133 resultados para Ensino da Leitura (2º Ciclo)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Este artigo, voltado para a área do ensino de língua estrangeira, procura mostrar as contribuições que o modelo de Culioli, com a teoria das operações enunciativas, pode oferecer para uma reflexão sobre o ensino de leitura.


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Este artigo sugere, a partir de análise da operação de modalização, comum às diversas línguas, trabalho prático com texto, visando ao aprimoramento do ensino de leitura em língua inglesa.


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It is proposed the search of teaching methodology with socio-cognitive approach to present teaching strategies that simulate the experience of professional context that is propitious to work out the tasks of subject analysis for the indexing of documents. Taking into account the contact of the learner indexers with the actual professional context, the proposals of Fourie Portfolio (2002) and Hjørland (2002) principle of the information science social context were applied in the discipline “Indexing” at UNESP Librarianship course in Marília, SP, Brazil. The results taken from this research on teaching strategies in documentary reading show that the methodological and theoretical knowledge, in socio-cognitive perspective, provide a view of a professional context in which the learner indexer is conscious of his strategies of documentary reading and can develop his previous professional knowledge in order to accomplish the indexing tasks compatible to the user informational demand.


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A partir da constituição de 1988, em que os indígenas finalmente conseguiram um espaço para a preservação de seus direitos culturais, étnicos e lingüísticos, procurouse pensar em políticas eficazes que os garantissem, e uma delas, sem dúvida, é uma educação escolar indígena de qualidade, que busca se consolidar como “plurilíngüe e intercultural, específica e diferenciada, como necessária, indispensável e um direito”, tal qual vários pesquisadores ressaltam. Este é um passo muito importante, uma vez que, segundo Maher (2005), a educação indígena, desde a colonização até os anos 1970, era um verdadeiro massacre para esses povos. Porque, tomando Grupione (2006), os indígenas foram considerados ignorantes ao longo desse tempo e essas atitudes se justificavam sob o pretexto de “ajudá-los a serem civilizados”. Diante dessas questões, o ensino sobre leitura e produção de texto é fundamental enquanto instrumento para aprendizagem e para preservação cultural indígena e porque se propõe uma análise crítica de fato, cuja correção irá além de maniqueísmos de certo/errado, sempre visando especificidades de cada texto para se conceber quais conhecimentos atenderão melhor as necessidades de cada professor ou aluno, o que permite maior consciência textual e argumentativa. Estes são interesses dos próprios juruna, povo com quem trabalhamos, afirmados em seu Projeto Político Pedagógico, pela mesma idéia de preservação cultural e interação com os não-índios. São os próprios indígenas quem vêem a escola como meio de ascensão social, como afirma Ladeira (2004). Assim, nos posicionamos a favor de projetos de revitalização lingüística que promovam os direitos culturais e de uma educação escolar de qualidade


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This research aimed at studying the social role of reading, its importance in building knowledge and training of readers, as well as reflect on the teaching of reading in schools, with children in the literacy process. For their achievement, were used as theoretical support authors who are dedicated to the study of language, thematic reading, and phenomena that occur through it in the school environment, especially those of Bakhtin, Kleiman, Chartier, Foucambert, among others . The research was carried out using the approach of qualitative research, using participatory action research, through which the researcher could have direct contact with the observed phenomena, to participate and collect the participants' actions in its natural context, the from their perspective and their views. As for collecting and analyzing data, we used the tools of questionnaire, interview and participant observation. Its subjects a literacy class and their respective teacher, in 2009. By analyzing this information, one can draw a picture of reading in the school environment and teaching practices that surround this object. The results of the literature survey and data analysis suggest that reading is a social practice, and as such has indispensable social function in society today. And the school, one of the greatest instruments of contact with the world of letters, therefore, of reading for children means not literate, have key role in developing and training of readers who are aware of the importance of reading and perpetuate this practice in their daily lives. Similarly, subjects of research, have achieved an advanced level of literacy and understand the social role of reading and its importance to live in society, in which they belong


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This work aims describe, through a phenomenological approach to qualitative research, which are the contributions of reading and writing of texts from different contexts for learning mathematics. For this purpose, we developed activities involving reading, writing and math in classes in the 6th grade of elementary school to a state school Guaratinguetá. These activities constituted the research data as part of the fieldwork. We analyzed the data following the procedures of this phenomenological research which they are described by Bicudo (1994, 2000, 2011), Fini (1994) and Machado (1994). We base our study on reading, writing and mathematics in Nacarato (2009), Lopes (2009), Smole (2000) and Fonseca (2005), among others. In the analysis, we seek to clarify how meaningful situations of different contexts, helping to develop skills in reading, writing and interpretation of the student, which in turn help the students at understanding mathematics. After the analysis of data, we named the two open categories: Difficulty of Expression and Communication Facilities. The interpretation of categories allows us to understand that there is, by individuals, a communicative intention that is expressed in the texts


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The proposal of this work is based on the elaboration of didactic sequences from fairy tales, for students of Elementary School, during reinforcement classes of Portuguese language. It is deemed appropriate to use this genre, because it gives to the child and to the adolescents a pleasurable reading, approaching them of playful situations. As a main goal of this work, this research aimed the preparation of didactic sequences using fairy tales in the classroom, as well as encouraging the reading for these students. The intention was also the internalization of the narratives and the messages conveyed by them, associating them to everyday situations. We used the deductive method, in which we initially organized the approach in the classroom and the teaching sequences from theoretical assumptions and materials already designed


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After two decades advertising and defending the synthetic method, João Köpke became active disseminator of analytical method for teaching reading. In five te xts published between 1896 and 1917, produced in different circumstance s for different publics readers, Köpke seeks the support of American and European authors, for their principles as well as for the education experience, to his analytical method. as by theirs principles as by theirs educational experiences. Among those authors: J. Jacotot, A. Bain, A. Meiklejohn, J. Froebel, C. Parker, G. Stanley Hall and J. Chubb. In this article, attention is given to repeated American references with special emphasis on the psychology of Stanley Hall and the method of teaching reading of Meiklejohn, highlighted and placed on convergence by Köpke in his final writings.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)