71 resultados para Gendering elites
The aim of this article is to analyse the meaning of Mercosur for Brazilian foreign policy. To this end, we discuss the perceptions of the Brazilian elites concerning the regional integration process. The defence of the principle of inter-governmentalism is related to the conception of Mercosur's place within Brazil's international relations. The fact that principles such as universalism and sovereignty are very highly valued ends up affecting the deepening of the integration. The hypothesis of this article is that the Mercosur structure is in line with the perceptions of part of the Brazilian elites, which has put less emphasis on integration since the late 1990s. Our argument is that the current structure is insufficient to guarantee the dynamics of integration.
The aim of this article is to broaden our understanding of education and the concept of womanhood in the Brazilian society of the 19th century. On the basis of the analysis of a number of novels typical of the period it is concluded that novels had or intended to have a pedagogical function among the educated elite in the education of women. In this way, literature constituted an expression of a dominant and socially determined conception of womanhood and a pedagogical instrument that imposed social values.
O texto apresenta os traços da cultura caipira, enfatizando a importância das consequências do comércio bovino para a sua circularidade pelos espaços urbanos do Centro Sul brasileiro. Além disso, propõe reflexões sobre as maneiras pelas quais as elites trataram as expressões desta cultura em dois momentos distintos: fins do século XIX e a onda nacionalista vigente após o governo de Getúlio Vargas, em 1930. Para tanto, parte da experiência histórica registrada em Barretos, cidade do interior paulista.
On November 26 th, 2005, Rhea, one of Saturn's moons, is found by Cassini spacecraft approximately at 5.105 km from Saturn. Observations in situ reveal that electrons are depleted in the moon's vicinity. However, Rhea is considered massive enough to retain a thin atmosphere. Assumption was that the atmosphere of Rhea was not composed exclusively of gas, its likely contains solid material that can absorb magnetospheric particles. According to Jones et al. (2008), these particles were in a speci c position so that at the moment of observation the electrons could not be detected. In opposition to this idea there is a group, Tiscareno et al. 2010, Cornell University Library, that underwent intensive search for any material that might be orbiting Rhea using Cassini images, however the could not identify any. Second recommendation made by American researchers and other countries, and accepted by the National Board of Research the Cassini Equinox Mission will continue in orbit around Saturn until 2016.The probe will perform several maneuvers with high inclination to delve into the main ring system, and then enter in Saturn's atmosphere and collide with planet. This research is of great importance because until today no rings were found orbiting satellites. The goal of this work is to analyze the orbital evolution of a set of particles around Rhea disturbance of Saturn, J2 e J4 and check results by the numerical simulations and the possibility of a stable ring orbiting Rhea.
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
This paper analyzes the opinions of legislators members of parliamentaries elites of Legislative Assemblies of the States of São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina on democracy. The opinions of legislators paulistas were collected using a questionnaire selfadministered and structured, while the opinions of legislators paranaenses and catarinenses were collected with the surveys “As elites administrativas, parlamentares e partidárias do Paraná, 1995-2006” and “Elites políticas e a democracia: os valores políticos dos parlamentares catarinenses da 16º Legislatura, 2007”. The results were: i) democracy is stable, ii) it is superior to any other type of regime, iii) is supported by some social policies and the use of voting and iv) democracy has support of various ideological currents.
This paper analyzes patterns of political mobility of a specific social stratum - immigrants and their descendants - in the western region of São Paulo, where coffee economy prevailed since the last quarter of the XIXth century. We investigate the main agents of local politics in seven cities: from the traditional oligarchic regime characteristic of the Old Republic to the processes of political transformation in the thirties that resulted in the post-war re-democratization, when a recomposition of local political elites takes place.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
This article discusses the meanings of imagistic representations (drawings, cartoons) published in A Plebe (The Plebs), from May 1947 to May 1949, the last period of the Edgard Leuenroth’s headship. Created in 1917, the newspaper, supported by libertarian principles, set up as a public sphere suited for the proletarian world because of discussing the problems that workers were facing in their daily lives. The paper printed whipping criticisms against the country's elites and fought, without respite, the capitalist system – qualified as parasitic, violent and expropriator –, supported by mystifying and equally violent enactments from its religious arm, expressed in the actions of the Catholic Church and whose struggle against was also systematic.
Analyzing the Brazilian people's formation and its ethnic variety, the racial issue is marked by racism as a tendency of thought that gathers different human races. The miscegenation originated by the crossbreeding occurred widely among Brazil and carried with it a racial prejudice based on European theses about the population's whitening. Since the arrival of the black population to the country, in the condition of slave, their image is stuck to the stigma of inferiority in relation to white people, making it difficult to have a political influence and introduce themselves into the Brazilian dominant elite. We intent to bring the discussion about local power, coronelismo and patronage, trying to demonstrate how the dominant elite's power and resources allocation schemes, put aside the lower-class from the political scene which is even worse for the black population regarding the suffered racial prejudice. Assuming the matters described above, we argue around the insertion of the black people into the political scenario, taking the City of Araraquara -SP as target to analyze the conditions that prevents them from achieving high positions inside the public sector and develop the issue between representation, social inclusion and political participation
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)