91 resultados para Alberto Magno , Santo-Gravat


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PACARINA DEL SUR - REVISTA DEL PENSAMIENTO CRITICO LATINOAMERICANO é uma publicação eletrônica publicada em Mexico, D.F. É publicada 4 vezes por ano. É uma publicação muito aceita e prestigiada internacionalmente.


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À utopia de um presente forte modernista que edificaria um futuro grandioso, a literatura contemporânea registra riscos, tensões existenciais, violência moral e física, justaposições espaciais, ilusões referenciais. O artista contemporâneo, consciente da incerteza do futuro e da queda das utopias, empurra o presente e aceita supressões temporais. Para reflexão sobre o fato, selecionamos, da produção modernista e contemporânea, os poemas “O elefante”, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, e “Notas de oficina”, de Alberto Martins. O estudo desses textos deve favorecer a compreensão do diálogo estabelecido entre os dois momentos. O elefante drummondiano, apesar da frágil condição de execução e da indiferença dos leitores, não desestabiliza o criador, que afirma: “Amanhã recomeço”. As “Notas de oficina” registradas pelo eu poético criado por Alberto Martins discutem o sofrimento do criador proveniente do processo criativo e indicam que o corpo do artesão sofre fisicamente as dificuldades do fazer artístico e despende mais tempo de descanso que de execução. A elipse temporal estende-se e impede a criação porque o erro é incompreensível e consequentemente não ajustado pelo eu poético. O artista contemporâneo revela a condição limite entre o fazer discursivo e sua impossibilidade, entre a ignorância e a dor de saber que “alguma coisa está errada”.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The jurist Clovis Bevilaqua (1859-1944) was a privileged member of a political and intellectual elite in the context of the transition from the nineteenth to the early decades of the twentieth century in this country, having been a professor at the Faculdade de Direito de Recife, author of the Civil Code of 1917, consultant for the Ministério das Relações Exteriores and jurist of international prestige, and literary critic and author of law, philosophy and history.Their biographies emphasize the breadth of his legal knowledge, the merits of civil codification which was author and lifestyle humble and generous earning him the nickname "secular saint". However, the lawyer had the habit of collecting photos of himself and of his family and this behavior is characterized as a single vanity for his biographers. From four biographies of Clovis Bevilaqua, written by Lauro Romero (1956), Raimundo de Menezes and Ubaldino de Azevedo (1959), Noemia Paes Barreto Brandão (1989) and Silvio Meira (1990), we intend to discuss how these images are used to illustrate the trajectory of the jurist and corroborate the distinct narratives models.


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To be or not to be (of candomblé)? – aspects of Afro-Brazilian religious field in the theater play Balbina de Iansã, by Plínio Marcos. In 1970, the playwright born in Santos-SP Plínio Marcos writes and directs the spectacle Balbina de Iansã, an adaptation (in form of a musical) from Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare. The action happens in a candomblé yard, managed authoritatively by a Mãe-de Santo, who tries to prevent the young protagonist couple’s love. This study analyzes the representation of some rites and principles of Afro-Brazilian religion in the play, especially concerning the critique of the relations of power that exist in the yards of São Paulo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Y chromosome markers have been widely studied due to their various applications in the fields of forensic and evolutionary genetics. In this study, 35 Y-SNPs and 17 Y-STRs were genotyped in 253 males from the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil. A total of 18 haplogroups and 243 haplotypes were detected; the haplogroup and haplotype diversities were 0.7794 and 0.9997, respectively. Genetic distance analysis using the Y-STR data showed no statistically significant differences between Espirito Santo and other admixed populations from Brazil. The classification of paternal lineages based on haplogroups showed a predominant European contribution (85.88 %), followed by African (11.37 %) and Amerindian (2.75 %) contributions.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of physical activity confronting to the real and ideal body image of 65 individuals of both gender (27 women and 38 men) aged between 18 and 37 years old, all students of a Physical Education College of Santo André´s City - SP. The instruments used were the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Short version (IPAQ, 2005) and Test for assessment of Body Image proposed by Stunkard et al., (1983) and adapted by Marsh and Roche (1996). According to the results, male subjects are more actives compared with female, as well as for the real and ideal body image males showed no significant difference, however, the females showed differences between the real and the ideal body image, between the gender no significant differences existed on the real and ideal body image. We can conclude that the students of this Physical Education College mostly presents in moderate or high level of physical activity, showing that the male are pleased with the real and ideal body image, and for a willing female body silhouette thinner ideal than real, with no significant differences between genders, and thus leading us to believe that the physical education College lead the students to experience practical activities becoming them lifestyle most active in search of a better quality of life and wellness.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The study aimed to obtain the land use of the watershed Ribeirão Santo Antonio - São Manuel (SP), through the thematic map of the satellite image. The cartographic databases were planialtimetric letter in digital format used in georeferencing and the satellite image. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -IDRISI Andes 15.0 was use to perform the image georeferencing and to do the thematic map obtained from the visual interpretation the satellite image. The map of land use showed that the culture of sugar cane occupies most of the area (81.00%), when analyzing the satellite image. This result show us the predominance of agricultural occupation in the region. The thematic map obtained by the classification screen, using GIS, allowed the mapping of land use, generating data that will assist in future planning area recovery. The results of the study showed the efficiency, speed and reliability of the tools used, these being very useful for future projects.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)