154 resultados para Universidade Zumbi dos Palmares
Neste trabalho pretendo acrescentar algumas questões à reflexão mais ampla que venho realizando sobre formação de professores e em que tenho discutido a importância do papel do pesquisador da Universidade como agente formador e instigador das mudanças no interior das escolas e do processo de apropriação e transformação dos conceitos que envolvem a prática do professor na sala de aula. Pretendo ainda, analisar duas experiências que revelam o desenvolvimento de processo de colaboração Universidade-escolas de Ensino Fundamental e Médio numa direção em que professor, pesquisador e alunos do curso de Pedagogia desta Universidade atuam conjuntamente num processo de formação que se dá em espiral: da ação para a reflexão, apontando para a formação.
As funções do exame vestibular à luz das necessidades políticas de diferentes moments históricos. Análise crítica das mudanças ocorridas nesse tipo de concurso a partir da consolidação do capital monopolista no Brasil, bem como do enrijecimento dessa barreira escolar face à crise do mercado de trabalho para formados em nível superior. A problemática do ensino superior pago como decorrência.
Estas notas têm como intenção mais imediata divulgar as possibilidades de estudos no nível de pós-graduação e pós-doutorado em áreas ligadas às ciências sociais, à literatura e às humanidades de modo geral, na Universidade de Oxford, através do St. Antony's College, que é a sua Instituição especializada nesse tipo de estudos em relação a países de todo o mundo.
Embora o estudo do Meio Ambiente seja considerado essencial na formação de professores, pesquisas apontam que nas licenciaturas esse estudo ocorre de maneira incipiente. Neste artigo apresentamos uma investigação sobre a inclusão da dimensão ambiental no curso de Pedagogia da Unesp/Araraquara, confrontando o que é proposto com as recomendações da Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental. A partir da análise documental do Projeto Político-Pedagógico e dos Programas de Ensino das disciplinas do currículo do curso, verificamos que os temas de meio ambiente não aparecem entre os conteúdos, objetivos e ementas da maioria dessas disciplinas. Os resultados revelam uma discrepância entre o que é recomendado oficialmente e aquilo que está planejado para as disciplinas. Consideramos que a presença pouco efetiva da dimensão ambiental nos cursos de graduação acarreta a formação de profissionais despreparados para trabalhar adequadamente essa temática em sala de aula e que tal situação precisa ser modificada.
Inclusive education is seen as quality education that should be provided by the educational system for all children, young people and adults. In order to put such a proposal into effect, qualified personnel are needed who are equipped to face such a challenge. This paper aims to examine the curriculum matrices of Pedagogy courses of the Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP that intend to prepare future teachers to follow an inclusive perspective. To this end, the political-pedagogical projects of six Pedagogy courses, the University resolutions that regulate the courses and excerpts taken from interviews carried out with course coordinators were analyzed. In order to analyze the curriculum matrices, the required subjects were distributed on a table according to the following categories: 1) specific subjects related to inclusive education, 2) number of hours of each subject related to inclusive education, 3) specific subjects related to special education and 4) amount of time scheduled for each subject related to special education. Among the six Pedagogy courses, five had subjects that focused on issues related to inclusive education, with varying time allotments, and four had subjects focusing on specific issues related to special education.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Universities produce large volume of scientific knowledge; however, much of this knowledge is not properly systematic and socialized, causing losses to the development of Science and society. Therefore, there is the need to apply methods, techniques and tools that facilitate the systematization and sharing the knowledge generated in this context. In this perspective, a study aimed at developing a model of the knowledge management representing the specific area of Information Science (IS) of the Sao Paulo State University [Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)]. For this, a qualitative study was developed, descriptive and exploratory, consisting in five steps: started with the theoretical foundation about the thematic, defined the appropriate methodology, comprising characterization of the area of CI Unesp; collecting and analysis of information about the generation, socialization, ownership and communication of scientific knowledge in this environment. As a result of the study, it was possible to develop a model of scientific knowledge management. This model represents the elements involved in the dynamics of scientific knowledge, serving as a starting point for the planning and execution of future actions for the management of scientific knowledge. The study also presents an initial diagnosis on the state of art of scientific knowledge in the academic community of CI from Unesp.
Introduction: Aging is part of the natural human way. Aging is also synonymous with continuous gain experience. Aging, especially in our culture, unfortunately, can also be synonymous with exclusion, but not in relation to the UNATI Marília SP Open University of the Third Age, which has as main objective the integration through social interaction in academia, transforming experience and knowledge in quality of life in a constant learning. Objective: This article aims to report an investigation into the reasons attributed to the importance of an elderly attending the Open University of the Third Age in the vision of the elderly who attend. Material and Method: Bring a profile of the elderly by gender, age, marital status, education level, profession, financial aspects. The sample consisted of 52 elderly and the sampling method was convenience. Results: The results showed that the greater importance attached to participation was to gain more knowledge and be updated followed by meeting new people and making new friends, exercising the memory, healthy and interestingly filling free time and to improve quality of life. The participation of the elderly caused possibilities of making new friends, improvement in depression and motivation to acquire new knowledge. Conclusion: We conclude that the Open University of the Third Age can contribute to improvement of quality of life especially with regard to social interaction and cognitive aspect.
This article is the result of one ampler researching project that discusses about the limits and possibilities of the democratic management at Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR). The main purpose of this text is to demonstrate that the elections to the choosing of directors of campus, recently presented, and the structuring and functioning of the collegiate counsels with deliberative forces of this institution, are elements that contribute to a relative democratization in the form of management of UTFPR.
This work was born from public presentation done during 8th Meeting in High Level Education Program at University Moura Lacerda, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, in October 2012. That time showed up theoretical hypothesis of teacher education done by a collaborative research group of teachers and researchers and main results for Pedagogy course and students of basic levels. This paper intends to show up the findings of researches done by group of studies for Earth System Science and teacher education. The aim is to think about curriculum politics and teacher education from teachers’ practices, researches and studies on high school level. Moreover, we show up theoretical fundamentals which guide our actions and think. After we treat of organization, results and curricular innovations guided by Earth System Science and how that changes the view of nature of teachers and students. Qualitative methods of research help to describe curricular processes collectively done together with teachers of public schools. Our findings show up that teacher education must be a long, collective and interactive process to prepare high level teachers and researchers for teaching and teacher education.
This article discusses the recent historical contingencies that placed the universitary left on the defensive and, simultaneously, the attempts of approach of some researchers-extensionists with social movements. To put in historical perspective the discussion of the relation between universities and social movements in historical perspective, we rescued the Córdoba reform (argentine university reform of 1918), the teachings of Latin American classic authors, and we produced an overview about the Reform and the long cycle of educational counter-reform in Latin America. Regarding the relation between universities and social movements, we focus on the analysis of experiences in the fields of popular habitation, agroecology and recovered factories, once we believe that these experiences bring advances in self-management, decommodification, intellectual-social movements, etc. However, these are by no means free of contradictions.