100 resultados para Fenômenos Fisiológicos


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A cinética do consumo de oxigênio (VO2) e a resposta do lactato sanguíneo durante o exercício de carga constante em diferentes intensidades permitem caracterizar os domínios moderado, pesado e severo do exercício. Em exercício de intensidade constante, o perfil da resposta do VO2, analisada por ajustes exponenciais, apresenta as fases cardiodinâmica, fundamental e lenta. A ocorrência do componente lento (CL) tem sido associada a fatores como recrutamento de fibras do tipo II e acúmulo de metabólitos, como lactato, íons H+, fosfato inorgânico e ADP. O CL expressa uma redução da eficiência muscular e tem sido associado à menor tolerância de exercícios aeróbios de intensidade alta. O presente estudo teve por objetivo detalhar a fundamentação teórica sobre sua ocorrência, a influência na tolerância ao exercício, bem como prover os diferentes procedimentos adotados em sua quantificação.


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Functional grammar currently has a great acceptance in linguistics, mainly because it can enlighten grammatical facts' motivation in the structure of a text. From its emergence, the tradition of studying grammar by grammar has come to an end. Demonstrative pronouns, for instance, have begun to be viewed as efficient tools of text cohesion, used to resume terms from previous clauses. This task, however, ends up leaving an endless trail of black boxes. How is it possible to explain the origin of demonstratives' anaphoric functioning if they are originally used to indicate things or people relative to the interlocutors' spatial position? This work aims at showing that Cognitive Linguistics arises just as an option for opening those black boxes. This article focuses on one of its themes - the conceptual blending theory - to support this possibility. Firstly, it was necessary to integrate the cognitive model into the complexity theory, according to Bybee (2010) and Castilho (2009), who understand language as a complex adaptive system. After that, a brief updated description on the conceptual blending theory is made and its application in some grammatical facts of the Brazilian Portuguese language is suggested under the morphological and syntactic levels.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three weeks of training with intensity monitored on the aerobic capacity of professional soccer players. Fourteen players, members of a first division Brazilian Championship team in 2010, aged 22.78 +/- 3.06 years were evaluated pre and post three weeks of training. The anaerobic threshold intensity LAn was determined by bi-segmented method, for this four submaximal efforts of 800 meters with intensities 10, 12, 14 and 16 km/h were applied. Thirty three training sessions were quantified in zones according to heart rate related to the LAn (FCLAn): Z1 - 10% below, Z2 - 90-100% and Z3 - above the FCLAn. During training participants remained 31.17 +/- 14.86%, 42.96% and 25.87 +/- 14.90 +/- 16.67% in Z1, Z2, and Z3 respectively. There were no significant differences in the LAn (pre = 13,29 +/- 0,71 km.h(-1); post = 12,85 +/- 0,90 km.h(-1)), perceived exertion (pre = 11,53 +/- 1,45 u.a; post = 11,23 +/- 1,53 u.a) and FCLAn (pre = 166,64 +/- 10,69 bpm; post = 174,50 +/- 10,89 bpm) between conditions before and after training, indicating that three weeks of training are insufficient to generate positive changes in soccer players LAn.


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The present work evaluated the effect of strobilurins, boscalid, plant growth regulators and vegetal extracts on the physico-chemical quality of tomato fruits (Solanum lycopersicum L.), hybrid Giuliana. The fruits from each treatment were selected and separated in 4 repetitions: control, pyraclostrobin, boscalid, pyraclostrobin + boscalid, IBA + GA(3) + kinetin, GA(4+7) + benzylaminopurine and vegetal extract. The first application was carried out at 30 days after transplant and the following at every 15 days. The evaluations were: weight loss, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), SS/TA relation, pH, ascorbic acid content, texture, total soluble sugars (TSS), activity of pectin methyl esterase (PME) and polygalacturonase (PG). The SS content, responsible for fruit flavor, varied accordingly to the treatment, being highest for GA(4+7) + benzylaminopurine and lowest for the control. The same occurred regarding the SS/AT relation. The fruits were kept on the shelf for 9 days, at room temperature, being that at the end of this period several treatments still presented fruit in optimal consumption conditions, notably the boscalid treatment, which presented lowest weight loss, followed by pyraclostrobin. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of the treatments did not modify the values for pH, AT and AST of the fruits. The highest PME activity was observed for the treatments with boscalid and the mixture of boscalid and pyraclostrobin, while the lowest PG activity occurred in the control and the pyraclostrobin treatment, indicating that some products accelerated the process of demethylation of pectins by PME, facilitating the action of PG.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O triatlo é uma modalidade combinada envolvendo outras três modalidades de endurance: natação, ciclismo e corrida, o que torna as necessidades biomecânicas e fisiológicas da modalidade combinada diferente das demandas e adaptações sofridas por treinamentos realizados nas modalidades de forma isolada. A fadiga imposta pela modalidade prévia poderá ser determinante no bom desempenho do atleta nas modalidades subseqüentes e neste sentido é importante analisarmos não apenas a influência do ciclismo sobre a corrida onde existe maior semelhança entre as fibras musculares recrutadas predominantemente, como a influência da natação sobre as demais modalidades. Algumas estratégias podem ser adotadas afim de minimizar a perda de performance que uma modalidade irá exercer sobre a subseqüente relacionadas a especificidade do treinamento e geração de adaptações específicas, estratégias de ritmo de prova, possibilidade de utilização do vácuo durante o percurso de ciclismo e da esteira na natação, utilização de roupas de neoprene na natação e adaptações na geometria do quadro da bicicleta.


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This work presents the development of a graphical interface to the Lock-in Amplifier, which is used in physiological studies on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract in rats and signal processing. With a simple and low cost instrumentation, the resources offered by the virtual interface of LabVIEW software allows the creation of commands similar to the actual instrument that, through communication via standard serial port, transmits data between a PC and peripheral device performing specific and particular needs in the amplifier. Created for the lock-in amplifier model SR830 Stanford Research Systems, the remote manipulation gives the user greater accessibility in the process of configuration and calibration. And, since the software is installed, there is the advantage of eliminating the need of purchase new devices to upgrade the system. The commands created were made to perform six basic modifications that are used in routine of the Biomagnetism Laboratory. The instrumentation developed has the following controls: Amplitude, Frequency, Time Constant, slope low pass filter, sensitivity and offset


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This paper presents methodology for an integrated treatment of three variable phenomena in Brazilian portuguese: (i) encoding of first-person plural into the forms nós (we) and a gente (the people), (ii) verbal agreement with the pronoun nós and (iii) verbal agreement with the pronominal form a gente. Based on the theoretical framework provided by Labovian sociolinguistics (LABOV, 1966, 1972), the methodology is applied to a sample of Brazilian portuguese spoken in the countryside of São Paulo State (GONÇALVES, 2007). The results indicate that distinct factors predominate in the choice of the alternative forms of each phenomenon: in the verbal agreement with a gente, linguistic factors are the most prominent; in the verbal agreement with nós, social factors are the most salient; and in the use of nós/a gente both linguistic and social factors prevail.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV