220 resultados para Curso de Letras


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Designed to allow reading, the writing system is a form of representation of speech. However, it does not represent phonetic sounds exactly. This task is realized by phonetic alphabets, with specific phonetic transcriptions. The International Phonetic Association Alphabet (IPA) is most currently used. This alphabet is based on the articulatory possibilities of man. The aim of the present work is to write a phonetic guide to transcribe the Paulista dialect. A phonetic transcription is important in the creation of dictionaries and in the production of speech technologies. It has been established rules to guide the transcriptions. These rules have been defined taking into consideration a standard variety of Paulista dialect. The phonetic rules were set up to facilitate reading in relation to the spelling of Portuguese


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The characters of O mulato, Casa de pensão and O cortiço, well written books by the writer Aluísio Azevedo, may be considered predominantly flat, for they were built with a single or few features. This kind of character can be even defined by the type, which represents certain dominant features (professional, psychological, cultural, economic, religious, etc.) from the diegetic universe in which the action takes place. This character subcategory is present in certain artistic periods such as Realism and Naturalism, and can be understood as the main character between the individual and the collective, between the concrete and the abstract. Yet, the social space, in the novels of the above mentioned literary movements configures itself, especially in terms of the presence and types of extras: it is about describing environments that illustrate, almost always, in a historical period context of critical intent, vices and deformations of the society, as we can see depicted in the three novels of the author. In turn, the narrative categories that most decisively influence the space representation are the instance (the narrator) and the narrative perspective (focusing). In the case of O mulato, Casa de pensão and O cortiço, the dominance is in choosing the omniscient narrator, who prefers a panoramic view, limited to an exterior and strictly objective description. The survey was developed through readings, literary cataloging and corpus discussions, with a theoretical basis determined by three dimensions: a) critical essays about the author and his works, such as those by Jean-Yves Mérian, Aluísio Azevedo, vida e obra: (1857-1913) and parts of the literature histories which deal with Naturalism, such as those by Alfredo Bosi, História concisa da literatura brasileira, b) theoretical studies about the novel character, such as those by Antonio Candido, A personagem do romance, and the romantic space ...


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This study analyses two writers from different nationalities and cultures, the Brazilian Clarice Lispector and the Canadian Alice Munro, to demonstrate the common treatment that both writers give to the childhood theme. The central aim is to examine, with the support of Freud‘s psychoanalytic studies, how childhood is important to understand the writers‘ fiction, or when a narrative voice revisits experiences lived in that period, or when the narrative is dominated by a childlike voice. In both events, memory is the central element in this anamnesis process. We seek to prove that even when dealing with different cultures, it is possible to develop a comparative study to show similar strategies applied by the writers. The selected narratives show relevant information concerning the chosen theme and enable to reveal the mode of composition and the concept of literary creation of each author. The analytical study of the narrative categories, especially the narrator, time and space, will be examined to show how they influence on the construction of the theme. Other features will provide support for the analysis, such as internalized narrative, the open end, the constant temporal and spatial distortions, the use of contradictory figures of speech such as oxymoron, unusual metaphors and antitheses, the portrayal of a paradoxical world and the concern with existential questions, all of which are shared by the authors, in addition to the theme, which allow the comparative work


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A relação professor-aluno é largamente estudada por muitos profissionais que estão ligados à área da Educação, sempre a procura de refletir sobre a realidade, em busca de tornar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem cada vez melhor. O embasamento teórico utilizado para a realização das análises deu-se por meio de dois textos: A Sala de Aula Eficiente, de Gerard Dixie e A relação professor-aluno, o que é, como se faz, de Pedro Morales, dois autores que vêem a relação professor-aluno sob óticas diferentes. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar, por meio de leituras, análises e observações de aulas, alguns dos aspectos que influenciam a relação professor-aluno, como essa relação deve se estabelecer de forma que ela seja saudável e incida positivamente no aprendizado do aluno e na satisfação pessoal e profissional do professor. A metodologia utilizada para a realização da monografia foi a leitura e análise de textos teóricos e a observação direta de aulas, ministradas por professores em situações regulares de aulas. A partir de estudos e observações de aulas constatou-se que as atitudes e as ações do professor em sala de aula são os principais fatores que interferem na relação professor e aluno. É essencial que o profissional da Educação reflita sobre suas atitudes e como se vê em seu papel docente, para que exerça boas influências sobre seus alunos


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Com base nos estudos sociolingüísticos e nos processos de formação de palavras através da sufixação, este estudo analisa algumas formações de palavras a partir dos sufixos -ADA, -ARADA e -AIADA. A pesquisa volta-se para as construções que indicam “grande quantidade”. Pretende-se relacionar o uso destes sufixos com o grau de escolaridade do falante e o contexto de uso, para, na medida do possível, analisar se estes dois fatores podem influenciar um maior ou menor uso destas palavras. Para isso utilizou-se dados provenientes da internet, assim como os resultados de dois testes de percepção aplicados em alguns colaboradores de graus de escolaridade distintos. A partir da análise dos dados obtidos na internet e nos testes, constatou-se que os sufixos -ADA, -ARADA e -AIADA, principalmente estes, estão sendo usado amplamente em conversações mais informais, sendo que nos testes, os colaboradores com maior nível de escolaridade foram os que se mostraram mais conservadores em relação às construções. Para alguns dos entrevistados, o uso das palavras formadas com os sufixos em estudo deve ser restrito a situações bastante informais, sendo “inadequado” seu uso numa situação formal


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Dans ce texte on a étudié, afin de comprendre et d'analyser les contes réalistes de Guy de Maupassant, comment Erich Auerbach, dans Mimesis (2009), parcourt les sentiers de la littérature occidentale pour dresser un tableau des traits communs qui existent entre les grandes oeuvres réalistes de l'Occident. L'auteur a réalisé des recherches et des commentaires sur les caractéristiques les plus récurrentes du réalisme littéraire dans les oeuvres d'écrivains tels que Homero, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Flaubert, parmi d'autres. Notre recherche vise, dans sa première étape, à présenter, à expliquer ou à identifier dans les contes de Guy de Maupassant, écrivain de la fin du XIXe siècle, les tendances réalistes discutées par ce théoricien et par d'autres au fil du temps, comme, par exemple, Roland Barthes, dans Crítica e verdade (2007), Bersani, dans Le réalisme et la peur du désir (1975) et Philippe Hamon, dans Un discours contraint (1973, p. 411-445). À partir de ces chercheurs, on essaie d'expliciter et d'affirmer le caractère réaliste d'un des maîtres du récit court - sûrement un représentant du réalisme parmi les grands écrivains de cet art - car dans Mimesis (2009) Zola est considéré par Auerbach comme le dernier des grands réalistes français. En plus, pour la deuxième partie de ce travail, on a l'intention de traiter l'émergence de l'impressionnisme artistique en France, et de présenter les concepts et les thèmes qui ont influencé ce mouvement et se présentent dans la construction des récits de Maupassant. Pour le faire, O impressionismo (1962) de Balzi, O impressionismo (1965) de Serullaz, Impressionniste et symboliste devant la presse (1959) de Jacques Lethève, Impressionismo (2010) de Lobstein e autres, mentionnés dans la bibliographie de cette recherche, ont ouvert la voie aux analyses... (Completo abstract click electronic access below)


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Pretende-se, com a apresentação deste trabalho, estudar não somente o escritor francês Guy de Maupassant no interior da vertente realista/naturalista, mas como explorador do veio do fantástico e como tais disposições literárias encontram-se trabalhadas em suas obras. As selecionadas para estudo são: o romance Bel- Ami de 1885 e os contos Bola de Sebo, publicado em 1880 e A Noite, publicado em 1887. Considera-se muito a vida literária de Maupassant, tanto como discípulo e correspondente de Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880), como grande amigo de Èmile Zola (1840- 1902), que o admirou. Por fim, como fundamentação teórica, utiliza-se de dois teóricos – Boris Tomachevski e Tezvetan Todorov –, com os quais se busca entender, prioritariamente, como ler Maupassant por meio dos conceitos de “interesse”, “motivação realista” e “estética”, propostos por Tomachevski e o Fantástico, pelas considerações de Tezvetan Todorov


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The present paper aims to analyze and problematize the manner that Brazilian gastronomy is treated in didactic books of Portuguese as Foreign Language. To reach such objective, it will be considered, specially, the approaches and the methodologies of four of those books, from distinct periods of publication: Fala Brasil (1989); Aprendendo Português do Brasil (1993); Passagens (2002); Bem-Vindo! (2009). From this analysis, it’s possible to think of new possibilities to insert the Brazilian gastronomy in a Portuguese class for foreigners, considering that the aspects of Brazil’s culture are also held inside its language; this language shows a universe beyond linguistics structure and maintains the habits and history of its people inside itself


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This study focuses on the current use of the relative pronoun qual and variants or alternatives (o/os/a/as/ qual/quais, preceded or not by prepositions) in Brazilian Portuguese concerning mainly on the phenomenon of hypercorrection. As a theoretical basis, it was used the study of William Labov about the phenomenon and also the rules of use of this pronoun present in both traditional grammars and linguistic studies. It was performed a qualitative analysis of a corpus of written language with the intention of describing the different uses of the pronoun, and looking for their possible motivations. There were also found different types of occurrences of hypercorrection, which has led to propose a scale of uses of this relative pronoun, which reveals an increasing loss of its functions towards an use as an index of prestige. It discusses also the stylistic factor as a potential motivator of this phenomenon


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With the new computational technology, the studies of acoustic phonetics started to have a special place. This brought a new way of seeing the phenomenon and to deal with it in the phonetics and in the phonology. Such studies have been developing even more, recently, with a facilitated use of computational programs specially developed to the acoustic analysis of speech, such as PRAAT. Programs like this have been very interesting and useful recently. The acoustic models of analysis have influenced the way the researchers came to see and to interpret the prosodic phenomenon. The current project investigates the acoustic production of declarative and interrogative sentences from the “paulista” Portuguese. This study contributes for a more detailed description of the phenomenon, also becoming inserted in the chart of “intonational” descriptions of the Brazilian Portuguese. The subject of this current project is the acoustic study of some intonation aspects from the speaking Portuguese in Brazil, with a special place to the “paulista” dialect. The current project´s purpose is to make a specific study of interrogatives sentences through the acoustic data analysis of “paulista” dialect speakers


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This dissertation aims to study the adaptation of proper names of (truly or supposedly) foreign origin, investigating the force of the phonological system of the destination language in the process of incorporating foreign words, objecting to bring contributions to the determination of Brazilian Portuguese phonological identity, from the investigation of the limits between what is and what is not considered Portuguese, from the point of view of the pronunciation , to its own native speakers. The objective is to evaluate in which way loans introduce or not a new microsystem in the destination language (CARVALHO, 2009, p. 85) in the phonological level


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This paper analyzes the character Bigger Thomas Native Son’s American novel published in 1940 by African-American author Richard Wright. Through this character we try to study more the post-slavery racial issue in a country where racial segregation was legally sustained and how this issue was reflected in society and identity formation of their native sons African-American


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Este trabalho investiga a presença da característica do furor em uma das tragédias do escritor romano Sêneca, qual seja, Phoenissae. Mais especificamente, o furor aqui analisado pertence à personagem Édipo, na primeira parte da tragédia. O furor é o atributo essencial para a transformação da personagem em monstro e essa transformação ocorre em todas as tragédias senequianas, sendo um traço estilístico do autor. Este trabalho também relaciona o furor à filosofia estoica de Sêneca, já que as suas personagens trágicas serviriam de exemplo de como o furor pode tirar do rumo a vida de uma pessoa desequilibrada


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Le présent travail intitulé « Réflexions sur l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers et sur l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux natifs », a eu pour objectif d’enquêter sur les consensus et les désacords dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux differents interlocuteurs. Des lectures préalables sur des textes de difusion scientifique qui ont pour but de divulguer des expériences sur l’enseignement du portugais aux étangers ont révélé l’importance atribuée à la connaisance de la culture quand il s’agit d’enseigner une langue donnée à de tels interlocuteurs. La connaissance de la culture est très importante dans ce cas de figure car il s’agit d’une conception plus ample : celle de l’interculturalisme. C’est pourquoi, nous faisons des lectures préalables dont la méthodologie proposée pour l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers s’organise d’une telle façon que l’interlocuteur se trouve immergé dans la culture locale. Néanmoins, quand il s’agit de réfléchir à l’enseignement de la langue portugaise dédié aux natifs et basé sur les propositions curriculaires de la langue portugaise au collège et au lycée, datés de 1993 e 1998, qui constituent des textes de vulgarisation scientifique, on peut constater la préoccupation à réfléchir sur les conceptions de langage, langue, discours, texte et grammaire, des connaissances considérées comme importantes à la proposition de methodologies de l’enseignement de la langue portugaise dans le contexte très formel de l’enseignement scolaire. Le principal objectif de ce travail a consisté à analyser l’importance de la culture dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers et natifs, le rapport entre culture, language, langue, discours, texte et grammaire dans l’enseignement du portugais aux étrangers et du portugais aux natifs, ainsi qu’à identifier le poids ...


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O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a lírica tupi de Pe. José de Anchieta, discutindo a possibilidade de análise do acento da língua tupi antiga, via métrica adotada pelo autor em seus poemas. De toda a sua obra poética, 18 poemas foram escritos inteiramente em língua tupi, 10 deles servindo como corpus para esta pesquisa. Como aporte teórico para essa análise foi utilizada a Fonologia não-linear - mais precisamente a Teoria Métrica de Hayes (1995) - e um modelo de abordagem baseado em Massini-Cagliari (1995,1999 e aorientações na área) para com o português arcaico. As poesias em enfoque foram observadas em várias versões da obra disponíveis (Anchieta 1954, 1984, 2004). Para a base do estudo tupi, foram utilizadas as gramáticas de Anchieta (1933) e Lemos Barbosa (1956), além de livros e textos de Navarro (2006a, 2006b) e Ayron Rodrigues (1958)