383 resultados para Receptores dopaminérgicos.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
This paper discusses the possibility of receivers participation in the production of television content mediated by online social networks. Buoyed by media convergence, this research demonstrates how the receiver has been working in online digital media such as TV can take advantage of the specific interaction between the medias to promote the creation of collaborative content, in which the user of social network may interfere the result of the product developed, becoming a new mediatic protagonist. Tool not so used for the production of television that slowly begins to enter the virtual reality, the forging of this new compose process would not only entertain the receiver, but also enrich the language and content television constantly criticized. This study shows the influence of the television medium in which is discussed online, the attitude still shy of the user in content production, and discusses the potential of social networks as a channel of communication between producers and receivers. This work is structured from the definition of social network, in addition to conducting the study what kind of interaction between TV and online social networks is practiced today. Finally, debate whether the potential interaction between TV and social networks is used to its fullest.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Twenty-four postpartum anestrous Nelore purebred cows were used in the study. Anestrous was determined based on the reproductive history which was confirmed in each cow based on plasma progesterone concentration and by transrectal ultrasonography. Endometrial biopsies were collected. The animals were separated into two groups according to maximum follicular diameter- Group 1: follicles <6mm (n=12) and Group 2: follicles >-6mm follicles (n=12). The immunohistochemistry technique was employed to evaluate the presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors in the uterine glandular epithelium and stroma. High counts of positive nuclei and high intensity of immunostain for estrogen and progesterone receptors in the glandular epithelium and stroma were observed in the two groups. However, the immunostain intensity of progesterone receptors in the glandular epithelium was higher in Group 2 compared to Group 1. When glandular epithelium and stroma were compared within each group, the relative number of estrogen receptors in the Group 1 was higher in the glandular epithelium compared to stroma and the immunostain intensity for the progesterone receptor in Group 2 was higher in the glandular epithelium compared to stroma. The results suggest that the mechanisms that control the expression of endomerial receptors in the anestrus are similar to the ones observed during the estrus cycle.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Activities that use Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are countless and the most used one is the Global Positioning System (GPS) developed by the United States. In precision agriculture there are demands for static and cinematic positioning with distinct levels of accuracy for different applications; nevertheless cinematic performance data are not available as manufacturers of GPS receivers present only static performance information. For this reason it was developed an instrumented vehicle to test a methodology of performance evaluation of GPS receivers in kinematic conditions, which is representative to agricultural operations. A set of instrumentation was composed and used for collecting data under variable speed and rotation direction. Tests were conducted showing that the methodology allows to measure accuracy and precision, but improvements have to be implemented on the instrumentation equipment for long term tests.
In the relative positioning, even considering that part of the errors due to ionosphere is canceled with the double-difference observations, strong ionospheric effects can occur in maximum solar activity period. However, in minimum solar activity period, the ionospheric effects decrease significantly and therefore an improvement of the relative positioning performance takes place. In this paper we aim at showing that improvement for the scientific and GPS community users. So, have been experiments by using GPS data of two stations of the Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring of GPS, forming a baseline of 430 km. The processing were use accomplished with interval of two hours, and only L1 carrier data have been used. The analysis of the obtained results has been carried out from the discrepancies between the "true" coordinates and corresponding ones obtained in the processing. In maximum solar activity period the discrepancy value reached 25 m. on the other hand, in minimum solar activity period, the discrepancy value reached 5,5 m. It is important to emphasize that the majority of the discrepancy values didn't exceed 0,50 m, and in some cases only reached 0,10 m. This shows the increase of application possibilities of the relative positioning using single-frequency GPS receivers in minimum solar activity period.
O losartano potssico um agente anti-hipertensivo no peptdico, que exerce sua ao por bloqueio especfico dos receptores da angiotensina II. Este trabalho props a validao e aplicao de mtodos analticos orientados ao controle de qualidade de losartano potssico 50 mg na forma farmacutica cpsula, utilizando a espectrofotometria direta e derivada de primeira ordem na regio do UV. Baseado nas caractersticas espectrofotomtricas de losartano potssico, um sinal a 205 nm do espectro de ordem zero e um sinal a 234 nm do espectro de primeira derivada foram adequados para a quantificao. Os resultados foram usados para comparar essas duas tcnicas instrumentais. O coeficiente de correlao entre as respostas e as concentraes de losartano potssico na faixa de 3,0-7,0 mg L-1 e 6,0-14,0 mg L-1 para espectrofotometria direta e derivada de primeira ordem em soluo aquosa, respectivamente, foi de (r) of 0,9999 para ambos os casos. Os mtodos foram aplicados para quantificao de losartano potssico em cpsulas obtidas de farmcias de manipulao locais e demonstraram ser eficientes, fceis de aplicar e de baixo custo. Alm disso, no necessitam de reagentes poluentes e requerem equipamentos economicamente viveis.
A maioria dos estudos pr-clnicos e clnicos aponta a nicotina como o principal agente responsvel pelo desenvolvimento da dependncia ao tabaco. Muitos trabalhos tm demonstrado que as bases neurais da dependncia nicotina so semelhantes quelas das outras drogas de abuso. A nicotina induz preferncia condicionada por lugar e auto-administrao e, portanto, atua como reforador positivo, esse efeito parece ser mediado pelo sistema dopaminrgico mesolmbico. A nicotina tambm induz sensibilizao comportamental que provavelmente resultante de alteraes da expresso gnica do ncleo acumbens induzidas pela exposio prolongada a essa substncia. A suspenso do uso de nicotina resulta em sndrome de abstinncia. As evidncias indicam que esses sinais e sintomas sejam mediados por receptores colinrgicos nicotnicos centrais e perifricos. Outros neurotransmissores, como por exemplo a serotonina e os peptdeos opiides, tambm podem estar envolvidos na mediao da dependncia e sndrome de abstinncia nicotina. A reviso da literatura mostra a complexidade dos efeitos da nicotina no organismo. A integrao entre as abordagens comportamental, neuroqumica e molecular possibilitar a compreenso dos mecanismos neurais da dependncia ao tabaco e fornecer as bases para o desenvolvimento racional de agentes teraputicos que possam ser utilizados para o tratamento da dependncia e sndrome de abstinncia ao tabaco.