100 resultados para metabolic-rate


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the postharvest management, the fruits can be exposed to injuries that depreciated the quality and the shelf life. Thus, it was evaluated the modified atmosphere effects on guavas var. Paluma subjected to different mechanical damages. Once harvested, the fruits were selected, sanitized and submitted to the treatments T1 (control) - without injuries or packaging in bags of low density polyethylene (LDPE); T2 - without injuries + LDPE bags; T3 - damage by fall of 1 m + LDPE bags; T4 - damage by compression of 9 N + LDPE bags; T5 - damage by fall of 1 m + damage by compression of 9 N + LDPE bags and T6 - damage by fall of 1 m + damage by compression of 9 N without LDPE bags. The treatments were kept in cold storage at 10 ± 1 o C and 94 ± 2% de R.H. The analysis of CO2/ethylene production, enzymatic activity, total and soluble pectins, pulp firmness, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), reducing sugars and ascorbic acid were performed every 10 days of refrigeration, and an additional day outside cold storage (22 ± 1o C and 75 ± 3% R.H.) for 30 days. Guavas packed in LDPE bags, not subject to mechanical damage, presented the best quality standards. The fruits suffered only one kind of damage, when packaged, presented satisfactory pattern compared to the fruits without package and not exposed to any mechanical damages. Applying the two kinds of damages, the LDPE packaging was not adequate to decrease the metabolic rate of these fruits, making them unfit for marketing.


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Snakes are ectothermic animals and, therefore, their physiological functions are strongly affected by temperature. For instance, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of this animals increase with the rise in body temperature. However, metabolic determinations in ectothermic organisms, including snakes, are generally made by submitting the animals to constant temperature regimes. This experimental procedure, although widely used, accepted and certainly suitable in several cases, submit the animals to a very different situation from that experienced by them in nature. In fact, ectothermics are known by presenting extensive variations in their body temperatures trough the day and/or seasons. If this disagreement between the thermal biology of the animals and the experimental conditions, for instance over the circadian cycle, affects the determinations of metabolic rates of ectotherm animals, remains quite uncertain. Thus, this study aimed to test the effects of different thermal regimes (fluctuating vs constant) in different temperature ranges over the TMR of rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus). Therefore, the TMR of rattlesnakes was measured by the oxygen consumption rates ( V O2) in the constant temperatures of 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C and 35°C. For fluctuating regimes, snakes were measured in thermoperiods of 12/12 hours, as follows: 15°C and 25°C; 20°C and 30°C; 25°C and 35°C. Our results show that the RMR of C. durissus rises as the temperature increases, regardless of the thermal regime. The obtained RMR in the constant regimes of 20°C and 25°C was not different from that measured in the correspondent fluctuating regimes (i.e., 15 - 25°C e 20 - 30°C). However, at constant 30°C, the RMR was significantly higher than that obtained in the 30°C fluctuating regime (25 - 35ºC). This indicates that the potential effects in submitting of snakes to different thermal regimes of its thermal biology become more important with...


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Background: Recent studies have identified that a higher resting heart rate (RHR) is associated with elevated blood pressure, independent of body fatness, age and ethnicity. However, it is still unclear whether RHR can also be applied as a screening for other risk factors, such as hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. Thus, the purpose of the presented study was to analyze the association between RHR, lipid profile and fasting glucose in obese children and adolescents.Methods: The sample was composed of 180 obese children and adolescents, aged between 7-16 years. Whole-body and segmental body composition were estimated by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Resting heart rate (RHR) was measured by heart rate monitors. The fasting blood samples were analyzed for serum triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and glucose, using the colorimetric method.Results: Fasting glucose, TC, triglycerides, HDL-C, LDL-C and RHR were similar in both genders. The group of obese subjects with a higher RHR presented, at a lower age, higher triglycerides and TC. There was a significant relationship between RHR, triglycerides and TC. In the multivariate model, triglycerides and TC maintained a significant relationship with RHR independent of age, gender, general and trunk adiposity. The ROC curve indicated that RHR has a high potential for screening elevated total cholesterol and triglycerides as well as dyslipidemia.Conclusion: Elevated RHR has the potential to identify subjects at an increased risk of atherosclerosis development.


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Seven male broiler strains (Arbor Acres, Avian Farms, Cobb-500, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA, Naked Neck, and Ross) were compared for their growth rate, feed efficiency, and mortality due to sudden death and ascites. In addition, weekly plasma levels of thyroid hormones [3,3′,5-triiodothyronine (T3) thyroxine (T4), T3: T4 ratio, growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)] were determined. The highly productive, commercial strains were very similar in their endocrine profiles but differed markedly from the Naked Neck chickens. Naked Neck chickens were characterized by higher plasma T3 and lower T4 levels at similar ages as well as when compared on the same body weight basis. The present findings support the hypothesis that the slightly hypothyroid state of high productive broilers renders them more sensitive to metabolic disorders. Naked Neck chickens also had higher plasma GH levels than those of their age-matched commercial broilers. The coefficient of variation for GH was highest for Naked Neck chickens, which is indicative for an amplified GH burst amplitude. It may be stated that changes in plasma thyroid hormone concentration in indirect response to selection for low feed conversion and fast growth may be causatively linked to susceptibility for metabolic disturbances such as sudden death syndrome and ascites.


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Background: In pediatric populations, the use of resting heart rate as a health index remains unclear, mainly in epidemiological settings. The aims of this study were to analyze the impact of resting heart rate on screening dyslipidemia and high blood glucose and also to identify its significance in pediatric populations.Methods: The sample was composed of 971 randomly selected adolescents aged 11 to 17 years (410 boys and 561 girls). Resting heart rate was measured with oscillometric devices using two types of cuffs according to the arm circumference. Biochemical parameters triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and glucose were measured. Body fatness, sleep, smoking, alcohol consumption and cardiorespiratory fitness were analyzed.Results: Resting heart rate was positively related to higher sleep quality (β = 0.005, p = 0.039) and negatively related to cardiorespiratory fitness (β = -0.207, p = 0.001). The receiver operating characteristic curve indicated significant potential for resting heart rate in the screening of adolescents at increased values of fasting glucose (area under curve = 0.611 ± 0.039 [0.534 - 0.688]) and triglycerides (area under curve = 0.618 ± 0.044 [0.531 - 0.705]).Conclusion: High resting heart rate constitutes a significant and independent risk related to dyslipidemia and high blood glucose in pediatric populations. Sleep and cardiorespiratory fitness are two important determinants of the resting heart rate. © 2013 Fernandes et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the potential relationship between excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), heart rate recovery (HRR) and their respective time constants (tvo(2) and t(HR)) and body composition and aerobic fitness (VO(2)max) variables after an anaerobic effort. 14 professional cyclists (age = 28.4 +/- 4.8 years, height = 176.0 +/- 6.7 cm, body mass = 74.4 +/- 8.1 kg, VO(2)max = 66.8 +/- 7.6 mL. kg(-1) . min(-1)) were recruited. Each athlete made 3 visits to the laboratory with 24h between each visit. During the first visit, a total and segmental body composition assessment was carried out. During the second, the athletes undertook an incremental test to determine VO(2)max. In the final visit, EPOC (15-min) and HRR were measured after an all-out 30s Wingate test. The results showed that EPOC is positively associated with % body fat (r = 0.64), total body fat (r = 0.73), fat-free mass (r = 0.61) and lower limb fat-free mass (r = 0.55) and negatively associated with HRR (r = - 0.53, p < 0.05 for all). HRR had a significant negative correlation with total body fat and % body fat (r = - 0.62, r = - 0.56 respectively, p < 0.05 for all). These findings indicate that VO(2)max does not influence HRR or EPOC after high-intensity exercise. Even in short-term exercise, the major metabolic disturbance due to higher muscle mass and total muscle mass may increase EPOC. However, body fat impedes HRR and delays recovery of oxygen consumption after effort in highly trained athletes.


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Background. We sought to establish an anesthetic protocol to evaluate the hemodynamic, metabolic, and electrolytic changes after graft reperfusion in pigs undergoing orthotopic intestinal transplant (ITX).Methods. Fifteen pigs were distributed into two groups: GI (n = 6), without immunosuppression, and GII (n = 9), immunosuppressed before surgery with tacrolimus (0.3 mg/kg). The animals were premedicated at 1 hour before surgery with IM acepromazine (0.1 mg/kg), morphine (0.4 mg/kg), ketamine (10 mg/kg), and atropine (0.044 mg/kg IM). Anesthesia induction used equal proportions of diazepam and ketamine (0.1-0.15 mL/kg/IV) and for maintenance in IV infusion of xylazine (1 mg/mL), ketamine (2 mg/mL), and guaiacol glyceryl ether 5% (50 mg/mL), diluted in 250 mL of 5% glucose solution. In addition, recipient pigs were treated with isofluorane inhalation. Heart rate (HR), systolic (SAP), mean (MAP), and diastolic (DAP) arterial pressure, pulse oximetry, respiratory frequency (f), capnography, body temperature (T), blood gas analysis (pH, PaCO(2), PaO(2), base excess, BE; HCO(3)(-), SatO(2)), serum potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sodium, hematocrit (Hct), and glucose (Glu) were measured at four times; MO: after incision (basal value); M1: 10 minutes before reperfusion; and M2 and M3: 10 and 20 minutes after graft reperfusion.Results. All groups behaved in a similar pattern. There was significant hypotension after graft reperfusion in GI and GII (M2 = 56.2 +/- 6.4 and M3 = 57.2 +/- 8.3 mm Hg and M2 = 65.7 +/- 10.2 and M3 = 67.8 +/- 16.8 mm Hg, respectively), accompanied by elevated HR. The ETCO(2) was elevated at M2 (42 mm Hg) and M3 (40 mm Hg). Metabolic acidosis was observed after reperfusion, with significant increase in K levels.Conclusion. The anesthetic protocol for donors and recipients was safe to perform the procedure, allowing control of hemodynamic and metabolic changes after reperfusion without differences regarding immunosuppression.


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INTRODUCTION: Metabolic investigation in patients with urinary lithiasis is very important for preventing recurrence of disease. The objective of this work was to diagnose and to determine the prevalence of metabolic disorders, to assess the quality of the water consumed and volume of diuresis as potential risk factors for this pathology. PATIENTS and METHODS: We studied 182 patients older than 12 years. We included patients with history and/or imaging tests confirming at least 2 stones, with creatinine clearance > 60 mL/min and negative urine culture. The protocol consisted in the collection of 2, 24-hour urine samples, for dosing Ca, P, uric acid, Na, K, Mg, Ox and Ci, glycemia and serum levels of Ca, P, Uric acid, Na, K, Cl, Mg, U and Cr, urinary pH and urinary acidification test. RESULTS: 158 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Among these, 151 (95.5%) presented metabolic changes, with 94 (62.2%) presenting isolated metabolic change and 57 (37.8%) had mixed changes. The main disorders detected were hypercalciuria (74%), hypocitraturia (37.3%), hyperoxaluria (24.1%), hypomagnesuria (21%), hyperuricosuria (20.2%), primary hyperparathyroidism (1.8%) secondary hyperparathyroidism (0.6%) and renal tubular acidosis (0.6). CONCLUSION: Metabolic change was diagnosed in 95.5% of patients. These results warrant the metabolic study and follow-up in patients with recurrent lithiasis in order to decrease the recurrence rate through specific treatments, modification in alimentary and behavioral habits.


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We aim to investigate the effectiveness of a 10-week lifestyle intervention focusing on physical activity and high fiber intake for reducing indicators for metabolic syndrome in overweight-obese individuals. A prospective study of 50 overweight (OW) adults (22 in the general educational group - G1; 28 in the high fiber nutrition group - G2) was performed. Both groups were offered dietary counseling and supervised exercise. Clinical, anthropometric, dietary and plasma biochemical tests were performed at baseline - time 0 (T0) and after 10 weeks - time 1 (T1). Both groups improved their dietary quality, but only G2 presented higher intake of fruit and vegetables (servings/day), higher plasma beta-carotene levels and a 24% reduction of MetS incidence. Additionally G2 showed greater reductions in body fat (4%), and waist circumference (7%), obesity class III (2%) and obesity class II (14%) rate. Lifestyle intervention, including a high dietary fiber intake, improved healthy eating index and decreased body fat composition and plasma lipid concentrations leading to MetS incidence reduction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the present investigation the locomotor and the metabolic activity of Gymnostreptus olivaceus were studied, using 24-hr cycles at different photoperiods and constant temperature and RH. Locomotor activity was studied by the actography method and was reported as coefficients of nocturnalism [CN (N/N + D). 100]. The results showed a nocturnalism coefficient of 98,71% under normal photoperiod conditions and of 29,58% under inverted photoperiod conditions. In constant illumination, the CN of G. olivaceus was 88,22%, and in constant darkness, its rhythm was close to that of the normal photoperiod (CN = 94,92%). The metabolic activity was studied by manometric Warburg respirometry and lit was reported as mu l O-2 . g(-1). h(-1). The respiratory rate of G. olivaceus under normal photoperiod condition was higher at night than during the day (52,52 x 28,76), coinciding with the pattern of nocturnal locomotor activity of the animal. However, under conditions of inverted photoperiod, the millipede maintained its tendency toward a more intense nocturnal respiratory rate (50,35 x 39,14). Similar behaviours were observed under constant illumination and constant darkness, in which G. olivaceus again presented higher nocturnal respiratory rates than diurnal ones(85,84 x 53,48 and 73,18 x 57,0, respectively). The present experimental data suggests the persistence of an endogenous rhythm where the light may not be an important exogenous synchronizer of the activity of G. olivaceus, because it was insufficient to block the start of the biological clock and the natural tendency of higher nocturnal activities of millipedes, principally when the tests were performed in constant illumination or darkness (free-running tests).


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Six Welsh gelding ponies were premedicated with 0.03 mg/kg of acepromazine intravenously (i.v.) prior to induction of anaesthesia with midazolam at 0.2 mg/kg and ketamine at 2 mg/kg i.v.. Anaesthesia was maintained for 2 h using 1.2% halothane concentration in oxygen. Heart rate, electrocardiograph (EGG), arterial blood pressure, respiratory rate, blood gases, temperature, haematocrit, plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP), dynorphin, beta-endorphin, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, glucose and lactate concentrations were measured before and after premedication, immediately after induction, every 20 min during anaesthesia, and at 20 and 120 min after disconnection. Induction was rapid, excitement-free and good muscle relaxation was observed. There were no changes in heart and respiratory rates, Decrease in temperature, hyperoxia and respiratory acidosis developed during anaesthesia and slight hypotension was observed (minimum value 76 +/- 10 mm Hg at 40 mins), No changes were observed in dynorphin, beta-endorphin, ACTH, catecholamines and glucose, Plasma cortisol concentration increased from 220 +/- 17 basal to 354 +/- 22 nmol/L at 120 min during anaesthesia; plasma AVP concentration increased from 3 +/- 1 basal to 346 +/- 64 pmol/L at 100 min during anaesthesia and plasma lactate concentration increased from 1.22 +/- 0.08 basal to 1.76 +/- 0.13 mmol/L at 80 min during anaesthesia, Recovery was rapid and uneventful with ponies taking 46 +/- 6 min to stand. When midazolam/ketamine was compared with thiopentone or detomidine/ketamine for induction before halothane anaesthesia using an otherwise similar protocol in the same ponies, it caused slightly more respiratory depression, but less hypotension. Additionally, midazolam reduced the hormonal stress response commonly observed during halothane anaesthesia and appears to have a good potential for use in horses.


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After up to 21 days without food, adult male quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) lost about 45% of the initial body weight (100-150 g). As in naturally fast-adapted and larger birds, three phases were identified during prolonged fasting in quails. Phase I lasted 2-3 days and was characterized by a rapid decrease in the rate of body weight loss and high fat mobilization. Phase II was longer and characterized by a slow and steady decline in the rates of body weight loss and of nitrogen excretion. The third (critical) period was marked by an abrupt increase in the rates of body weight loss and of nitrogen excretion. Despite their small size, the duration of phase II in quails was relatively long, a clear advantage for the study of the relationships between the several metabolic events that occur during this crucial adaptative period. Also, the beginning of phase III could be precisely determined. Changes in blood glucose, plasma FFA and triacylglycerols levels, as well as in liver and carcass lipid content were similar to those found in other species of birds. Therefore, quails seem to be a suitable model to investigate the biochemical mechanisms involved in the metabolic adjustments to prolonged food deprivation in non fasting-adapted birds. © 1995.