192 resultados para human in vitro myogenesis


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Objective: Oropouche, Caraparu, Guama, Guaroa and Tacaiuma are ssRNA viruses that belong to the genus Orthobunyavirus and have been associated with human febrile illnesses and/or encephalitis. In this study, we evaluated the antiviral action of mycophenolic acid (MPA) on these orthobunyaviruses to achieve a therapeutic agent to treat the diseases caused by these viruses. Methods: the in vitro antiviral evaluation to MPA was done by using plaque assay at different periods of treatment. Results: Results showed that MPA at a concentration of 10 mu g/ml has significant antiviral activity on Tacaiuma virus when treatment was initiated either 24 h before or 2 h after viral infection. Moreover, MPA has an inhibitory effect on Guama virus replication, but only when treatment was initiated before cell infection. Addition of guanosine in the culture reverted the inhibitory effect of MPA on Tacaiuma and Guama viruses, suggesting that the antiviral activity of this substance was via depletion of the intracellular guanosine pool. Conclusion: Our results suggest that MPA would not be a good therapeutic agent to treat the diseases caused by Oropouche, Caraparu, Guama, Guaroa, and Tacaiuma viruses.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of brackets bonded with different restorative systems and compare it with that afforded by an established orthodontic bonding system. Seventy human bicuspids were used, divided into five different groups with 14 teeth each. Whereas a specific orthodontic bonding resin (Transbond (TM) XT) was used in the control group, the restorative systems Charisma, Tetric Ceram, TPH Spectrum and Z100 were used in the other four groups. Seven days after bonding the brackets to the samples, shear forces were applied under pressure in a universal testing machine. The data collected was evaluated using the ANOVA test and, when a difference was identified, the Tukey test was applied. A 5% level of significance was adopted. The mean results of the shear bond strength tests were as follows: Group 1 (Charisma), 14.98 MPa; Group 2 (Tetric Ceram), 15.16 MPa; Group 3 (TPH), 17.70 MPa; Group 4 (Z100), 13.91 MPa; and Group 5 or control group (Transbond (TM) XT), 17.15 MPa. No statistically significant difference was found among the groups. It was concluded that all tested resins have sufficient bond strength to be recommended for bonding orthodontic brackets.


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to carry out a comparative evaluation of the mechanical resistance of 2 rigid internal fixation techniques for fractures of the mandibular condyle using miniplates.Materials and Methods: Fort), polyurethane resin replicas of human hemimandibles were used. The hemimandibles were sectioned to simulate a high subcondylar fracture and then stabilized with 2 fixing techniques using 2.0-mm system plates and screws. The fixation techniques were 2 separate 4-hole plates with 8 screws, and 2 overlaid 4-hole plates with 4 screws. Each system was submitted to load tests, with the application of the load in mediolateral and anteroposterior directions in an Instron 4411 universal assay machine (Instron, Norwood, MA).Results: Load values and peak displacement were measured. Means and standard deviations were evaluated by analysis of variance (P < .05) and Tukey tests, in which it was verified that the anteroposterior peak load value was affected by the arrangement of the plates on the models, although no differences were observed between the groups for the mediolateral peak load. The arrangement of the plates did not have any influence on peak displacement. Similarly, the final value of the mediolateral load was not affected by the arrangement of the plates on the model.Conclusion: The experimental model with 2 separate plates was statistically superior to the model with 2 overlaid plates only in relation to anteroposterior peak load. Despite showing superiority in mediolateral peak load and peak displacement, there was no statistical difference between the groups for these parameters. (C) 2009 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


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In order to investigate the effect of folate depletion, lymphocyte sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) rates were compared among homozygous β-thalassaemic patients with low folic acid levels, heterozygous β-thalassaemic patients with normal folate levels and healthy persons with normal haemoglobin, in cultures with both normal and depleted folate conditions. Significantly higher SCE rates were found in homozygous patients in all assays, but the in vitro folate depletion did not induce an increase in SCE frequency in any group.


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Two hundred and seventy-seven multidrug resistant clinical isolates [K. pneumoniae, (N = 87); E coli, (N = 30); Salmonella typhimurium (N = 100); P. aeruginosa, (N = 30); S. aureus, (N = 30)] from hospitalized patients specimens, were tested in vitro for sensitivity to Ciprofloxacin. Application of the disk diffusion test and determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration by the microdilution method indicated that, almost all isolates were sensitive to the drug. Overall, S. aureus and P. aeruginosa were the less sensitive organisms. Ciprofloxacin-resistant mutants occurred at frequencies of > or = 10(-5)/CFU.


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Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate some forms of preventing or avoiding demineralization within enamel cavity walls adjacent to amalgam restorations. Method and materials: Third molar teeth were sectioned to obtain 72 specimens, divided into one control and five experimental groups: amalgam only; varnish plus amalgam; acidulated phosphate fluoride plus amalgam; adhesive amalgam; glass-ionomer cement plus amalgam; control (amalgam only, not subjected to a demineralization challenge). The experimental groups were subjected to pH and thermal cycling and then submitted to enamel hardness determinations. Results: Significant differences between the treatment groups revealed that the bonded amalgam technique offered the best resistance to demineralization. The use of cavity varnish resulted in greater mineral loss than amalgam placed alone. Conclusion: The use of an adhesive system, glass-ionomer cement, or acidulated phosphate fluoride under amalgam restorations may interfere with development of secondary caries.


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Treatment of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis is still a challenge. Patients present defective lymphoproliferation and IFN-γ responses to the main Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen (gp43), which correlates with disease severity. Here, we demonstrated that the patients show also a defective synthesis of interleukin (IL)-12. Therefore, we attempted to revert this immune disfunction by adding IL-12 and neutralizing anti-IL-10 antibody to gp-43-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures. Both treatments increased IFN-γ secretion to levels observed with healthy sensitized individuals, but affected proliferation only modestly. When combined, the treatments further increased IFN-γ synthesis and cell proliferation. The addition of suboptimal concentrations of IL-2 also further increased the IL-12-mediated secretion of IFN-γ. Interestingly, the immune modulation was mostly antigen-specific, since the responses to Candida albicans' antigen were not affected. These results suggest that appropriate immune intervention with cytokines and/or anti-cytokines may help in the treatment of PCM. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The utilization of dentifrices with low fluorine concentration, for children under 6 years of age, has been suggested to reduce the risks of dental fluorosis. However, in order to have anticariogenic potential, the dentifrice should form loosely-bound fluorine (CaF2) on dental enamel. Considering that the formation of CaF2 is a function inversely related to pH, dentifrices with pH 5.5, with 275, 550 and 1,100 ppm F (NaF/silica) were developed in order to assess dose-response effects. A comparison between those dentifrices, a placebo product and the Crest toothpaste (positive control - standard) was carried out. Furthermore, the bioavailability of dentifrices, in terms of formation of total fluorine (TF), CaF2, and fluorapatite (FA) on human dental enamel, was evaluated. An ion-specific electrode was utilized for the determination of the dosage of fluorine. The results revealed that the dentifrice with 550 ppm F was more effective than both the placebo and the dentifrice with 275 ppm, presenting no difference in relation to the positive control (p > 0.05). A dose-effect correlation was observed as to the CaF2 formed. In conclusion, the modified formulation with 550 ppm F can be considered as effective as the standard dentifrice with 1,100 ppm, and its utilization would be safer with regard to dental fluorosis.


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Superinfection by Candida can be refractory to conventional periodontal treatments in specific situations, such as in immunocompromised patients. In these cases, the systemic therapy with antifungal drugs could be indicated. The aim of this study was to analyse antifungal susceptibility of Candida spp. strains isolated from chronic periodontitis patients and from control individuals. A total of 39 C. albicans isolates, 9 C. tropicalis, 2 C. glabrata and 5 Candida spp. from control individuals and 30 C. albicans, 3 C. tropicalis and 2 C. glabrata from periodontitis patients were tested. In the control group, 1 isolate of C. glabrata was resistant to ketoconazole and 1 Candida spp. was resistant to amphotericin B, ketoconazole and miconazole. Among the isolates of periodontitis group, 1 (3.33%) C. albicans isolate was resistant to flucytosine and ketoconazole. According to the obtained results, it could be concluded that fluconazole was the most effective drug against the several Candida species studied. There were not expressive differences in the susceptibility of isolates from periodontitis patients or from control individuals.


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Fluoride has been widely used in dentistry because it is a specific and effective caries prophylactic agent. However, excess fluoride may represent a hazard to human health, especially by causing injury to genetic material. Genotoxicity tests represent an important part of cancer research to assess the risk of potential carcinogens. In the current study, the potential DNA damage associated with exposure to fluoride was assessed by the single cell gel (comet) assay in vitro. Chinese hamster ovary cells were exposed to sodium fluoride (NaF) at final concentration ranging from 7 to 100 micro/ml for 3 h, at 37 dgrees C. The results pointed out that NaF in all concentrations tested did not contribute to DNA damage as depicted by the mean tail moment and tail intensity. These findings are clinically important since they represent an important contribution to a correct evaluation of the potential health risk associated with the exposure to dental agents.


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Certain elements of a patient's diet may be associated with dentin hypersensitivity. The intent of this study was to evaluate the degree of removal of the smear layer from dentin surfaces by various fruit juices. A smear layer was created on extracted human teeth by manual scaling. The roots were reduced and distributed into 8 experimental groups. Distilled water was the negative control. The juices were applied by 2 methods: topical application and topical application with friction. Specimens were photomicrographed and graded according to an index of smear layer removal. With topical application, all but 2 of the tested substances resulted in significantly greater removal of the smear layer and opening of dentinal tubules than was the case with the negative control (p = 0.05); the exceptions were Gala apple and Italian grape juices, which were no different from the control. For the active application (with friction), most substances removed more smear layer than the control (p < 0.05); Gala apple, Italian grape and orange juices were similar to the control. For each of the tested substances, removal of the smear layer did not differ with the method of application (topical vs. friction; p > 0.05). It is concluded that natural fruit juices can remove the smear layer from dentin surfaces, and the efficacy of this removal varies with the type of juice. © J Can Dent Assoc 2004.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the apical leakage of retrograde cavities filled with Portland Cement (Concrebrás S/A-MG-Brazil), ProRoot MTA™ (Dentsply International, Johnson City, TN, USA) and Sealapex (Kerr Corporation, Orange, California, USA) with addition of zinc oxide (Odahcam Herpo Produtos Dentários Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil). Forty-two extracted single-rooted human teeth were decoronated and used for this study. The root canals were instrumented at 1.0mm short of the apical foramen using the step-back technique to an apical ISO size 60. The roots were obturated with gutta-percha points and sealer Sealapex (Kerr Corporation-USA) and then 3mm of each root apex was sectioned at a 90° angle. Ultrasonic retrograde preparation was performed with a diamond tip to 3mm depth and the roots were randomly divided into 3 groups according to the filling material: G1-Portland, G2-ProRoot MTA, G3- Sealapex zinc oxide-added cement. The root surfaces were covered with nail varnish up to 2mm from the apical foramen, immersed in simulated tissue fluid for 30 days, and then immersed in 0.2% Rhodamine B solution for 24 hours for evaluation of marginal leakage. The results showed mean leakage of 0.75, 0.35 and 0.35 for groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; however, Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that there was no statistically significant difference among the results (p>0.05).


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Chloroform and eucalyptol are widely used in clinical dentistry as gutta-percha solvents. However, these compounds may represent a hazard to human health, especially by causing injury to genetic apparatus and/or inducing cellular death. In this study, the genotoxic and cytotoxic potentials associated with exposure to chloroform and eucalyptol were assessed on mouse lymphoma cells in vitro by the single cell gel (comet) assay and trypan blue exclusion test, respectively. Both gutta-percha solvents proved to be cytotoxic at the same levels in concentrations of 2.5, 5 and 10 μL/mL (p<0.05). On the other hand, neither of the solvents induced DNA breakage. Taken together, these results suggest that although both tested compounds (chloroform and eucalyptol) are strong cytotoxicants, it seems that they are not likely to increase the level of DNA damage on mammalian cells.


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The aim of this study was to correlate the root trunk height from the furcation openings on the buccal, mesial and distal surfaces to the cemento-enamel junction in upper first permanent molars in human beings with risk for periodontal disease progression. One hundred extracted maxillary first molars were used. Reference points and demarcations were determined from the entrance of the buccal (F1), mesial (F2) and distal (F3) furcations to the cemento-enamel junction in millimeters. The mean distances found were 3.50 mm, 4.44 mm and 4.26 mm for the buccal, mesial and distal furcations, respectively, in relation to the cemento-enamel junction. The statistical analyses were Student's t-test and Chi-square (X2). With periodontal disease progression, the buccal furcation presents a greater compromising risk due to its proximity to the cemento-enamel junction, while the mesial furcation is the most distant, comprising a lesser risk.


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Several antiseptic substances have been used as adjuncts to routine mechanical procedures of oral hygiene, based on their antimicrobial effects. The objective of this study was to assess in vitro the antimicrobial efficiency of 2 mouthwash containing Triclosan/Gantrez and sodium bicarbonate in comparison to both positive and negative controls. Standard strain samples of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Actinomyces viscosus and Bacillus subtilis were used. Samples of Streptococcus mutans and Gram-negative bacilli were collected from 20 volunteers (10 with a clinically healthy periodontium and 10 presenting biofilm-associated gingivitis). Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity was performed by determining the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). The results indicated that the test solution inhibited the growth of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive microorganisms from the volunteers' saliva as well as that of the standard strains at the MIC dilution of 1:20, whereas the MIC dilution of 0.12% chlorhexidine against the same bacteria was 1:80. Thus, even though the tested mouthrinse solution presented an in-vitro antimicrobial activity superior to that of a placebo, it was inferior to that of chlorhexidine.