmente na região Amazônica