103 resultados para trocador de calor
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We report here a study about the application of a formal teaching strategy about heat and temperature concepts applied among high school students. The strategy belongs to a research trend which deals with epistemological analogies and has an innovative character related to the students’ preparation for rational debates between conceptions and/or rival theories, using didactical rational reconstruction (DRR) which aims to help scientific concepts rational learning. We investigate the outcomes of this preparation and students’ conceptual development, analyzed through a qualitative-interpretative methodological approach.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of glutamine supplementation of the diet on intestinal mucosa morphology, performance, and egg quality of commercial laying hens, submitted to heat stress and thermoneutral conditions. In this study, 96 (Isa Babcock) laying hens at 35 weeks of age were used and distributed in a completely randomized design according to a 2x2 factorial arrangement, with two levels of ambient temperature (thermoneutral and hot) and two levels of glutamine in the diet (0.0 and 1.0% of inclusion), in 6 replicates of 4 hens per box. Feed intake, daily egg production, feed conversion per kilogram of eggs, and egg quality were obtained in two periods of 28 days each. Heat stress decreased egg production and quality, and glutamine supplementation improved egg quality and feed conversion. The heat and glutamine supplementation provided an increase in calliciform cells quantity in duodenum and ileum, respectively. Significant morphological modifications in the intestinal mucosa of laying hens were not found.
The massive urbanization and activities arising from the uncontrolled growth of urban areas, result in changes on the climate, making it unhealthy. One factor that contributes to poor quality of life due to this fact is the islands of heat that consists in the accumulation of surface heat and raises the temperature in the cities. The vegetation consists of urban greening, urban forests and green areas, have the function to minimize this effect. To reconcile these factors, collected data on surface temperature by satellite images, LANDSAT 5 captured on 18/12/2012 point 75 e 76, orbits 221, band 6 and on-site survey with thermo-hygrometer, possessed the data, crossing the conducted vegetative survey and provided a management vision to improve the microclimate of the city under study. The vegetation coverage at urban area directly affects the ambient temperature, improving the urban micro-climate. The different analyzed surface coverage also affects the apparent temperature. Among the studied ranks, the eucalyptus cultivation, native forest, urban area and solo exposed areas with greater vegetation cover have mild temperatures and improved microclimate.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Stricter environmental policies are shown necessary to ensure an effective pollutant emission control. It is expected for the present year of 2015, that Brazil will assume, at the 21th United Nation's Climate Change Conference (COP21), implementation of commitment to a low carbon economy. This positioning affects the industrial environment, so that is deemed necessary to search for new technologies, less aggressive to the environment, so the adequacies to the new emission policies do not cause a negative effect on production. Almost all of the processes performed in the steel industry demand burning fuel and, therefore, flue gases are sent to the atmosphere. In this present work is discussed the utilization of heat exchangers so, by recovering part of the available heat from the flue gases of certain industrial process, the combustion air is preheated. The combustion air preheat results in less energy requirement, i.e., less need of fuel consumption and, in addition, minor amount of pollutants to be emitted. Due to better fitting to the process, it is studied the utilization of spiral plate heat exchangers. The heat exchanger dimensioning is made by an iterative method implemented in the software Microsoft Excel. Subsequently are analyzed the gains in terms of process's thermal efficiency improvement and the percentage of fuel saving. The latter implies in reduction of the same percentage of greenhouse gases emission
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This experiment were performed to evaluate methods of seeds scarification for overcoming dormancy and the efficacy of six herbicides registered for sugarcane to control adult plants of Mcharantia. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications in both trials. The first trial is a factorial 2x8 (two times of seeds collection (2006 and 2007) with eight methods of breaking dormancy (mechanical scarification; 100% and 50% concentrated sulfuric acid; 2% potassium nitrate for three and six hours; heat dried at 60 degrees C; hot water at 60 degrees C and an untreated control). In the second trial evaluated the control of M. charantia through six different herbicides: Imazapic, Metsulfuron-methyl, Metribuzin, 2,4-D, Amicarbazone, Paraquat and a control without herbicide application. Thus, it can be concluded that the seeds were immersed in concentrated sulfuric acid for three minutes and potassium nitrate for three hours gave a higher percentage and germination speed and the herbicide Metribuzin reached, albeit belatedly, a total control of M. charantia.
Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos de métodos de superação de dormência sobre a germinação das sementes de Ipomoea grandifolia, I. hederifolia, I. nil, I. quamoclit, Merremia aegyptia e M. cissoides. Os tratamentos consistiram em ácido sulfúrico concentrado, nitrato de potássio, água quente e calor seco (50 ºC), lixa e fogo. Constatou-se que o ácido sulfúrico promoveu aumento na germinação das sementes de I. grandifolia (58, 37, 22 e 34%), I. hederifolia (76, 49, 82 e 55%), I. quamoclit (43, 33, 66 e 35%), I. nil (69, 79, 72 e 62%), M. cissoides (8, 19, 35 e 57%) e M. aegyptia (24, 64, 56 e 63%) após períodos de imersão de 5, 10, 15 e 20 minutos, respectivamente. A água (20 e 40 minutos), o calor seco (20 e 40 minutos) e o fogo melhoraram a germinação de I. grandifolia (68, 59, 62, 67 e 59%), M. cissoides (50, 52, 18, 25 e 46%) e M. aegyptia (54, 47, 21, 21 e 45%), respectivamente. O calor seco de 20 e 40 minutos melhorou a germinação de I. nil (49 e 36%), e o de 40 minutos, a de I. hederifolia (70%). O uso de nitrato de potássio e lixa não proporcionou melhoria na germinação das sementes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As características do pelame (espessura da capa, comprimento médio dos pêlos, número de pêlos por unidade de área, densidade de massa dos pêlos, ângulo de inclinação dos pêlos com respeito a superfície da epiderme e diâmetro médio do pêlos) foram avaliadas em 973 vacas da raça Holandesa, entre novembro de 2000 e abril de 2001, numa área localizada 20cm abaixo da coluna vertebral, no centro do tronco, tanto nas malhas brancas como nas negras. As amostras de pêlos foram obtidas com um alicate comum adaptado. O método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita (REML) foi usado para estimar os componentes de variância e covariância sob modelo animal, sendo empregado o sistema MTDFREML. Os resultados mostraram que as características do pelame preto são diferentes das do branco, quando os animais são criados em ambiente tropical. O pelame preto apresentou-se menos denso, com pêlos mais curtos e grossos devido à maior necessidade de perder calor, enquanto que, o pelame branco é mais denso e com pêlos mais compridos, oferecendo uma melhor proteção contra à radiação solar direta. A seleção de vacas predominantemente negras pode ser uma boa escolha para aumentar a resistência do gado Holandês às condições do ambiente tropical, principalmente à radiação solar, quando esses animais são criados a campo, devido a que a epiderme sob esse tipo de malhas é altamente pigmentada. Tal seleção pode ser facilmente realizada, considerando a alta herdabilidade (h²=0,75) para a proporção de malhas negras. Esta seleção deve ser realizada no sentido de um pelame menos denso, com pêlos curtos e grossos favorecendo as perdas de calor sensível e calor latente.