158 resultados para Calcium oscillations


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The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility to obtain guided bone regeneration with two types of physical barriers (calcium sulfate and PTFE nonporous barrier) in surgical defects created in rat parietal bones. In the right parietal bone the calcium sulfate barrier filled out the whole defect and in the left parietal bone the barrier of PTFE was positioned in the floor and externally to the surgical defect. After 7, 14, 30 and 45 days four animals were sacrificed in each period and the bone containing the defects were submitted to the microscopic analysis. The results of the study revealed that the PTFE barrier was more effective for bone regeneration in shallow transcortical defects compared to the calcium sulfate. However, additional experiments are necessary to determine if calcium sulfate would be successful in other bone defects types or the use of the material under another consistence could complement the results obtained in this work.


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We introduce a CP trajectory diagram in bi-probability space as a powerful tool for a pictorial representation of the genuine CP and the matter effects in neutrino oscillations. The existence of correlated ambiguity in the B is uncovered. The principles of tuning the beam energy for a determination of CP-violating phase delta and the sign of Deltam(13)(2) given baseline distance are proposed to resolve the ambiguity and to maximize the CP-odd effect. We finally point out, quite contrary to what is usually believed, that the ambiguity may be resolved with similar to 50% chance in the super-JHF experiment despite its relatively short baseline of 300 km. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We predict the loss of superfluidity in a Bose-Einstein condensate in an axially symmetric harmonic trap alone during resonant collective oscillations via a classical dynamical transition. The forced resonant oscillation can be initiated by (a) periodic modulation of the atomic scattering length with a frequency that equals twice the radial trapping frequency or multiples thereof, or by (b) periodic modulation of the radial trapping potential with a frequency that equals the radial trapping frequency or multiples thereof. Suggestion for future experiment is made. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We point out that solar neutrino oscillations with large mixing angle as evidenced in current solar neutrino data have a strong impact on strategies for diagnosing collapse-driven supernova (SN) through neutrino observations. Such oscillations induce a significant deformation of the energy spectra of neutrinos, thereby allowing us to obtain otherwise inaccessible features of SN neutrino spectra. We demonstrate that one can determine temperatures and luminosities of non-electron flavor neutrinos by observing (υ) over bar (e) from galactic SN in massive water Cherenkov detectors by the charged current reactions on protons. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this short lecture, I discuss some basic phenomenological aspects of CP and T violation in neutrino oscillation. Using CP/T trajectory diagrams in the bi-probability space, I try to sketch out some essential features of the interplay between the effect of CP/T violating phase and that of the matter in neutrino oscillation.


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Neutrino oscillations are treated from the point of view of relativistic first quantized theories and compared to second quantized treatments. Within first quantized theories, general oscillation probabilities can be found for Dirac fermions and charged spin 0 bosons. A clear modification in the oscillation formulas can be obtained and its origin is elucidated and confirmed to be inevitable from completeness and causality requirements. The left-handed nature of created and detected neutrinos can also be implemented in the first quantized Dirac theory in the presence of mixing; the probability loss due to the changing of initially left-handed neutrinos to the undetected right-handed neutrinos can be obtained in analytic form. Concerning second quantized approaches, it is shown in a calculation using virtual neutrino propagation that both neutrinos and antineutrinos may also contribute as intermediate particles. The sign of the contributing neutrino energy may have to be chosen explicitly without being automatic in the formalism. At last, a simple second quantized description of the flavor oscillation phenomenon is devised. In this description there is no interference terms between positive and negative components, but it still gives simple normalized oscillation probabilities. A new effect appearing in this context is an inevitable but tiny violation of the initial flavor of neutrinos. The probability loss due to the conversion of left-handed neutrinos to right-handed neutrinos is also presented.


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Recently the CP trajectory diagram was introduced to demonstrate the difference between the intrinsic CP violating effects to those induced by matter for neutrino oscillation. In this Letter we introduce the T trajectory diagram. In these diagrams the probability for a given oscillation process is plotted versus the probability for the CP- or the T-conjugate processes, which forms an ellipse as the CP- or T-violating phase is varied. Since the CP- and the T-conjugate processes are related by CPT symmetry, even in the presence of matter, these two trajectory diagrams are closely related with each other and form a unified description of neutrino oscillations in matter. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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In this paper we search for the dynamics of a simple portal structure in the free and in the periodic excitation cases. By using the Center Manifold approach and Averaging Method, we obtain results on both stability and bifurcation of equilibrium points and periodic orbits. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is of major importance to consider non-ideal energy sources in engineering problems. They act on an oscillating system and at the same time experience a reciprocal action from the system. Here, a non-ideal system is studied. In this system, the interaction between source energy and motion is accomplished through a special kind of friction. Results about the stability and instability of the equilibrium point of this system are obtained. Moreover, its bifurcation curves are determined. Hopf bifurcations are found in the set of parameters of the oscillating system.


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We study how oscillations in the boundary of a domain affect the behavior of solutions of elliptic equations with nonlinear boundary conditions of the type partial derivative u/partial derivative n + g(x, u) = 0. We show that there exists a function gamma defined on the boundary, that depends on an the oscillations at the boundary, such that, if gamma is a bounded function, then, for all nonlinearities g, the limiting boundary condition is given by partial derivative u/partial derivative n + gamma(x)g(x, u) = 0 (Theorem 2.1, Case 1). Moreover, if g is dissipative and gamma infinity then we obtain a Dirichlet an boundary condition (Theorem 2.1, Case 2).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com o objetivo de estudar a relação entre cristais de oxalato de cálcio e floema, fragmentos de folhas de Peltodon radicans foram fixados e processados, segundo métodos usuais, para estudos ao microscópio de luz e eletrônico de transmissão. Observou-se que os cristais ocorrem nas células da bainha do feixe, lateralmente em relação ao floema. Células intermediárias estabelecem conexão entre elemento crivado e células da bainha, portadoras de cristais, com crescimento intrusivo entre estas. Íons cálcio são abundantes no citoplasma das células da bainha que contém cristais de oxalato de cálcio. Nas células intermediárias a detecção ultra-citoquímica de cálcio também apresentou resultados positivos, enquanto nos elementos crivados a presença deste íon não foi constatada. Há, portanto, um gradiente crescente de concentração de cálcio dos elementos crivados para as células da bainha. Assim, formulamos a hipótese de que a formação de cristais de oxalato de cálcio tem, em P. radicans, o objetivo de controlar os níveis de cálcio citossólico nos elementos crivados.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O ensaio experimental objetivou avaliação do efeito de diferentes níveis de cálcio (Ca) nas rações de pré-postura e postura sobre o desempenho e qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais. Foram alojadas 256 frangas da linhagem Hisex Brown com 16 semanas de idade em galpão convencional de postura. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4 x 2 (4 níveis de cálcio - 0,8; 1,3; 1,8 e 2,3% na pré-postura e 2 níveis de cálcio - 2,5 e 3,5% na postura), totalizando oito tratamentos com quatro repetições de oito aves por unidade experimental. Iniciou-se com a ração de pré-postura às 16 semanas de idade das aves, sendo que a mesma foi fornecida até as aves atingiram 18 semanas de idade, quando então, iniciou-se com a ração de postura. Foram avaliadas durante quatro ciclos de 28 dias as seguintes variáveis: produção e peso dos ovos, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, massa de ovos e qualidade da casca dos ovos. Através dos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que um bom desempenho foi obtido com 0,8% de cálcio na fase de pré-postura. Na fase de postura o nível de 3,5% de cálcio promoveu maior peso de ovo e melhor qualidade de casca.