221 resultados para Argila de Bcltcrra


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Fluvial morphometry is method of great value regarding neotectonic analysis of extensive areas because streams, besides representing one of the main agents in the relief modeling, quickly adjust their thalwegs to even the most gentle crustal deformations. The purpose of this paper is to present the application of some morphometric techniques in the Santo Anastácio River hydrographic basin in order to identify recent tectonic deformations. Additionally, we show liquefaction structures identified in the basin and interpreted here as seismites linked to ancient earthquakes (magnitudes greater than 5). The morphometric survey includes longitudinal stream profile analysis, RDE (declivity versus stream length) index application, and the sinuosity study of the Santo Anastácio River channel. Geologic substrate comprises Cretaceous siliciclastic rocks of the Caiuá and Bauru groups, locally covered by Cenozoic sediments (alluvial plains, terrace deposits, colluvial aprons, as well as in situ regoliths). Considering that liquefaction structures affect dark clay layers of 32.340±320 year BP age (14C dating), a lower age limit for the ancient earthquake is triggered in that region. The authors believe that neotectonic understanding of the Western São Paulo State Plateau is important to the geologic and geomorphologic evolution of that landscape and to the consequent territorial planning and occupation.


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Paleogene sediments of this region represent a significant source of water for urban, industrial and agricultural activities. This basin is part of the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Rift, which occupies a large portion of this geographical area. This study aims to present the evolution of the natural Paleogene landscape, through an analysis of its stratigraphic intcrops and underground portions based on the concept of facies and facies associations. A total of nine clastic and separate lithofacies were recognized and grouped into two main facies associations. These data suggest the existence of two depositional interdigitated systems: fluvial braided fans, which were predominant in parts of the northern and central area, and another composed of lacustrine sediments found in its central-south region. The paleogeography herein outlined will help considerably in the detection of new areas for mineral and water resources prospection, as well as in urban planning projects of this region.


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The region of Alfenas, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is predominantly constituted of Pre-Cambrian rocks with well developed alteration profiles in association with colluvial and alluvial sediments. No study to date has examined in detail its potential use in the ceramic industry. The scarce knowledge of its mineralogical and technological properties limits its value and consequently its industrial use. Until now, these clay materials have been used in a rudimental manner, in small scale in the fabrication of red tiles. The present study aimed at analyzing these clays mineralogically (X-ray diffraction), chemically (major and minor elements by X-ray fluorescence and organic carbon analysis) and technologically (pressing granulometric distribution; mechanical resistence; water absorption, apparent porosity; linear firing shrinkage; color of firing and others) in order to better understand the raw material and develop adequate technological applications. The best results of ceramic properties were the samples with higher organic content (more plastic clays) and higher values of Al2O3 (kaolinite and gibbsite) and Fe2O3 as well lower SiO2 content and finer grain size which contribute to a better sinterization.


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This paper introduces an indirect estimate for the coefficients of distribution, hydrodynamic dispersion and retardation for contaminants commonly encountered in sanitary landfills and their liners, such as Cu2+ and K+; this estimate is based on the relationship between concentration and certain physical characteristics of typical Brazilian soils. The results of previous studies investigating the migration of contaminants were used to develop mathematical expressions from multiple non-linear regressions. Using minimal squares regression, this transport was linked to various combinations of contaminant concentration and both structural and textural characteristics of the porous medium. Various combinations of characteristics and concentrations were investigated, with a mathematical expression obtained for each. The relationship between percentage of clay and the contaminant content proved to be the most closely correlated with actual transport parameters, with coefficients close to one.


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Soil attributes reflect influence of the geomorphic surfaces. Therefore, the objective of this work was to investigate the influence of the geomorphic surfaces on soil attributes in a topossequence from low lands to high lands in the Humaitá region, AM. A transect of 4.5 km, from the top of the slope towards the low lands was established and the geomorphic surfaces were identified and limited according to topographic and estratigraphic criteria, based on detailed field investigation. Twenty soil samples were collected in each one of the slope segments within the geomorphic surfaces (G.S.), at the following depths: G.S. I: LAa (0.0-0.16 and 0.48-0.79 m); G.S. II: Lad1 (0.0-0.13 and 0.44-0.70) and Lad2 (0.0-0.10 and 0.30-0.55 m); G.S. III: RYve1 (0.0-0.18 and 0.51-0.89) and RYve2 (0.0-0.23 and 0.58-0.91 m). The sampling depths were determined by the surface and subsurface horizon depths, defined during the soil morphological description. Physical analysis involved particle size distribution, disperse clay, soil and particle density and total porosity. The chemical analysis involved determinations of pH in water and KCl, exchangeable cations, exchangeable Al, total acidity (H+Al), available P, organic carbon. The relief variations contributed to the presence of dystrophic soils in the geomorphic surface I and eutrophic soils in the geomorphic surface III. The multivariate statistical techniques were able to separate three heterogeneous groups, equivalent to the mapped geomorphic surfaces.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the magnetic susceptibility efficiency for estimating the support capacity of areas for vinasse application. Two hundred forty-one soil samples were collected from a 380-ha area, on which soil chemical properties, clay content, and magnetic susceptibility were determined. Vinasse requirement was calculated for each sample. Data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis, and regression models were developed between magnetic susceptibility and the other evaluated attributes. The analysis of data spatial dependence was performed using geostatistics. Kriging maps and cross variograms were built in order to investigate the spatial correlation between soil magnetic susceptibility and studied attributes. Based on the map of vinasse requirement, on the soil classes, and on the kriging map, calculations were done for average vinasse dose and average soil support capacity, weighted by the area. Magnetic susceptibility has significant linear spatial correlation with recommended vinasse doses and soil support capacity for the application of this effluent, and it can be used as a pedotransfer function for indirect quantification of soil support capacity.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)