138 resultados para Idealismo alemão
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Este estudo tem o objetivo de apresentar uma análise do conto “Fleurs de Ténèbres” publicado na obra Contes cruels (1883) de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam (1838-1889). O trabalho visa, ainda, de forma particular, destacar elementos que permitem apontar relações de aproximação entre o conto villieriano e os poemas em prosa “La corde” e “Le tir et le cimetière” de Charles Baudelaire. Com efeito, a influência baudelairiana na escritura de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam diz respeito tanto aos procedimentos estilísticos quanto ao idealismo filosófico.
O objetivo do artigo é fazer uma leitura paralela de dois contos românticos - Jacinto e Rosinha (1802), do alemão Novalis, e Cinco minutos (1856), do brasileiro José de Alencar - analisando como os dois autores trabalham a questão da subjetividade. O levantamento de uma série de traços distintivos permite concluir que há diferenças drásticas entre os Romantismos na Alemanha e Brasil: enquanto a subjetividade do primeiro pode ser chamada de individualismo, a do segundo pende para o sentimentalismo. Em outras palavras: o Romantismo alemão enfatiza o eu, ou seja, o indivíduo isolado às voltas com angústias de cunho intelectual; o Romantismo brasileiro dá maior peso à emotividade, aos sentimentos desse indivíduo, cujas angústias são de cunho amoroso.Palavras-chave: Novalis; José de Alencar; romantismo; subjetividade; conto.
Com base na teoria piagetiana, enfocando as relações pensamento e linguagem, esse artigo tenta traçar um paralelo entre Kaspar Hauser – personagem do filme “Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle” dirigido pelo cineasta alemão W. Herzog – e L. F., garoto cego de nascença, com 10 anos, que cresceu “abandonado”, entregue a seus próprios recursos e que só começou a freqüentar escola aos 8 anos de idade.
A proposta deste trabalho é apresentar uma análise do discurso simbólico de “Véra” de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, conto publicado, em sua versão definitiva, na obra Contes Cruels, em 1883. Villiers é considerado, por muitos teóricos, precursor do movimento simbolista na França e um dos maiores autores do gênero fantástico da segunda metade do século XIX. Assim, a maior parte das análises do conto insistem no elemento fantástico. Contudo, a prosa poética e o discurso fantástico – de natureza onírica, metafórica e ambígua – dos quais o autor faz uso, revelam uma crítica feroz à sociedade de seu tempo. Herói, narrador e autor se fundem para apresentar uma busca por um mundo ideal e, ao mesmo tempo, exprimir subtilmente uma crítica aos valores da sociedade burguesa. Com um discurso concentrado em sua composição, no qual cada palavra é escolhida de acordo com sua intenção e cujo principal objetivo é sugerir, Villiers caminha em direção a uma forma de expressão literária cheia de sensações e emoções individuais. Inquietudes existenciais e anseios de uma produção literária criadora contribuirão para o desenvolvimento de uma nova estética literária que se desenvolve na França a partir da segunda metade do século XIX: o Simbolismo. Palavras-chave: Villiers de L’Isle-Adam; Simbolismo; Véra; fantástico; crítica social; Idealismo.
This paper describes an investigation into the initial training of foreign language teachers (German and English) and the internships required in the fourth year, considering the possibility that online forums may provide a virtual environment for the manifestation of critical thinking by future teachers. We analyze the messages and themes addressed in three forums, based on concepts of critical thinking and on the theoretical model of Practical Inquiry proposed by Garrison, Anderson and Archer (2000; 2001). For a better understanding of the phases in discussions on topics, we use the model of these authors, also identifying some discourse markers characterized by them, mainly based on the assumptions of Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1994) and on the types of conversational moves proposed by Eggins and Slade (1997). A new model was created based on the selected theoretical underpinnings and on the analysis of the data, as well as the conclusion was that online forums can be considered an important tool for the manifestation of teachers' critical thinking and for a critical reflexive education, in a context marked by the specificities of information society.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831) had as one of his thesis in the doctorate the affirmation that philosophy can only be properly taken as a system. He intends with that to point out the identity between thinking and being. This is, for Hegel, the task of philosophy, i. e., to bring together all that was set apart. This position can be recognized in all his works and it is tried here to exemplify it in The Philosophy of Right and in special in the section dedicated to the abstract right. This one is the first moment of the text in question that begins with the statement of the dignity of the person confirmed in the property. The following moments make evident that the formal ones are also results. It becomes clear in this way that the all the moments create together an ongoing organization, disorganization and reorganization. This process reveals the relation as a constitutive element of thinking and being exemplified in the abstract right. Each moment overcomes the preceding one and comes out as a much more complex one. In the case of the abstract right what appears is the realization of a free subject in all that he does as the making of himself.
This paper searches to present Hegel’s understanding of pain and suffering. It was taken as source of investigation Hegel’s Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences in which pain and suffering are also considered. The fi rst step was to identify the references of pain and suffering in the original text, i.e., in German and then compared with the Portuguese translation here used. The analysis followed the sequence of Hegel’s text as it mentioned the terms pain and suffering. It can be said that for Hegel pain and suffering are posed by the rational man according to the historical determinations and the relations that are established. So, there is no meaning in pain and suffering themselves but only through the relations that they create and create them as well. Neither the empirical manifestation nor the interpretation can resume the all meaning that pain and suffering may have. The totality of empirical and interpretative approaches reveals the full signifi cance of pain and suffering that can be seen in the human.
Diaries are kept for different reasons and motives. However, when a philosopher is concerned, it may be asked what his intention was. Were his reasons and intentions the same as those of other people? Diaries, similar to biographies, are about events with the author at the centre. The German philosopher Hegel wrote two diaries: the first was written during his secondary studies in Stuttgart and the other while he taught Philosophy in Berne after he had already written his first essays. In Stuttgart Hegel was only 14 years old and had only a general view of philosophy and its main issues. Could such a diary be of any philosophical interest to understand Hegel’s thought? Does it deserve any philosophical investigation? The importance of the youthful texts is usually reduced to mere curiosity coupled to the desire of tracing signs of future geniality. Current investigation does not expose extraordinary issues which were still to be revealed but rather the formation process that later on would point out the historical determination towards being and thinking.
Hegel’s identification with idealism may not apprehend adequately his philosophical thinking if one takes it as a definitive and absolute determination because he is a dialectical thinker or even better speculative. In this sense the moment of materiality cannot be just put aside as a contingency but it is more the opposition through which the spirit fulfills itself. This one cannot be what it is without assuming the materiality as well as the matter cannot be effective without being overtaken in the spirit. The totality appointed by Hegel in the absolute spirit means precisely to know and to recognize one another in the other and also by the other as itself. The spirit only raises to itself insofar it assumes its opposition in matter and by being determined it determines itself but this cannot be fulfilled anywhere but in the matter. In the same way the matter cannot be effective without going beyond itself or being considered in thought, that is not as well establishing itself. If the spirit and the matter are effective insofar they are in relation with one another then the primacy of one over the other can only be understood as a result and not as a starting point. In this way the first moment must not be taken as something static but as coming to be.