189 resultados para IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody


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Neosporose é uma enfermidade parasitária causada pelo protozoário Neospora caninum reconhecido como importante causa de abortamento bovino e neuropatia canina. Considerando o isolamento de N. caninum e a sorologia freqüente em bovinos em nossa região, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-N. caninum em cães da Microrregião da Serra de Botucatu, Estado de SãoPaulo, e sua associação ao sexo, idade e procedência quanto à zona urbana (exclusivamente cidade), rural (somente chácaras e sítios) e peri-urbana (acesso à zona urbana e rural) dos cães estudados. Foram analisados 963 cães, com ou sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos e diferentes idades, sem apresentação de qualquer sintomatologia clínica. Os animais foram selecionados aleatoriamente durante a campanha de vacinação anti-rábica da microrregião da Serra de Botucatu, no período de maio a setembro de 1998. O soro obtido dos animais foi avaliado por meio da Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) utilizando como antígeno a cepa padrão NC-1 deN. caninum. Observaram-se 245 animais reagentes (25,4% de positividade), sendo 161 (27,5%) machos e, 84 (22,3%) fêmeas. Dos animais de zona urbana, rural e mista 223 (25,8%),11(16,9%) e 11(33,3%), respectivamente, foram reagentes à prova de RIFI. Todos os 11 municípios apresentaram cães soropositivos com valores de ocorrência que variaram de 8,9% a 53,5%. Observou-se percentual de positividade menor em cães até um ano (16,2%) quando comparados àqueles entre 1 a 4 anos e superior a 4 anos (28,4 % e 28,0%, respectivamente) que não apresentaram diferença entre si. Os resultados obtidos caracterizaram soropositividade para N. caninum em cães pertencentes a todos os municípios da Microrregião da Serra de Botucatu evidenciando a ampla distribuição do agente na região.


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Avaliou-se o perfil sorológico de 17 bezerras búfalas vacinadas nos dias zero, 30 e 210 com bacterina pentavalente comercial contra leptospirose, empregando-se a prova de soroaglutinação microscópica com antígenos vivos, durante o período de 360 dias. Utilizaram-se quatro bezerras-controle, e todos os animais foram negativos no dia zero. Nos animais vacinados, foram observadas reações aos 60 dias para todos os sorovares, associadas a títulos máximos para Canicola, Grippothyphosa e Pomona. No 90° dia, houve declínio acentuado dos títulos para todos os sorovares e ausência de títulos para Hardjo. Nos dias 120º, 150º, 180º e 210º, ocorreram oscilações de títulos para todos os sorovares. No 240º dia, foram encontrados títulos máximos para Hardjo, elevação para os outros sorovares e ausência de título para Canicola. Nos dias 270º, 300º e 330º, foi observado declínio gradativo dos títulos. No 360º dia, foram encontrados títulos residuais para Icterohaemorrhagiae, Grippothyphosa e Pomona e ausência de reação para os outros sorovares. Inferiram-se a reduzida persistência dos títulos vacinais mesmo após o reforço e revacinação e a baixa interferência da vacinação no diagnóstico sorológico.


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The rate of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies was evaluated in equines, cats, dogs, poultry, pigs, cattle and sheep of farms in Eldorado, southern Mato Grosso do Sul. Blood samples were collected and sera were examined by the modified agglutination test (MAT), considering positives samples reactants with titers >= 25. Rates of reactor animals in the antibody detection test were: 22.89% (46/201) in poultry, 5.15% (20/388) in cattle, 47.61% (20/42) in dogs, 60.87% (14/23) in equines, 57.14% (8/14) in cats, 14.7% (5/34) in pigs. None of the sheep (0/14) were positive. High antibody rates were found in several species, a fact that raise concerns due to the possibility of risk to humans, once these animal species either share the same source of infection with humans or are food sources for them.


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In order to determine the prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies, 2000 serum samples from female dairy cattle belonging to 50 farms in the southwest of Mato Grosso state were analyzed by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT >= 64). Serum samples from 61 dogs (IFAT >= 40) and 116 humans (IFAT = 40), all from the same farm, were also tested. Among these samples, 1420 (71.0%) cattle, 54 (88.5%) dogs, and 113 (97.4%) humans were seropositive for the infection. No significant differences (P >= 0.05) were observed for risk factors associated with the occurrence of toxoplasmosis in humans due to contaminated sources such as fresh milk, cheese/sausage, and contact with felines or other animals. The presence of felines can indicate the likelihood of a contaminated environment, posing a risk to the human population and other animals. The work presented herein is the first report to evaluate the seroprevalence of T gondii in bovines from the Southwest region of the Mato Grosso state, Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Propolis is a beehive product with a very complex chemical composition, widely used in folk medicine because of its several therapeutic activities. Its biological properties and chemical composition may vary according to the geographic location and to the different plant sources. The possible mechanism of action of propolis as well as of its active compounds has been the subject of researchers in recent years. In this work, first we reported the results of our study on the seasonal effect of the immunomodulatory action of propolis on antibody production in bovine serum albumin (BSA)-immunized rats. Then, we compared the effect of Brazilian and Bulgarian propolis, some isolated compounds and Baccharis extract on anti-BSA antibody levels. Based on the results, we conclude that propolis stimulates antibody production, independently of the season and geographic origin. Caffeic acid, quercetin and Baccharis extract had no effect on antibody production, although the importance of isolated compounds is well reported in other biological assays. Propolis action is a consequence of plant-derived products with synergic effects. while isolated compounds or extracts from its plant sources had no effect in this assay. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background There is renewed interest in the role played by specific counter-regulatory mechanisms to control the inflammatory host response, poorly investigated in human pathology. Here, we monitored the expression of two anti-inflammatory mediators, annexin 1 and galectin-1, and assessed their potential link to glucocorticoids' (GCs) effective control of nasal polyposis (NP).Methods Total patterns of mRNA and protein expression were analysed by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and Western blotting analyses, whereas ultrastructural immunocytochemistry was used for spatial localization and quantification of each mediator, focusing on mast cells, eosinophils and epithelial cells.Results Up-regulation of the annexin 1 gene, and down-regulation of galectin-1 gene, was detected in polypoid tissue compared with nasal mucosa. Patient treatment with betamethasone augmented galectin-1 protein expression in polyps. At the cellular level, control mast cells and eosinophils displayed higher annexin 1 expression, whereas marked galectin-1 immunolabelling was detected in the granule matrix of mast cells. Cells of glandular duct epithelium also displayed expression of both annexin 1 and galectin-1, augmented after treatment.Conclusion Mast cells and epithelial cells appeared to be pivotal cell types involved in the expression of both annexin 1 and galectin-1. It is possible that annexin 1 and galectin-1 could be functionally associated with a specific mechanism in NP and that GC exert at least part of their beneficial effects on the airway mucosa by up-regulating, in a specific cell target fashion, these anti-inflammatory agonists.


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BACKGROUND: Human and rodent leukocytes express high levels of the glucocorticoid-inducible protein annexin 1 ( ANXA1) ( previously referred to as lipocortin 1). Neutrophils and monocytes have abundant ANXA1 levels.Aim: We have investigated, for the first time, ANXA1 ultrastructural expression in rat eosinophils and compared it with that of extravasated neutrophils. The effect of inflammation ( carrageenin peritonitis) was also monitored.Methods: Electron microscopy was used to define the sub-cellular localisation of ANXA1 in rat eosinophils and neutrophils extravasated in the mesenteric tissue. A pair of antibodies raised against the ANXA1 N-terminus (i.e. able to recognise intact ANXA1, termed LCPS1) or the whole protein ( termed LCS3) was used to perform the ultrastructural analysis.Results: the majority of ANXA1 was localised in the eosinophil cytosol (similar to 60%) and nucleus (30-40%), whereas a small percentage was found on the plasma membrane (< 10%). Within the cytosol, the protein was equally distributed in the matrix and in the granules, including those containing the typical crystalloid. The two anti-ANXA1 antibodies gave similar results, with the exception that LCPS1 gave a lower degree of immunoreactivity in the plasma membrane. Inflammation (i.e. carrageenin injection) produced a modest increase in eosinophil-associated ANXA1 reactivity ( significant only in the cytoplasm compartment). Extravasated neutrophils, used for comparative purposes, displayed a much higher degree of immunoreactivity for the protein.Conclusion: We describe for the first time ANXA1 distribution in rat eosinophil by ultrastructural analysis, and report a different protein mobilisation from extravasated neutrophils, at least in this acute model of peritonitis.


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The localization of the glucocorticoid-inducible protein annexin 1 (ANX-1) in leukocytes during the process of experimental inflammation has been studied using immunocytochemistry. ANX-1 immunoreactivity was detected in extravasated neutrophils and eosinophils as well as in resident tissue mast cells. Following injection of carrageenin, the mesenteric tissue was highly inflamed with large presence of leukocytes (predominantly neutrophils with a small percentage of eosinophils) adherent to post-capillary venules and extravasated in the perivascular tissue. ANX-1 immunoreactivity was detected in the cytosol of neutrophils and eosinophils mainly associated with granules and/or vesicles. A good degree of localization in the endosomes was observed in the neutrophils, In both cell types, some ANX-1 immunoreactivity in the nucleus and in the plasma membrane was also detected. Resident mast cells were also activated. Mast cells were positive for ANX-1, without apparent changes in protein content in relation to their activation status. Degranulated mast cells still presented ANX-1 associated with the granule matrix. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the presence of ANX-1 in leukocytes that play a central role in the host inflammatory response. These are the extravasating polymorphonuclear cells, or the resident mast cells. These data provide morphological support to the notion that endogenous and exogenous ANX-1 are able to modulate the reactivity of these cell types, and more generally, of the experimental inflammatory reaction.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)