119 resultados para jogos de plataforma
This paper deals with the Compositional Fidelity of the brachiopods assemblages, dominated by Bouchardia rosea, on the outer shelf and continental slope along São Paulo State. Samples were obtained during the Revizee-Score-Sul-Benthos program. The sampled stations are in sites as depth as 90 to 600 meters, along the outer continental shelf, the shelf break and the top of continental slope. The fidelity estimates were obtained directly from the comparisons between living biota and dead shells, from the same collecting stations. Data come from 66 sampling stations, and the vast majority of the Bouchardia rosea individuals collected (n=2393) were dead (n = 2342, 97.9%). Only 51 individuals were collected alive. When pooling the data from all collecting stations the dead/live frequency is of 2,1% only. The occurrences of Bouchardia rosea shells in siliciclastic bottoms are reduced and living individuals were not found on this type of bottom, at least during the sampling program. These results suggest low compositional fidelity (live-dead) or high compositional mismatch, pointing to a recent decrease in this specie population. The low compositional fidelity of the Bouchardia rosea assemblages in outer shelf sites may be due to changes in seawater temperature, nutrient availability and population history. All these issues must be investigated in the near future
In heavy machining industries, a critical point that must be taken into account is setup. Because the characteristics of machine tools and parts to be machined, usually pieces robust and large, the preparation of these parts must be made accurately for machining has a good result as planned. As a result of the difficulty raised in the setup machining of heavy parts, companies in this segment seek alternatives to reduce the unproductive time caused by setup and optimize machining processes. One way was found that these companies create operating instructions that describe and standardize the operation between its employees, as well as deploy a control machining times to measure the unproductive time caused by the setup. This work studied a new system for the realization of centering and alignment of Rotating Deck R-9350 in CNC Milling Machine PAMA Speedram 3000, in Liebherr Brazil company. The part Rotating Deck R-9350 is a critical part in which its machining in PAMA Milling Machine is made in three phases and their setup times are quite high and involve stopping the machine. It has been tested and proposed a solution to the realization of this part of the setup without the use of the machine, but of the measuring instrument three-dimensional Laser tracker, with which the machine continued to work, while he was in the centering and alignment of other parts. It was noted that the instrument technically attended the need and it was possible to perform this operation more accurately
This work investigates the reasons that take teachers to use or not use manipulative materials in mathematics education as well as the knowledge that teachers of Basic Education schools of the city of Guaratingueta have about such resources. The experience in the classroom, while participating in projects, showed that these resources are important allies in knowledge production. However, we noticed that they are not often present in the teachers teaching practice. This leads us to investigate the relevance of such education resources from authors like Grando (2000) and Macedo (2012) and try to see the idea that math teachers have about their use. For this research we developed a questionnaire and we headed teachers to obtain data. Assuming a posture qualitative with phenomenological approach, organized researched data and interpreted following the procedures described by Bicudo (2011) and Machado (1994). We built three categories or regions of generality that lead us to consider that, for our research subjects, the use of manipulative materials is significant as Didactic Resources and Learning Aid, however, used from a Naïve Knowledge that does not involve reflection on practice or relies on theoretical concepts
Due to the growing practice of recreational activities among enterprises, it became evident an increase in the possibilities of interdisciplinary action of Physical Education teachers as well as in the areas alike. However, just a few academic papers try to understand the relation involving recreational activities in the context of business companies, what motivated the attention of this study, which aims to investigate whether the games played in business trainings may somehow contribute for a better comprehension and development of actions between employees and employers and also, to analyze the acceptability of this resource in lectures or formal events, which are usual in trainings. This study – which has a qualitative approach – was developed and based on the union of both bibliographic and exploratory researches. Data were collected through a questionnaire with open and direct questions that was applied to an intentional sample of twenty-five employees from a company in the countryside of São Paulo. Those data were analyzed in a descriptive way, through Thematic Content Analysis Technique and they showed that the relationship among employees has improved, whereas the relationship between employers and employees hasn’t improved that much and that the training which was given with dynamics and recreational strategies had a very positive result, because the goals were reached and the acceptability of this kind of training was unanimous among all the participants, It is extremely important that recreational activities can be developed in business trainings because with them, it is possible to reach more successfully their goals and the acceptability by the participants.
This research aimed do verify the contribution of the games of rules to the development and learning of the mathematics of a philantropic institution for preschool children – Centro de Educação Infantil Santo Antônio (CEISA) - from March to September 2010. The overall universe comprehends one teacher, one class auxiliary, one trainee, the organization teaching coordinator and twenty six students. The main objective was to explore games as a strategic resource for the development and learning, by searching auxiliary contributions for teaching the mathematics, and ways to wake and keep the interest of the students for the games as tools of development and learning; to identify important points for such development and learning by using games; to detect the difficulties of the students in the process of teaching-learning mathematics; to use games as a moment for fun; to show the teachers the possibilities of using ludic materials as methodic resources and to make interventions, by means of the games, to enhance the process of teaching-learning the matematics, through a qualitative approach, using the interview as instrument by means of an observation and study of case
As ações do homem têm causado danos à natureza, colocando em risco a vida na Terra, muitas vezes, pelo erro de se acreditar na infinitude dos recursos naturais. Torna-se assim necessário um processo de educação para a formação da consciência ecológica, que pode ser definido como Educação Ambiental. A Botânica é o estudo do Reino Vegetal, o que envolve seus aspectos estruturais, sua fisiologia, bem como seu papel no meio ambiente, sendo que este último tem recebido muita ênfase, dada a importância dos vegetais na manutenção das condições da vida. Dada essa forte relação entre a Botânica e a Preservação ambiental, torna-se relevante a busca por propostas de ensino que articulem estes dois campos. Documentos como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, do ensino médio e do ensino fundamental, assim como o Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educação Infantil incentivam uma abordagem contextualizada dos assuntos relacionados ao meio ambiente, de forma a permitir ao aluno, não apenas a compreensão da diversidade e complexidade dos seres vivos, mas também, a percepção de seu próprio papel como agente transformador do ambiente. No nível infantil, a educação ambiental é um dos temas que pode e deve ser abordado, favorecendo a formação da consciência ambiental que se deseja, bem como despertando o interesse pelo ensino de Botânica para que este permaneça nos próximos níveis de ensino e para a vida. A importância das atividades práticas na Educação Infantil é inquestionável e o jogo é uma das atividades que favorece o desenvolvimento da criança, podendo ser utilizado como material didático capaz de auxiliar na formação de indivíduos críticos e criativos. Reconhecendo-se a importância da abordagem dos conhecimentos de Botânica para o desenvolvimento de temas de Educação Ambiental e a necessidade da... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
People store data of the most different daily events, to know yourself, detect behaviors, predict events and have an strongly knowledge to take decisions. The growth of the events, results in a large amount of data colected and this data needs to be processed to get value information. This data have a temporal component from the collect process (daily, monthly or annualy) and this need to be consider on the exploration. The exploration based on temporal component can be uni-scale or multi-scale. The data mining goes toward to extract knowledge from large databases and if combined with visualization tools, the data mining can be more effective to detect information. This visualization tools display data and allow user to manipulate and change it by interaction features toward your goal. The user can combine tools and combine the steps of visualization among the tools through messages. This monograph aim to insert interactivity on AdaptaVis architecture model, developed by Shimabukuro (2004), the InfoVis, then extends its ability of exploration and provide a consistent base for the user handle data and extract information
With the technology advancement, mobile devices have become increasingly more powerful and have started to have functions beyond of making phone calls. New applications, which perform these new functions, have been launched. The digital entertainment market has become one of the most benefited with this, once the games have become one of the most used applications for various types of users. This monograph presents the development of a game for Android OS, considering concepts like: physics, scenarios/views and character animation
Como todo fenômeno de massa, os acontecimentos esportivos são, atualmente, um dos preferidos da mídia, sobretudo por questões de ordem mercadológica ou simbólica, já que o esporte tem papel fundamental na construção de identidades e subjetividades. Tendo como base este fato, o objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em identificar como a mídia esportiva refere-se ao atletismo, quando da veiculação de reportagens jornalísticas. Para tanto, foram coletadas reportagens do jornal “Folha de São Paulo”, mais especificamente, do caderno “Pequim/2008” num período de 15 dias antes dos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim/2008, durante o seu desenvolvimento e 15 dias após o término desse evento, isto é, de 22/07/2008 a 08/09/2008. Nesse período, foram coletadas 49 edições desse jornal, nas quais analisamos 88 reportagens relacionadas ao atletismo. Em revisão bibliográfica e com base na Análise de Conteúdo foram identificadas as principais características dessas reportagens, além dos temas mais recorrentes (unidades de registro) e o contexto (unidades de contexto) de cada uma delas. Foram criados 5 blocos de categorias, a saber: 1. Breves notas informativas sobre o atletismo; 2. Curiosidades acerca do atletismo mundial; 3. Resultados obtidos nas provas do atletismo; 4. Preparação dos atletas e expectativa em relação ao desempenho e 5. Destaques do atletismo nos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim. A descrição de cada um dos blocos de categorias favoreceu a exposição dos resultados, dentre os quais: a falta de informação que é dedicada ao atletismo pela mídia em períodos em que não ocorrem grandes competições esportivas, a ênfase dada por ela por ocasião de eventos de repercussão internacional e a atenção especial voltada aos atletas que estão no auge da carreira e que, de alguma forma, passam a ser reconhecidos...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Não disponível
Este trabalho tem como objetivo Identificar a forma pela qual o atletismo é divulgado pela mídia impressa. Para tanto, foram coletadas reportagens referentes a esta modalidade esportiva na mídia impressa durante o período dos Jogos Pan-Americanos do Rio de Janeiro, em 2007. Mais especificamente, foram analisadas as reportagens referentes ao atletismo, do jornal “Folha de São Paulo”, coletadas 13 dias antes dos Jogos Pan-Americanos, durante os Jogos Pan-Americanos e 13 dias após o seu término. Com base na Análise de conteúdo de Bardin (1979), foram identificadas 6 categorias de análise, quais sejam: “Quadro de resultados/críticas”; “Análise crítica da competição”; “Expectativa de resultados” “Reportagens poliesportivas”; “Lesões” e “História de vida e incentivo”. Os resultados demonstraram que a mídia, por meio de suas reportagens, exerce influência no modo e na forma com que o leitor interpreta o atletismo, já que registra críticas aos atletas; cria rivalidades entre eles; gera expectativas por resultados positivos e enaltece os melhores atletas em detrimento dos menos conhecidos do público. Por meio dessa pesquisa constatamos particularidades da relação entre o atletismo e a mídia, as quais certamente influenciam no conhecimento que se tem acerca dessa modalidade esportiva.
The mobile application proposed in this undergraduate project, classified as a Location-Based Service and named Traveller, was developed to support users of mobile phones equipped with GPS in unknown locations by providing information about weather, location of users and stores in urban areas. The mobile devices whose this project is intended are those equipped with Android. The programming language Java was selected and the Eclipse development environment was used along with the toolkit for developing Android (ADT - Android Development Tools)
Nowadays the accelerated development arising from globalization and the interrelation of the nations, the great increase in communication between different countries and the necessity for knowledge in different linguistic structures, the interest in learning a foreign language is crescent, and thinking about it, this work has the scope to verify how young and adult learners of a foreign language, in this case English, behave, that is, how best to develop the four language skills of the language: listening, writing, speaking, and reading and how the use of recreational and educational games can help this dichotomy between teaching-learning. The present research, theoretical and analytical basis, aims to make a study on how fun games can influence the teaching and learning of English in an audience of young and adult people and that includes a study of how human history has evolved, more precisely, as history of education was influenced by the playful and how the human mind also becomes over time. Nowadays, the playful is a tool that has been widely used pedagogically in teaching foreign languages and every day opens new manners and ways of teaching languages, always with its array of spaced more possibilities. Under this assumption, the focus of this research is discover how the use of recreational and educational games may influence grammar greater understanding and language development of young and adults students in learning English, and also what better way to introduce these games, that is, a contextualized content being discussed each time during the school way, so that the games may be, of course, used for relaxation of the students, but also (and especially) for their intellectual growth and language development
O ambiente virtual está cada vez mais presente na vida do ser humano e, por este motivo, não se pode negligenciar a perspectiva de que os jogos eletrônicos possam ser encampados no contexto das aulas de Educação Física, com as devidas adaptações, proporcionando novas práticas, as quais sejam atraentes, no sentido de ampliar as perspectivas de adesão ao movimento e minimizar as condições do sedentarismo. Desta forma, este trabalho, de natureza qualitativa, teve como objetivo propor a adaptação de alguns jogos eletrônicos, os quais puderam ser aplicados corporalmente, como novas possibilidades de atividades a serem vivenciadas em aulas de Educação Física, bem como, investigar os níveis de estado de ânimo e de satisfação dos alunos frente às aulas que utilizaram esses jogos eletrônicos adaptados. O estudo foi desenvolvido por intermédio da união de pesquisas bibliográfica e exploratória. Para tanto, fizeram parte deste estudo uma amostra intencional, composta por 60 alunos, de ambos os sexos, compreendendo a faixa etária de 10 a 15 anos, pertencentes a uma escola da rede oficial de ensino da cidade de Rio Claro/SP, selecionada por conveniência, a qual participou de uma aula, ministrada pela pesquisadora, composta por três jogos eletrônicos adaptados. Para se verificar o estado de ânimo dos alunos, foi aplicada a Lista de Estados de Ânimo Reduzida e Ilustrada (LEA-RI), desenvolvida por Volp (2000), antes e após as aulas. Foi aplicado, ainda, um questionário contendo perguntas abertas, com o intuito de se verificar o nível de satisfação dos alunos em relação aos jogos eletrônicos adaptados. Os dados foram analisados por meio da Técnica de Análise de Conteúdo Temático. Os resultados apontaram que os jogos eletrônicos, vinculados à aula de Educação Física, influenciam positivamente na motivação dos alunos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A parameter commonly used in investigations of environmental magnetism is the magnetic susceptibility (MS), which is the quantitative measure of the ability of magnetization of a specific material in the presence of an induced magnetic field. The present study aimed to determine the magnetic susceptibility of sediments collected on the continental shelf near the Santos Basin, southeast of the São Sebastião island (25°57.97’S 45°07.81'W), seeking to identify the possible source area of terrigenous sediments and the flow patterns of siliciclastic sediment yield in the area. It was used particle size analysis and contents of organic matter and calcium carbonate to characterize the sediments, besides paleomagnetism parameters. The analyzed material - core NAP61-1 - was collected using the piston corer sampler in 60 meters water depth, recovering 3.98 meters of sediment core. As from experiments, cyclicity was observed in relative abundance between sand and silt, most likely due to rapid and cyclical variations in the depositional environment. In general, the MS values are low, and show that the sand supply (terrigenous material) has a certain consistency, probably having the same origin. More absolute age is still necessary to establish clearly the events marked here