143 resultados para Convex optimization problem
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A novel common Tabu algorithm for global optimizations of engineering problems is presented. The robustness and efficiency of the presented method are evaluated by using standard mathematical functions and hy solving a practical engineering problem. The numerical results show that the proposed method is (i) superior to the conventional Tabu search algorithm in robustness, and (ii) superior to the simulated annealing algorithm in efficiency. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The study of robust design methodologies and techniques has become a new topical area in design optimizations in nearly all engineering and applied science disciplines in the last 10 years due to inevitable and unavoidable imprecision or uncertainty which is existed in real word design problems. To develop a fast optimizer for robust designs, a methodology based on polynomial chaos and tabu search algorithm is proposed. In the methodology, the polynomial chaos is employed as a stochastic response surface model of the objective function to efficiently evaluate the robust performance parameter while a mechanism to assign expected fitness only to promising solutions is introduced in tabu search algorithm to minimize the requirement for determining robust metrics of intermediate solutions. The proposed methodology is applied to the robust design of a practical inverse problem with satisfactory results.
Técnicas de otimização numérica são úteis na solução de problemas de determinação da melhor entrada para sistemas descritos por modelos matemáticos e cujos objetivos podem ser expressos de uma maneira quantitativa. Este trabalho aborda o problema de otimizar as dosagens dos medicamentos no tratamento da AIDS em termos de um balanço entre a resposta terapêutica e os efeitos colaterais. Um modelo matemático para descrever a dinâmica do vírus HIV e células CD4 é utilizado para calcular a dosagem ótima do medicamento no tratamento a curto prazo de pacientes com AIDS por um método de otimização direta utilizando uma função custo do tipo Bolza. Os parâmetros do modelo foram ajustados com dados reais obtidos da literatura. Com o objetivo de simplificar os procedimentos numéricos, a lei de controle foi expressa em termos de uma expansão em séries que, após truncamento, permite obter controles sub-ótimos. Quando os pacientes atingem um estado clínico satisfatório, a técnica do Regulador Linear Quadrático (RLQ) é utilizada para determinar a dosagem permanente de longo período para os medicamentos. As dosagens calculadas utilizando a técnica RLQ , tendem a ser menores do que a equivalente terapia de dose constante em termos do expressivo aumento na contagem das células T+ CD4 e da redução da densidade de vírus livre durante um intervalo fixo de tempo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The extended linear complementarity problem (XLCP) has been introduced in a recent paper by Mangasarian and Pang. In the present research, minimization problems with simple bounds associated to this problem are defined. When the XLCP is solvable, their solutions are global minimizers of the associated problems. Sufficient conditions that guarantee that stationary points of the associated problems are solutions of the XLCP will be proved. These theoretical results support the conjecture that local methods for box constrained optimization applied to the associated problems could be efficient tools for solving the XLCP. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Aggregation disaggregation is used to reduce the analysis of a large generalized transportation problem to a smaller one. Bounds for the actual difference between the aggregated objective and the original optimal value are used to quantify the error due to aggregation and estimate the quality of the aggregation. The bounds can be calculated either before optimization of the aggregated problem (a priori) or after (a posteriori). Both types of the bounds are derived and numerically compared. A computational experiment was designed to (a) study the correlation between the bounds and the actual error and (b) quantify the difference of the error bounds from the actual error. The experiment shows a significant correlation between some a priori bounds, the a posteriori bounds and the actual error. These preliminary results indicate that calculating the a priori error bound is a useful strategy to select the appropriate aggregation level, since the a priori bound varies in the same way that the actual error does. After the aggregated problem has been selected and optimized, the a posteriori bound provides a good quantitative measure for the error due to aggregation.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper presents a new approach to solve the Optimal Power Flow problem. This approach considers the application of logarithmic barrier method to voltage magnitude and tap-changing transformer variables and the other constraints are treated by augmented Lagrangian method. Numerical test results are presented, showing the effective performance of this algorithm. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a new algorithm for optimal power flow problem. The algorithm is based on Newton's method which it works with an Augmented Lagrangian function associated with the original problem. The function aggregates all the equality and inequality constraints and is solved using the modified-Newton method. The test results have shown the effectiveness of the approach using the IEEE 30 and 638 bus systems.
Neural networks consist of highly interconnected and parallel nonlinear processing elements that are shown to be extremely effective in computation. This paper presents an architecture of recurrent neural net-works that can be used to solve several classes of optimization problems. More specifically, a modified Hopfield network is developed and its inter-nal parameters are computed explicitly using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the convergence of the network to the equilibrium points, which represent a solution of the problem considered. The problems that can be treated by the proposed approach include combinatorial optimiza-tion problems, dynamic programming problems, and nonlinear optimization problems.
This work is related with the proposition of a so-called regular or convex solver potential to be used in numerical simulations involving a certain class of constitutive elastic-damage models. All the mathematical aspects involved are based on convex analysis, which is employed aiming a consistent variational formulation of the potential and its conjugate one. It is shown that the constitutive relations for the class of damage models here considered can be derived from the solver potentials by means of sub-differentials sets. The optimality conditions of the resulting minimisation problem represent in particular a linear complementarity problem. Finally, a simple example is present in order to illustrate the possible integration errors that can be generated when finite step analysis is performed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two fundamental processes usually arise in the production planning of many industries. The first one consists of deciding how many final products of each type have to be produced in each period of a planning horizon, the well-known lot sizing problem. The other process consists of cutting raw materials in stock in order to produce smaller parts used in the assembly of final products, the well-studied cutting stock problem. In this paper the decision variables of these two problems are dependent of each other in order to obtain a global optimum solution. Setups that are typically present in lot sizing problems are relaxed together with integer frequencies of cutting patterns in the cutting problem. Therefore, a large scale linear optimizations problem arises, which is exactly solved by a column generated technique. It is worth noting that this new combined problem still takes the trade-off between storage costs (for final products and the parts) and trim losses (in the cutting process). We present some sets of computational tests, analyzed over three different scenarios. These results show that, by combining the problems and using an exact method, it is possible to obtain significant gains when compared to the usual industrial practice, which solve them in sequence. (C) 2010 The Franklin Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)