89 resultados para Potestad legislativa autonómica
The stroke, cause of morbidity and mortality, has been associated with imbalance in the neural control of the heart, which contributes to the decrease in heart rate variability (HRV) and a prognostic factor for cardiacevents and arrhythmias. The aim of this study was to in investigate the autonomic modulation of heart rate of men suffering from lesions stroke in chronicphase. Eight menaged 58.62 ± 2.88 years, 27.41 ± 5.33 kg/m2of bodymass índex, with paresis for at least six months were studied. Heart rate (HR) and RR intervals (iR-R) were recorded at rest in supine position for 10 minutes. Geometric índices of the Poincaré plot were calculated: SD1, associatedwith vagal activity; SD2, associated with global activity but sympathetic predominance, and the relationship of both (SD1/SD2). Geometric index values in the sample: SD1 = 20,54 ± 9,90ms; SD2 = 36,80 ± 30,61ms; SD1/SD2 = 0,49 ± 0,04. The reference values from literature for healthy subjects are: SD1 = 19.6 ± 9.4ms e 22.8 ± 16.1 ms; SD2 = 43.2 ± 17.7 ms e 56.3 ± 12.3 ms; SD1/SD2 = 0.49 ± 0.21ms. Men in chronic phase of stroke haven't autonomic dysfunction analyzed by nonlinear method – Poincaré geometricíndices.
INTRODUCTION: We aimed to evaluate the effects of musical auditory stimulation on cardiac autonomic regulation in subjects who enjoy and who do not enjoy the music. METHOD: The study was performed in young women (18-27 years old) divided in two groups (1) volunteers who enjoyed the music and (2) volunteers who did not enjoy the music. Linear indices of heart rate variability were analyzed in the time domain. The subjects were exposed to a musical piece (Pachelbel: Canon in D Major) during 10 minutes. Heart rate variability was analyzed at rest with no music and during musical auditory stimulation. RESULTS: In the group that enjoyed the music the standard deviation of normal-to-normal R-R intervals (SDNN) was significantly reduced during exposure to musical auditory stimulation. We found no significant changes for the other linear indices. The group composed of women who did not enjoy the music did not present significant cardiac autonomic responses during exposure to musical auditory stimulation. CONCLUSION: Women who enjoyed the music presented a significant cardiac autonomic response consisting of a reduction in heart rate variability induced by the musical auditory stimulation. Those who did not enjoy the musical piece presented no such response.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
This work intends to discuss about the current happenings in oil sector, and how the recent discovery of huge oil reserves on the layer known as Pre-Sal can positively transform in the socioeconomic context, the country. The impact of this huge quantity of natural resources it depends on the legislative policies adopted for the exploration and production (E & P) in the Pre-Salt layer, and the way in which laws are imposed for distribution of such resources. Therefore, it is made a shortly background of the laws from oil exploration, production and distribution, since the monopoly of Petrobras, to nowadays. To this end, an analysis is performed about the Oil Law, and about the possible legislative changes with the new Regulatory Framework. This monograph attempts to prove, based on historical data, socioeconomic facts, and international experiences, using either comparative statistical, that with the discovery in the Pre-Salt area, the best way to optimize the use of these resources, mainly the reduction of social inequality and economic contrasts, a legacy from colonization, would directly those recipes to a National Development Fund, the Social Fund, established by law for the new Regulatory Framework
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introduction: The triangular index and the Poincaré plot (or Lorenz plot) are the best known indexes obtained from geometric methods. The triangular index (TINN, RRtri) represent the global variability of the subject and SD1, which reflects the parasympathetic component, SD2, index of global variability and its relationship (SD1/SD2) are obtained from the Poincaré plot. Despite the literature showing changes in the cardiovascular system during and after the resistance exercise (RE), aspects related to autonomic modulation of heart against these conditions have not been explored yet, so it is important to evaluate this behavior. Objectives: Analyze the acute effects of RE on the cardiac autonomic modulation during recovery (REC) through analysis of geometric indices of heart rate variability (HRV), applied with different intensities and muscle groups in healthy and active young. Methods: Were evaluated 24 young, 22.25 ± 2.4 years and 24.47 ± 3.08 kg/m2, underwent an experimental protocol of five stages, in the first stage was conducted a test of one maximum repetition (1RM) in upper limbs (UL) and lower limb (LL), and the following steps were initiated interventions to 40 (E) and 80% (F) of 1RM. Considered for HRV analysis the periods: baseline and immediately after exercise, both in supine... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
O córtex pré-frontal medial (CPFM) é uma região límbica envolvida no controle da atividade autonômica e cardiovascular. Foi demonstrado que a inibição da região infra-límbica (IL) do CPFM reduziu as repostas comportamentais, neuroendócrinas e autônomas induzidas por estímulos aversivos. Entretanto, apesar das evidências de um importante papel do córtex IL na integração das respostas ao estresse, informações sobre os mecanismos neuroquímicos locais envolvidos no controle destas respostas ainda são escassos. Diante disso, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de investigar um possível envolvimento de mecanismos noradrenérgicos do córtex IL nas respostas autonômicas ao estresse por restrição agudo em ratos. Para tanto, nós investigamos, em grupos independentes de animais, o efeito da microinjeção bilateral no córtex IL de veículo (salina, 100nL), WB4101 (antagonista seletivo de adrenoceptores α1), RX821002 (antagonista seletivo de adrenoceptores α2) e propranolol (antagonista não-seletivo de adrenoceptores β, 10nmol/100nL), sobre as respostas de aumento da pressão arterial (PA) e frequência cardíaca (FC) e redução da temperatura cutânea da cauda induzidas pelo estresse por restrição agudo em ratos. A microinjeção bilateral de WB4101, RX821002 e propranolol no córtex IL não afetou os parâmetros basais de PA, FC e temperatura cutânea da cauda, o que indica uma ausência de influência na manutenção tônica do sistema cardiovascular. Entretanto, o bloqueio de adrenoceptores α1 no córtex IL diminuiu a resposta taquicárdica induzida pelo estresse por restrição, sem afetar as respostas pressora e de redução da temperatura cutânea da cauda. O bloqueio de adrenoceptores α2 no córtex IL reduziu todos os parâmetros analisados e o bloqueio de adrenoceptores β no córtex IL atenuou a resposta de redução da temperatura cutânea induzida pelo estresse por restrição. As respostas de elevação da ...
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
Pós-graduação em Fonoaudiologia - FFC
Características da técnica moderna -- O direito à vida perante aos avanços da técnica -- O direito à saúde na sociedade técnica -- O direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado -- A restrição da liberdade e a violação da privacidade e da intimidade pelo devassamento de bancos de dados.