119 resultados para Senna alexandrina.


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LASSBio-767 [(-)-3-O-acetyl-spectaline] and LASSBio-822 [(-)-3-O-tert-Boc-spectaline] were recently described as cholinesterase inhibitors derived from the natural piperidine alkaloid (-)-spectaline, obtained from the flowers of Senna spectabilis (Fabaccae). We investigated their mechanism of inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and their efficacy in reversing scopolamine-induced amnesia. Competition assays with the substrate acetylthiocholine showed a concentration-dependent reduction in rat brain cholinesterase V-max without changes in apparent K-m. The kinetic data for LASSBio-767 and LASSBio-822 were best fit by a model of simple linear noncompetitive inhibition with K-i of 6.1 mu M and 7.5 mu M, respectively. A dilution assay showed a fast and complete reversal of inhibition, independent of incubation time. Simulated docking of the compounds into the catalytic gorge of Torpedo acetylcholinesterase showed interactions with the peripheral anionic site, but not with the catalytic triad. Anti-amnestic effects in mice were assessed in a step-down passive avoidance test and in the Morris water maze 30 min after injection of scopolamine (1 mg/kg i.p.). Saline, LASSBio-767, or LASSBio-822 was administered 15 min before scopolamine. Both compounds reversed the scopolamine-induced reduction in step-down latency at 0.1 mg/kg i.p. LASSBio-767 reversed scopolamine-induced changes in water maze escape latency at 1 mg/kg i.p. or p.o., while its cholinergic side effects were absent or mild up to 30 mg/kg i.p. (LD50 above 100 mg/kg i.p.). Thus, the (-)-spectaline derivatives are potent cholinergic agents in vivo, with a unique profile combining noncompetitive cholinesterase inhibition and CNS selectivity, with few peripheral side effects. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ainda que aranhas Thomisidae sejam comumente encontradas em flores, as associações desses aracnídeos a espécies de plantas e às suas características florais foram pouco registradas na região neotropical. Observações do hábito das plantas, visitantes florais, e também das características florais, tais como antese, odor, forma, cor e recursos da flor, foram assinaladas para espécies floridas de uma área de cerrado presentes em uma trilha de 2 km de extensão. Misumenops argenteus e Misumenops pallens representaram 62,86% das aranhas habitantes de 22 espécies de plantas floridas. As plantas Senna rugosa (Fabaceae), Styrax ferrugineus (Styracaceae) e Banisteriopsis campestris (Malpighiaceae) abrigaram, individualmente, cerca de 10 a 17% do total das aranhas e, nestas plantas, a antese diurna; flores de coloração atrativa a abelhas, como amarela (S. rugosa), branca (S. ferrugineus) e rosa (B. campestris) e as anteras poricidas, bem como a visita das flores por abelhas reforçou a evidência de síndrome de polinização para melitofilia. Este é o primeiro levantamento de espécies de aranhas Thomisidae associadas a plantas do cerrado brasileiro.


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Cutaneous biopsies (n = 94) obtained from 88 patients with American tegumentary leishmaniasis were studied by conventional and immunohistochemical techniques. Specimens were distributed as active lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis (n = 53) (Group I), cicatricial lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis (n = 35) (Group II) and suggestive scars of healed mucosal leishmaniasis patients (n = 6) (Group III). In addition, active cutaneous lesions of other etiology (n = 24) (Group C1) and cutaneous scars not related to leishmaniasis (n = 10) (Group C2) were also included in the protocol. Amastigotes in Group I biopsies were detected by routine histopathological exam (30.2%), imprint (28.2%), culture (43.4%), immunofluorescence (41.4%) and immunoperoxidase (58.5%) techniques; and by the five methods together (79.3%). In Group II, 5.7% of cultures were positive. Leishmanial antigen was also seen in the cytoplasm of macrophages and giant cells (cellular pattern), vessel walls (vascular pattern) and dermal nerves (neural pattern). Positive reaction was detected in 49 (92.5%), 20 (57%) and 4 (67%) biopsies of Groups I, II and III, respectively. Antigen persistency in cicatricial tissue may be related to immunoprotection or, on the contrary, to the development of late lesions. We suggest that the cellular, vascular and neural patterns could be applied in the immunodiagnosis of active and cicatricial lesions in which leishmaniasis is suspected.


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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an inflammatory disease of the brain and spinal cord that is mediated by CD4+ T lymphocytes specific to myelin components. In this study we compared development of EAE in Lewis rats from two colonies, one kept in pathogen-free conditions (CEMIB colony) and the other (Botucatu colony) kept in a conventional animal facility. Female Lewis rats were immunized with 100 µl of an emulsion containing 50 µg of myelin, associated with incomplete Freund's adjuvant plus Mycobacterium butyricum. Animals were daily evaluated for clinical score and weight. CEMIB colony presented high EAE incidence with clinical scores that varied from three to four along with significant weight losses. A variable disease incidence was observed in the Botucatu colony with clinical scores not higher than one and no weight loss. Immunological and histopathological characteristics were also compared after 20 days of immunization. Significant amounts of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-10 were induced by myelin in cultures from CEMIB animals but not from the Botucatu colony. Significantly higher levels of anti-myelin IgG1 were detected in the CEMIB colony. Clear histopathological differences were also found. Cervical spinal cord sections from CEMIB animals showed typical perivascular inflammatory foci whereas samples from the Botucatu colony showed a scanty inflammatory infiltration. Helminths were found in animals from Botucatu colony but not, as expected, in the CEMIB pathogen-free animals. As the animals maintained in a conventional animal facility developed a very discrete clinical, and histopathological EAE in comparison to the rats kept in pathogen-free conditions, we believe that environmental factors such as intestinal parasites could underlie this resistance to EAE development, supporting the applicability of the hygiene hypothesis to EAE.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar os teores de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Zn, Fe e Mn) e a relação C/N, presentes na matéria seca da parte aérea das seguintes espécies de plantas daninhas: Ageratum conyzoides L., Amaranthus lividus L., Bidens pilosa L., Brachiaria decumbens Stapf., Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitchc., Senna occidentalis (L.) Link., Commelina benghalensis L., Cyperus rotundus L., Digitaria horizontalis Willd., Euphorbia heterophylla L., Indigofera truxillensis H.B.K., Ipomoea acuminata Roem. et Schult, Panicum maximum Jacq., Raphanus raphanistrum L., Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd.) C.E. Hubb., Richardia brasiliensis Gomez e Sida cordifolia L. Os teores de macronutrientes obtidos da matéria seca das plantas daninhas, foram maiores em geral nas dicotiledôneas. em relação às monocotiledôneas não houve um padrão de comportamento para os micronutrientes. Entretanto, o teores de carbono foram, em média, superiores para todas as monocotiledôneas, sendo que as dicotiledôneas apresentaram relações C/N menores do que as monocotiledôneas.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a ação dos herbicidas imazethapyr e chlorimuron-ethyl em aplicações de pré-semeadura da cultura da soja, visando o controle das plantas daninhas presentes antes da semeadura e a redução na emergência de plantas daninhas durante o ciclo da cultura. O experimento foi conduzido a campo, em área de produção de soja em sistema de plantio direto. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial (4 x 4 + 1), sendo quatro tratamentos herbicidas [glyphosate (1,62 kg ha-1); glyphosate (1,62 kg ha-1) + imazethapyr (100 g ha-1); glyphosate (1,62 kg ha-1) + chlorimuron-ethyl (10 g ha-1); glyphosate (1,62 kg ha-1) + chlorimuron-ethyl (20 g ha-1)] e quatro intervalos entre a aplicação dos herbicidas e a semeadura da soja (0, 1, 3 e 7 dias), mais uma testemunha não-dessecada. A adição dos herbicidas imazethapyr (100 g ha¹) e chlorimuron-ethyl (10 ou 20 g ha-1) junto ao glyphosate não melhorou o controle e também não diminuiu a rebrota posterior das plantas daninhas Digitaria insularis, Tridax procumbens e Leptochloa filiformis. Três dias antes da semeadura da soja foi o intervalo mínimo para que o controle dessas três espécies de plantas daninhas não fosse prejudicado pela operação de semeadura mecânica. Constatou-se que os tratamentos herbicidas não afetaram o número de plantas emergidas das espécies Sida santaremnensis, Digitaria insularis, Eleusine indica, Chamaesyce hirta, Bidens pilosa e Senna obtusifolia. Apenas para a espécie Althernantela tenella foi verificado que a adição de imazethapyr ou de chlorimuron-ethyl junto ao glyphosate reduziu a emergência dessa planta daninha na área, mostrando eficiência em pré-emergência. Todos os tratamentos herbicidas aplicados em pré-semeadura proporcionaram maior produtividade da cultura da soja em relação à testemunha não-dessecada, mas o incremento dos herbicidas imazethapyr e chlorimuron-ethyl ao glyphosate não resultou em aumento de produtividade da soja.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A leishmaniose é uma infecção parasitária cuja imunidade protetora envolve a ativação de macrófagos. Neste trabalho avaliamos a susceptibilidade de camundongos H e L (bons e maus produtores de anticorpos, respectivamente) da seleção IV-A, à infecção com o protozoário L. donovani. Camundongos H infectados com 10(7) amastigotas por via intravenosa foram mais suscetíveis, apresentando maior carga parasitária tanto no fígado quanto no baço. Após 60 dias de infecção ambas as linhagens apresentaram um aumento no índice esplênico. Esta esplenomegalia foi conseqüência, pelo menos parcialmente, de um aumento no número de células esplênicas. Os resultados indicam que a seleção IV-A é susceptível à infecção com L. donovani e que dentro desta seleção a linhagem H apresenta maior suscetibilidade do que a linhagem L.


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Phytochernical work in the search for bioactive metabolites from the methanolic extract of Senna spectabilis green fruits led to the isolation of a new piperidine alkaloid, (+)-3-O-feruloylcassine (1), in addition to the known (-)-spectaline (2) and (-)-3-O-acetylspectaline (3). The isolates were submitted to in vitro evaluation of lipoperoxidation (LPO) and cyclooxygenase enzymes (COX-1 and -2) inhibitory properties and showed moderate antioxidant activities (40-70%) at 100 ppm when compared to commercial standards BHT and vitamin E and moderate inhibition of COX-1 (ca. 40%) and marginal inhibition of COX-2 enzymes (< 10%) at 100 ppm when compared to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) aspirin, rofecoxib, and celecoxib, respectively.


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Five new piperidine alkaloids were designed from natural (-)-3-O-acetyl-spectaline and (-)-spectaline that were obtained from the flowers of Senna spectabilis (sin. Cassia spectabilis, Leguminosae). Two semi-synthetic analogues (7 and 9) inhibited rat brain acetylcholinesterase, showing IC50 of 7.32 and 15.1 mu M, and were 21 and 9.5 times less potent against rat brain butyrylcholinesterase, respectively. Compound 9 (1 mg/kg, ip) was fully efficacious in reverting scopolamine-induced amnesia in mice. The two active compounds (7 and 9) did not show overt toxic effects at the doses tested in vivo. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study it had for objective to search the AIE in equids traction of the city of Cuiaba, of which if it extracted an inquiry epidemiologist and a sampling of blood serum of 113 animals (110 equines and 3 mules) that they transited for the public ways. The sampling of the animals was random how much to the age (of 8 months the 20 years) and sex of the animals where 67 (60.9%) were of females and 46 (41.8%), of males, with a average of 22 working hours per week. The samples of blood had been analyzed by means of the technique of AGID test. The results of the blood tests had indicated that of the 110 examined samples of blood serum of the equines, thirteen (11.8%) were positive, being seven of female (10.4% of the total of females) and 6 males (13.0% of the total of males), all no symptoms animals and the age of the positive animals was concentrated in the band of 6 10 years, representing 84.6% (11 animals). The results of the blood tests had also indicated that of three mules analyzed, 1 (33.3%) was positive.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) are currently one of the most promising targets for the development of immunotherapy against tumours and autoimmune disorders. This protein family has the capacity to activate or modulate the function of different immune system cells. They induce the activation of monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, and contribute to cross-priming, an important mechanism of presentation of exogenous antigen in the context of MHC class I molecules, These various immunological properties of HSP have encouraged their use in several clinical trials. Nevertheless, an important issue regarding these proteins is whether the high homology among HSPs across different species may trigger the breakdown of immune tolerance and induce autoimmune diseases. We have developed a DNA vaccine codifying the Mycobacterium leprae Hsp65 (DNAhsp65), which showed to be highly immunogenic and protective against experimental tuberculosis. Here, we address the question of whether DNAhsp65 immunization could induce pathological autoimmunity in mice. Our results show that DNAhsp65 vaccination induced antibodies that can recognize the human Hsp60 but did not induce harmful effects in 16 different organs analysed by histopathology up to 210 days after vaccination. We also showed that anti-DNA antibodies were not elicited after DNA vaccination. The results are important for the development of both HSP and DNA-based immunomodulatory agents.


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Immunity against the intracellular protozoan Leishmania species is highly dependent on Th1 development. We have previously shown that IL-12 is a powerful and probably obligatory factor for Th1 cell generation and proliferation. We also observed that the experimental infection of C3H and BALB/c mice with Leishmania major is associated with IL-12 production in vivo. Now we demonstrate that metacyclic L. major promastigotes are poor inducers of IL-12 in vitro in fresh human PBMC and monocytes. In addition, we show that the ability of this pathogen to induce IL-12 and other cytokines is modulated by the metacyclogenic process, which had previously not been recognized. In contrast to the infective parasites (metacyclic promastigotes), the procyclic promastigotes collected at the logarithmic phase of the culture displayed a striking ability to induce IL-12, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-10. Despite this differential effect of procyclic and metacyclic parasites in terms of IL-12 induction, both stages were inhibitory for IL-12 production induced by Staphylococcus aureus. The ability of procyclic promastigotes and, to a much lesser extent, that of metacyclic promastigotes to induce IL-12 were enhanced by pretreatment of monocytes in a cytokine milieu containing IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-13, or granulocyte-macrophage CSF or. by neutralization of endogenous IL-10. Our results suggest the development of an evasion mechanism as the Leishmania promastigotes mature to infectious forms and the possi-bility of using Ags derived from procyclic promastigotes for immunization procedures. Copyright © 1997 by The American Association of Immunologists.