81 resultados para Laboratório Virtual de Ciências LVC
Este artigo descreve um conjunto de atividades educativas desenvolvidas no mbito do projeto Lab InCognITA Laboratório de Inovao em Cognio, Informao, Tecnologia e Aprendizagem, que objetiva promover o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de atividades e projetos com escolas pblicas de nvel mdio, vinculadas Diretoria de Ensino de Guaratinguet, buscando despertar o interesse dos alunos para as reas tecnolgicas e engenharias. Destaca-se a importncia dos recursos didticos, em especial os baseados em experimentao, para promover uma melhoria no interesse dos estudantes pelas ciências exatas. A operacionalizao do projeto descrita por meio da apresentao das atividades previstas para o seu desenvolvimento, e de como estas so realizadas durante eventos denominados Visita UNESP, em que alunos das escolas vm at o Campus da UNESP Guaratinguet. Os resultados parciais obtidos sugerem que as atividades desenvolvidas durante as visitas tm contribudo para despertar o interesse dos estudantes para as reas de Exatas e Engenharias.
According to current legislation, is part of the Target of Special Education, students with high abilities/giftedness (HA/G). However, it appears that there are few studies on efficiency and effectiveness of diverse pedagogical practice for students with these characteristics. With increasing globalization, are multiplied opportunities for transnational education programs and educational services, particularly through the Internet, increasing the need for information services and accreditation of institutions and educational programs. This study aims to: a) develop a website containing information on high abilities/giftedness; b) evaluate the design of teachers on applicability of the site; c) analyze the contributions posted on the site. Therefore, it was available to the participants of this research produced site. Consisted on the site, among other information, those relating to HA/G indicators. Was sent a questionnaire via the Internet, with nine closed questions and two open, to 2000 teachers, registered in the database Improvement Course in Educational Practices Inclusive conducted by UNESP, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Vera Lucia Messias Fialho Capellini. Data were considering frequency responses. For the treatment we used the Google Docs. As result Program Observed how teachers are lacking this subject deserves further Top depth. Concerning the site he was Considered by the participants as a support tool to the teacher, Which helps to identify and recognition of Individuals with HA/G and contributes to information, training and practical pedagogical way. This, is expected to Contribute to the dissemination of this issue in society as well as the Possibility of Minimizing the myths about this population, since such myths exist due to the lack of information
Ps-graduao em Medicina Veterinria - FCAV
Este artigo apresenta um recorte do processo de desenvolvimento de um modelo de Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem de um modelo de Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem para Educao a Distncia atravs da NTDIC Televiso Digital, cujo intuito proporcionar incluso social e educao atravs dessa mdia que vir alcanar 98% da populao brasileira. Caracteriza-se como um projeto de investigao centrado na inovao tecnolgica educacional e na transformao social, que tem como um de seus vetores principais a construo de uma metodologia de Design Educacional contextualizado na elaborao de contedos e dinmicas educativas nas formaes distncia, por meio da articulao de recursos de natureza educomunicativa - envolvendo, assim, o campo de interface existente entre as ciências da Educao e Comunicao, j h uma dcada apontado na academia como um fato.
Ps-graduao em Direito - FCHS
The application of pesticides is one of the most important steps in the agricultural production process. The spray volume can directly affect application success, and this parameter is directly dependent on the displacement speed of the sprayer. In conventional systems, the operator has to maintain a constant speed to ensure uniform application along the tracks. In order to improve over application quality and preserve levels of precision for applied doses; the use of electronic flow control systems allows for automatic adjustment of volume applied over the area when there is a change in velocity during application. The objective of this research was to study the response times of a flow controller with DGPS for aerial application subjected to variations of velocity in laboratory simulated flight conditions. For this purpose, a bench test has been developed including software for simulating DGPS signals, which was used to simulate different flight speeds and conditions. The results showed the average response time from the flow controller to a change in velocity to be between 6 and 20 seconds. Variations in total flow and the controller setting had a significant influence on response time with situations where there was interaction between the factors being evaluated. There was a tendency for better response times using a constant setting for the control algorithm other than that specified by the manufacturer. The flow controller presented an average error rates below 2% in all evaluated operating conditions, providing satisfactory accuracy in determining the output of product in different test situations.