88 resultados para Hindu myths


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The award-winning and controversial movie by Pedro Almodóvar “The skin I live” (2011) is an adaptation of Mygale’s novel (1984), the French writer Thierry Jonquet (1954-2009), translated into Portuguese in 2005 as Tarântula. It is a horror story, full of suspense, in which a renowned surgeon, Robert Ledgard, played by Antonio Banderas, switches, without any scruples, the sex of the young Vincent. What it shown to the viewer since the first images of the movie is, therefore, Vicente/Vera in her new and perfect female body. Flashbacks clarify during the movie the events that culminated in the opening scene that is presented to us, surprising us and, of course, shocking us. References to myths and symbols can be noticed in the movie. They bring with them, to be recognized by the viewer, issues related to the creation or metamorphosis, among others, as the Pygmalion and Galatea myth, which binds to artistic creation. Artistic metamorphosis operated equally by the filmmaker in his modern version of the doctor and the monster, for example, but, especially, in the rereading of the Jonquet’s novel. This study seeks to highlight some of the major myths and symbols inserted in Almódovar’s movie and what interpretations such insertions may ensue.


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Nuno Judice’poetry has a peculiar discourse, whose devices of construction mixe poetry and prose in order to eliminate the borders between the two kinds of language. The Classical tradition is a constant reference in his poetry, by means of the imagery and the allegory in which some Greek myths are mentioned. Nevertheless, the context of modernity from which the poet Nuno Judice emerges put together the dimensions of space and time so as it is impossible to separate them. In this paper we analyse two poems extracted from the book As Regras da Perspectiva (1990) and our purpose is to discuss some literary questions as the metalanguage, the sensations, the lyric subjectivity, the narrative trends, the special meanings and the forms of the world.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The hypothesis guiding this work is that the student movement of 1968, inserted into a scene of great social movements contrary to the present political system, showed great expression in its demonstrations even considering the fact that in a dictatorship there was significant intolerance of divergent views to the military regime, which, of the student movement of 2008, inserted into a scene of mobilizations contrary to the educational system and the corruption that permeated it. The aim of this study is to investigate the myths that permeate the image of students, through a comparison between the Brazilian student movement, highlighting the students at the University of Brasilia from 1968 to 2008, with the specific objective of analyzing if the student movement lost strength of mobilizing in support of their fight flags. The question may be answered from the youth of the 1960s characterized by revolutionary, in which the possible advances and retreats performed in 40 years of history of the student movement, which seems to have lost its revolutionary feature


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This is synthesis of the debates held during the round-table “Socioenvironmental conflicts, environmental education and social participation on environmental management”, at the V ENANPPAS (2010), which has focused on the discussion of four main themes: Socioenvironmental conflicts and the myths of social participation; Socioenvironmental conflicts and the uncertainty of conditions to environmental education immersed in problems and conflicts; Solution of Socioenvironmental conflitcts – actions mediated by instrumental rationality and emancipatory interest; Positive actions as dialogical-problematizing practice on concrete reality. From an initial provocative text, each member has brought his first contribution, followed by new questions as consequence of these speeches. The hole debate was recorded, transcripted and made a synthesis to present in this manuscript form.


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In Metamorphoses, the Roman poet Ovid tells the tale of the transformation of Jupiter into a bull to seduce the Phoenician princess Europa. During Renaissance, as is well known, Western civilization fostered an intense renewal of its values under the clear influence of Greco-Roman culture. Ovid, whose fame had not ceased throughout the Middle Ages, became then even better known, and especially his poem Metamorphoses turned into a remarkable source of inspiration not only to literature but also to fine arts and their new humanistic conception. Thus, the episode of the abduction of Europa received a dramatic pictorial expression in the broad brush strokes of the Venetian master Titian Vecellio, who interpreted several classical myths in his canvases at the height of his creative maturity. There are many and obvious relationships in the verses of the ancient Latin poet and the picture of the Italian Renaissancist. In Metamorphoses, the mythical account is described in so many details and set in such an expressive poetic that Titian could take Ovid´s narrative as a model for painting “The Rape of Europa”, doing a true exercise in intersemiotic translation by interpreting verbal signs through pictorial signs.


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In the 20th century, youth has become a western myth rather than an important social category in the projection of future societies. The Right-wing was ahead of left-wing movements supporting national political projects. The crisis in the Welfare state and socialism system disoriented the right and left-wing movements. The myth of youth as reference for the progressive development of history was destroyed. Youth movements, consolidated in some student movements and supported by some religious organizations took over this reference position. However, these new youth movements are rarely engaged in political or environmentalist projects. The violence that originates from disturbing practices of social reproduction puts youth under pressure.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Realizing the need for a discussion on the topic of sexuality in schools, and especially teachers training, this qualitativ e study investigated the teachers' reports about autoeroticism of their students in the cl assroom: what they thin k, how they react, say and do in their teaching prac tice. Nine teachers participated of bot h sex, who were interviewed for further projective content ana lysis. The results show that teachers, although they consider this an important work with their stud ents they expr ess difficulty talking about it, even de parting from indicating his own views and not based on theories, thus evidencing the deficiency in thei r training to deal with sexual education in school. We conclude that teachers still perceive sexuality from myths and taboos, especially on autoeroticism, and in that sens e, it is important to invest in academic training teachers to develop in a pedagogical way, continuous and systematic sexual education projects in school.


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Sexuality and sex education for visually impaired people are still a few subjects studied in the field of Education. The aim of this study was to investigate sexuality and sex education of the visually impaired, through an interview with an adult woman, blind from birth, for further analysis of thematic content. It is a descriptive-qualitative case study. The following categories were described in the results: (1) Concept of sexuality, (2) Sexual Education, (3) Sexuality and Disability, (4) Social issues and prejudice. The data confirm other studies showing the existence of social prejudice, sexual myths, no sex education or sex education with superficial information and difficulties predominantly psychosocial and not organic in relation to sexuality. We conclude that sexuality and sex education are important issues that should be considered in the general education of people with disabilities.


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Jules Laforgue is a French Symbolist poet, he wrote poetry works such as Les complaintes, L’imitation de Notre-Dame, la lune, Le sanglot de la terre. In spite of mostly of symbolist poets write only poetry, he also dedicated himself to prose works such as Moralités Légendaires, a particular work in prose and extreme today as in the nineteenth century, he devoted himself to parody and irony. The novels that make up this book are the work of writing and tone of nuance. They refer to literary genres, without, however, respect their definitions. There are demarcation of famous texts, but that refer more to modes, themes, and aesthetic conventions. Here, the poet makes variations on familiar themes, and explore his Moralités arguments that belong to a cultural background: the myth of Hamlet, approached the novel here mentioned belong to a cultural heritage that an author set for posterity. In other novels, the author makes use of myths Greco-Latin and Judeo-Christian myths rewriting so parodic, ironic, looking for originality, doing the work of Symbolist and modern poet.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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According to current legislation, is part of the Target of Special Education, students with high abilities/giftedness (HA/G). However, it appears that there are few studies on efficiency and effectiveness of diverse pedagogical practice for students with these characteristics. With increasing globalization, are multiplied opportunities for transnational education programs and educational services, particularly through the Internet, increasing the need for information services and accreditation of institutions and educational programs. This study aims to: a) develop a website containing information on high abilities/giftedness; b) evaluate the design of teachers on applicability of the site; c) analyze the contributions posted on the site. Therefore, it was available to the participants of this research produced site. Consisted on the site, among other information, those relating to HA/G indicators. Was sent a questionnaire via the Internet, with nine closed questions and two open, to 2000 teachers, registered in the database Improvement Course in Educational Practices Inclusive conducted by UNESP, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Vera Lucia Messias Fialho Capellini. Data were considering frequency responses. For the treatment we used the Google Docs. As result Program Observed how teachers are lacking this subject deserves further Top depth. Concerning the site he was Considered by the participants as a support tool to the teacher, Which helps to identify and recognition of Individuals with HA/G and contributes to information, training and practical pedagogical way. This, is expected to Contribute to the dissemination of this issue in society as well as the Possibility of Minimizing the myths about this population, since such myths exist due to the lack of information


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Epic poetry in the construction of Dion Chrysostom’s Discourses. The construction of images in the speeches of Dion Chrysostom was drawn from references in Homer. When the orator uses images from Greek epic poetry, Dion Chrysostom intimates the representation of images found in the literature to propagate his philosophical and political ideas during the first century A.D. under the administration of the emperors Domitian, Nerva and Trajan. Current analysis of the author’s works discusses literature as one of the representational forms of Hellenistic identity under Roman domination.


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The remembrance of Rui Barbosa has always involved the maintenance of myths fabricated during his lifetime while a reappraisal of his intellectual, literary and political dimensions has been forwarded. Current essay discusses from several bibliographical samples on Brazilian social thought the manner the memory of the lawgiver from Bahia has been appropriated civically and intellectually. A qualitative and quantitative contrast was established between Barbosa’s works published and referred to and those by Joaquim Nabuco, Sílvio Romero and Gilberto Freyre. Oscillations in the evaluation of Barbosa’s works occurred during the 20th century that brought about a decrease in their value and about the memory on the historical subject.