86 resultados para Confined Masonry
Objetivou-se estudar o efeito das diferentes proporções de sangue Simental e Nelore sobre as características da carcaça e da carne de bovinos superprecoces. Foram utilizados 72 bovinos jovens inteiros (18 Nelore; 18 ½ Simental × Nelore; 18 Simbrasil e 18 Simental), com 8 meses de idade e 250 kg PV médio inicial. Os animais foram desmamados aos 8 meses de idade em sistema creep-feeding e posteriormente confinados durante 150 dias até atingirem o peso de abate, acima de 465 kg, e abatidos em frigorífico comercial. Os valores de pH e temperatura durante o resfriamento das carcaças foi semelhante para todos os grupos genéticos. da mesma forma, as variáveis carcaça fria, dianteiro e traseiro, não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos genéticos. Os cortes foram bastante homogêneos, com excessão do contrafilé e do filé-mignon, que foram maiores nos animais Simental. Os animais da raça Nelore e ½ Simental apresentaram maior força de cisalhamento (4,98 e 4,45 kgf) em relação aos Simental e Simbrasil (3,13 e 3,33 kgf). No entanto, após a maturação da carne durante sete dias, não se constataram diferenças entre os valores de maciez entre os grupos. As perdas por evaporação e gotejamento foram maiores na carne in natura para os animais Simental e Simbrasil, no entanto, aos sete dias de maturação se tornaram semelhantes. O sistema de produção de bovinos superprecoces produz carcaças e cortes semelhantes entre as diferentes raças estudadas. Aos sete dias de maturação, a maciez da carne de animais Nelore foi semelhante à dos demais grupos genéticos utilizados neste estudo.
Avaliou-se a influência dos níveis nutricionais da ovelha antes do parto, da idade à desmama e do sistema de terminação sobre as fibras musculares e a qualidade da carne dos cordeiros. Utilizaram-se matrizes mestiças Ile de France × Bergamacia criadas a pasto. As ovelhas foram divididas em dois grupos: um com suplementação alimentar 30 dias antes do parto e outro sem suplementação. Os animais (ovelha e cordeiros) foram subdivididos de acordo com a idade à desmama (45 ou 60 dias de idade) e os cordeiros desmamados foram submetidos a três sistemas de terminação: confinamento com dieta completa; confinamento somente com feno; e confinamento somente no pasto. O abate dos cordeiros foi realizado aos 30 kg de peso vivo ou aos 150 dias de idade. As características de carcaça analisadas foram morfofisiologia da fibra do músculo longissimus dorsi, fragmentação miofibrilar pós-morte (maturados nos dias 0, 3 e 7 pos mortem) e redução do pH e da temperatura da carne pós-abate. Não houve efeito da suplementação às ovelhas ou da idade à desmama sobre nenhuma das características avaliadas. A composição em fibras de contração lenta e oxidativa, contração rápida e oxidativa ou contração rápida e glicolítica não foi alterada pelos fatores em estudo, mas a área transversal das fibras foi menor nos cordeiros terminados com feno, assim como os valores de pH, temperatura e as medidas dos fragmentos de miofibrila. Com o aumento do tempo de maturação de 0 para 3 e 7 dias post mortem, houve redução do comprimento dos fragmentos de miofibrilas. O sistema de terminação de cordeiros em confinamento somente com feno interfere mais intensamente na qualidade da carne que o sistema de terminação a pasto ou em confinamento com dieta completa.
Two trials were carried out in the present study. Trial I evaluated the performance, carcass yield and breast meat quality, whereas Trial II evaluated the efficacy of utilizing prebiotics + probiotics on the control of Salmonella spp incidence in the carcasses of free-range broilers. In Trial I, 688 one-day-old male chicks of the Naked Neck Label Rouge strain were used, distributed in a randomized block design arranged according to a 2 x 2 factorial: control diet or diet supplemented with probiotics and prebiotics; and two rearing systems (confined or with access to paddocks - 3m²/bird), using four replicates with 35 birds each. The birds were reared until 84 days of age following the recommendations of management and nutrition for free-range strains, and had access to paddocks after 35 days of age. Water and food were given inside the experimental poultry house. Birds fed probiotics and prebiotics in the diet and the confined birds showed better performance, carcass yield and meat quality compared to the birds of the other treatments. In Trial II, 128 one-day-old male chicks of the free-range Naked Neck Label Rouge strain were used. The birds were distributed into four treatments: NCC (non-challenged control), NCS (non-challenged supplemented), CC (challenged control) and CS (challenged supplemented). There were no significant effects of adding probiotics and prebiotics in the diet in regard to Salmonella enteritidis recovery from the carcasses.
Foram utilizados 78 cabritos de ambos os sexos e de cinco genótipos: raça Alpina, ½ Boer + ½ Alpina, ¾ Boer + ¼ Alpina, ½ Anglo-nubiana + ½ Alpina e tricross (½ Anglo-nubiana + ¼ Boer + ¼ Alpina), com peso médio inicial de 14,1 ± 2,5 kg. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do genótipo, do sistema de terminação e do sexo sobre as características físico-químicas da carne. Os sistemas de terminação foram constituídos: ST1 - cabrito + mãe em pasto e ST2 - cabrito desmamado confinado. Os cabritos do ST1 foram mantidos em piquetes formados com Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia e os do ST2 receberam dieta completa com 16% PB e 73% NDT. Os valores de pH, a* (teor de vermelho), Perda de Peso ao Cozimento (PPC) e porcentagem de Extrato Etéreo (EE) foram influenciados pelo genótipo. Os teores de vermelho (a*) e L* (luminosidade), PPC e porcentagens de umidade, proteína, EE e cinzas foram influenciados pelo sistema de terminação. O músculo longissimus dorsidos animais ½ BA apresentou as melhores características físico-químicas. Se a preferência do consumidor for por uma carne mais macia e com maior teor de gordura, as fêmeas são mais indicadas.
The cementation procedure of metal-free fixed partial dentures exhibits special characteristics about the porcelains and cementation agents, which turns the correct association between these materials necessary. Our purpose in this literature review was to point the main groups of cements associated to metal-free restoration and discuss about the advantages, disadvantages, and recommendations of each one. Our search was confined to the electronic databases PubMed and SciELO and to books about this matter. There are essentially 3 types of hard cement: conventional, resin, or a hybrid of the two. The metal-free restorations can be fixed with conventional or resin cements. The right choice of luting material is of vital importance to the longevity of dental restorative materials. Conventional cements are advantageous when good compressive straight, good film thickness, and water dissolution resistance are necessary. However, they need an ideal preparation, and they are not acid dissolution resistant. Conventional cements are indicated to porcelains that cannot be acid etched. Resin cements represent the choice to metal-free restoration cementation because they present better physical properties and aesthetic than conventional agents.
Objective. The goal of this study was to check whether leakage results of the same specimens measured by 2 different leakage models are similar.Study design. Canine root canals were prepared and filled with cold gutta-percha cones and 1 of 4 sealers (20 canals for each sealer). The 80 specimens were first connected to a fluid transport model where air-bubble movement was measured. The same specimens were later connected to a glucose penetration model where the concentration of glucose was measured. In both models, a headspace pressure of 30 kPa was used to accelerate leakage.Results. In both models, 4 sealers ranked the same regarding the leakage they allowed, and a significant correlation between the results of the 2 models was confined (Spearman test coefficient = 0.65; P = .000001).Conclusion. Under the conditions of this study, leakage results of 80 specimens recorded in the fluid transport model and glucose penetration model were similar.
The pattern of larval interaction in blowflies confined with Chrysomya albiceps Wied. and C. rufifacies Maquart can be changed in response to the predatory behaviour of the two species to a contest-type process instead of the scramble competition that usually occurs in blowflies. Facultative predation is a frequent behaviour in C. albiceps and C. rufifacies that occurs as an alternative food source during the larval stage. In this study, we investigated the dynamics of intraguild predation by C. albiceps on other fly species in order to analyse interspecific and intraspecific survival in C. albiceps, C. megacephala and C macellaria Fabricius. The experimental design of the study allowed us to evaluate how factors such as species, density and abundance of food influenced the survival of the calliphorid species. When C albiceps was confined with C megacephala or C macellaria, only adults of C albiceps survived at different larval densities and abundance of food. In addition, the survival of C albiceps was higher in two-species experiments when compared to single species experiments. The implications of these results for the dynamics of C albiceps were discussed.
This study tested the use of ventilatory frequency (VF) as an indicator of stress in the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Firstly, we tested the relationship between VF and plasma cortisol after confinement. Confined fish showed higher VF and plasma cortisol levels, but the latter continued to increase significantly for longer time than VF. Secondly, we conducted another experiment to test the use of VF as indicator of fish stress. In four out of six treatment, we confined the fish for different intervals (30 s, 5, 15 or 30 min). The others were used as control. In one, no handling was imposed. The other control consisted of introducing the partition (the same used to perform the confinement) into the aquarium for less than 4 s, without confinement and immediately removing the partition (partition control). Ventilatory frequency was increased for the partition control as much as for the longer duration of confinement. This clearly indicates that VF is a very sensitivity response to disturbance, but of limited use because this parameter does not reflect the severity of the stimulus. Thus, although VF is a non-invasive technique that does not require sophisticated recording equipment, its usefulness is limited. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study aimed to test the effects of blue, green or white light on the stress response of the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Each color was tested on two groups of isolated adult Nile tilapia (8 replicates each): one being subjected to confinement stress, and the other not (control). A different environmental color was imposed on each compartment by covering the light source with cellophane of the respective color (green or blue; no cellophane was used for white light). The intensity of green, white and blue lights was 250, 590 and 250 lux, respectively. Basal plasma cortisol levels were determined for each fish prior to the experimental procedures. The fish were confined by being displaced toward one side of the aquarium using an opaque partition for 1 h both in the morning and the afternoon of the two consecutive days of the test. At the end of this 48-h period, plasma cortisol levels were measured again. Basal cortisol levels (ng/ml) were similar for each group (ANOVA, F(2;42) = 0.77, P = 0.47). Thus, plasma cortisol levels were analyzed in terms of variation from their respective basal level. After confinement, plasma cortisol levels were not increased in fish submitted to a blue light environment. Thus, blue light prevents the confinement-induced cortisol response, an effect not necessarily related to light intensity.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the etiologic agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, a disease confined to Latin America and of marked importance in the endemic areas due to its frequency and severity. This species is considered to be clonal according to mycological criteria and has been shown to vary in virulence. To characterize natural genetic variation and reproductive mode in this fungus, we analyzed P. brasiliensis phylogenetically in search of cryptic species and possible recombination using concordance and nondiscordance of gene genealogies with respect to phylogenies of eight regions in five nuclear loci. Our data indicate that this fungus consists of at least three distinct, previously unrecognized species: S1 (species 1 with 38 isolates), PS2 (phylogenetic species 2 with six isolates), and PS3 (phylogenetic species 3 with 21 isolates). Genealogies of four of the regions studied strongly supported the PS2 clade, composed of five Brazilian and one Venezuelan isolate. The second clade, PS3, composed solely of 21 Colombian isolates, was strongly supported by the alpha-tubulin genealogy. The remaining 38 individuals formed S1. Two of the three lineages of P. brasiliensis, S1 and PS2, are sympatric across their range, suggesting barriers to gene flow other than geographic isolation. Our study provides the first evidence for possible sexual reproduction in P. brasiliensis S1, but does not rule it out in the other two species.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Properties of localized states on array of BEC confined to a potential, representing superposition of linear and nonlinear optical lattices are investigated. For a shallow lattice case the coupled mode system has been derived. We revealed new types of gap solitons and studied their stability. For the first time a moving soliton solution has been found. Analytical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with jointly acting linear and nonlinear periodic potentials. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.