211 resultados para Parasitic gastroenteritis


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We compared saline (S) and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) extracts from Taenia solium (homologous species - HO) and Taenia crassiceps (heterologous species - HE) metacestodes in order to detect Ige by ELISA and immunoblot assay (IBA) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for the diagnosis of human neurocysticercosis (NC). CSF samples were obtained from 93 patients. of these, 40 had NC, five had a diagnosis of probable NC, nine had central nervous system schistosomiasis or strongyloidiasis and 39 had other neurological alterations. Samples were analysed by ELISA and the results were compared with IBA in all samples with confirmed and probable NC diagnosis, in all samples with other central nervous system parasitic infection, and in 10 of those with another neurological alterations. ELISA sensitivity was 100%, 85%, 95% and 87.5% for the S-HO, S-HE, SDS-HO and SDS-HE extracts, respectively, and ELISA specificity was 100% for S-HO, S-HE, SDS-HO extracts and 97.9% for SDS-HE antigen. Immunodominant peptides detected by IBA were, by decreasing percentage of recognition: 64-68 and 45 kDa for S-HO; 108-114, 92-95, 64-68, 83 and 88 kDa for S-HE; 64-68, 108-114, 77 and 86 kDa for SDS-HO; and 108-114, 88 and 92-95 kDa for SDS-HE. Overall the homologous antigenic extracts showed higher sensitivity than the heterologous extracts in the diagnosis of NC in CSF samples. The heterologous extracts contained most of the immunodominant peptides presented in the homologous extracts, which are recognized by Ige antibodies in CSF samples.


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Neosporose é uma enfermidade parasitária causada pelo protozoário Neospora caninum reconhecido como importante causa de abortamento bovino e neuropatia canina. Considerando o isolamento de N. caninum e a sorologia freqüente em bovinos em nossa região, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-N. caninum em cães da Microrregião da Serra de Botucatu, Estado de SãoPaulo, e sua associação ao sexo, idade e procedência quanto à zona urbana (exclusivamente cidade), rural (somente chácaras e sítios) e peri-urbana (acesso à zona urbana e rural) dos cães estudados. Foram analisados 963 cães, com ou sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos e diferentes idades, sem apresentação de qualquer sintomatologia clínica. Os animais foram selecionados aleatoriamente durante a campanha de vacinação anti-rábica da microrregião da Serra de Botucatu, no período de maio a setembro de 1998. O soro obtido dos animais foi avaliado por meio da Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) utilizando como antígeno a cepa padrão NC-1 deN. caninum. Observaram-se 245 animais reagentes (25,4% de positividade), sendo 161 (27,5%) machos e, 84 (22,3%) fêmeas. Dos animais de zona urbana, rural e mista 223 (25,8%),11(16,9%) e 11(33,3%), respectivamente, foram reagentes à prova de RIFI. Todos os 11 municípios apresentaram cães soropositivos com valores de ocorrência que variaram de 8,9% a 53,5%. Observou-se percentual de positividade menor em cães até um ano (16,2%) quando comparados àqueles entre 1 a 4 anos e superior a 4 anos (28,4 % e 28,0%, respectivamente) que não apresentaram diferença entre si. Os resultados obtidos caracterizaram soropositividade para N. caninum em cães pertencentes a todos os municípios da Microrregião da Serra de Botucatu evidenciando a ampla distribuição do agente na região.


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Leishmaniasis is a parasitic zoonosis caused by protozoans of the genus Leishmania transmitted by insects known as phlebotomines, which are found in wild or urban environments. It affects domestic and wild animals and transmission to man happens by accident. The disease occurs in tropical and sub-tropical areas, mainly in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas. There are two forms that affect man: American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) and American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). The latter is caused by three species of Leishmania: Leishmania (Leishmania) donovani, Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum, and Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi, which are grouped in the Leishmania (Leishmania) donovani complex. Wild reservoir hosts of L. chagasi known so far are foxes and marsupials. In domestic environment, dogs are the most important reservoir hosts and sources of infection to the vectors Lutzomyia longipalpis. Leishmaniasis is difficult to control, causing epidemic outbreaks, thus being an important public health problem. Due to lesions caused by the mucocutaneous type and the severity of those caused by the visceral type in humans, visceral leishmaniasis is one of the main public health concerns. This paper is part of the monograph presented at the end of the residency program in the field of Zoonosis and Public Health at the School of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, São Paulo State University, UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, in 2005.


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Background: Leishmaniasis is one of the most important vector-borne diseases of humans. This parasitic disease can be caused by many species of Leishmania. In humans, different species of the parasite are associated with different forms of the disease, cutaneous and visceral. Among domesticated animals, dogs are the most important species in the epidemiology of this disease. Leishmania chagasi, an important zoonosis, is well established as the agent of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. The disease is endemic in north, northeast, midwest and southeast, and is transmitted to mammals by hematophagous insects such as the Lutzomyia longipalpis. In 2008, our research group has diagnosed a case of canine leishmaniasis in the municipality of Uruguaiana and subsequently there were several cases in the city and the neighbor municipality of Sao Borja. Most Brazilian states are endemic for leishmaniasis, with the exception of Rio Grande do Sul. In southern Brazil, the reports of humans and dogs infected by Leishmania spp. are the source of endemic area in the country. Therefore, the aim of this study is register the first clinical case of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the municipality of Santa Maria, RS.Case: In october 2010, a veterinary clinic of Santa Maria received a canine, female, Doberman, with two years of age. The animal had severe skin lesions on the head and limbs, pale mucous membranes, and enlarged lymph nodes. According to the owner, the animal showed progressive weight loss and anorexia for more than five days. During the clinical examination the blood was collected for hemogram and cytology of lymph nodes was performed by puncture aspiration with a fine needle. In the erythrogram, it was observed a decrease in the total number of erythrocytes (2.8 x 10(6)/mu L), hematocrit (21%), hemoglobin (6.8 g/dL) and platelets (98 x 10(3)/mu L). In the leucogram, any alteration was observed. The cytology of lymph nodes showed amastigotes forms, suggestive of the Leishmania spp. Based on this finding; we performed the blood collection for PCR, to confirm parasitism and to determine the species of Leishmania. At the molecular test was used PCR-specific for L. chagasi, and the result was positive.Discussion: This is the first autochthonous clinical case in the central region of the RS, non-endemic area for leishmaniasis. In serological studies of visceral leishmaniasis it was diagnosed in five asymptomatic dogs in the municipalities of Santa Maria, Julio de Castilhos and Itaara, however not confirmed by molecular analysis. In the municipalities of Cruz Alta and Uruguaiana cases of L. chagasi have been reported in dogs which previously resided in Leishmania sp. endemic areas. The municipality of Sao Borja had the first record of L. longipalpis in the RS during the leishmaniasis outbreak in 2008-2009. In the central region of the RS vector has not been found, but because in this first autochthonous case dog in Santa Maria believe that the parasite is present and/or doing other insect transmission of leishmaniasis. Clinical signs associated with hematologic and coagulation disorders observed in the canine are commonly described in symptomatic dogs in endemic regions. This case of autochthonous leishmaniasis reinforces the idea of the vector presence in Santa Maria, center of the RS. We believe that canine leishmaniasis is an emerging disease in the southern region of Brazil.


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Neurocysticercosis is the most frequent parasitic infection of the CNS and the main cause of acquired epilepsy worldwide. Seizures are the most common symptoms of the disease, together with headache, involuntary movements, psychosis and a global mental deterioration. Absolute diagnostic criteria include the identification of cysticerci, with scolex, in the brain by MRI imaging. We demonstrate here, for the first time, that T. solium DNA is present in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients. The PCR amplification of the parasite DNA in the CSF enabled the correct identification of 29/30 cases (96.7 %). The PCR diagnosis of parasite DNA in the CSF may be a strong support for the diagnosis of neurocysticercosis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Phospholipases A(2) constitute the major components from Bothrops snake venoms and have been extensively investigated not only because they are relatively very abundant in these venoms but mainly because they display a range of many relevant biological effects, including: myotoxic, cytotoxic, edema-inducing, artificial membrane disrupting, anticoagulant, neuromuscular, platelet aggregation inhibiting, hypotensive, bactericidal, anti-HIV, anti-tumoural, anti-malarial and anti-parasitic. The primary structures of several PLA(2)s have been elucidated through direct amino acid sequencing or, inderectly, through the corresponding nucleotide sequencing. Two main subgroups were thus described: (i) Asp49 PLA(2)s, showing low (basic, highly myotoxic) to relatively high (acidic, less or non myotoxic) Ca++-dependent hydrolytic activity upon artificial substrates; (ii) Lys49 PLA(2)s (basic, highly myotoxic) , showing no detectable hydrolytic activity on artificial substrates. Several crystal structures of Lys49 PLAs from genus Bothrops have already been solved, revealing very similar fold patterns. Lack of catalytic activity of myotoxic Lys49-PLA(2)s, first related solely with the fact that Lys49 occupies the position of the calcium ion in the catalyticly active site of Asp49 PLA(2)s, is now also attributed to Lys122 which interacts with the carbonyl of Cys29 hyperpolarising the peptide bond between Cys29 and Gly30 and trapping the fatty acid product in the active site, thus interrupting the catalytic cycle. This hypothesis, supported for three recent structures, is also discussed here. All Asp49 myotoxins showed to be pharmacologically more potent when compared with the Lys49 variants, but phospholipid hydrolysis is not an indispensable condition for the myotoxic, cytotoxic, bactericidal, anti-HIV, anti-parasitic, liposome disrupting or edema-inducing activities. Recent studies on site directed mutagenesis of the recombinant Lys49 myotoxin from Bothrops jararacussu revealed the participation of important amino acid residues in the membrane damaging and myotoxic activities.


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Different species of Leishmania can cause a variety of medically important diseases, whose control and treatment are still health problems. Telomere binding proteins (TBPs) have potential as targets for anti-parasitic chemotherapy because of their importance for genome stability and cell viability. Here, we describe LaTBP1 a protein that has a Myb-like DNA-binding domain, a feature shared by most double-stranded telomeric proteins. Binding assays using full-length and truncated LaTBP1 combined with spectroscopy analysis were used to map the boundaries of the Myb-like domain near to the protein only tryptophan residue. The Myb-like domain of LaTBP1 contains a conserved hydrophobic cavity implicated in DNA-binding activity. A hypothetical model helped to visualize that it shares structural homology with domains of other Myb-containing proteins. Competition assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation confirmed the specificity of LaTBP1 for telomeric and GT-rich DNAs, suggesting that LaTBP1 is a new TBP. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Inteins or internal proteins are coding sequences that are transcribed and translated with flanking sequences (exteins). After translation, the inteins are excised by an autocatalytic process and the host protein assumes its normal conformation and develops its expected function. These parasitic genetic elements have been found in important, conserved proteins in all three domains of life. Most of the eukaryotic inteins are present in the fungi kingdom and the PRP8 intein is one of the most widespread inteins, occurring in important pathogens such as Cryptococcus neoformans (varieties grubii and neoformans), Cryptococcus gattii, Histoplasma capsulatum and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The knowledge of conserved and non-conserved domains in inteins have opened up new opportunities for the study of population variability in pathogenic fungi, including their phylogenetic relationships and recognition or diagnoses of species. Furthermore, inteins in pathogenic fungi should also be considered a promising therapeutic drug target, since once the autocatalytic splicing is inhibited, the host protein, which is typically vital, will not be able to perform its normal function and the fungal cell will not survive or reproduce.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo reporta o primeiro caso de infecção por Strongyloides sp. em Leopardus tigrinus no município de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Fezes do exemplar parasitado de L. tigrinus foram cultivadas em fezes eqüinas esterilizadas e foi realizada infecção experimental em gato (Felis catus domesticus) com três mil larvas L3 infectantes por via subcutânea, para a identificação da espécie de Strongyloides envolvida no parasitismo. As fêmeas partenogenéticas obtidas do animal experimental foram analisadas porém a comparação dos dados biométricos encontrados com os dados da literatura não permitiu a identificação da espécie. Este é o primeiro relato sobre a ocorrência de Strongyloides sp. em L. tigrinus


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Pentastomida é um táxon de organismos parasitas obrigatórios de sistema respiratório de vertebrados, principalmente répteis. Embora esse táxon seja muito importante para a compreensão da filogenia dos Metazoa, tem recebido pouca atenção. No Brasil, existem poucas coleções que abrigam espécies de pentastomídeos, quais sejam: a Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (CHIOC), a Coleção de Invertebrados do Laboratório de Zoologia da Universidade Regional do Cariri (LAZ-URCA) e a Coleção Helmintológica do Laboratório de Parasitologia de Animais Silvestres (LAPAS). O presente trabalho descreve as espécies de pentastomídeos depositados na Coleção Helmintológia do LAPAS. O trato respiratório e as cavidades do corpo dos répteis foram removidos e analisados sob Microscópio Esteroscópico; quando encontrados os pentastomídeos, foram montados slides em meio Hoyer e identificados. Foram identificadas quatro espécies e outras três ficaram identificadas no nível de gênero, tendo sido registrados quatro novos hospedeiros para as espécies de pentastomídeos.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes sistemas de pastejo, com ovinos e bovinos, sobre a quantidade de larvas no estágio L3 de nematódeos de ruminantes. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial com quatro sistemas de pastejo e quatro períodos de rotação de pastagem. A duração do experimento foi de 91 dias, com sistema rotacionado (7 dias de ocupação e 21 de descanso), em 8 ha de Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia. Foram avaliados os sistemas de pastejo: alternado, simultâneo e isolado, com ovinos e com bovinos. Foram utilizados 20 bovinos (mestiços), 30 cordeiros e 15 ovelhas adultas (raça Santa Inês). As amostras do capim, para recuperação e identificação dos nematódeos, foram realizadas semanalmente no pré e pós-pastejo dos piquetes. Na média geral de todos os manejos, a ordem decrescente de número de larvas foi: Haemonchus spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides spp. e Cooperia spp. Correlações médias foram encontradas entre as quantidades de larvas L3 no pré e pós-pastejo. Com o aumento do número de rotações, houve aumento no grau de contaminação da pastagem pelas larvas, independentemente do sistema adotado. O sistema de pastejo simultâneo foi o que apresentou maior controle da carga parasitária de Haemonchus spp. na pastagem de capim-tanzânia.