375 resultados para Cultura politica - Brasil


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste artigo é averiguar a circulação de imagens e o surgimento de uma cultura visual política entre o México e o Brasil entre as décadas de 1920 e 1930. Busco examinar em especial como se constituíram repertórios visuais comuns entre os dois países, tanto na produção de imagens carregadas com uma retórica do engajamento político como de algumas imagens que num primeiro olhar poderiam passar por descompromissadas, mas que contribuíram para a construção do imaginário político. Embora minha intenção não seja de uma análise exaustiva, procuraremos averiguar diferentes suportes imagéticos, como as fotografias estampadas na imprensa diária assim como nas revistas ilustradas, cartazes, gravuras e demais expressões artísticas que subsidiem essa circulação de idéias estéticas e políticas entre os dois países. Parto da hipótese de que, apesar das dificuldades de intercâmbios existentes entre os dois países (língua, distância e falta de um contato maior entre seus artistas e intelectuais), ocorreu um intercâmbio de propostas políticas e culturais, principalmente entre redes de sociabilidade de artistas marcadamente no âmbito da esquerda política.


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The objective of this article was to argue how to use images (as films, photos and paintings) and lyrics of musics (as rap) to teach History of the African and Afro- Brazilian culture in classroom. Demonstrating how the procedures had been worked in classroom, at Municipal School of Basic Education (EMEF) “Maria Pavanatti Favaro”, located in Campinas City, in the State of São Paulo-Brazil, and the results that had been reached with the use of those resources.


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Thinking about improving public education in Brazil means thinking not only on what we wish to develop, skills and abilities in individuals, but understand and clearly identify the type of citizens we are devoloping and what kind of society we want for the future. In this context it is important to note that the practice in the classroom today can not be considered without regard to education steeped in culture and, therefore, in the forms of modern communication. So if there is a crisis in education, it can not be solved only within the classroom. The challenge for school education is to show students within the classroom how they will be out of school. Quality education is a blueprint for the future, to the unknown, to a world we do not know now. In this sense, to direct the education only for the labor market is a mistake, because the market is so today, but may be another in ten or fifteen years. Precisely because we do not know what are the requirements for citizens of the future, we must focus on what is essential in the formation of our youth. Is essential then to understand the ideas, learn to discuss them, argue and learn to recognize the role of technology in social and cultural evolution of mankind.


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This paper analyzes the dynamics of Brazilian cultural policy between 1995 and 2010. Studies related defend the existence of a "contrast" between the results obtained by the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002) and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003- 2010), that divide it between a model "neo-liberal" and a "democratic" model of cultural policy. Our main achievement is to produce empirical knowledge that can verify these claims. The build of indicators was guided by the theoretical assumption of the historical new institutionalism, discussed by Pierson (2006), and the observed universe comprises the totality of cultural producers who have submitted projects to “Mecenato”, registered in SALICNET - Ministry of Culture.


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Over the last years, Brazil has gained international visibility especially due to the capacity of its economical development and the progress of its public policies on fighting poverty. Though there reason for celebration exists with respect to the country’s recent achievements, Brazil still has a lot to do if it wants to gain international prominence. In this paper, we address two issues that are fundamental for Brazil to achieve real leadership: education and culture.


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The article seeks to reflect from a visual history of the elaboratión imaginary political and national identities and transnational comparative perspective between Brazil and Mexico in the first half of the twentieth century. The main focus is Mexican participation in the exhibition commemorating the centennial of Brazilian independence in 1922 and the dialogues in the film industry of both countries in the second half of the 1940s and beginning of 1950s.


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The theme of African-Brazilian culture is still little explored in the school environment, in spite of the 10.639/03 law which prescribes its mandatory teaching as well as that of African-Brazilian history and African culture in all schools, public and private, from the Elementary School level to High School. Moreover, this law emphasizes the importance that these cultures had in the formation of Brazilian society. Considering this issue, this paper aims to analyze the work Três anjos mulatos do Brasil (2011), by Rui de Oliveira, which brings together three sensitive and touching biographies, followed by beautiful and artistic pictures. hese narratives address the genius of three great artists –Aleijadinho, Mestre Valentim and Father José Maurício–, their styles, their creations and struggle for recognition, as well as the sufering they experienced, primarily caused by racial discrimination. Also, we intend to present in this text a suggested pedagogical use of the work by Oliveira, by applying the “Recepcional” method, as it was deined by Bordini and Aguiar (1993).


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A cenoura é uma importante hortaliça no Brasil, cuja produtividade pode ser muito reduzida devido à interferência de plantas daninhas. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar efeitos de períodos de convivência das plantas daninhas na produtividade da cenoura cultivar Brasília e na comunidade de plantas daninhas. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de períodos crescentes de convivência ou controle das plantas daninhas. A comunidade de plantas daninhas foi avaliada quanto a número de indivíduos, matéria seca acumulada e frequência de ocorrência das espécies, e a cultura, quanto à produtividade comercial. As principais plantas daninhas foram Ageratum conyzoides, Digitaria nuda, Eleusine indica e Lepidium virginicum. A presença da comunidade de plantas daninhas durante todo o ciclo da cultura pode acarretar perdas de 94% na produtividade, evidenciando alta suscetibilidade da cenoura à interferência das plantas daninhas. Contudo, não houve período crítico de prevenção à interferência, e um único controle das plantas daninhas, entre 22 e 31 dias após a semeadura, foi suficiente para garantir a produção da cultura.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)