173 resultados para invertase assay


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Studies of DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-infected patients are conflicting, possibly due to different methods used for scoring DNA damage by Comet assay. Therefore, we compared the sensitivity of visual microscopic analysis (arbitrary units-scores and comets%) and image analysis system (tail moment), in the gastric epithelial cells from the antrum and corpus of 122 H. pylori-infected and 32 non-infected patients. The feasibility of cryopreserved peripheral blood lymphocytes and whole-blood cells for DNA damage biomonitoring was also investigated. In the antrum, the levels of DNA damage were significantly higher in H. pylori-infected patients with gastritis than in non-infected patients with normal mucosa, when evaluated by image analysis system, arbitrary units and comets%. In the corpus, the comets% was not sufficiently sensitive to detect the difference between H. pylori-infected patients with gastritis and non-infected patients with normal mucosa. The image analysis system was sensitive enough to detect differences between non-infected patients and H. pylori-infected patients with mild gastritis and between infected patients with moderate and severe gastritis, in both antrum, and corpus, while arbitrary units and comets% were unable to detect these differences. In cryopreserved peripheral blood lymphocytes, the levels of DNA damage (tail moment) were significantly higher in H. pylori-infected patients with moderate and severe gastritis than in non-infected patients. Overall, our results indicate that the image analysis system is more sensitive and adequate to measure the levels of DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells than the other methods assayed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The serological response to Salmonella pullorum and S. gallinarum infection in chickens was studied with an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In broiler chickens, a more virulent strain of S. pullorum produced a significantly lower serum IgG titer than did a less virulent strain. In laying hens, the serum and egg-yolk IgG titers were very similar. In chickens infected with S. gallinarum, high IgG titers persisted for 30 weeks. In chickens reinfected with this strain, each reinfection was followed by transitory increases in IgG lasting no longer than 2 weeks. Serum samples from Brazil taken from a laying flock with evidence of fowl typhoid showed much higher antibody levels than did those from three uninfected flocks. Using lipopolysaccharide as the detecting antigen, infections caused by these salmonellae could be differentiated from those caused by other groups. Incorporation of the appropriate flagella antigen in the ELISA allowed differentiation between infections caused by S. pullorum and S. enteritidis.


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The routine methods for detecting Listeria sp. in foods are time consuming and involve using selective enrichments and plating on agars. In this study, the presence of Listeria sp. in 120 meat and meat product samples was investigated by two rapid immunoassays (TECRA Listeria Visual Immunoassay [VIA] and BioControl Visual Immunoprecipitate Assay [VIP] for Listeria) and a cultural procedure. The cultural method of detecting Listeria sp. followed Canada's Health Protection Branch Method, and the rapid tests followed the manufacturers' instructions. The agreement between the cultural and the rapid tests was established at a confidence limit of 95%. Seventy-nine samples (65.8%) were Listeria sp. positive in at least one of the three tests. There was no statistically significant difference between the cultural procedure and any of the rapid immunoassays. The agreement rates between the VIA and the cultural method and between the VIP and the cultural method were 87 and 84%, respectively. Both tests - the VIA and VIP - proved to be rapid, efficient and easy to perform.


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A simple, rapid inexpensive voltammetric method have been developed for the quantitative determination of albendazole (ABZ) as the pure assay, by direct dissolution of commercial tablets in HCl solutions. Studies with linear sweep (LSV), square-wave (SWV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) were carried out ABZ in aqueous medium at a glassy carbon electrode. A well defined irreversible oxidation peak current was obtained at 1,00V vs. SCE. The method permits a precise quantitative determination of ABZ using the standard addition method. The detection limits for the three voltammetric techniques were found to be 3.0 x 10(-5) M (LSV), 6.2 x 10(-5) M (SWV) and 4.0 x 10(-5) M (DPV).


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We designed a novel PCR-RFLP assay to genotype for the CXCR2 +1440 (G/A) single nucleotide polymorphism, which provides a simple, low-cost, practical, and reproducible method. Allele frequencies in healthy Brazilian individuals were found to be 0.65% for allele A and 0.35% for allele G.


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Two experiments were carried out to evaluate a larval development assay for the detection of anthelmintic resistance in O. circumcincta. In Experiment I, the dose responses to levamisole (LEV), thiabendazole (TBZ) and ivermectin (IVM) of 8 isolates of O. circumcincta were measured 34 days after infection (DAI). Four of these isolates were shown to be resistant to 1 or more anthelmintics. With 2 exceptions, all isolates considered to be resistant had higher LD50 values than the susceptible isolates for that anthelmintic. One exception was isolate RM8, which was considered to be resistant to all 3 anthelmintics based on faecal egg count reduction tests in goats, but the LD50 value for LEV did not differ from that for the susceptible isolates. The other exception was an isolate considered to be susceptible to TBZ which had a relatively high LD50 value. In an unrelated trial that was prompted by this finding, this isolate was confirmed to be benzimidazole-resistant. Isolate RM8 and an isolate susceptible to all 3 anthelmintics (SK2) were used in the second experiment, which was conducted to monitor changes in the LD50 values of LEV, TBZ and IVM over time following a single infection of 35 000 infective larvae in young sheep. Faecal samples were collected weekly from 24 to 115 DAI. With all 3 anthelmintics, the LD50 values increased with time to a peak around 50-60 DAI, and then declined to levels similar to those observed soon after patency. This trend was consistent for both isolates. The highest mean LD50 values for isolates SK2 for IVM and TBZ and RM8 for IVM and RM8, respectively, were 1.7 and 1.8 times, and 2.2 and 2.9 times higher than the initial mean LD50 values. There was a clear distinction in LD50 values between isolates at each sampling day for both IVM and TBZ. However, as a consequence of the changes in LD50 values with time, the peak LD50 values of IVM for isolate SK2 were higher than the minimum LD50 values of isolate RM8. As there was no apparent difference in LEV efficacy between these 2 isolates, the data were pooled. The highest mean LD50 value was 2.3 times higher than the initial LD50 value. (C) 1997 Australian Society for Parasitology.


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A specific and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure was developed for the assay of sparfloxacin in raw material and tablets. It was also found that the excipients in the commercial tablet preparation did not interfere with the assay. The method validation yielded good results and included the range, linearity, precision, accuracy, specificity and recovery. This method can also be applied to stability studies. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aspergillus niger - 245 a strain isolated from soil samples showed good beta -fructosidase activity when inoculated in medium formulated with dahlia extract tubers. The enzyme was purified by precipitation in ammonium sulphate and percolated in DEAE-Sephadex A-50 and CM-cellulose columns, witch showed a single peack in all the purification steps, maintaining the I/S ratio between 0.32 to, 0.39. Optimum pH for inulinase activity (I) was between 4.0 - 4.5 and for invertase activity (S) between 2.5 and 50. The optimum temperature was 60 degrees .C for both activities and no loss in activity was observed when it was maintained at this temperature for 30 min. The K-m value was 1.44 and 5.0 respectively, for I and S and V-m value 10.48 and 30.55 respectively. The I activity was strongly inhibited by Hg2+ and Ag+ and 2 x 10(-3) M of glucose, but not by fructose at the same concentration. The enzyme showed an exo-action mechanism acting on the inulin of different origins. In assay conditions total hydrolysis of all the frutans was obtained although it has shown larger activity on the chicory inulin than that one from artichoke Jerusalem and dahlia, in the first 30 min. The obtained results suggested that the enzyme presented good potential for industrial application in the preparing the fructose syrups.


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Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) are oxidoreductases present in animal tissues, plants, and microorganisms. These enzymes attract major scientific interest for the evolutionary perspectives, afforded by their wide occurrence in nature, and for their use in synthesis, thanks to their broad substrate specificity and stereoselectivity. In the present study, the standardization of the activity of the alcohol dehydrogenase from baker's yeast was accomplished, and the pH and temperature stability showed, that the enzyme presented a high stability to pH 6.0-7.0 and the thermal stability were completely maintained up to 50 degrees C during 1 h. The assays of ethanol (detection range 1-5 mM or 4.6 x 10(-2) to 23.0 x 10(-2) g/L) in different samples in alcoholic beverages, presented a maximum deviation of only 7.2%. The standard curve and the analytic curve of this method meet the conditions of precision, sensitivity, simplicity, and low cost, required for a useable analytical method. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The mutagenic activity of waste material originating from an aluminum products factory was determined by the Salmonella/microsome assay, using the bacterial strains TA100, TA98 and YG1024. The material was obtained by sweeping the factory floor at the end of the work shift. Organic compounds were extracted by ultrasound for 30 min in dichloromethane or 70% ethanol. After evaporation of solvent, these extracts were dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide, and tested for the mutagenic activity at varying concentrations. All the extracts from the factory had mutagenic activity, especially in the YG1024 strain, suggesting the presence of aromatic amines, later confirmed by chemical analysis. The TA98 strain also showed mutagenic activity, though it did not exhibit the highest mutagenicity index observed with the YG1024 strain. In TA100, mutagenic activity was not observed. This study should serve as an alert to management and those who are occupationally exposed, and as a warning that this type of waste should not be discarded in the environment without any control. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A liquid phase blocking ELISA (LPB-ELISA) was adapted for the detection and quantification of antibodies to Newcastle disease virus. Sera from vaccinated and unvaccinated commercial flocks of ostriches (Struthio camelus) and rheas (Rhea americana) were tested. The purified and nonpurified virus used as the antigen and the capture and detector antibodies were prepared and standardized for this purpose. The hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test was regarded as the reference method, the cutoff point for the LPB-ELISA was determined by a two-graph receiver operating characteristic analysis. The LPB-ELISA titers regressed significantly (P < 0.0001) on the HI titers with a high correlation coefficient (r = 0.875). The two tests showed good agreement ( = 0.82; P < 0.0001), relative sensitivity (90.91%) and specificity (91.18%), and accuracy (91.02%), suggesting that they are interchangeable.


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Agaricus blazei Murrill ss. Heinem, known as the sun mushroom or himematsutake, is a basidiomycete native to Brazil, which is popular for its medicinal properties. The aim of this study was to test hexane extracts (one fraction and its four sub-fractions) of A. blazei for bioactivity in cultured mammalian cells (CHO-K1). The comet assay, the colony forming assay (CFA) and CHO/HGPRT gene mutation assay were used respectively to determine genotoxicity, cytotoxicity and antimutagenicity of these extracts at different concentrations. The cells were incubated in culture medium and treated for 3 h according to the standard protocol for each assay. The DNA damage-inducing agent ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS) was utilized as the positive control and also in combination with extracts to test for a protective effect. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test. A relationship between cytotoxicity and genotoxicity could be established and two extracts EH6B and EH6D showed a protective tendency, while the others did not, with the primary extract EH6 causing the most substantial damage to genetic material. These findings warrant more in-depth studies of the active principles of this mushroom. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of the present study was to develop and apply the direct immunohistochemistry (D-IHC) assay to search for turkey coronavirus (TCoV) antigens in formalin-fixed embedded-paraffin tissues by the use of biotin-labeled polyclonal antibody. Twenty-eight-day-old embryonated turkey eggs (n = 50) were inoculated with TCoV-purified virus, and 3 d after inoculation, sections from ileum, ileum-cecal junction, and ceca were harvested, fixed in neutral formalin, and embedded in paraffin blocks and used as positive control. In addition, a total of 100 field samples from ileum, ileum-cecal junction, and ceca, collected from 30 to 45-d-old turkeys poults experiencing an outbreak of acute enteritis, were used to search for TCoV by the same D-IHC. All results were compared with those obtained by conventional RT-PCR and indirect fluorescent antibody assay (IFA) for all tested samples. Turkey coronavirus was detected in experimentally infected embryo tissues and also in field samples in 100% of ileum-cecal junction and ceca by the 3 detection procedures. With IFA as a reference assay, sensitivity and specificity of D-IHC were 98 and 58%, whereas sensitivity and specificity of reverse transcription-PCR were 96 and 66%, calculated from the total of tested samples from experimental infection. Each of the examined procedures was highly specific (D-IHC, 93%; RT-PCR, 90%), sensitive (D-IHC, 85%; RT-PCR, 86%), and agreement of both D-IHC and RT-PCR was 99 and 100%, respectively, compared with IFA results obtained from all the field samples. These findings demonstrated the utility of D-IHC for direct detection of TCoV from field samples and considering the sensitivity and specificity found here, can be used as an alternative technique.