108 resultados para letramento em gêneros
Neste artigo, discutiremos alguns pressupostos lingüísticos essenciais para a consideração dos gêneros orais como conteúdos a serem trabalhados nas aulas de língua portuguesa. Nosso intuito é enfatizar que para a efetivação de uma proposta de produção e análise de textos orais, sob o prisma da perspectiva sócio-interacionista da linguagem, é necessário que o professor compreenda, mesmo que superficialmente, as bases teóricas em que se ancoram suas práticas de sala de aula.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Paulo Roberto Prado Constantino dirige-se, neste livro, aos educadores que atuam especificamente no ensino médio, apresentando algumas propostas para o desenvolvimento da capacidade de apreciação e de compreensão musical entre os alunos. De acordo com o autor, a obrigatoriedade do ensino de Música nas escolas de educação básica, prevista em lei federal aprovada em 2008, trouxe uma série de problemas para os professores da disciplina, que se viram às voltas com a falta de recursos materiais e de ferramentas metodológicas de apoio à prática docente. Baseado em pesquisa de campo, Constantino parte da constatação de que se tornou impossível para os professores de Música desempenhar seu papel sem levar em conta a enorme exposição dos jovens aos gêneros musicais de massa e às novas mídias. E conclui que, se podem ser considerados vulgares do ponto de vista do conceito clássico de qualidade musical, tais gêneros também podem, se bem trabalhados em sala de aula, transportar os alunos para um universo musicalmente mais rico. O autor propõe um processo de ensino baseado no estudo e nas comparações entre os gêneros musicais, sem delimitações de fronteiras étnicas ou culturais ou entre o erudito e o popular, o elitizado e o massificado. Dessa forma, ele acredita, os alunos podem apreender todas as manifestações musicais como significativas e seguir adiante no aprendizado com maior compreensão do que seria o fenômeno musical, já que se evita deslegitimar a música do outro, por meio da imposição de uma visão única.
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
This research is the result of a senior research project and longed to verify if the ways of child‘s participation in orality in classroom and the literacy events related to reading would make possible to child construct a discursive relation with the writing. Besides it investigated the conception of 20 teachers from second year from primary school about orality and literacy and also identifies which theory purposes could be discerned in one of these teachers exercise. The methodology used was the qualitative approach, with exploratory- descriptive character, and based in system of references methodological of bibliographic research and collecting of facts research. The corpus of this research constituted in deflagrate element that stimulated the search for methodology answers which could clear the possible essence of set of problems evidenced. The results indicated that the ignorance of some basic conceptions that imbricate in teaching Portuguese language, principally in orality development, reading of writing by some individuals was alarming component parts, since many of them mediate the teachinglearning process of numberless individuals. Considering that orality and literacy play fundamental function in social interactions, this research has the intention to contribute for teacher‘s continuous formation, just as help them in development of students‘ linguistic competences, and elucidate them about the importance of literacy, besides to make public the more recently theoretical subsidies about this subject
This Work focuses the importance of children‟s literature with the insertion of authors‟ like Aesopo, La Fontaine and Monteiro Lobato in the early years of elementary school, so that children could develop their reading that could bring reflections about the use of the language. It entends to show that books can give kids maturity to notice that when it comes to language there‟s not righ or wrong, but contexts that they should fit, in so that they can communicate and decrease the language prejudice. The authors studied in this study are the ones who study the language, the importance of children‟s literature and language prejudice at schools. This work was done through quantitative and qualitative approach, divided into 2 parts, observation and interventions, the research could be in touch with the observed class and get information about the students. Later the researcher could act by telling stories and get data. A third-grade class in a public school in the year of 2010, was observed during the internship in the early years of elementary school compared to another fourth grade class of another public school. The results and analisis oh the data show kids‟ lack of contact with an appropriate children‟s literature, like the fables which are short tales with moral and romance like Emília no País da Gramática by Monteiro Lobato, would make it difficult to learn the production of consistent texts and appropriate language in different contexts. Schools play an important role for kids to be in touch with these good books, so they should have the main role in the children‟s development and background, making them able to be aware of the importance of reading and writing in their lives. Most of the children found it difficult to write texts, but in the end they reached a god level of language related to the proposed context, writing consistent texts, but the part of children still mistake and in literacy and language adaptation
This research intend to situate the process of literacy as a practice interlocutive acquisition of written language, through which students interact with each other and the teacher, and through these interactions are constituted as a subject of dialogue and history. So he had as an aim to investigate through the key concepts of dialogism Bakhtin and discourse analysis, the possibilities of teaching and learning of reading and writing, using language in use, showing the dialogical practices in order to demonstrate that the verbal interactions that result from the actual discursive situations, actually originated in the classroom, from working with the genre can guide the teaching of reading and writing and its social use. Therefore, I base this research on the methodological framework of literature and field. This takes place in view of observed teaching practice related to the early years of literacy and, therefore, to investigate such activities are carried out that reading and writing during the teaching of mother tongue, as are utilized practices of orality and literacy in room classroom and, even if the teacher makes use of this type of language for the acquisition of written language. The results of analysis of data collected by the instruments used, namely, questionnaires, systematic observation and textual production of the students, point to the fact that the literacy teaching practices, classroom researched are far from forming a student literate because the fact of the teachers surveyed knew not the key content for teaching the language, means that they will lead to literacy, from the point of view of language as a monologic process.
This qualitative research was performed with the goal of investigating the contributions of theoretical and methodological perspectives in the alphabetization process, aiming to train proficient writers of texts with communicative function. Hence, such were the goals established for this research: giving a retrospective look on the synthetic and analytic methods of teaching literacy; verifying the possibilities and limits of theoretical and methodological approaches of acquiring the ability to write and identifying the teachers’ ideas concerning basic concepts (such as literacy, text and textual genres) imbued in the teaching of writing; and establishing which activities they develop in the course of teaching whether the pedagogical practices of the teacher observed contributed to the formation of students who were capable of producing significant texts of diverse genres, suitable to the objectives, to the readers, and to the context of the circulation of texts. The research was done in a public elementary school, in a 2nd grade class of the city of Jaú. Subjects of the research were four teachers and twenty-eight children. For this work, two instruments were used for data collecting: a questionnaire and direct observation, registered in research diaries. Among the observations made were that, although there are many studies on literacy, the practices actually adopted in class are empirical in nature and do not contribute to the process of developing individual writing or reading skills at all; rather, it is only valued the ability of establishing relations between phonemes and graphemes; literacy teachers do not have adequate knowledge of concepts of literacy, teaching, text and textual genres, valuing only one methodological theory and disregarding other contributions on the field of text production
This work’s main purpose is to research how the scientific speech is outlined on the Revista Língua Portuguesa in statements made by linguists. Statements issued in the previously mentioned magazine have been analyzed. In order to achieve the proposal, the research was based on the following questions: how both the scientific and the scientific divulgation speeches are formed in the magazine, and whether the opinion texts written by scholars and researchers in the linguistic field identify themselves with opinion articles, scientific articles or scientific divulgation texts. Those questions were discussed from the theoretical-methodological bakhtinian perspective, taking the notion of dialogism, the human activity sphere, genres of discourse and style as conceptual elements. It has been detected that there is a complexity in the construction of the genres in the magazine, always taking into account the journalistic and scientific spheres of circulation. The analyzed statements presented themselves as a confluence of many genres’ characteristics, showing a point of view, a scientific subject, a researcher-author and a language adjustment to the magazine reader, making it more accessible. The analysis showed that the discussed statements resemble opinion articles, scientific articles, and reviews, besides being scientific divulgation at the same time
Este texto pretende analisar o filme de animação Valente, produzido pela Walt Disney Pictures e pela Pixar Animation Studios, em busca de elementos que abordem o tema “gênero” e, assim, utilizá-lo de modo a propor a discussão em sala de aula sobre este mesmo tema, levando em consideração o contexto atual da imagem da mulher e pontos históricos que sejam interessantes ao debate
Based on a heterogeneous concept of writing, this paper aims at analyzing ‘breaks’ in utterances of a virtual chat for writers between 8 and 12 years of age. The hypothesis is that the segmentation of an utterance in different lines in a short period of time characterizes the writing on the internet as nonconventional and relates it to the prosody and rhythm of the language not restricted to the phonic or graphic dimension of the verbal language.