75 resultados para GINÁSTICA
As atividades de aventura na natureza surgem com objetivo de atender aos interesses pelo ar puro, pela ginástica na natureza de uma sociedade influenciada pelo modelo higienista. Esportes na natureza de caráter aventureiro começam então a ser praticados especialmente em países ‘desenvolvidos’. Fatores motivacionais, a necessidade de fuga do cotidiano, a busca por novas sensações e o avanço tecnológico possibilitou a melhoria na qualidade de equipamentos utilizados para segurança e contribuíram para a ampliação do mercado das atividades de aventura na natureza. Além disso, a grande quantidade de locais naturais como praias, montanhas, chapadas, matas, cerrados, cavernas, permite que este mercado, de caráter turístico, se expanda pelo Brasil. Mesmo com este crescimento, os estudos envolvendo o mercado das atividades de aventura são poucos e ainda, esparsos, merecendo maior atenção. Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, tem por objetivo investigar o ramo de mercado referente às atividades de aventura da cidade de Brotas-SP, procurando compreender os fatores de crescimento destas práticas do contexto do lazer e as principais características das adaptações exigidas para atender a atual demanda. Para tanto, o estudo constitui-se da união da pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo, que será realizada por meio da aplicação de uma entrevista, realizada com uma amostra intencional de proprietários das empresas de atividades de aventura da cidade de Brotas-SP, que, prontamente, se dispuseram a responder à entrevista. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente, por meio da Técnica de Análise de Conteúdo Temático, ampliando assim, as reflexões na área
The need to practice physical activity of any kind grows day by day. People look for studios, clubs, parks, either to practice some kind of sport, gymnastics classes, workout or a good walk. Over the last few years, another option has arived arose, which is a little different from what we are used to see. We are talking about Ballroom Dance, a new alternative for thoses who wants or needs to practice some physical activity but is looking for a different environment. Ballroom Dance is growing, thanks to the media, it has been an effective option for whom seeks to fill her free time and gains benefits such as leisure, satisfaction, health and quality of live, etc. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: investigating the reasons that lead the people to look for classes like Ballroom Dance and identify the degree of satisfaction of these students regarding Ballroom Dance classes. Thirty eight students participated in this study: some came from a dance studio from Rio Claro (SP), some from a gym academy with Ballroom Dance classes from Campo Grande (MS) and some from a Ballroom Dance Program of Unesp, Rio Claro in the community. The participants of both genders, ageing between 18 to 60 years, were enpaped on Ballroom program for at least one month. They answered a questionnaire related to the issue. After analyzing the data it was confirmed that people seeks for Ballroom Dance because they like to dance, they feel pleasure to dance, besides feeling relaxed in the activity and because dancing brought them fun. Regarding the Degree of satisfaction, all of them stated being satisfied with Ballroom Dance.
The concept of physical education emerged in the XIX century through the European gymnastic methods, initially for the purpose of asserting the sovereignty of the nationality of countries, by means of exaltation of patriotism of the masses and the physical preparation for military wars. Nowadays, the cult of the ideal body has changed, becoming the unceasing desire within each society, according to its characteristics of established standards, most of the time denying the genetic determinations of each ethnicity. This social phenomenon has generated openness and encouragement to the fitness market on the rise, eager in supporting the aspirations of the cult of the body”, representing the huge seek of the idea of a healthy body and an aesthetic appearance acceptable in today's society. Parallel to this, the Body Awareness Gymnastics, also known as Technical or Complementary Practices, were introduced in Brazil in the 70s, presenting as main themes the body awareness, the mind-body relationship, and against the ideals of body training. According to authors, the pioneering technique of the movements of alternative practices in Brazil was Antiginástica of Thérèse Bertherat. Therefore, this study aims to harmonize the complementary body practices of the physical education area through literature review of published works by the author Thérèse Bertherat, entitled The body has its reasons, The body communication system, Stations of the body, The Tiger´s Den and When the body is consent. The work also includes the contribution of a particular reading of the researcher, from the experiences of the practices carried out in order to enrich the reporting work through their records, the results obtained from the experiential process
Têm-se preocupado cada vez mais com a saúde do trabalhador manual, que vem sendo prejudicada com as altas demandas de trabalho repetitivo sem a devida recuperação, aumentando os riscos de lesão. A fadiga muscular tem se mostrado um importante fator responsável pelo aumento do risco de lesão, pois deixa a musculatura enrijecida e com pouca resistência muscular para suportar a demanda de trabalho. Este estudo pretende evidenciar a diminuição da força de resistência muscular devido ao acúmulo de fadiga residual do trabalho, através da dinamometria manual. Foram escolhidos 16 sujeitos, funcionários do Restaurante Universitário e da administração do Instituto de Geociências (IGCE) da UNESP campus Rio Claro, que realizam trabalho manual repetitivo. Entre os 16 sujeitos, haviam 11 mulheres (com média de idade 48,8 ± 12,4, e média de IMC 26,9 ± 4,8) e 5 homens (com média de idade 45,9 ± 14,8 e média de IMC 25,3 ± 6,5). Foi realizado o teste de preensão manual onde os sujeitos realizavam 10 contrações rápidas e de máxima força, com intervalo de 3 segundos entre cada contração, mas foram utilizadas para análise as contrações 1, 5 e final.. O teste foi realizado com ambas as mãos na Segunda-feira e na Sexta-feira, no período da manhã e da tarde. Analisando-se os resultados obtidos para a mão não-dominante, pudemos observar uma queda nos valores de média de força manual ao longo das contrações, sendo que na sexta-feira a queda é maior que na segunda-feira, e à tarde a queda é maior que no período da manhã. Para a mão dominante, essa queda maior ocorreu na sextafeira à tarde, momento de maior acúmulo de fadiga residual. Podemos concluir com este estudo, que a fadiga residual do trabalho interfere na queda de desempenho de força dos funcionários, sendo a mão não-dominante mais influenciada pela fadiga...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A importância da mídia no mundo atual é evidente, pois ela exerce muita influência no âmbito da cultura corporal de movimento, que engloba lutas, danças, ginástica, conhecimento sobre o corpo, esporte e jogos, conteúdos de extrema importância para a formação do cidadão, ditando fazeres sobre as diversas práticas corporais e criando novos modelos de consumo. Dentro desse contexto o ídolo esportivo é intercambiável, negociável e consumível como imagem. Sendo assim a representação que um ídolo exerce sobre o indivíduo (telespectador) é referência de atitudes e a mídia contribui para a construção dessa imagem. Por causa dessa exposição, o técnico de vôlei Bernardo Rocha de Rezende passou a ter maior ascensão no cenário esportivo nacional, resolvi realizar esse estudo para investigar a opinião de alunos graduandos em Educação Física e professores da Educação Física escolar sobre a imagem do técnico Bernardinho. Objetivo: O objetivo do trabalho é investigar como a imagem do técnico Bernardo de Souza Rezende (Bernardinho), influenciada pela mídia, é interpretada por alunos graduandos em Educação Física e professores de Educação Física Escolar. Metodologia: A metodologia desta pesquisa de natureza qualitativa será realizada em duas etapas, sendo a primeira referente a uma pesquisa bibliográfica, e a segunda etapa relativa ao trabalho é entrevista semi-estruturada. A entrevista foi realizada com 10 alunos de graduação nos cursos de Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Educação Física da Universidade Estadual Paulista – Campus Rio Claro e 5 professores de Educação Física escolar. Resultados e Discussões: Com as respostas obtidas podemos ver que o imaginário, dos alunos e professores entrevistados, em relação à imagem do Bernardo é de um técnico extremamente participativo, comprometido e o melhor técnico de vôlei. Porém, um técnico nervoso... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Although the regular practice of physical exercise for the maintenance of the nutritional state and quality of life is important, it is not a common habit among the elderly, especially those of the lower income social bracket. The objective was to characterize and compare according to social-economic conditions and anthropometric indexes of the nutritional state of the elderly who regularly practice and those who do not practice exercises, offered at no cost, in the Northern zone of São José do Rio Preto-SP. In this study, 110 elderly women participated, of which 60 (group P) exercised regularly and 50 did not (group NP). Group P participated in a special gym program, free of charge, for at least 2 years, 2 to 3 times a week, one hour a day. Group NP was recruited from the same location as Group P. The comparison between the groups of elderly women was proportionately distributed according to marital status, level of education, means of locomotion, results of body mass index (IMC), waist to hip ratio (RCQ) and calf circumference, using the chi-square test. Comparisons were also made of average age, per capita family income, individual income, IMC, arm and triceps skin fold measured by t-Test. Differences were not found in all the comparisons made. The variables that stood out were the IMC (overweight) and RCQ (risk of chronic diseases) results, which were above what was expected, and the high frequency of walking and riding buses for both groups of elderly women (about 60%). We came to the conclusion that the low-intensity exercise program evaluated made no difference in the nutritional profile of the elderly who also used walking as a means of getting around.
The increasing number of gyms and their patrons increasingly concerned about the health, appearance and aesthetics propagated by the media and the supply of ergogenic both food as hormonal some without proof of its effects generated interest for the study of consumption of such ergogenic goers by academies of Bauru/SP; objective was also to assess whether the Physical Education professionals are prepared to guide properly, such as the use of these goers ergogenic. To this end, a questionnaire specific to each category was used, to be answered voluntarily and anonymously, with closed and open questions divided into two parts: one for socio demographic characterization and another in which were discussed issues regarding the use/orientation ergogenic. The research involved a sample of 12 academies and 205 attendees, including 152 men (74.15%) and 53 (25.85) women. Among men, 61.18% (n=93) did use ergogenic(s) food(s), while among women, this percentage was 33.96% (n=18). Regarding the use of hormonal resources, only 4.61% (n=7) of men said they used; there were no cases of women using hormonal resources. Were also interviewed 19 assessors/trainers/teachers, two which fifteen (15) men and four (4) women. Most consumers of ergogenic: (1) is understood in the age group 21-30 years and the socioeconomic classification bands called B1 and B2; (2) practice bodybuilding and consumption ergogenic resources with purpose of muscular hypertrophy; (3) practicing bodybuilding for a period between 1 and 5 years, consumes ergogenic(s) for a period less than one year, and perhaps the most significant event, starts the consumption of ergogenic(s) in a period of less than one year after starting the practice of bodybuilding, and that there are consumers who start consuming ergogenic as soon begin the practice of bodybuilding; (4) has as its main source of indication for the use of ergogenic, the gym instructor, among which, some respondents reported...
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Postural control is needed to perform various daily activities, from staying in one posture, standing, to sports situations. Many studies have shown that sensory systems help to maintain posture stable; acquisition of perceptual information, particularly through head and eye movements, allows static and dynamic equilibrium. Research related to both motor behavior and physical activities such as gymnastics have contributed to a better understanding of complexities involved in human postural control. The purpose of this study was to review the related literature, searching for possible answers on how everyday and sports actions are performed, with respect to the control and maintenance of posture. Its focus was on how the human body acquires information from the sensory systems, vision in special, and how this information acts to support the control of posture and gaze
Numerous studies in physical education and music's area have been conducted to improve the quality of life and health of people, all of them under physiological, psychological and social fields. Thus, when properly analyzed, both Areas are connected, because the movement itself, main subject of physical education, has a close proximity to the rhythm, an essential element of music. That's why it is important to discover the benefits of this relationship, because, in many of its practices, physical education makes use of music, for example, in aerobic gymnastic and dance classes. As a consequence, this study aims to investigate, through literature, the influence of music in physical activities and its imprinting in the states of mind and body of practitioners, as well as clarify the criteria for choice of songs that are used in such practice. This research occurred under literary explore, done through theoretical analysis of the thematic. At first place, a contextualization of the auditory system and its relationship with the music and the perception of sound were made, then the main theme was explored. The music, even before generate and influence motor and psychic movements in the human body, is already moving in space, because it is formed through vibrations of molecules. It is decoded first as a movement from the ears, and then decoded as sound, when in the brain. It is important to worry about sounds at high intensities and also with those which are outside the hearing thresholds within physical activities involving music, because they may be harmful to health and also to states of mind. As far as music and movement is concerned, they are closely linked, and the human being has an instinctive sense of rhythm that can be seen when listening to music, because the motor cortex is also activated. Therefore, it is important to work the sound and body movement together, because in practice they are inseparable and they contribute greatly to...
The present study emerged from discussions of the Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Pedagógicos em Ginástica (GEPPEGIN), from UNESP/RC, and had the intention to understand and analyze the existence and discussions on Body Image and Gymnasts in researches and publications over the last decade (2003-2013) in Brazil. Body image refers to the mental representation of the body, structured according to the world. It is known that cultural and social pressures have been imposing an ideal body model and generating consequences as body dissatisfaction. Therefore, this study aims discuss the body image of Artistic and Rhythmic gymnastics' athletes. The choice of these modalities is justified by the fact that they are directly related to body image, especially the issue of the necessity of low body weight, beyond the relationship of complex movements and the need of good body awareness (BERRY; HOWE, 2000; KERR et al., 2006). For the development of this qualitative research, a documentary survey were conducted over the last decade (2003-2013) on Body Image and Gymnasts, focusing on researches of strictosensu postgraduate programs, recognized by CAPES, and scientific papers published in journals indexed in Brazil and classified in Physical Education Qualis. For categorization of information related to the theme, was used the organization by the units of analysis proposed by Laville and Dionne (1999). Based on the studies analyzed, perceive a dissatisfaction with body image to most participants from all studies, being athlete or nonathlete. Vieira and colleagues (2009) assume that the body pattern required for performance on competitive Gymnastics is close to the aesthetics of slim body served as body pattern for girls/teenager
Introduction: Considering the benefi ts of a regular physical activity already indicated on literature and, on the other hand, the high prevalence of physical inactivity, the negative impact of this behavior to the population’s health and also to the public safe, Araraquara city hall (SP) creates the project Health in the Square off ering Lian Gong practice to elderly people since 2001. Objective and Methodology: This experience report describes such project and how it is monitored by city hall through some indicators of physical assessment that was obtained whit the participants in 2007 (General Gymnastics mode). Results: During nine years, this project evolved exponentially because included three physical activity types (General Gymnastics, Hidrogymnastics and Tai-chi-chuan) in 55 city’s spots, mostly public squares, and it benefi ciates about 1.300 adults. The Project has achieved good results in provides health of participants, what justify continuation and expansion of the project in this city.
El control de los riesgos ergonómicos es parte del paquete de medidas de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio y Bioseguridad. De este modo, la mala postura, la iluminación o ventilación inadecuadas , prolongada jornada de trabajo, la monotonía y la actividad repetitiva, intensa rutina, el control de la productividad , el estrés y el trabajo por la noche son factores a los riesgos ergonómicos. Como se relacionan a los elementos físicos y de organización también pueden interferir con la comodidad y la salud del personal de laboratorio. Riesgos ergonómicos no sólo pueden generar trastornos psicológicos y fisiológicos que causan graves daños a la salud, sino también comprometer la productividad del laboratorio y reducir el equipo de seguridad , ya que producen cambios en el cuerpo y el estado emocional, tales como trastornos o lesiones relacionadas con el cansancio físico producido por el trabajo repetitivo, dolor muscular, alteraciones del sueño, diabetes, trastornos de los nervios , la taquicardia , las enfermedades del aparato digestivo (gastritis y úlcera ), tensión, ansiedad, problemas de espalda y la hipertensión. En este trabajo se propone una secuencia de actividad laboral (gimnasia) en el intervalo de tiempo pequeño, respetando las instalaciones y el espacio físico disponible en el ambiente del trabajo, como una estrategia para mejorar la calidad de vida laboral, para aumentar la productividad, mejorar la disposición a trabajar y para aumentar el conocimiento del cuerpo y de la interacción social.
Although the regular practice of physical exercise for the maintenance of the nutritional state and quality of life is important, it is not a common habit among the elderly, especially those of the lower income social bracket. The objective was to characterize and compare according to social-economic conditions and anthropometric indexes of the nutritional state of the elderly who regularly practice and those who do not practice exercises, offered at no cost, in the Northern zone of São José do Rio Preto-SP. In this study, 110 elderly women participated, of which 60 (group P) exercised regularly and 50 did not (group NP). Group P participated in a special gym program, free of charge, for at least 2 years, 2 to 3 times a week, one hour a day. Group NP was recruited from the same location as Group P. The comparison between the groups of elderly women was proportionately distributed according to marital status, level of education, means of locomotion, results of body mass index (IMC), waist to hip ratio (RCQ) and calf circumference, using the chi-square test. Comparisons were also made of average age, per capita family income, individual income, IMC, arm and triceps skin fold measured by t-Test. Differences were not found in all the comparisons made. The variables that stood out were the IMC (overweight) and RCQ (risk of chronic diseases) results, which were above what was expected, and the high frequency of walking and riding buses for both groups of elderly women (about 60%). We came to the conclusion that the low-intensity exercise program evaluated made no difference in the nutritional profi le of the elderly who also used walking as a means of getting around.
Tradicionalmente a prescrição de exercícios físicos é baseada unicamente em relação à carga externa. Entretanto, as adaptações fisiológicas em função do treinamento físico dependem da carga interna. Assim, a carga interna deve ser levada em consideração para uma otimização da prescrição exercícios físicos, principalmente durante exercícios em grupos que normalmente são utilizados para a população idosa. Porém, o envelhecimento parece acarretar em deteriorações na capacidade de interocepção, colocando em questionamento a validade de um dos principais métodos de quantificação da carga interna, o método que utiliza a percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE). Desse modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os métodos de quantificação da carga interna que utilizam a frequência cardíaca (FC), considerado o padrão-ouro para o presente estudo, com o método que utiliza a PSE na população idosa. Quarenta idosos praticantes de ginástica aeróbia (A) ou musculação (M) foram avaliados durante uma sessão de exercícios físicos. A determinação da carga interna pela FC e pela PSE foram realizadas através dos métodos de Edwards e de Foster, respectivamente. Os valores de carga interna (expressos em unidades arbitrárias) calculados pelo método da FC e PSE foram 69,4 ± 40,0 e 151,5 ± 83,5 para o grupo M e 73,3 ± 37,1 e 134,7 ± 41,6 para o grupo A, respectivamente. O valor de carga interna para os dois grupos em conjunto foi de 71,3 ± 38,2 pelo método da FC e de 143,1 ± 65,7 pela PSE. A relação entre os métodos foi determinada usando-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para todos os participantes em conjunto (T), assim como para os grupos M e A. As correlações encontradas foram de r = 0,33 (p < 0,05) para T, r = 0,37 (p = 0,11) para M e r = 0,32 (p = 0,17) para A. A moderada correlação obtida coloca em questão a utilização do método da PSE para a quantificação de carga interna...