341 resultados para Ensino centrado no professor
Neste artigo, temos por objetivo apresentar resultados parciais de um projeto de pesquisa institucional em Linguística Aplicada, no qual se busca compreender como ocorre a prática inicial docente em contextos diversamente configurados de ensino/aprendizagem de língua estrangeira (presencial e virtual), bem como de que maneira esses contextos podem se favorecer mutuamente e favorecer a formação reflexiva e crítica do professor de línguas, em/para um mundo contemporâneo. É possível perceber a atitude reflexiva de uma professora de língua estrangeira em formação inicial, especialmente quanto a ensinar e aprender línguas tipologicamente próximas como o português e o espanhol. Os resultados indicam que a experiência de vivenciar a dinâmica de um contexto didático convencional de ensino de línguas (sala de aula), ao lado da experiência de ensinar sua língua materna em um contexto de configurações didáticas inovadoras (teletandem), foi especialmente importante para a formação crítica da futura professora de línguas e para a conscientização sobre a prática de ensinar línguas irmãs em tempos de inovação tecnológica.
In this article we discuss competences demanded from the foreign language teacher for him or her to perform in the teaching-learning process efficiently. Our reflections are based mainly on Paulo Freire (2001), Philippe Perrenoud (2000), Edgar Morin (2003), Maurice Tardif (2002) and Almeida Filho (1999), providing, in this way, a reflective dialogue among studies that focus on teachers’ competences. The main objective is a better understanding of the necessary knowledge about teaching practices so that foreign language teachers’ actions can meet the needs of education at present. We expect to highlight important issues in the development of the aforementioned competences, and suggest that their development can contribute for better language teaching.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
This article discuses the ramifications of the restructuring of educational institutions of the state basic education in the state of São Paulo in 1996. The changes promoted by the Education Department included the distinction between physical space including students from lower grades of elementary school students and the second cycle of this level of education. More that issues relating to changes in itself, is important here to check the influence that managers exercise, especially school principals in the perception of the community (parents, students etc.) relative to the changes implemented in the field of education. v
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Reflections on the Movement STSE, in basic education, have pointed to the introduction of discussions involving the socio-scientific issues, as a way of organization and development of forming processes in science classes. In this sense, the research that we developed sought to bring to physics classes of basic education, the discussions surrounding the relationship between science, technology, society and environment issues related to production and access to electricity and human development. In order to interpret formative aspects of this approach was achieved through a short course. Thus, we discuss in this paper, the discourse of students and a professor of physics who participated in this short course. Therefore, we seek in discourse analysis, reflection on this practice, which has limitations such as lack of recognition of this type of training status by the students as well as possibilities represented by the establishment of training spaces that contribute to the discussion of socio-scientific issues.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study aims to analyze the implementation of mediation in the school environment of São Paulo State Education Network through the figure of Teacher School and Community Mediator (PMEC). Mediation arises, as an alternative and effective method for conflict resolution from existing interpersonal relationships at school. The methodology used was the exploratory and empirical research literature on the subject mediation and the analysis of the resolutions of the Secretariat of São Paulo State Education establishing the School Protection System (SPE) and made possible the performance of the PMEC within that environment. Authors like Bonafé-Schmitt (2010); Caetano, Freire and Ferreira (2009); Calcaterra (2002); Freire (2010); Jares (2002); Lederach (1996); Littlejohn and Domenici (1999); Morgado and Oliveira (2009); Torremorell (2008) and Vecchi and Greco (1999) were selected in order to provide greater familiarity with the subject mediation and conflict mediation later in the school environment. The concept of mediation, mediation templates and profiles of mediators will be explained as well as PMEC function features as regards the selection methods training main assisted cases, assignments that are stipulated by the guiding documents and what actually happens in daily practice verified the reports obtained through a semi-structured interview. Finally, we present the PMEC situation regarding the review by the leaders and attended school community and the acceptance of their work within that environment
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi identificar as percepções dos professores de Biologia do município de Piracicaba, SP, e dos alunos concluintes de um curso de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas em relação à presença da Educação Ambiental em sua formação inicial, a fim de discutir a inserção da temática na universidade em geral e, especificamente, na licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas. Os resultados indicam que o professor de Biologia ainda necessita de uma formação mais crítica em relação à educação ambiental e que, numa perspectiva complexa, essa formação necessita ser tratada de forma mais rigorosa na universidade e nas licenciaturas em Ciências Biológicas para que os profissionais formados possam atuar, efetivamente, na formação cidadã para uma sociedade mais sustentável.