71 resultados para horror movies


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Besides producing a vast literary work, Angela Carter (1940-1992) participated of the screenplay’s production for two movies based on her books, The Company of Wolves and The Magic Toyshop. Either through the influence that cinema had in her life or through the very own style of her writing, the relation of the British author with the seventh art is visible. Considering the importance of significations in literary works, this paper proposes a comparative study between Angela Carter’s The Magic Toyshop (1967) and the film of the same title, based on Carter’s novel, directed by David Wheatley and produced by Granada Television, in 1987. Based on Tania Carvalhal’s conception about intertextuality and film theories, the focus of this paper is the gender study, since its ideology is subscribed, represented and reproduced in every cultural practice, including literature and cinema. The characters construction in both cases, especially the female characters, is filled with symbols which are going to bring the film closer to the literary work and contribute to express the critics suggested in the work’s leading: the complaint to the patriarchal system. However, given the different nature of each work, it is necessary to stress that this present comparison doesn’t intend to establish a total identification between novel and film, but to set a dialogue between both, observing the approximation and distance of these two instances.


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Considerado exemplo modelar do gênero giallo, estilo exclusivamente italiano e que envolve a solução de um mistério relacionado a uma série de assassinatos, o filme Prelúdio Para Matar (1975), do cineasta Dario Argento (1940-), é o objeto central deste projeto de pesquisa. Para esta pesquisa se dá especial atenção à investigação da trilha sonora, que, parcialmente, junto à composição visual, formalizam as dimensões de estrutura e sentido desse filme. Serão esclarecidas informações introdutórias sobre o som e composição para o cinema de horror e o ambiente de produção de filmes na Itália; os fatores concomitantes e anteriores a produção do objeto de estudo. No tocante à trilha, serão analisados dois elementos centrais da narrativa: (1) a música, com seus códigos específicos de composição sonora; (2) os efeitos sonoros que projetam ao espectador o reconhecimento ou não de determinados sons. Partindo da premissa que o som ainda é um elemento fílmico pouco explorado nas narrativas audiovisuais, esta pesquisa estabelece uma hipótese, a qual pode ser enunciada nos seguintes termos: a trilha musical e os efeitos de som, presentes no filme Prelúdio para matar, são elementos centrais para a articulação do gênero discursivo giallo nesse caso, co-participando, de modo visível ao espectador, com o controle, a estruturação e as estratégias de narração ali presentes


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Comment of cyclic use, made by the Spanish filmmaker of self-citations in his movies of mature works. Since 1995, besides the well-known quotations from films from other authors, he begins to incorporate and develop ideas, scenes, characters present in his previous films. Here stands the relationship between La flor de mi secreto e Volver and also between Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios e Los abrazos rotos.


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Not intending to exhaust the subject, we will attempt to show the issue status in the construction of the History of Mass Media. An initial literature review, in order to identify works relating to the subject, shows us how this issue has gone unnoticed in Academy. Expert authors in the history of every media outlet (newspaper, radio, television, movies, and more recently, internet) have been rising, but few have faced the challenge of building a History of Media. There are many reasons to justify this. It comes from the fact it is a young science, in construction, to the absence of a clear definition regarding the subject matter, sources, and methods of their own area of expertise. After all, journalism and film, for example, can be inserted in the same methodological procedure?


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In this paper the figure of Alice from the book Alice in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll will be analyzed from Tim Burton’s sight in the adaptation for the movies (2010), noticing his analysis of a Victorian argument and his emphasis to a construction of a heroine with a characterization in the female pattern at the present time, considering the structures of the unconsciousness that allowed the character to obtain the wisdom, courage and the capacity to decide its own destiny.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Within the educational field we can identify an increasing number of possibilities and different ways to use unusual tools in the classroom. Teachers have used much more visual arts, pictures, photographs and films. This work aims to verify whether these tools are used properly, confirming if pedagogical activities with images and movies contribute positively to children's learning and ultimately how such learning takes place


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In this work we present a didactic proposal of the use of movies and videos for the Physics teaching directed to the Basic Education and we bring a discussion about how the materials addresses this topic. For this, we selected three cinematographic works, one chapter of the TV show and videos found in the web and we analyse the physics concepts found particularly about the issue electromagnetism. We developed the activity denominated Cine - Física in a public school from Rio Claro - SP, through presentations of these movies, shows and videos. Those works were exhibited in full and then we discussed the concepts involved in these movies. With the perform of this didactic proposal we verified that is possible insert the use of movies and videos in the classroom activities, and go beyond the entertainment or using those materials as supplements of classes. Dialoguing with students was possible to realize that they visualize the effects and physical concepts in a different way than other that used to be shown in the blackboard through formulas, providing positive effects to the learning of Physics


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS