163 resultados para veterinary science


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The current study evaluated equine gas exchange responses through spirometry, by measuring oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratio (R) and maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) of Arabian horses during a standard incremental exercise test performed on a high-speed treadmill. Six clinically healthy Arabian horses were submitted to a standard incremental exercise test, performed on a high-speed treadmill at a 6% slope, and initial speed of 1,8 m.s-1 for 5 minutes, then 4,0 m.s-1 for 3 minutes, 6,0 m.s-1 for 2 minutes and 8,0 m.s-1, 9,0 m.s-1, 10,0 m.s-1 and 11,0 m.s-1 for one minute for each of these speed. The end of the exercise test was defined as the point in which the horse was no longer able to keep pace with the treadmill. Gas exchange was measured through respiratory analyses horse mask on the last 10 seconds at the end of each speed transition and at 1, 2 and 3 minutes after the end of the exercise, defined as experiment moments. During exercise, it was noticed an increase on both VO2 and VCO2 with linear relationship between exercise and speed. Arabian horses VO2max was 114,9 mL.kg-1.min-1. The respiratory exchange ratio increased over 1,0 by the speed of 9,0 m.s-1, indicating the preponderance of the anaerobic metabolism, and remains at a high level on the post-exercise period.


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They were compared the coefficients of apparent digestibility (CAD) and the fecal quality of dogs fed a home-made diet and two dog foods, standard and super-premium. Six adult dogs were distributed in a double latin square desing (3 × 3), with three treatments and three periods, in a total of six replications per treatment. Tukey's test was used to compare the means. The home-made diet presented the highest CAD, not differing only of the CAD of acid ether extract of the super-premium food. The standard food was the lowest digestive, producting more feces. Fecal dry matter of dogs fed home-made diet was lower than in the standard and super-premium foods, which did not differ among then. Fecal score presented low variability among treatments, remaining in the considered ideal range. Home-made diet can be an alternative in the feeding of dogs.


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It was evaluated the effect of nonphytate phosphorus (NNP) and phytase on broiler tibia. One thousand and two hundred chicks were allocated in a completely randomized design and factorial arrangement 4 x 3 (NPP x phytase levels), with four replicates. NPP levels, at each phase, were 0.45, 0.37, 0.29 and 0.21% - initial, 0.41, 0.33, 0.25 and 0.17% - growth, and 0.37, 0.29, 0.21 and 0.13% - withdrawal. Phytase levels were 0, 500 and 1000 FTU/kg of diet. There was no effect on diameter at 21 days of age. Tibia with lower weight, length and diaphysis, distal epiphysis and average densities e proximal epiphysis density resulted from NPP reduction from 0.37 to 0.29% and from 0.29 to 0.21%, respectively. Inclusion of 500 FTU/kg of phytase improved length and diaphysis density of the tibia, independent of NPP levels. Diets with NPP, at initial, growth and final phases, of 0.37, 0.33 and 0.29%, respectively, supplemented with 1000 FTU/kg of phytase, can be used with no negative effect on bone quality in broilers.


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The carbohydrates provide 50 to 80% of the dry matter of grain and roughage and can be divided into structural (cellulose, hemicellulose) and non-structural (starch, pectin and sugars). The non-structural carbohydrates are primarily digested in the rumen and its dynamic process is a sequence for the supply of nutrients to the intestine. The quality and quantity of products resulting from ruminal fermentation are dependent on the type and activity of microorganisms in the rumen influenced by the type of food processing and that are subject of cereal grains that make up the diet. The NSC escape of rumen fermentation to be digested into glucose in the small intestine by pancreatic enzymes of origin (α-amylase) and intestinal mucosa (maltase and isomaltase). Starch is the most important energy supplier of cereals, which are important components of diets for intensive production of milk and meat.


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Searching for a new alternative to A. diaperinus control, it was evaluated the action of Spinosad in two concentrations (250ppm, 400ppm) and two doses (0.05 L/m 2 and 0.1 L/m 2), applied in poultry broiler facilities naturally infested by this coleoptera. Assessments of the infestation were held in weekly intervals, during 49 days after treatment, using traps. The percentage of effectiveness were calculated from the results of the number of adults and/or larval stages in control and treated groups. Spinosad at the concentration of 250ppm, applied at a dose of 0.1L/m2, can be considered ineffective against these beetles, however the application of 400ppm at a dose of 0.1L/m2 showed high efficacy and short residual period. The dose of 0.1L/m 22 of Spinosad at the concentration of 400ppm demonstrated, between treatments, better effectiveness against coleopters, reaching efficacy of 100% against larvae of A. diaperinus, observed after the seventh day post-treatment.


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Angiotensin is an important peptide of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. This peptide has an important function on arterial blood pressure regulation and body fluid homeostasis. However, its action on abnormal conditions causes deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system. Vascular resistance, hypertension, vascular and myocytes hipertrophy, production of free radicals and pro-inflammatory substances are some of the actions of angiotensin II that can result on cardiovascular remodeling. Angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptors antagonists, antiinflammatories and antioxidants are used clinically and/or experimentally to prevent or reduce the effects of angiotensin II. The purpose of this work is to review the actions and interactions of angiotensin II on the cardiovascular system, as well as the therapeutic measures employed for the control of these effects.


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The aims of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of hepatoprotective treatments with a compound prepared by the association of N-Acetyl DL-Methionine (5%) + Choline chloride (2%) + Caffeine (1%) + Thiamine hydrochloride (1%) + Nicotinamida (0,5%)+ Pyridoxine hydrochloride (0.04%), administered through intramuscular (IM) route, at doses of 0.2, 0.6 and 1.0 mL/kg of BW, through the study of leukocytes responses in rats submitted to acute intoxication with CCl4. 147 females were randomized into 21 groups, performing five different treatments, which were evaluated seven animals in four periods: two, four, six and eight days after CCl4-induced intoxication. In this study, it was observed absolute eosinophilia and monocytosis in animals untreated and treated with the lowest dose of 0.2 mL. These responses were significantly better in animals treated with 0.6 and 1.0 mL/ kg BW. The untreated animals showed thrombocytopenia, when compared to treated animals. Absolute neutropenia and lymphocytosis was observed in all rats intoxicated with CCl4, there is no difference among treatments. The analysis of white blood cells demonstrated that the hepatoprotective treatments favored the leukocyte response, by act beneficially on the population of these cells, supporting the hypothesis that these events may reduce the deleterious effects in liver tissue after intoxication by CCl4.


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The aim of this trial was to detect the agent that causes high mortality of chickens in a farm in the south of Maranhão, Brazil, as well as determining the infection source. Necropsy of the chickens was done and carried through bacteriological analyses of liver, intracardiac blood and chicken food. The samples taken from the heart blood, liver and initial chicken feed had presented characteristic colonies of Salmonella. These colonies had been submitted to the biochemical and serologic tests for evidence of the patogenicity. Salmonelosis is considered an important disease in the poultry keeping and can cause serious ambient and economic losses, beyond the problem of public health. This paper stands out the importance of a good sanitary handling and programs of control and prevention of illnesses in the animal breeding.


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Aquaculture produces food with high nutritive value, however its environmental conditions and management increase the stress reaction of fishes, prejudicing the quality of their products. The lipid oxidation is one of the main causes of the fishery deterioration, due the high unsaturated value of fatty acid of aquatic organisms. This review describes lipid oxidation mechanisms, their analysis methodology and some preventive ways, emphasizing the antioxidants effects of vitamin E utilization in fish's diet.


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The effect of physical exercise, training and vitamin E supplementation on electrocardiographic parameters was evaluated in eight untrained Arabian mares, divided into two groups: control (n=4) and supplemented with vitamin E (n=4) at the daily dose of 1.000 UI. Animals were submitted to an incremental exercise test (P1) on high-speed treadmill inclined +7%, after that to a training period of 20 days and later to a new incremental exercise test (P2). Analysis and interpretation of electrocardiographic tracings were performed regarding the rhythm, heart rate, duration and amplitude of waves and intervals, before, immediately after and 30 min after the incremental exercise. A reduction of the rest heart rate was observed after training. There was no effect of vitamin E supplementation on electrocardiographic parameters. Results indicated that the electrocardiogram was efficient in detention of cardiac alterations promoted by the physical exercise, but more studies are needed to elucidate its clinical meaning.


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The chronic kidney disease (CKD) it is characterized by irreversible structural lesions that can develop progressively for uremia and chronic renal failure (CRF). In the CRF it happens the incapacity of executing the functions of maintenance of the electrolyte balance and acid-base, catabolitos excretion and hormonal regulation appropriately. When the mechanism basic physiopathology of the renal upset is analyzed, it is observed that present factors, predispose to the unbalance oxidative. Most of the time, the renal patient comes badly nurtured, with lack in reservations of vitamins and minerals, what reduces the antioxidant defense mechanisms, what favors the installation of the renal oxidative stress, with the formation of species you reactivate of reactive oxygen species (ROS), substances these potentially harmful to the organism. The reduction of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in the evolution of CKD in dogs and cats is a component for the installation of the renal oxidative stress. The ROS possesses important action in the kidneys, and these substances are highly reactivate, and when presents in excess damage lipids, proteins, DNA and carbohydrate, driving functional and structural abnormalities taking the cellular apoptosis and necrosis. Against the harmful potential action of these substances you reactivate, she becomes fundamental a delicate control of his production and consumption in the half intracellular, in other words, a balance of his concentration intra and extracellular. That is possible due to the activity of the antioxidants. Like this, to present literature revision had as objective describes the participation of the oxidative stress in CRF, as well as the mechanisms defenses against the harmful action of those substances.


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The present study reports the occurrence of lead poisoning in a male, 2 year-old mongrel dog attended at UNESP Botucatu Veterinary Hospital. The animal was brought to the hospital with claim of gastrointestinal and nervous disturbs for 10 days, worsening in the last 24 hours. After unsuccessfully attempts to control status epileticus, the animal died. Hematological evaluation revealed significant rubricytosis and basophilic stippling, highly suggestive of lead poisoning. Serum lead concentration confirmed toxic levels of this element. Necropsy evidenced the presence of foreign bodies in stomach (one stone and two metallic objects) and, microscopically, characteristic inclusions in renal parenchyma. Fragments obtained from liver and kidneys revealed lead concentrations of 0, 8 μg/g and 25 μg/g, respectively, which in association to clinical signs of saturnism, determined the diagnosis of lead poisoning.


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Dopamine is an endogenous compound widely used in intensive care. It has a broad spectrum of action, on the cardiovascular system and urinary tract. Increased glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow and fractional excretion of sodium and phosphorus are expected renal effects in normal individuals, but are poorly explored in veterinary medicine. This study was conducted to evaluate the glomerular function of dogs with renal disease submitted to continuous infusion of dopamine. Different doses of dopamine were administered in healthy and nephropathic dogs. Laboratory evaluations of creatinine clearance and urinary protein/creatinine ratio were performed during and after treatments. Creatinine clearance showed dose-dependent increase in healthy dogs. In dogs with renal disease, the dose of 1μg/kg/min GFR increased slightly, without changing the urine P/C and blood pressure, while the dose of 3μg/kg/min increased urinary protein excretion.


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The use of ionizing radiation in the treatment of oncological diseases in veterinary medicine has grown in recent years. In general, these animals are very well tolerated by the treatment with radioactive elements; however, the harmful effects that may occur are not always able to be controlled, particularly those relating to skin burns. Then, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of aqueous extract of Triticum vulgare in treat of 10 cats radiodermatitis with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which were treated with radiotherapy as single modality treatment. The drug was used topically and daily until complete healing of wounds. Based on the findings, it may concluded beneficial effects of the drug, because it allowed the formation of granulation tissue and epithelization of wounds with epidermal repair not exuberant, good-quality cosmetics and, considering the deleterious effects that can result from cancer treatments.


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The diameters and areas of portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta are useful measurements in dogs. These values can be easily measured by ultrasonographic exam, and variations of normality can be an important indicator of hepatic or extra-hepatic alterations. This study aimed to measure the diameter and areas of portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta in healthy dogs, with normal corporal score, divided in groups according to the body weight, and assess whether the data are influenced by animal weight. Thirty dogs were examined and divided into three groups (Group A: ≤ 10 kg Group B: from 10.1 to 20.0 kg; Group C: ≥ 20.1 kg). To measure the diameters and areas of portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta, the animal was kept in left lateral decubitus position and the transducer was placed on the right lateral abdominal wall, at approximately the 10 th or 11 th intercostal space, in the porta hepatis region. The diameters and areas of the portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta were significantly lower for dogs in Group A with respect to other groups and the dogs from Groups B and C had similar results with each other. The diameters and areas of the portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta may vary with the animal size, and reference values must be specific for small, medium and large dogs.