137 resultados para socialização
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho investiga o desempenho lingüístico de dois grupos de adolescentes entre 10 e 18 anos, segundo grau de escolaridade e estrato sócio-econômico. Seu principal objetivo é verificar o grau de conformidade alcançado por ambos à norma adulta de prestigio, considerando-se unicamente variantes fonológicas e avaliar, além disso, o papel da escola no ensino de habilidades consideradas necessárias à aquisição de um conjunto consistente de variantes sócio-culturais.
Uma das mais expressivas aparições no cenário do mundo digitalizado foi protagonizada pela Europeana, um projeto dirigido pela Fundação para a Biblioteca Digital Europeia, lançado em 2005 e aberto ao público em novembro de 2008, com o objetivo de disponibilizar o patrimônio cultural e científico dos 27 Estados-membros, em 29 línguas, com uma abrangência que vai da pré-história à atualidade. Com muitas referências ao Brasil, constitui uma rede de arquivo de grande interesse para a pesquisa histórica e cultural sobre o país. A análise das características técnicas econômicas e culturais da Europeana pode contribuir para a orientação e o fortalecimento do crescente processo de criação e socialização de bibliotecas digitais no Brasil.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Introduction: Organizations are expending more and more, the spaces electronic / digital (Internet / intranet / extranet) as a way to efficiently manage information and knowledge in the organizational environment. The management of inputs informational and intellectual belongings ranges from the strategic level to the operational level; the results demonstrate the strength of the socialization of organizational strategies. Objective: To reflect on the role of information architecture for the development of electronic spaces / digital in organizational environments. Methodology: Analytical study supported by specialized literature, based on three aspects emphasized by Morville and Rosenfeld (2006) and applied to information architecture: context, content and user studies beyond the search and use of information Choo (2006) which also highlights three aspects: situational dimensions, cognitive needs and emotional reactions. Results: In the context of the Web environment organizations have a large number of sites for brands / products that have mostly no organizational structure or shared navigation. The results show that when a department needs to contact another department must do so in order offline. Conclusion: The information architecture has become essential for the development of management information systems that makes possible to easily find and access data and information, as well as helps in developing distinct hierarchies to structure the distribution of content, promoting developed quality and effectiveness of the management systems.
This paper is the result of a research called Pedagogic Research in Education Schools: Aspects of the Work Conducted by Teachers developed at the post-doctorate training level at Fundação Carlos Chagas. It proposes a reflection on the concept of research that seeks to define and clarify their specific features, and brings about some of the differences that define the university, the school and the pedagogic researches, indicating the relevance of the last one in the teachers’ training process. The relationship between research and teachers’ training is highlighted as well as the need of a curricular restructuring in Education courses , in order to think research as a forming axis in teachers’ formation. Furthermore, the contributions of research in the teaching formation and practice is addressed, along with the study of school daily activities, focused on the necessary moment to put the assumptions underlying teachers’ practices into practice and also to experience socialization among students, teachers and other professionals in this field of knowledge.
Information Science (IS) research has strongly grown in Brazil, in the last decade, and, as a consequence, it was possible to observe a growth of the support given by the Brazilian National Scientific and Technological Development Council - CNPq. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze the scientific production (journal papers) of the 15 IS researchers who have the highest level research fellowships during the period between 2001 and 2010. Data were analyzed in terms of bibliographic dispersion, internationalization, and scientific collaboration as well as in terms of the most prominent journals. The results (219 papers) evidence an average of around 1.5 papers per author per year and a group of 63 different journals (60% evaluated under levels Qualis A1 and B1). The journal DataGramaZero is strongly present since it responds for 22% of the whole production. It was possible to observe a still shy presence of foreign journals and none of them belong to the Anglo-Saxon environment. The kind of authorship is well-balanced between individual and collective ones, including inter-institutional collaboration. It is possible to conclude that this group is mature and very productive, and it represents an academical IS leadership in Brazil but still lacks more international visibility.
Universities produce large volume of scientific knowledge; however, much of this knowledge is not properly systematic and socialized, causing losses to the development of Science and society. Therefore, there is the need to apply methods, techniques and tools that facilitate the systematization and sharing the knowledge generated in this context. In this perspective, a study aimed at developing a model of the knowledge management representing the specific area of Information Science (IS) of the Sao Paulo State University [Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)]. For this, a qualitative study was developed, descriptive and exploratory, consisting in five steps: started with the theoretical foundation about the thematic, defined the appropriate methodology, comprising characterization of the area of CI Unesp; collecting and analysis of information about the generation, socialization, ownership and communication of scientific knowledge in this environment. As a result of the study, it was possible to develop a model of scientific knowledge management. This model represents the elements involved in the dynamics of scientific knowledge, serving as a starting point for the planning and execution of future actions for the management of scientific knowledge. The study also presents an initial diagnosis on the state of art of scientific knowledge in the academic community of CI from Unesp.
As reflexões tecidas neste texto decorreram de inúmeros questionamentos acerca da necessidade de se considerar a importância dos contos infantis como literatura, na formação humana e na educação. Nesse sentido, aborda-se, num primeiro momento, aspectos históricos da origem e trajetória dos contos infantis. Após e ainda que brevemente, abordam-se alguns fundamentos discutidos entre Habermas e Mead sobre a construção da intersubjetividade humana que pode ser propiciada pelos contos infantis e a conquista da individuação e socialização. Por fim, são abordados aspectos a partir dos quais se espera contribuir para as reflexões sobre educação, centralmente sobre a educação de crianças em processo de escolarização.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS