123 resultados para medium-range order


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Avaliação da Biodegradação de Diferentes Tipos de Óleo Lubrificante em Meio Aquoso pela Norma Técnica L6.350 (CETESB, 1990), utiliza-se o processo respirométrico de Bartha e Pramer para acompanhar a biodegradação de diferentes tipos de óleo lubrificante automotivo adaptado ao meio aquoso. Para realização do experimento foram preparados um inóculo base e, posteriormente, um inóculo aquoso. Quatro tratamentos foram realizados em dois experimentos consecutivos: T1 (controle); T2 (óleo semi-sintético); T3 (óleo mineral); T4 (óleo usado). Dentre os resultados, obteve-se a seguinte ordem decrescente na produção de CO2 nos respirômetros: T4 > T2 > T3 > T1. Assim, o óleo lubrificante usado surgiu com maior biodegradabilidade, seguido do semisintético e do óleo mineral. Observou-se também que o lubrificante mineral apresentou maior período de adaptação comparado ao semisintético.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We study the elastic scattering of positronium atoms by hydrogen atoms at medium energies using partial-wave Born-Oppenheimer (BO) exchange amplitudes and report accurate BO cross sections in the energy range 0 to 60 eV. The present BO results agree with a 22-state R-matrix and a five-state coupled-channel model potential calculation, but disagree strongly with a conventional close-coupling calculation as well as its input BO amplitudes at medium energies.


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We construct a phenomenological theory of gravitation based on a second order gauge formulation for the Lorentz group. The model presents a long-range modification for the gravitational field leading to a cosmological model provided with an accelerated expansion at recent times. We estimate the model parameters using observational data and verify that our estimative for the age of the Universe is of the same magnitude than the one predicted by the standard model. The transition from the decelerated expansion regime to the accelerated one occurs recently (at similar to 9.3 Gyr).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Intense and broad visible photoluminescent (PL) band was observed at room temperature in structurally disordered PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 powders. The lead zirconate titanate PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 powders prepared by the polymeric precursor method and heat treated at different temperatures were structurally characterized at long range by means of X-ray diffraction. The PL was measured at room temperature samples heat treated at different temperatures. Experimental measurements and quantum-mechanical calculations showed that the high structural order and the high structural disorder in PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 lattice are not favorable to the intense PL emission. Only samples containing simultaneous structural order and disorder in their lattice present the intense visible PL emission at room temperature. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Em relação aos sistemas de manejo adotados pelo homem, a porosidade total e a densidade do solo são atributos ativamente alterados, refletindo decisivamente sobre a produtividade vegetal agrícola. No ano agrícola de 2005, na Fazenda Bonança, no município de Pereira Barreto, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foram analisadas a produtividade de forragem do milho outonal (MSF) no sistema plantio direto irrigado, a porosidade total (PT) e a densidade do solo (DS) em profundidade, em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. O objetivo foi estudar a variabilidade e as correlações lineares e espaciais entre os atributos da planta e do solo, visando selecionar um indicador da qualidade física do solo de boa representatividade para produtividade da forragem. Foi instalada a malha geoestatística, para coleta de dados do solo e planta, contendo 125 pontos amostrais, numa área de 2.500 m². Os atributos estudados, além de não terem variado aleatoriamente, apresentaram variabilidade dos dados entre média e baixa e seguiram padrões espaciais bem definidos, com alcance entre 6,8 e 23,7 m. Por sua vez, a correlação linear entre o atributo da planta e os do solo, em razão do elevado número de observações, foi baixa. As observações de melhor correlação com a MSF foram a DS1 e a PT1. Entretanto, do ponto de vista espacial, houve excelente correlação inversa entre a MSF e a DS1, assim como entre a DS1 e a PT1. Nos sítios onde a DS1 aumentou (1,45-1,64 kg dm-3) a MSF variou entre 11.653 e 14.552 kg ha-1; já naqueles onde diminuiu (1,35-1,45 kg dm-3) a MSF, ficou entre 14.552 e 17.450 kg ha-1. Portanto, a densidade global, avaliada na camada de 0-0,10 m (DS1), apresentou-se como satisfatório indicador da qualidade física do solo de Pereira Barreto (SP), quando destinado à produtividade de forragem do milho outonal.


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The growth of the yeast Cryptococcus laurentii in complete broth for yeast and in liquid and semi-solid sugar cane vinasse media supplemented with several nitrogen and phosphorus sources was analysed in order to evaluate its potential utilization as biomass producer from vinasse. The trials were performed in a 1-liter fermentor, at 30-degrees-C, under magnetic agitation for 48 hours, and initial pH 5.0 for the liquid media. The parameters analysed were biomass, protein, and final pH. For the semi-solid media, agitated flasks under rotational agitation for 24 hours, at 30-degrees-C, and initial pH 5.0 were used. The results obtained showed that the yeast did not grow well in liquid sugar cane vinasse media, both supplemented or not, in comparison to the complete broth for yeast. The protein content was also lower in liquid sugar cane vinasse media. The medium pH did not alter markedly during the cultivation. The best results were obtained in semi-solid sugar cane vinasse media with supplementation, probably due to the known polysaccharide production by this species, which allows a better survival to solid substrates.


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We report the preparation of direct hexagonal liquid crystals, constituted of oil-swollen cylinders arranged on a triangular lattice in water. The volume ratio of oil over water, rho, can be as large as 3.8. From the lattice parameter measured by small-angle X-ray scattering, we show that all the oil is indeed incorporated into the cylinders, thus allowing the diameter of the cylinders to be controlled over one decade range, provided that the ionic strength of the aqueous medium and rho are varied concomitantly. These hexagonal swollen liquid crystals (SLCs) have been first reported with sodium dodecyl sulfate as anionic surfactant, cyclohexane as solvent, 1-pentanol as co-surfactant, and sodium chloride as salt (Ramos, L.; Fabre, P. Langmuir 1997, 13, 13). The stability of these liquid crystals is investigated when the pH of the aqueous medium or the chemical nature of the components (salt and surfactant) is changed. We demonstrate that the range of stability is quite extended, rendering swollen hexagonal phases potentially useful for the fabrication of nanomaterials. As illustrations, we finally show that gelation of inorganic particles in the continuous aqueous medium of a SLC and polymerization within the oil-swollen cylinders of a SLC can be conducted without disrupting the hexagonal order of the system.


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In the present study. a spectrophotometric method for the determination of formaldehyde by using chromotropic acid was devised. in which the use of potentially hazardous and corrosive concentrated sulfuric acid was eliminated and advantageously C replaced by a mixture of H, concentrated H3PO4 and H2O2. The reaction between formaldehyde and chromotropic acid (CA) in a cone phosphoric acid medium was accelerate by irradiating the mixture with microwave energy for 35 s (1100 W), producing a violetred compound (lambda(max)=570 nm). Beer's Law is obeyed in a concentration range of 0.8-4.8 mg 1(-1) of formaldehyde with a good correlation coefficient (r = 0.9968). The proposed method was applied in the analysis of formaldehyde in commercial disinfectants. Recoveries were within 98.0-100.4%, with standard deviations ranging from 0.03 to 0.13%. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this work is to obtain micrometer sized spherical particles of silica and silica-chromium from sodium silicate. Spherical particles were prepared by sol-gel method from hydrolysis to polycondensation of aqueous sodium silicate in alcohol medium. Chromium was added to the system for some samples. Compositions and morphologies were achieved by changing the precipitation agent. X-ray diffractometry, electrophoretic mobility, infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopies were carried out on these particles to identify phases, determine particle mobility, morphology, particle sizes, shapes and order at short distance. Non-crystalline silica particles with spherical shapes and micrometric size were obtained. The surface potentials of the silica particles differed from that of the silica-chromium particles. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a recent development in holography with multimode, large free-spectral range (FSR) diode lasers in photorefractive sillenite crystals. A novel refractometry method based on this type of holographic recording in Bi12TiO20 (BTO) crystals is proposed. The holographic image of a prism-shaped transparent sample appears covered of interference fringes, and as the sample is properly translated, the fringes run along the holographic image. An expression providing the refractive index of the medium as a function of the sample displacement and the correspondent number of running fringes was derived. The refractive indexes of optical (BK7) glass, ethanol, hexan, cumene and aqueous solution of NaCl with different concentrations were measured in order to test the method. The obtained results are in good agreement with the ones reported in literature or measured by us using a commercial Abbe refractometre. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ca0.95Sm0.05TiO3 (CT:Sm) powder was prepared by the polymeric precursor method (PPM). Order-disorder at short and long range has been investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and photoluminescence emission (PL) experimental techniques. The broad PL band and the Sm emission spectrum measured at room temperature indicate the increase of structural order with annealing temperature. The measured PL emission reveals that the PL intensity changes with the degree of disorder in the CT: Sm. The electronic structures were performed by the ab initio periodic method in the DFT level with the hybrid nonlocal B3LYP approximation. Theoretical results are analyzed in terms of DOS, charge densities, and Mulliken charges. Localized levels into the band gap of the CT: Sm material favor the creation of the electron-hole pair, supporting the observed room-temperature PL phenomenon.