204 resultados para Transcephalic Impedance
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The electrochemical behaviour of Cu, Cu-Al and Cu-Al-Ag alloys in aqueous solutions of NaCl (0.5 M, pH = 3.00) was studied by means of voltammetric methods and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The surfaces were examined by SEM and EDX analysis. Cu-Al-Ag alloy shows a potentiodynamic behaviour similar to that of the pure copper electrode while the Cu-Al alloy presents some minor differences. In the active dissolution region the electrodes suffer pitting corrosion and in the other potential regions there are the formation of a passivant film with composition depending on the potential. The impedance responses of the electrodes are discussed. An electrodissolution mechanism is proposed and the effect of the alloying elements upon the impedance response and polarisation curves is explained. The main effects are due to the production of copper and silver chlorides and aluminium oxides/ hydroxides at the corroding interface. The addition of Al or (Al + Ag) increases the corrosion resistance of pure copper. © 1995.
Estudou-se o efeito de vários níveis de compactação na densidade do solo, porosidade total e resistência à penetração, objetivando determinar o nível que impede o desenvolvimento das raízes de plantas de soja. O trabalho foi realizado em casa de vegetação, com amostras deformadas do horizonte superficial de uma terra roxa estruturada e de um latossolo roxo, controlando os níveis de compactação e o teor de água. A influência da compactação no desenvolvimento das raízes foi avaliada um mês após a germinação. Os valores de densidade do solo, para um mesmo nível de compactação, foram maiores para a terra roxa estruturada. O teor de água ótimo para a compactação foi de 21,0% para a terra roxa estruturada e de 29,8 para o latossolo roxo. A compactação artificial do solo acarretou aumento da resistência à penetração e diminuição da porosidade total. A elevação da sua densidade de 0,90 para 1,30 kg/m³ para a terra roxa estruturada, e de 0,90 para 1,23 kg/m³ para o latossolo roxo, promoveu, respectivamente, diminuição de 39 e de 41% na massa seca das raízes. O desenvolvimento das raízes das plantas ficou impedido quando a densidade do solo atingiu valores de 1,30 e 1,23 kg/m³, respectivamente, para a terra roxa estruturada e o latossolo roxo.
A compactação do solo diminui o crescimento radicular, podendo afetar tanto o desenvolvimento quanto a produtividade da soja. No presente trabalho, estudaram-se os efeitos da compactação subsuperficial na morfologia radicular da soja (Glycine max L. Merrill), procurando relacioná-los ao crescimento e à nutrição da planta. O 'Primavera' foi cultivado até os 37 dias da emergência, em vasos onde a camada de 15-18,5 cm de profundidade foi campactada a 1,03, 1,25, 1,48 e 1,72 g/cm³, em um latossolo vermelho-escuro com 80% de areia e 16% de argila e cuja compactação em subsuperfície levou a um acúmulo de raízes na camada superficial do vaso, sem grandes conseqüências na nutrição da planta. Na densidade aparente de 1,72 g/cm3, as raízes não conseguiram penetrar, embora já houvesse alguma restrição ao crescimento na densidade de 1,25 g/cm³. Quando a camada compactada apresentava resistência à penetração de 0,69 MPa, houve uma redução de 50% no crescimento radicular da soja.
O objetivo do estudo foi comparar diferentes métodos de estimativa de gordura corporal em ciclistas de elite. A amostra foi composta por 15 atletas de alto nível, do sexo masculino, com idade média de 28,6 anos. Gordura corporal foi estimada pela equação para espessura de dobras cutâneas (EDC), análise da bioimpedância elétrica (BIA) e absortometria de radiológica de dupla energia (DEXA) (utilizada como referência). O teste t pareado comparou as diferenças entre os métodos e o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse analisou o relacionamento entre os mesmos. Foi observado que os valores do percentual de gordura corporal estimado pela BIA (p= 0,029), mas não o estimado pela EDC (p= 0,094) diferiram das estimativas da DEXA. Dessa maneira, é possível concluir que EDC apresentou estimativas mais próximas daquelas fornecidas pelo DEXA.
To analyze influences of the physical activity and sedentary behaviors on indicators of both central and total body fat in male adolescents. Cross-sectional study with 60 male students of age range from 11 to 14 years old. It were evaluated the body mass, height, triceps skinfold, waist circumference, body fat percentage (bioelectrical impedance) and the physical activity level through questionnaire. The physical inactivity prevalence was of 35%, and the excessive total and central body fat were observed in 38.3% and 48.3% of the sample, respectively. There was association of the sedentary behaviors with the excessive total and central body fat (OR = 5.2 e OR = 6.4, respectively), however there was not for physical activity. The adoption of sedentary behaviors is associated at the development of the total and central obesity among male adolescents.
Objectives: To analyze different physical activities domains in healthy adults and correlate with cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: The sample was composed by 32 Physical Education undergraduate students, with mean age of 22.6 years old. Adiposity was assessed by waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI) and bioelectrical impedance. Additionally, fast glucose (10-12 hours), systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure were assessed. Physical activity level was assessed by questionnaire (Baecke et al., 1982). Results: sports activities and leisure time were not related with cardiovascular risk factors. However, job activities were negatively related with %BF, SBP and DBP. Conclusion: Different physical activity domains should be considered when analyzing its associations with health indicators.
This paper reports on a sensor array able to distinguish tastes and used to classify red wines. The array comprises sensing units made from Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of conducting polymers and lipids and layer-by-layer (LBL) films from chitosan deposited onto gold interdigitated electrodes. Using impedance spectroscopy as the principle of detection, we show that distinct clusters can be identified in principal component analysis (PCA) plots for six types of red wine. Distinction can be made with regard to vintage, vineyard and brands of the red wine. Furthermore, if the data are treated with artificial neural networks (ANNs), this artificial tongue can identify wine samples stored under different conditions. This is illustrated by considering 900 wine samples, obtained with 30 measurements for each of the five bottles of the six wines, which could be recognised with 100% accuracy using the algorithms Standard Backpropagation and Backpropagation momentum in the ANNs. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chitosan is alternated with sulfonated polystyrene (PSS) to build layer-by-layer (LBL) films that are used as sensing units in an electronic tongue. Using impedance spectroscopy as the principle method of detection, an array using chitosan/PSS LBL film and a bare gold electrode as the sensing units was capable of distinguishing the basic tastes - salty, sweet, bitter, and sour - to a concentration below the human threshold. The suitability of chitosan as a sensing material was confirmed by using this sensor to distinguish red wines according to their vintage, vineyard, and brands.
Effect of ion concentration of ionomer in electron injection layer of polymer light-emitting devices
Polymer light-emitting devices (PLEDs) with poly(2-methoxy-5-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene (OC1OC6-PPV) as the emissive layer were studied with an electron injection layer of ionomers consisting of copolymers of styrene and methylmethacrylate (PS/PMMA) with 3, 6 and 8 mol% degree of sulfonation. The ionomers were able to form very thin films over the emissive layer, with less than 30 nm. Additionally, the presence of ion pairs of ionomer suppresses the tendency toward dewetting of the thin film of ionomer (similar to 10 nm) which can cause malfunction of the device. The effect of the ionomers was investigated as a function of the ion content. The devices performance, characterized by their current density and luminance intensity versus voltage, showed a remarkable increase with the ionomer layer up to 6 mol% of ionic groups, decreasing after that for the 8 mol% ionomer device. The study of the impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range from 0.1 to 10(6) Hz showed that the injection phenomena dominate over the transport in the electroluminescent polymer bulk. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The synthesis of a poly(azo)urethane by fixing CO2 in bis-epoxide followed by a polymerization reaction with an azodiamine is presented. Since isocyanate is not used in the process, it is termed clean method and the polymers obtained are named NIPUs (non-isocyanate polyurethanes). Langmuir films were formed at the air-water interface and were characterized by surface pressure vs mean molecular area per met unit (Pi-A) isotherms. The Langmuir monolayers were further studied by running stability tests and cycles of compression/expansion (possible hysteresis) and by varying the compression speed of the monolayer formation, the subphase temperature, and the solvents used to prepare the spreading polymer solutions. The Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique was used to fabricate ultrathin films of a particular polymer (PAzoU). It is possible to grow homogeneous LB films of up to 15 layers as monitored using UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. Higher number of layers can be deposited when PAzoU is mixed with stearic acid, producing mixed LB films. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption spectroscopy and Raman scattering showed that the materials do not interact chemically in the mixed LB films. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) and micro-Raman technique (optical microscopy coupled to Raman spectrograph) revealed that mixed LB films present a phase separation distinguishable at micrometer or nanometer scale. Finally, mixed and neat LB films were successfully characterized using impedance spectroscopy at different temperatures, a property that may lead to future application as temperature sensors. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to correlate the data.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)